【Former Journal】Japanese Poultry Science Japanese Poultry Science published papers in English and Japanese from vol. 1 to 38 (1964-2001). Then the journal was separated into the Journal of Poultry Science publishing papers in English and Japanese Journal of Poultry Science publishing papers in Japanese (2001 - current).
The Journal of Poultry Science is now indexed in DOAJ.
We are honored to announce that The Journal of Poultry Science(JPS)is now indexed in PMC/ PubMed, which means authors publishing in JPS will enjoy maximum exposure of their research. We would like to express sincere appreciation for the enthusiastic support and contributions from all JPSA members, editors, reviewers, authors, and readers. PMC http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/journals/3725 JPS Manuscript Submission https://jpn-psa.jp/en/jps-en/
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