Online ISSN : 1347-5231
Print ISSN : 0031-6903
ISSN-L : 0031-6903
関野 秀人
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 141 巻 3 号 p. 381-385


When taking a drug one must keep in mind certain risks and benefits based on the safety and efficacy information. One of the most reliable sources of information that enables patients to use drugs properly is package inserts, which are regulated under the law and therefore should include valid and accurate contents. With the recent revision of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act, the information contained in the package insert, which was provided together with the drug, will now also be provided electronically and separately from the drug itself. In addition, a digital code will be displayed on the product packaging so that the latest information of the drug can be obtained from outside the package by scanning the code. The more drug information gets shared among healthcare professionals, patients and the public, the less the asymmetry in drug information among them will exist. It is necessary now more than ever to establish a framework and a system to ensure that sufficient information is provided to patients and the public to encourage their proper use of drugs. I believe that it is important for patients and the public to strive for a better understanding of drug information. It is also crucial for all relevant parties involved in drug information to work together on how best to utilize the information. In this way they would keep trying so that therapeutic effects could be maximized and the risks of side effects are minimized.

© 2021 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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