The Journal of Occupational Health (JOH) is an international journal
published by the Japan Society for Occupational Health (JSOH) and the
journal published original and other contributions relevant to
occupational and environmental health, including fundamental
toxicological studies of industrial chemicals and other related studies.
Open Access License Policy
The Journal of Occupational Health applies the Creative Commons Attribution -NonCommercial-ShareAlike
4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-SA License) to all works we publish (read the
human-readable summary or the full license legal code). Under the terms of the
CC-BY-NC-SA License, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their work
but must allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or
copy articles in the Journal of Occupational Health for non-for-profit purposes
under the same license, if they cite the original authors and source properly.
For commercial use, please contact the author to obtain permission.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
APC will be charged upon acceptance of manuscript for publication in JOH.
Membership fee will be applied when the corresponding
author or the first author is a member of
Japan Society for Occupational Health.
Article Publication
Charges from October 1, 2023
Society Members: 850 USD
Non-members: 1250 USD
Editorial: waived
There are no submission charges.
Publisher and Journal Website
Publisher: Oxford University Press (online journal only)
Journal website: Journal of Occupational Health | Oxford Academic
Submit a manuscript:
Editorial Office Email: joh.editorialoffice(at)
Published by
Japan Society for Occupational Health