The Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute and Regional Forest Offices have conducted long-term monitoring (for up to ≥80 years) in >160 permanent experimental sites in national forests across Japan. This study reports time-series growth data of 82 plots in 42 sites of planted forests of Cryptomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis obtusa, Larix kaempferi, and Abies sachalinensis, with 1 plot in a deciduous broad-leaved natural forest, and 3 plots in one site of Pinus densiflora natural forest, where the latest measurements were obtained from FY2016 to FY2020. Time-series growth data from these plots have not only been used for the initial purpose of creating and verifying yield tables but also for various research purposes (e.g., growth dynamics analysis, development and upgrading of various growth models, examination of stand density indices, improvement of forest survey methods, and evaluation of forestry profitability). As many of the test sites are becoming aged forests, continuing the measurements will supply valuable data about old-aged forests.
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