IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
Online ISSN : 1745-1337
Print ISSN : 0916-8508
Regular Section
Chinese Lexical Sememe Prediction Using CilinE Knowledge
Hao WANGSirui LIUJianyong DUANLi HEXin LI
Author information

2023 Volume E106.A Issue 2 Pages 146-153


Sememes are the smallest semantic units of human languages, the composition of which can represent the meaning of words. Sememes have been successfully applied to many downstream applications in natural language processing (NLP) field. Annotation of a word's sememes depends on language experts, which is both time-consuming and labor-consuming, limiting the large-scale application of sememe. Researchers have proposed some sememe prediction methods to automatically predict sememes for words. However, existing sememe prediction methods focus on information of the word itself, ignoring the expert-annotated knowledge bases which indicate the relations between words and should value in sememe predication. Therefore, we aim at incorporating the expert-annotated knowledge bases into sememe prediction process. To achieve that, we propose a CilinE-guided sememe prediction model which employs an existing word knowledge base CilinE to remodel the sememe prediction from relational perspective. Experiments on HowNet, a widely used Chinese sememe knowledge base, have shown that CilinE has an obvious positive effect on sememe prediction. Furthermore, our proposed method can be integrated into existing methods and significantly improves the prediction performance. We will release the data and code to the public.

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