Online ISSN : 1347-5231
Print ISSN : 0031-6903
ISSN-L : 0031-6903
大久保 智子鈴木 俊也保坂 三継中江 大
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 136 巻 10 号 p. 1433-1438


 The present study examined the effects of formic acid and acetic acid on human adenocarcinoma-derived alveolar basal epithelial A549 cells. The organic acids were administered either individually or in combination, into either the culture medium (aqueous phase) or the gaseous phase of an air-liquid interface. When either of the acids was administered into the aqueous phase, cell proliferation was inhibited at doses of 1-10 mg/mL. In contrast, when the acids were administered either individually or in combination, into the gaseous phase of the air-liquid interface, cell proliferation was not altered. Under the gaseous phase administration, acetic acid and mixed acids caused a slight increase, decrease and increase on the interleukin-8 production, the mRNA expression of the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) gene and the HO-1 production, respectively, at one or more time points. The results therefore indicated that organic acids might be less reactive in the gaseous phase than in the aqueous phase. However, acetic acid in the gaseous phase either individually or in combination with formic acid exerts some effects on A549 cells.

© 2016 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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