Photonics Review
As the founding Editor-in-Chief, I am delighted to introduce ‘Photonics Review’, new open-access, peer-reviewed journal published from Photonics division, Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)!

 ‘Photonics Review’ allows the translation of Japanese review articles, selected from a member journal of photonics division named as ‘Photonics news’, into English without any reformatting, thereby providing a publishing opportunity to visualize and disseminate the high-quality review articles written in Japanese to the world.

This Journal also aims to publish high-quality comprehensive review articles and multimedia tutorials of ‘hot’ and ‘outstanding’ scientific and technical research areas, covering advances in the entire optics and photonics, and the cross-cutting research topics from fundamental science to engineering applications.
We believe that such high-quality review articles can inspire students, early careered and industry researchers, and researchers from developing counties to learn about the research trends in optics and photonics.

The commemorative inaugural issue features review articles on advanced laser sources, including optical comb, mid-infrared or terahertz light sources, published from ‘Photonics News’ for the past 5 years.

I am working together with Associate Editors and the JSAP publishing staff:  

Associate Editors
 - Masaki Hashida, Tokai University
 - Kyoko Kitamura, Kyoto Institute of Technology
JSAP Staff
 - Michiyo Oda  

Also, we are doing our best to make ‘Photonics Review’ success together with many outstanding researchers, who volunteer their time as the reviewers.

Takashige OMATSU
 Director, Molecular Chirality Research Center,
 Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University
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28 registered articles
(updated on July 27, 2024)
Online ISSN : 2758-0059
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