Food Preservation Science
Online ISSN : 2186-1277
Print ISSN : 1344-1213
ISSN-L : 1344-1213
Volume 43, Issue 2
Displaying 1-5 of 5 articles from this issue
  • Shigeno KUNISHO, Tomohiro NOGUCHI, Katsumi TAKANO
    2017 Volume 43 Issue 2 Pages 57-61
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: November 06, 2022

     To improve quality and production efficiency of yuba films, this study aimed to clarify the mechanism underlying the formation of yuba films, by investigating the effects of lipids and elucidating the molecular interaction between proteins and lipids. A thin film with dense structure was produced after heating soybean protein isolate (SPI) solution, whereas a thick film with a porous structure was formed upon heating soybean milk, and SPI solution with added soybean oil, indicating that lipids are indispensable to the formation of yuba films. FT-IR imaging demonstrated the distribution of lipids as oil bodies in the protein phase of the yuba films. Analysis of structural proteins by diagonal two-dimensional electrophoresis (D-2DE) identified a specific 17-kDa protein in the yuba films, which was identified to be oleosin 1-like by LC/MS/MS. This lipophilic protein is known to have a cysteine residue. The existence of oleosin in the yuba films suggested the presence of disulfide (SS) bonds in polymers formed by oleosin with β-conglycinin (β-GCα), β-conglycinin (β-GCα′) and glycinin acidic (GA), and with GA and glycinin basic (GB) protein subunits. These proteins and oil bodies polymerize to form an aggregate and form the structural framework of yuba films.

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  • Yoko TSURUNAGA, Tetsuya TAKAHASHI, Shingo MATSUMOTO, Yoshiaki NAGATA, ...
    2017 Volume 43 Issue 2 Pages 63-70
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: November 06, 2022

     To characterize naturally occurring Uppurui nori (Porphyra pseudolinearis), we examined its color, volatile components, texture, and mineral content in comparison with cultured Uppurui nori, Susabi nori (Pyropia yezoensis) and commercial Asakusa nori (Porphyra tenera) with which, the Japanese are very familiar. We found that naturally occurring Uppurui nori is rich in volatile components and minerals such as Na, Ca, and Fe. It is highly chewy while eating and dark black in color compared to cultured Uppurui nori, Susabi nori, and commercial Asakusa nori. Uppurui nori's ductile and chewy texture is affected by its water content and thickness.

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  • Koji SHIONO, Yoshimasa TSUJII, Tomohiro NOGUCHI, Katsumi TAKANO
    2017 Volume 43 Issue 2 Pages 71-75
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: November 06, 2022

     We examined the effects of components of starch surface granule (included lipids and proteins) on the gelatinization and viscosity properties of rice starch. In water absorbing and solubility test, lipids and proteins inhibited the water absorption power and solubility of starch granule. There effect was stronger for proteins than lipids. The viscosity profile showed that lipids and proteins in the starch granule increased pasting temperature of starch granule. In addition, proteins decreased swelling power of starch granule. The viscosity behavior of gelatinized starch paste showed lipids and proteins promoted retrogradation of starch. These data were suggested promotion of retrogradation of starch was due to interaction with hydrophobicity protein such as glutelin and prolamiin in the rice starch granule. These data were suggested component of starch granule such as lipids and proteins are also significant in determining the characteristics of starch granules. It can be valuable in developing novel technologies for starch processing.

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  • Koji KITSUDA, Hideo TANIMOTO, Masayoshi SHIGYO, Naoki YAMAUCHI, Hiroyu ...
    2017 Volume 43 Issue 2 Pages 77-82
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: November 06, 2022

     We assessed the applicability of an X-ray transmission imaging system and visible or near-infrared spectroscopy for discriminating between pithy and non-pithy 'Mizu-nasu' eggplant fruits. We determined that the X-ray transmission imaging system was not appropriate. Visible or near-infrared spectroscopy was considered suitable for discriminating between pithy and non-pithy fruits. The second derivative values of the absorbances at 712 and 832 nm were applied to the discriminant in a multivariable analysis. The discriminant was as follows: Z=-1067×D2 (712 nm)-72900×D2 (832 nm)-3.793. Eggplant fruits were harvested from plants cultivated under the same growth conditions as those used to grow plants for developing the discriminant. The harvested samples were examined for the presence of a fruit pith cavity, and the discriminant was evaluated to assess the applicability of the method. The accuracy of the discrimination between pithy and non-pithy fruits was 92%. This finding suggests that the proposed discriminant is suitable for distinguishing between normal and pithy 'Mizu-nasu' eggplant fruits.

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  • Kazuna MIYAGI
    2017 Volume 43 Issue 2 Pages 83-87
    Published: 2017
    Released on J-STAGE: November 06, 2022
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