International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development
The International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development (IJERD) is a multi- and inter-disciplinary journal focused on environmental research and rural development. IJERD publishes double-blind peer-reviewed articles on topics including sustainable rural development, environmental management, agricultural systems, and infrastructure systems. IJERD aims to disseminate the latest research developments and promote academic exchange as well as education for sustainable development (ESD). The journal accepts three types of manuscripts: original research articles, review articles, and technical reports, and is published on a twice-annual basis, in June and December. 

IJERD is published by the Research Center of the Institute of Environmental Rehabilitation and Conservation (ERECON), under the supervision of the editorial board of the International Society of Environmental and Rural Development (ISERD) . The mission of ISERD is to contribute to sustainable social and economic development in rural areas in harmony with the natural environment, as well as to support the academic research potential and capacity of local institutions and stakeholders in agricultural regions. In pursuit of this goal, ISERD works to:

• Facilitate collaboration between international institutions, government agencies, non-governmental organizations and local communities;
• Hold conferences and symposia on environmental sustainability and rural development;
• Support the publication of the International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development;
• Promote local and international awareness of sustainable rural development.

Edited by International Society of Environmental and Rural Development 
収録数 783本
(更新日 2024/09/17)
Online ISSN : 2433-3700
Print ISSN : 2185-159X
ISSN-L : 2185-159X
ジャーナル 査読 フリー
月間アクセス数ランキング (2024年08月)