Journal of the Science of Design
Online ISSN : 2424-2217
ISSN-L : 2424-2217
Volume 8, Issue 1
Displaying 1-6 of 6 articles from this issue
  • Yuxin ZHANG, Koichiro SATO, Yun LU, Fumio TERAUCHI
    2024 Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 1_1-1_10
    Published: May 31, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2024

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of braid color, pattern, and matrix material on the sensory characteristics of braid composites to develop composites with enhanced sensory value. Ramie fibers were used in braiding to produce reinforcement materials and change color and color composition for creating different patterns. Subsequently, braids were compounded with matrix materials (epoxy resin, one-component modified silicone, or two-component liquid silicone rubber) to produce braid composite samples. These samples were evaluated for visual-tactile impressions using factor analysis (principal axis method and varimax rotation) in conjunction with the results of cluster analysis (hierarchical clustering, Ward's method) to estimate the effects of the matrix material, color, and pattern on sensory characteristics. The results showed that matrix material has the strongest effect on sensory characteristics. In addition, matrix material determines the surface attributes, bright colors can make samples more attractive, and complex patterns elicit a great sense of creativity.

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  • Guyue TANG, Yue CHANG, Megumi IZUMISAWA, Shinichi KOYAMA
    2024 Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 1_11-1_20
    Published: May 31, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2024

    This study attempts to design an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine vending system with OTC electronic health record (OTC-EHR) for pharmacies' digital transformation. A tablet-based prototype was used to analyze the behavior and attitude of non-experts and experts through a user-centered design approach to help optimize the design. The interfaces and information referenced by the non-experts and experts for decision-making remained similar. Experts browsed interfaces significantly longer than non-experts; moreover, they were more concerned about the medical information design, while non-experts primarily addressed the system's interactivity issues. Non-experts showed positive attitudes and acceptance toward the vending system, which, combined with OTC-EHR, can narrow the information gap between non-experts and experts. Non-experts embrace the system positively, their relatively low attention to medical information should be noted. The co-design should be considered to improve consumers' literacy and help mitigate potential health risks in self-medication using the vending system.

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  • Anjie SU, Junyi SHEN, Xiaofan ZHANG, Fuko ABE, Sari YAMAMOTO, Shinichi ...
    2024 Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 1_21-1_30
    Published: May 31, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2024

    Since significant variation was observed in the preferences of students with visual sensory hypersensitivity for wall colors while designing a sensory room, we examined whether the greater variance in the visually hypersensitive users could be seen in more controlled experimental settings using virtual reality (VR) wallpaper. The Japanese versions of the Visual Discomfort Scale (VDS) and Trypophobia Questionnaire (TQ-J) were used to identify 10 participants with visual sensory hypersensitivity. They evaluated five types of wallpapers in a virtual room using four adjective pairs on a 7-point scale and a 5-point Likert scale. Visually hypersensitive participants demonstrated a greater variance in the ratings of comfort and focus than normal controls. The findings imply that wallpaper design should be carefully considered when catering to individuals with visual sensory hypersensitivity and suggest that incorporation of color-adjustable lights could be effective for sensory rooms to better accommodate their needs. The effectiveness and validity of wallpaper design evaluation using VR should be further investigated.

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  • Masaki SHIMOMURA, Gento OBA, Yuma SAKAE, Naoto KOKADO, Takeo KATO, Yos ...
    2024 Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 1_31-1_40
    Published: May 31, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2024

    In this study, we propose a system that automatically generates various texture images for the purpose of design concepts for a large number of users and customize production for individual users using the AGE Thinking Model and Deep Convolutional GAN. The AGE Thinking Model is used to determine the development guidelines for the system. Among the three types of thinking in design, AI is in charge of generation and analysis, whereas humans are in charge of evaluation. The proposed system has two types of evaluation systems: one for a large number of users' sensitivities, which screens training images using a sensitivity model constructed from texture image features and sensory evaluation values, and one for individual users' sensitivities that screens training images by having each user evaluate the training images interactively. The results of applying the system to a wood-grain texture design showed that the system produced images that improved the sensory evaluation values of “high-grade,” which had little variation among users, and “preference,” which had a large variation.

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  • Ya-Fen FAN, Li-Chieh CHEN
    2024 Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 1_41-1_50
    Published: May 31, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2024

    This study conducted in-depth interviews with experienced players of the mobile game Pokémon GO (PG) and referenced the literature to identify 12 continual playing motivations and 8 factors that increase attachment. Questionnaire responses from 299 players who continually played PG were collected to identify the differences among different player groups. The findings of this study are as follows. (a) Different player groups had distinct behavioral motivations for playing PG. Players without playmates were driven by individual motivations, whereas those with specific or nonspecific playmates were driven primarily by interpersonal motivations and secondarily by gaming task experiences. (b) Analysis of specific motivations revealed that the player groups differed significantly with our continual playing motivations, namely “killing time,” “relaxation,” “playing (discussing) PG with close ones,” and “playing as a habit.” The player groups also exhibited different levels of social interaction needs. (c) The player groups noted different expectations regarding elements that can increase game attachment to PG. Specifically, players without playmates identified changes in the game's content and introduction of fresh elements as the most crucial factors. By contrast, Players with specific or nonspecific playmates wanted more cooperative mechanisms for players.

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  • Lu YAN, Kenta ONO, Makoto WATANABE
    2024 Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages 1_51-1_60
    Published: May 31, 2024
    Released on J-STAGE: June 28, 2024

    The advent of Internet 2.0 has increased the diversity and complexity of the online social scene. On social platforms, people play multiple roles and use certain means to maintain their virtual images. This paper introduces Goffman's dramaturgical theory regarding the transition of users' behavior from reality to the Internet as a “performance process from backstage to foreground” from the self-presentation perspective, and compares real social interactions with online social interactions. The user's identity in different social environments is considered a “performance role.” Three types of online roles, namely performer, interactor and observer, and four types of online behaviors, shaping behavior, co-acting behavior, seeking behavior and isolated behavior, are further classified and redefined here. The online social process of the three online role types and the behavior preferences of different role types are clarified. Furthermore, a case description is provided by considering the Sina Weibo as an example. Finally, suggestions for functional preferences for different roles and construction of the network platform are shared.

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