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2,447,133件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 日本文学
    1968年 17 巻 8 号 9-
    発行日: 1968/08/01
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 造船協会雑纂
    1918年 15 巻 83-91
    発行日: 1918/09/30
    公開日: 2018/02/24
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 造船協会雑纂
    1918年 15 巻 75-83
    発行日: 1918/09/30
    公開日: 2018/02/24
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 造船協会雑纂
    1918年 14 巻 53-58
    発行日: 1918年
    公開日: 2018/02/24
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 造船協会雑纂
    1918年 14 巻 41-53
    発行日: 1918年
    公開日: 2018/02/24
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 造船協会雑纂
    1918年 14 巻 31-41
    発行日: 1918年
    公開日: 2018/02/24
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 長[
    ] 一雄
    1949年 18 巻 1 号 7
    発行日: 1949/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [
    ]刈 義次
    1949年 17 巻 4 号 6-7
    発行日: 1949/01/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長[
    ] 一雄
    1949年 17 巻 4 号 11
    発行日: 1949/01/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長[
    ] 一雄
    1948年 17 巻 1 号 46-49
    発行日: 1948/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [
    ]苅 義次
    1942年 14 巻 1 号 21-32
    発行日: 1942/09/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Some self-incompatible plants can be made to bear self-fertilized seeds when their flowers are pollinated in the bud stage. Such phenomenon is called "pseudo-fertility" and is explained on the basis that the special substance that inhibits the pollen germination is not yet produced when the flowers are premature. Sweet potato varieties are commonly known to be self-incompatible as well as cross-incompatible in certain matings, so there still remains much room for further investigation concerning the subject. If pseudo-fertility is easily induced in sweet potato, the breeding work of this crop may become more advantageous for obtaining seeds in voluntary matings. Desiring to throw some light on this line of experiment, the anthor had carried on a series of experiments in regard to chances and causes of this phenomenon since 1939 at Konosu Farm of the Imperial Agricultural Experiment Station. The varieties used for material, and methods of artificial inducement of blooming, pollination operations, measurements of pollen germination and pollen tube growth, etc., are the same as discribed in the previous paper (T0GARI and KAWAHARA: 1942). The following summary may be made from the results of these experiments: 1. There were no flower bearing self-fertilized seed in the bud-Pollination at 5 p.m. on the day before blooming. Similar observations were made in both compatible and incompatible matings when the young buds were pollinated with viable pollen (Tab. 1) The results indicate the difficulty to induce pseud-fertility by the application of prmnature pollination in sweet potato. In order to elucidate the mechanism of such phenomenon of failure in inducing pseudo-fertility, it is necessary to study pollen bebaviors. 2. Viable pollen failed to germinate in both compatible and incompatible pollinations one or two days before blooming (Tab. 2). Therefore, it may be concluded that the pollen receptivity, i. e., the ability to make pollen germinate on the stigma, does not yet arise at this time in the buds. It is thus necessary to study the stage when the pollen receptivity occurs. 3. Unopened buds in the course of development were pollinated with viable pollen at fourth hour intervals from 4 p.m. the day before blooming to the day of blooming. The compatible pollen was found to germinate for the first time in the pollination at 0 a.m. on the day of blooming (Tab. 3, 4). Consequently, it is not till several hours before blooming that the pollen receptivity occurs in stigma. 4. In incompatible matings, the germination when failure of pollen is always observed with exception of 0.2 percent germination when pollinated at 4 a.m. (Tab. 3, 4). These results lead the author to conclude that the peculiarity of prematnre pistil to compatibility and incompatibility with the occurence of pollen receptivity of stigma, is not different from the completed stage. 5. Since pollen cannot germinate until the pollen receptivity occurs in stigma and that the young stigma with the pollen receptivity behaves similar to the matured one in regard to compatibility and incompatibility, pseudo-fertility in sweet potato may be presumed to be presumed to be hardly induced by means of the bud-pollination. 6. The pistil behavior in question as well as the pollen receptivity mentioned above was found to arise when the ovary was removed two days before blooming (Fig. 1, Tab. 5, 6). From these observations, following presumption may be made: The function causing compatibility or incompatibility is either already generated in the stigma two days before blooming or arise independently of the ovary. In these respects, there is something peculiar about sweet potato that makes it distinguishable from Petunia in which pseudo-fertility mechanism was elucidated by Dr. YASUDA.
  • 徳永 進
    2012年 101 巻 9 号 2626-2630
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2013/09/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • フォード 順子
    1993年 1 巻 1 号 10-11
    発行日: 1993/09/23
    公開日: 2017/02/27
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 牧 典子
    1997年 4 巻 2 号 14-15
    発行日: 1997/09/21
    公開日: 2017/02/27
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
    The point of this paper is how to teach "tte" form which has intricate structures. "tte" we use in our daily life has great colloquial features. Therefore, it may also contains difficult problems when we explain it grammatically. First, I classified all the "tte" forms according to functions. "tte" has two different functions. One is to emphasize nouns and other words. The other is as a mark in dialogue sentences. Besides, these two also have various forms respectively. And I thought about the teaching order of "tte" form above. I hope this is better way for Japanese learners to understand "tte"
  • 柴田 丈
    1992年 43B 巻
    発行日: 1992/10/31
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 秋元 眞次郎, [
    ]苅 義次
    1939年 11 巻 1 号 168-184
    発行日: 1939/07/31
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Japan late setting have hrretofore been occasionally used to the problem of crop rotation and irrigation facilities. The authors have carried on an investigation on the behavior of late setting in the diffrent varieties of rice. In the case when the duration of growth in seed-bed is the same, the period from time of the setting of rice seedlings to heading deer as a generally as transplanting becomes later. The number of days thus decreased varies. in different varieties, being less in early varieties than in intermediate or late varieties, as shown by our experiments (Fig. 1). We may consider that there are two different stages in the course of heading, namely, the period previous to the beginning of panicle differentiation, and the subsequent development of differentiating panicle towrds the heading, and these stages are affected by the influence of environmental factors respectively. In order to ascertain which stage will be seriously affected by late setting upon heading, the present experiments were carried out, and the results are summarized as follows: (1) The material used in this study consisted of 9 varieties with different growing periods under natural conditions. 30 days seedlings were transplanted in the paddy field on June 15th, 30th, and July 15th. In the cultivation of these varieties, the authors tried with utmost care to make all the cultivating conditions as nearly uniform as possible, so that quite uniform plants were sampled out from time to time for observation. As to the differentiation of panicle, a part of main stem inclusive of the growing point was fixed by Carnoy's fluid, cut in longitudinal section in 13μ thickness, and stained with Delafield's henmatoxylin. The differentiation of the first bract (Plate 1, (II) could be esily observed by determining the number of leaves on the main stem which were marked with enamel. The authors considered the stage in question as the beginning of panicle formation. (2) The stage of panicle differentiation may be divided into 12 principal phases as shown by the photomicrographs (Plate 1, (I)-(XII)). These 12 phases were used as basis for determining the grade of differentiation of panicles sampled at each date of observation (Table 1). After the growth of panicle were visible, their lengths were measured, and the results are shown in percentage in comparison to adult panicles (Table 2, Fig. 2, Plate 2). (3) The period previous to the beginning of panicle formation (=the number of days required from setting to differentiation of the first bract) was found to vary considerably according to different varieties and date of transplanting. This period was short for early varieties but long for late ones, and the later the transplanting, the shorter the period. The effect of late setting upon the number of days mentioned was less in early maturing varieties than in others (Table 3 Fig. 3). (4) The period subsequent to the beginning of panicle formation (=the number of days extending from differentiation of the first bract to heading) was seemed to be a little shorter in early varieties than in other ones. Notwithstanding the fact that the period in question was almost equal in early varieties both in early or late setting, it was observed to be somewhat shorter after late setting in intermediate and late varieties (Table 3, Fig 3). (5) As mentioned above, the effet of late transplanting upon the period (number of days) from setting to heading was found to be less intense in early varieties than in intermediate or late ones. This is chiefly due to the fact that the late transplanting exerts less intense influence on early varieties than on late ones concerning both perirods, viz. previous and subsequent to the beginning of panicle formation, and this effect exerts a decided influence in the formeer stage.
  • 青木 功, 外山 圭助, 榎本 康弘, 渡辺 陽之輔
    1980年 21 巻 5 号 645-653
    発行日: 1980年
    公開日: 2009/01/26
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    Autoimmune hemolytic anemia may be accompanied in a wide variety of diseases, but it is far more rarely encountered in the myelogenous leukemia.
    A 77-year-old male with acute myelogenous leukemia, when he was in the partial remission, was admitted because of exacerbation of the anemia.
    On admission, his hemoglobin level was 5.1 gm/100 ml, reticulocytes 42‰, the platelet count 54,000/mm3 and leukocyte count 2450/mm3 with 1% myeloblasts. Bone marrow smear revealed 15% myeloblasts and hyperplasia of erythroid elements. The erythrocyte life span (T 1/2) as measured by 51Cr was reduced. (8 days). The serum indirect bilirubin was 0.8 mg/100 ml, Type I of LDH isozyme increased and haptoglobin undetectable. The direct Coombs test was strongly positive and the autoantibodies to the erythrocytes were found to be IgG (κ).
    After initiation of treatment with prednisolone, the direct Coombs test became negative and anemia gradually alleviated.
    These findings strongly suggested that autoimmune hemolytic anemia had occurred in the course of acute myelogenous leukemia.
  • 渡辺 信
    2022年 36 巻 7 号 1-4
    発行日: 2022/06/12
    公開日: 2022/06/09
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    学校教育を終えると数学(科学)からほとんどの人は離れてしまう。生涯学習でも数学(科学)を学ぶことはない。希望しても数学の市民講座はほとんど開かれず数学(科学)を学ぶ機会がない。現在の数学教育(科学教育)は学校教育の中だけで完結している。この学校教育だけが数学(科学)を学ぶ状況を改善したい。今回は数学からのみの問題提起になるが、学ぶことが学校教育で終わるのではなく、生涯にわたり学び続ける社会文化を創り出すことが必要である。学校教育の後の市民講座の重要性から、生涯学習へと数学(科学)の学びを拡げたい。学ぶことは他人から教えられることではなく、あくまでも主体性を持つ学びを問題にしたいためにOut Schoolの生涯学習を提唱する。

  • 小川 一壽
    1987年 99 巻 7-8 号 751-761
    発行日: 1987/08/30
    公開日: 2009/08/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    El mice are epileptic mice in which convulsive seizures are easily induced by throwing stimulation. Uptake and release of [3H] 5-hydroxytryptamine and [3H] taurine were examined in cerebral cortical slices of non-stimulated El mice [El(-)], stimulated El mice [El(+)] during the interictal period and ddY mice (ddY), which are the mother strain of El mice and do not have a convulsive disposition. Release was defined as 40mMK+-stimulated release. Uptake of 5-HT and taurine was lower in El(+) than in El(-), but no significant difference was found between ddY and El(-). Release of 5-HT and taurine was higher in El(-) than in either ddY or El(+). No significant difference in spontaneous release of 5-HT and taurine was found between ddY, El(-) and El(+). The taurine level in El(-) and El(+) was higher than in ddY, but no significant difference was found between El(-) and El(+). These results suggest that low uptake and release of 5-HT and taurine may increase seizure susceptibility in El(+).
  • 柴田 昌平
    2015年 77 巻 54-61
    発行日: 2015/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    I tried an approach to learning WAKA Japanese poetry that applied a WAKA interpretation theory in a clear framework for interpretation on the basis of the following Japanese basic recognition vocabulary categories : "KATA, KATACHI" and "MONO, KOTO". For rational and simple learning, I planned a learning unit of 10 hours with a material of 42 poems from the first half of the spring part of "Kokin Wakashu", and practiced it with 26 high school freshmen. This is intended as a suggestion on the present conditions to learn excellent poems of "Manyoshu", "Kokin Wakashu", and "Shinkokin Wakashu" in the introduction period to learn WAKA Japanese poetry at high school. As a result, a certain level of analysis and interpretation of the poems were attained, based on the framework and the concept described above. This approach is also significant as a way of systematization of poetry learning of elementary, junior high, and high schools.