Online ISSN : 2189-7840
Print ISSN : 0911-7067
ISSN-L : 0911-7067
トウモロコシの生育ならびに体内成分の推移に関する研究 第12報 2穂型品種の不稔雌穂着生位置と稈のTAC濃度との関係
岩田 文男渡辺 和之
ジャーナル フリー

1976 年 18 巻 p. 51-52


The effect of ear barrenness on concentration of total available carbohydrates (TAC) in stalks of a two-ear type hybrid, Hokuyu, was examined. Fertilization was prevented by placing waxed paper bags over the ear shoots of the first ear, the second ear, and the both ears before silking, as shown in Fig. 1. The concentration of TAC in the stalks with the barren ear or ears increased markedly because of absence or decrease of storage organ for the carbohydrates produced after flowering (Fig. 2). In the plant with one barren and one normal ears, a higher TAC concentration was observed at the nearest internode to the barren ear three weeks after silking (Fig. 3).

© 1976 日本作物学会東北支部
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