Online ISSN : 2424-080X
Print ISSN : 0006-386X
ビタミンB_1類大量投与後の臓器, 血液および尿中ビタミンB_2量
村井 文彦
ジャーナル フリー

1959 年 16 巻 p. 396-400


The influence of a large amount of thiamine parenterally administered on riboflavin content in the organs, blood and urine was investigated with mice and rabbits. The estimation of riboflavin in the liver, kidney, heart and brain was conducted on the 10th and 20th day after continuous injection of a large amount of thiamine hydrochloride (150 μg or 300 μg/day) or thiamine propyldisulfide (75 μg or 150 μg/day) to mice. No marked difference was observed between experimental and control groups. On the other hand, no timely change was recognized in the blood riboflavin levels of rabbits to which 40 mg/kg of thiamine propyl disulfide or thiamine hydrochloride was injected. Continuous injections of 40 mg/kg of thiamine propyldisulfide or thiamine hydrochloride to rabbits for 5 days caused a marked increase of urinary riboflavin after the first injection, but on the contrary a decrease resulting in the lower value than that prior to the injection after the second day.

© 1959 日本ビタミン学会

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