Mechanical Engineering Journal
Mechanical Engineering Journal is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary and open access journal that publishes articles on wide range of mechanical engineering.

   Mechanical Engineering Journal is a refereed scientific journal that publishes articles on mechanical engineering. This journal has been published 6 issues annually since 2014. Scientists, researchers and engineers all over the world access and browse the articles.  

Scope and category of Mechanical Engineering Journal (Linking to keyword)   
Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering [SMM] :
 -Materials & Mechanics
 -Materials & Processing
Fluids Engineering [FE] :
 -Fluids Engineering
Thermal, Engine and Power Engineering [TEP] :
 -Thermal Engineering
 -Engine Systems
 -Power & Energy Systems
Dynamics & Control, Robotics & Mechatronics [DR] :
 -Dynamics, Measurement & Control
 -Robotics & Mechatronics
Micro / Nano Science and Technology [MN] :
 -Micro-Nano Science & Technology
Computational Mechanics [CM] :
 -Computational Mechanics
Design, Machine Element & Tribology, Information & Intelligent Technology, Manufacturing, and Systems [DMIMS] :
 -Machine Design & Tribology
 -Design & Systems
 -Manufacturing & Machine Tool
 -Manufacturing Systems
 -Information, Intelligence & Precision Equipment
Bio, Medical, Sports and Human Engineering [BMS]:
 -Sports engineering and Human Dynamics
Environmental and Process Engineering, Safety [EPS]:
 -Environmental Engineering
 -Industrial and Chemical Machinery & Safety
Transportation and Logistics [TL]:
 -Transportation & Logistics
Space Engineering [SE]:
 -Space Engineering
Law, History, Education and Management Engineering [LH]:
 -Technology & Society
 -Law & Technology

Mechanical Engineering Journal web page
The journal's Instructions to Authors, which contain information about the Publishing and Editorial policies, copyright, open access and fees, and other information are available in Mechanical Engineering Journal page.
収録数 1,935本
(更新日 2024/07/27)
Online ISSN : 2187-9745
ISSN-L : 2187-9745
2022 Journal Impact Factor (JIF)
ジャーナル 査読 オープンアクセス 早期公開
About the journal

Mechanical Engineering Journal is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary and open access journal that publishes articles on wide range of mechanical engineering.

   Mechanical Engineering Journal is a refereed scientific journal that publishes articles on mechanical engineering. This journal has been published 6 issues annually since 2014. Scientists, researchers and engineers all over the world access and browse the articles.  

Scope and category of Mechanical Engineering Journal (Linking to keyword)   
Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering [SMM] :
 -Materials & Mechanics
 -Materials & Processing
Fluids Engineering [FE] :
 -Fluids Engineering
Thermal, Engine and Power Engineering [TEP] :
 -Thermal Engineering
 -Engine Systems
 -Power & Energy Systems
Dynamics & Control, Robotics & Mechatronics [DR] :
 -Dynamics, Measurement & Control
 -Robotics & Mechatronics
Micro / Nano Science and Technology [MN] :
 -Micro-Nano Science & Technology
Computational Mechanics [CM] :
 -Computational Mechanics
Design, Machine Element & Tribology, Information & Intelligent Technology, Manufacturing, and Systems [DMIMS] :
 -Machine Design & Tribology
 -Design & Systems
 -Manufacturing & Machine Tool
 -Manufacturing Systems
 -Information, Intelligence & Precision Equipment
Bio, Medical, Sports and Human Engineering [BMS]:
 -Sports engineering and Human Dynamics
Environmental and Process Engineering, Safety [EPS]:
 -Environmental Engineering
 -Industrial and Chemical Machinery & Safety
Transportation and Logistics [TL]:
 -Transportation & Logistics
Space Engineering [SE]:
 -Space Engineering
Law, History, Education and Management Engineering [LH]:
 -Technology & Society
 -Law & Technology

Mechanical Engineering Journal web page
The journal's Instructions to Authors, which contain information about the Publishing and Editorial policies, copyright, open access and fees, and other information are available in Mechanical Engineering Journal page.

  一般社団法人 日本機械学会  が発行

Editorial team
Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Category Manager

Satoru YONEYAMA (Aoyama Gakuin University)

Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Editor

Hironori TOMYOH (Tohoku University)

Fluids Engineering Category Manager

Koji FUKAGATA (Keio Univiersity)

Fluids Engineering Editor

Ryoichi KUROSE (Kyoto University)

Editor-in-Chief & Thermal, Engine and Power Engineering Editor

Hitoshi ASANO (Kobe University)

Thermal, Engine and Power Engineering Category Manager

Katsunori HANAMURA (Tokyo Institude of Technology)

Dynamics & Control, Robotics & Mechatronics Category Manager

Arata MASUDA (Kyoto Institute of Technology)

Dynamics & Control, Robotics & Mechatronics Editor

Takashi YAMAMOTO (Kogakuin University of Technology & Engineering)

Micro Nano Category Manager & Editor

Naohiro MATSUMOTO (University of Hyogo)

Computational Mechanics Category Manager

Yoshitaka WADA (Kindai University)

Computational Mechanics Editor

Takahiro YAMADA (Yokohama National University)

Design, Machine Element & Tribology, Information & Intelligent Technology, Manufacturing, and Systems Category Manager

Hideyoshi YANAGISAWA (University of Tokyo)

Design, Machine Element & Tribology, Information & Intelligent Technology, Manufacturing, and Systems Editor

Teruaki ITO (Okayama Prefectural University)

Bio, Medical, Sports and Human Engineering Category Manager & Editor

Takashi USHIDA (The University of Tokyo)

Environmental and Process Engineering, Safety Category Manager

Gaku MINORIKAWA (Hosei University)

Environmental and Process Engineering, Safety Editor

Toshio MOGI (University of Tokyo)

Transportation and Logistics Category Manager & Editor

Hitoshi TUNASHIMA (Nihon University)

Space Engineering Category Manager

Kosei ISHIMURA (Waseda University)

Space Engineering Editor

Yusuke MARU (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

Law, History, Education and Management Engineering Category Manager

Yoshihiro TAKAHASHI (Chiba Institute of Technology)

Law, History, Education and Management Engineering Editor

Tsutomu ARAKI (Sophia University)

  • 一般工学・総合工学
  • ナノ・材料科学
  • 機械工学
  • 電気電子工学
  • ジャーナルMechanical Engineering Journal
  • 発行機関一般社団法人 日本機械学会
  • 住所〒162-0814東京都新宿区新小川町4-1 KDX飯田橋スクエア 2階
  • 連絡先メールアドレス
  • URL
  • 電話番号03-4335-7612
  • FAX番号   