Online ISSN : 2424-080X
Print ISSN : 0006-386X
カップ法によるビタミンB群の微生物定量にかんする基礎的研究 : (X)Escherichia coli変異株を用いる薄層カップ法によるビタミンB_<12>の定量
板垣 隆子塚原 叡
ジャーナル フリー

1967 年 36 巻 1 号 p. 21-27


Reproducible and sharply defined growth zones of the test organism were obtained under the following conditions of assay procedure. Assay medium : Johansson's medium with 1% agar, thin agar plate (0.75mm plate thickness), pH 7.5 to 8.5. Cyanocobalamin solution : pH 7.0. Inoculum density of test organism : 0.025 OD in final. Incubation : 37℃, 16 to 18 hrs. Under the optimal condition there was a linearity of the dose response to the standard solution of the vitamin over a wide range of 1 to 100mμg/ml. The statistical analysis of the assay results showed that the maximum errors of the estimate using 5 plates were below 20%. A thin agar plate method with a variant of E.coli may be available for the microbiological determination of cobalamin, though the organism has a disadvantage of a relative response to a certain amino acid, e.g., methionine.

© 1967 日本ビタミン学会

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