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クエリ検索: "キングスピード"
12件中 1-12の結果を表示しています
  • 足立 博子, 足立 哲司, 豊岡 示朗
    2002年 51 巻 4 号 385-391
    発行日: 2002/08/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    の違いとエネルギー代謝の関連について検討した.対象者は, 健康な中年女性7名 (35~50歳) であり, 3種類のスピード (経済: 1km当りのエネルギー消費量が最小となるスピード, 快適: 被験者が気持ちよいと答えたスピード, 速歩: 被験者が無理のない範囲で最も速く歩けると答えたスピード) での60分間のトレッドミルウォーキングを課して代謝反応と血中脂質を測定し, 次のような結果を得た.
    1) 60分間のトレッドミルウォーキングを実施したスピードとそれぞれのスピードにおける%VO2maxと心拍数は, 経済が76m/min (41%VO2max, 96beats/min) , 快適で90m/min (49%VO2max, 110beats/min) , 速歩は106m/min (67%VO2max, 139beats/min) であった.
    2) 5分ごとに見た脂肪によるエネルギー消費量は, 3スピードとも経時的に増加したが, 特に速歩スピードでは, 運動開始後の10分目で1.1kcal/minであった脂肪によるエネルギー消費量が運動終了時には2.5kcal/minと2倍以上に達した.
    3) 60分間ウォーキングでの総エネルギー消費量はスピードに伴い増加した.脂肪によるエネルギー消費量は, 速歩が109kcalで最も高い値を示したが, 快適: 99kcal, 経済: 92kcalとの間に有意差は認められなかった.
  • 杉山 康司, 川村 真未, 祝原 豊, 形本 静夫
    2008年 13 巻 2 号 85-92
    発行日: 2008/05/25
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study investigated to clarify physiological responses during level nordic walking (NW) and downhill nordic walking (DNW) and downhill walking (DW). Seven healthy subjects (4 females and 3 males), aged 20 - 43, were participated in this study as a subject. They performed four treadmill walking tests, i.e. one incremental exhaustion test measuring maximal oxygen uptake (V02max), and three 10 min walking tests. The 10 min walking tests were performed at 60m/min in NW DNW and DW, respectively. Downhill grade was 16% during DNW and DW. Oxygen and DNW were significantly higher than those of DW (p<0.001). But there were no significant differences in NW and DNW. OMNI scale of the upper body of DNW and NW were significantly higher than that of DW (p<0.001). Additionally, OMNI scale of the upper and whole body during DNW were significantly higher than NW (p<0.01). On the contrary, OMNI scale of DNW was significantly lower than DW (p<0.05). Our results demonstrate that DNW on the treadmill induce to increase the intensity up to a similar level of NW. Additionally, it was suggested that metabolic rate of the upper body in DNW might be higher than in NW.
  • 田中 宏暁
    2016年 65 巻 1 号 24
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/01/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石谷 博美, 常本 秀幸, 山田 貴延
    日本機械学会論文集 B編
    1987年 53 巻 496 号 3827-3834
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The previous reports have been determined that the problems of cold startability and blue and white smoke (cold smoke) in a small direct injection diesel engine are improved by the shallow type combustion chamber and weaker swirl ratio. In this report, the lip type combustion chamber, which provides good performance and good economy, was tested in order to know the influence on the cold startability and the cold smoke of various lip diameters, lip thicknesses and shapes. The following results were obtained. There is an optimum lip diameter for cold startability. A thick lip is inferior to a thinner lip in so far as cold startability and the cold smoke is concerned. The lip shape effects cold startability, and a round shape, which diminishes the contraction flow, shows a good result. Cold startability and the cold smoke deteriorate with the swirl strength in the lip type as well as the bowl and square cavity combustion chambers.
  • トラッキング実験および自覚による評価
    李 文彬, 伏見 知道
    1989年 71 巻 4 号 148-154
    発行日: 1989/04/01
    公開日: 2008/12/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study empirically evaluated the optimal length L values (length from the center of circular saw to the rear grip center of brush cutter) for five slopes by the tracking test and the subject's feelings. The study was divided into two experiments. In the first experiment, a model shaft (0.75kg in weight) was used, and in the second one, the same model shaft was used, but 4.4kg weight was attached to it (0.8kg weight to the circular saw position and 3.6kg weight to the engine position. They were considered as the circular saw and engine weight). The results showed that the brush cutter weight (up to 5.15kg) hardly influences the optimal length L values and the optimal length L values are 149_??_153cm for a slope of -20°_??_0°, 141_??_147cm for 5°, 135_??_192cm for 10°, 134_??_138cm for 15°_??_20°. The authors suggest that the optimal length L of brush cutter should be simply adjustable at a range of 140±10cm.
  • 松澤 俊明, 三浦 有信, 福島 F.文彦, 広瀬 茂男
    2007年 2007 巻 2A2-G04
    発行日: 2007/05/11
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    A lot of landmines are buried in many troubled countries. The humanitarian demining robot "Gryphon" can reliably detect mines. Gryphon also has to make marking on mine positions which are detected, but does not have a marking system yet. Marking systems need marking precision, marking speed, and reliability. This research proposes effective two types of marking systems. One of the systems uses plates, another uses paint. Each marking system has both good and bad points, so this research propose marking systems which are made the most of good points and restrained bad points. This paper explains the marking systems concept and mechanism, and also presents results of tests.
  • 石谷 博美, 常本 秀幸, 山田 貴延
    日本機械学会論文集 B編
    1990年 56 巻 524 号 1206-1211
    発行日: 1990/04/25
    公開日: 2008/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The combustion chamber surface and cylinder air temperatures during cranking have been investigated in a direct injection diesel engine with combustion chambers of various conductivity materials, and the influence of combustion chamber materials and surface deposits on the cold startability was tested. The insulated chamber made of bakelite indicated higher surface and air temperatures than did the copper chamber with larger conductivity. As the result, the starting time in the copper combustion chamber for cold operation was 5 times longer than that in the bakelite chamber, and it was found that there is a relationship between the cold startability and the thermal conductivity of combustion chamber materials, and that the cold startability is improved by the increase of the combustion chamber deposits.
  • 大須賀 洋祐, 鄭 松伊, 金 泰浩, 大久保 善郎, 金 ウンビ, 田中 喜代次
    2017年 62 巻 1 号 71-81
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/06/22
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2017/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of sharing exercise classes with spouses on marital relationship satisfaction in older adults.
    Methods: Thirty-six older married couples and 39 older individuals participated in this study as couple and non-couple groups (CG and NCG, respectively). All participants attended an 8-week exercise class once a week and a home-based exercise program comprising walking and strength exercises. Marital relationship satisfaction was measured using questionnaires (quality marriage index (QMI) and satisfaction in marriage (SM)). We also assessed conversation time and frequency of self-disclosure and collective action with the spouse. Analysis of covariance adjusted for sex was conducted to compare the patterns of change in QMI and SM over the 8-week period between the 2 groups. Chi-squared test was also conducted to compare the proportion of participants who showed an increase in conversation time and frequency of self-disclosure and collective action with their spouse over the 8-week period between the 2 groups.
    Results: The CG and NCG revealed no significant change in the QMI and SM after the intervention. Analysis of covariance showed that there were no significant interactions (time×groups) in QMI and SM (QMI: P=0.220, SM: P=0.110). The proportion of participants who showed an increased frequency of collective action related to hobby and exercise with their spouse was significantly higher in the CG than in the NCG (hobby: P=0.027, exercise: P=0.004), but there was no significant inter-group difference in the proportion of participants who showed an increase in conversation time and the frequency of self-disclosure.
    Conclusion: These results suggest that sharing of exercise classes by older married couples can increase the degree of collective action in terms of exercise and hobby participation, but that its influence on marital relationship satisfaction, conversation and self-disclosure is limited. In order to re-examine the present findings, a better designed trial as well as an education program to learn communication skills for enjoyable exercise as a couple will be required.
  • 体力科学
    1978年 27 巻 4 号 167-259
    発行日: 1978/12/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大須賀 洋祐, 鄭 松伊, 金 泰浩, 大久保 善郎, 金 ウンビ, 田中 喜代次
    2015年 64 巻 4 号 407-418
    発行日: 2015/08/01
    公開日: 2015/07/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an exercise intervention for older married couples on exercise adherence and physical fitness. Thirty-six older married couples and 61 older adults participated in the study as couple and non-couple groups (CG, NCG, respectively). Participants attended an exercise class once a week and performed a home-based exercise program consisting of walking and strength exercise over eight weeks. Exercise adherence was assessed by the rate of non-absentee, walking habits (≥ 2 times/week), and strength exercise habits (≥ 6 items*2 sets/week). Physical fitness was assessed by the Senior Fitness Tests. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to obtain the CG’s odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for non-absentee, walking habits, and strength exercise habits (reference: NCG). Analyses of covariance were used to examine the statistical difference in the degree of change (⊿) for physical fitness between CG and NCG. CG had significantly higher ORs for non-absentee and walking habits compared with NCG but there was no significant difference in the rate of strength exercise habits between the two groups. In regards to ⊿ for physical fitness, significantly higher ⊿ for upper extremity strength was observed in CG than in NCG, while there were no significant differences in ⊿ for other physical fitness items between the two groups. These results suggest that an exercise intervention for older married couples would be more useful to maintain higher participation in exercise program and walking and improving upper extremity strength.
  • 体力科学
    1989年 38 巻 6 号 219-699
    発行日: 1989/12/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 体力科学
    2003年 52 巻 6 号 677-1021
    発行日: 2003/12/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー