Line censuses have been undertaken at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, to reveal the avifauna, since 1965. We report results of the monthly line census from June 2017 to March 2023. The line census was conducted on a route of 4.1 km between 9:00 – 12:00. We also conducted a twice-yearly capture census with 5 – 11 mist nets (6 m or 12 m length), except for 2019, in order to supplement line censuses. We observed 21,799 individuals of 70 species, with 13 species being numerically dominant (occupying > 90%). From December to March, ca. 25 species were observed; but thereafter the number of species declined and reached a minimum of 15 species or less in August and September, and then switched to an increase during October and November. Compared to the preceding report (2013 – 2017), the numbers of Mareca falcata, Aythya ferina, Cuculus poliocephalus, Columba livia, Fulica atra, Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Nycticorax nycticorax, Egretta garzetta, Pandion haliaetus, Strix uralensis, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, Cyanopica cyanus, Corvus corone, Periparus ater, Urosphena squameiceps, Phylloscopus examinandus, Turdus cardis, T. eunomus, and Cyanoptila cyanomelana had increased, whereas those of Anas crecca, Aythya fuligula, Cuculus canorus, Gallinula chloropus, Accipiter gularis, Butastur indicus, Dendrocopos major, Picus awokera, Falco peregrinus, Garrulus glandarius, Poecile montanus, Phylloscopus coronatus, Troglodytes troglodytes, Spodiopsar cineraceus, Muscicapa griseisticta, Fringilla montifringilla, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Eophona personata, Emberiza cioides, and E. rustica had decreased. Anas zonorhyncha, Streptopelia orientalis, Tachybaptus ruficollis, Ardea cinerea, Accipiter gentilis, Alcedo atthis, Yungipicus kizuki, Corvus macrorhynchos, Sittiparus varius, Parus minor, Hypsipetes amaurotis, Horornis diphone, Aegithalos caudatus, Zosterops japonicus, Passer montanus, Motacilla alba, and Chloris sinica were regarded as resident species. Hirundo rustica and the above 16 species were thought to breed in or around the study area. We captured a total of 234 individuals, representing 18 species, including Spinus spinus which was not recorded in the line census.
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