Online ISSN : 2424-080X
Print ISSN : 0006-386X
杉山 みち子角田 祥子江澤 郁子今村 晋浦田 房枝山崎 香榮子宮川 多津子島田 俊一鈴木 絹江石渡 幸久安田 和人
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 64 巻 7 号 p. 365-371


After 40 to 45 years, males experience retarded physiological functions and various psychological changes due to the aging process. The general Japanese male experiences "fu shi me" (A sense of climacterium), a turning point in life, at round the age of 50 (±2). In this period, it would be considered that essential nutrients, especially water-soluble vitamins, tend to be marginally deficient state. The relationship between an awareness of "fu shi me" and blood vitamins concentration was investigated with respect to their life style ; commuting, late night return home, smoking and eating out. Vitamins, B_1, B_6 and C concentration in blood were significantly low in males who experienced an awareness of "fu shi me" at round the age of 45 (±2) compaired to the general group. The commuting, late night return home, smoking and eating out appear to result in lower levels of blood vitamins, B_1 and C.

© 1990 日本ビタミン学会

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