Online ISSN : 2423-9593
Print ISSN : 1344-011X
ISSN-L : 1344-011X
新見 孝之仲谷 正史牧野 泰才前野 隆司
ジャーナル フリー

2011 年 16 巻 3 号 p. 427-433


The hand fingerpad is one of the sensitive parts in human body. It can detect the surface features such as bumps and holes very quickly. However, the algorithm how we recognize such surface features in the brain has not been well studied. This study investigates human surface form recognition in terms of both psychological shape recognition performance for surface features and mechanical deformation produced by surface features. We utilized the finite element model of fingerpad which mimics the anatomical structure of finger tissue, and calculated the mechanical deformation in contacting indented or raised surface. We analyzed the deformation pattern in terms of the strain energy density in the locations where Merkel cells are typically observed. By comparing previous study on the human surface form recognition performance in fingerpad, we propose tactile recognition algorithm for identifying whether the surface form is raised or indented. The outcome of this research is not only valuable for comprehending the tactile recognition algorithm in human, but also insightful for developing tactile sensors which enables to detect surface form features.

© 2011 特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
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