Online ISSN : 2189-3233
Print ISSN : 1882-4773
ISSN-L : 1882-4773
嶋田 さおり若林 良和岡村 絹代西村 栄恵湯浅 良彦
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 27-39


In this study, we looked at food education in its various forms including food and agriculture education based on what we call Gyoshoku education. We targeted certain areas with advanced food education, and worked on Shokuiku program that involved both parents/guardians and local areas to develop a design with nutrition teachers at its core and to promote school-wide food education. The results of Shokuiku program are summarized as follows :
1.Awareness of and interest in nutritional balance, table manners, what one is eating, and the role of nutrition increased.
2.According to the results of an investigation about name recognition of special products or local culinary specialties, name recognition increased compared with the results of a similar investigation in October 2011. However, name recognition of local specialties such as kippomeshi, figure sushi, fukanoyuzarashi, chameshi, and himekko chicken was low, at under 30%.
3.The number of children that enjoyed school lunch increased, and the number of children that did not eat all their lunch tended to decrease.
4.88.7% of children ate breakfast every day.
5.The number of children eating with the whole family increased.
6.Awareness of nutrition education increased to 77.2%. But the ratio “I want to know” the information of food, and “I want to know as long as it would be for” decreased.
From these results, we created a food education instruction system and food education promotion model so that future results and issues can be quickly understood, and plans and practices reviewed. From this, we believe we can continue to promote food education using the characteristics of individual teachers, to work independently and proactively on investigations, and to cultivate a shared understanding.

© 2015 一般社団法人 日本食育学会
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