The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Studies on Blood Glycogen
The 3rd Report The Blood Glycogen Content in Digestive Disease Patients
Syoiti YamagataTomitada Chida
Author information

1952 Volume 57 Issue 1 Pages 79-84

From these experiments. on 88 digestive disease patients the following conclusion can be brought out:
1. The blood glyocgen content in 10 healthy persons lies between 33 and 73mg% (the average value 53mg%), therefore, 30-74mg% is regarded as the normal range.
2. The blood glycogen contents brought out from 44 gastric cancer patients show a higher value (110.5-16.5mg%, average 63.5mg%) than the normal blood glycogen content, especially a higher value was given in the impossible cases of gastrectomy (average 63.5mg%) than in the possible group of gastrectomy (average 54mg%). Furthermore, according to the radiological classification of our Clinic, the average value of Type 2 (65.8mg%) is higher than that of other Types (Type 3, 50mg%, Type 4, 59mg%).
3. The blood glycogen content of 28 gastric and duodenal ulcer sufferers is a little higher (89.5-21.5mg%, average 55.5mg%), but there is no evident difference between gastric and duodenal ulcer cases.
4. The blood glyocgen content of liver patients is also a little higher (82-27.5mg%, average 58.2mg%).
5. The blood glyocgen content of 6 cages of diabetes mellitus shows high values (114-47mg%, average 69.5mg%), especially in the cases of Type 2, severe form, according to the classification of our Clinic.
6. Consequently, it can be concluded that an elevated glycogen content in the blood indicates not only a disturbed function of the liver, but also an abnormal carbohydrate metabolism in the cases of digestive diseases.
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© Tohoku University Medical Press
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