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クエリ検索: "Synonym"
5,732件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 城光 英彰, 松田 源立, 山口 和紀
    2015年 2015 巻 AM-10 号 04-
    発行日: 2015/07/11
    公開日: 2021/08/28
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー


  • 柳堀 恭子, 津田 和彦
    2015年 2015 巻 BI-002 号 07-
    発行日: 2015/03/16
    公開日: 2022/02/25
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    when patent examiner indicates a refusal to patent application,"Notice of Reason for Refusal" is issued. We have created a

    dictionary of compound nouns using the information extracted from the Notice of Reason for Refusal, and extracted the dependency relationship of compound nouns and verbs in the claims full text written in patent applications.Between this patent application and the patent publication cited, we measured a similarity by using created formula.Then, when using the
    dictionary, we investigated whether this
    dictionary is effective.

  • *河崎 昌子, 安澤 数史, 竹田 公信, 若狭 麻子, 田邉 洋, 望月 隆, 石崎 宏
    2008年 52 巻 P-027(SI-02)
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2009/03/06
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    共にTrichophyton mentagrophytes complexの有性世代であるA. simiiA. vanbreuseghemiiは、1973年のTakashioの報告により別種であるとされている。しかし、topoisomerase遺伝子の塩基配列を基に推定した系統樹ではA. simiiA. vanbreuseghemiiの系統が分けられない事から、我々はこれら2種が同種である可能性を考えた。交配能の落ちたテスター株をマウスに感染させて逆培養する事で交配能の回復を図り、種々の組み合わせで交配実験を行ったところ、2004年にインドで人から分離されたA. simii株KMU4810(+)とA. vanbreuseghemiiのテスター株RV27961(-)との交配に成功した事は昨年の本会で報告した。今回はさらに、昨年得られたF1世代のHybridのうちの1株(KMUAsv11株; rRNAとactin遺伝子はA. simii型、topoisomerase遺伝子はA. vanbreuseghemii型)をA. vanbreuseghemii(RV27961)と戻し交配したところ子嚢胞子の産生が確認された。稔性のあるF1が産生される事から、A. simiiA. vanbreuseghemiiとの交配は異種間交配ではなく通常の種内交配であると考えられ、2種の同種性が強く示唆された。
    2006年 100 巻 41-52
    発行日: 2006/08/30
    公開日: 2018/09/19
    ジャーナル フリー

      Based on a comparison of type and other specimens, Ptychomitrium patens (Müll. Hal.) Par. and P. obtusifolium (Borth.) Par. are reduced to synonymy of P. sellowianum (Müll. Hal.) Jaeger, and P. papillosum (Herz.) Card. is reduced to synonymy of P. chimborazense (Mitt.) Jaeger. Three new combinations are proposed: P. gardneri var. angustifolium (Nog.) Cao & Guo, P. sellowianum var. angustifolium (Broth.) Cao & Guo, and P. hieronymi var. obtusifolium (Thér.) Cao & Guo. Ptychomitrium ferrugineum (Herz.) Broth. is described in detail based on the holotype.

  • Toshio Kawai, Mamoru Yabe
    Species Diversity
    2006年 11 巻 1 号 1-5
    発行日: 2006/02/28
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Peristedion picturatum McCulloch, 1926 (family Peristediidae) was distinguished from P. liorhynchus (Gunther, 1872) by a single character, the presence of two bony plates between the anus and first anal ray (vs. three in P. liorhynchus). Our examination of the holotype of P. liorhynchus revealed that it also actually has just two bony plates there, not three. Based on a comparison of the holotype and other material of P. picturatum with the holotype of P. liorhynchus, we conclude that P. picturatum is a junior
    of P. liorhynchus.
  • Masato Hagiwara, Yasuhiro Ogawa, Katsuhiko Toyama
    2009年 16 巻 2 号 2_59-2_83
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2011/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Distributional similarity has been widely used to capture the semantic relatedness of words in many NLP tasks. However, parameters such as similarity measures must be manually tuned to make distributional similarity work effectively. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach to
    identification based on supervised learning and distributional features, which correspond to the commonality of individual context types shared by word pairs. This approach also enables the integration with pattern-based features. In our experiment, we have built and compared eight
    classifiers, and showed a drastic performance increase of over 60% on F-1 measure, compared to the conventional similarity-based classification. Distributional features that we have proposed are better in classifying synonyms than the conventional common features, while the pattern-based features have appeared almost redundant.
  • 丹羽 智史, 土肥 拓生, 本位田 真一
    2006年 2006 巻 SWO-014 号 07-
    発行日: 2006/11/21
    公開日: 2021/09/17
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    近年新しいドキュメント分類の形態としてFolksonomy(フォクソノミー)が注目されている.Folksonomyは従来のTaxonomyとは対照的に,エンドユーザによるボトムアップでフラットな分類を実現する.Folksonomyは分類速度,分類の実用性,分類の適応性など多くの面で優れており,各種Web Filtering技術に応用可能な大きなポテンシャルを有しているのにも関わらず,現在のところ十分に活用されていない.本論文において我々はFolksonomyの性質を分析し,Folksonomyの3部グラフ構造を利用することで


  • Makoto Okamoto, Peter Bartsch, Hiroyuki Motomura
    Species Diversity
    2012年 17 巻 2 号 123-126
    発行日: 2012/11/25
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Epigonus merleni McCosker and Long, 1997 was originally described on the basis of a single specimen collected from the Galapagos Islands. It was considered to be distinguished from E. macrops (Brauer, 1906) by having 11+14 vertebrae and 57 lateral-line scales, but our examination of the holotype of E. merleni revealed that it actually has 10+15 vertebrae and 48+5 lateral-line scales. The holotype also has a luminescent window near the pelvic-fin base that is otherwise unique to E. macrops in the genus. Based on our comparison of the holotype of E. merleni with a syntype and other specimens of E. macrops, we conclude that E. merleni is a junior
    of E. macrops.
  • Toshio Kawai, Yohko Takata
    Species Diversity
    2009年 14 巻 2 号 89-96
    発行日: 2009/07/31
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Satyrichthys rugosus (Fowler, 1943) was established with no comparison to other peristediid searobins. Our examination of types and other material of both S. rugosus and S. clavilapis (Fowler, 1938) has clarified that S. rugosus represents postlarvae and juveniles of the latter species. We therefore regard S. rugosus as a junior
    of S. clavilapis and comment on its ontogenetic changes in morphology.
  • Madori Ikeda, Akihiro Yamamoto
    2017年 24 巻 3 号 323-349
    発行日: 2017/06/15
    公開日: 2017/09/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this paper, we solve the problem of extending various thesauri using a single method. Thesauri should be extended when unregistered terms are identified. Various thesauri are available, each of which is constructed according to a unique design principle. We formalise the extension of one thesaurus as a single classification problem in machine learning, with the goal of solving different classification problems. Applying existing classification methods to each thesaurus is time consuming, particularly if many thesauri must be extended. Thus, we propose a method to reduce the time required to extend multiple thesauri. In the proposed method, we first generate clusters of terms without the thesauri that are candidates for

    sets based on formal concept analysis using the syntactic information of terms in a corpus. Reliable syntactic parsers are easy to use; thus, syntactic information is more available for many terms than semantic information. With syntactic information, for each thesaurus and for all unregistered terms, we can search candidate clusters quickly for a correct
    set for fast classification. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is faster than existing methods and classification accuracy is comparable.

  • Masato Hagiwara, Yasuhiro Ogawa, Katsuhiko Toyama
    2008年 15 巻 4 号 19-42
    発行日: 2008/09/10
    公開日: 2011/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Distributional similarity is a widely adopted concept to compute lexical semantic relatedness of words.Whereas the calculation is based on the distributional hypothesis and utilizes contextual clues of words, little attention has been paid to what kind of contextual information is effective for the purpose.As one of the ways to extend contextual information, we pay attention to the use of indirect dependency, where two or more words are related via several contiguous dependency relations.We have investigated the effect of indirect dependency using automatic
    acquisition task, and shown that the performance can be improved by using indirect dependency in addition to normal direct dependency.We have also verified its effectiveness under various experimental settings including weight functions, similarity measures, and context representations, and shown that context representations which incorporate richer syntactic information are more effective.
  • Yuxin Sun, Xiaomin Song, Hua Pan, Xiaoxuan Li, Lirong Sun, Liang Song, Fei Ma, Junnan Hao
    Intractable & Rare Diseases Research
    2024年 13 巻 1 号 69-72
    発行日: 2024/02/29
    公開日: 2024/03/11
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー

    Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is a rare X-linked recessive primary immunodeficiency disorder. Mutations in the WAS gene are considered to be the primary cause of WAS. In this work, we report a boy who presented with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) as an initial symptom and detects a novel pathogenic synonymous mutation in his WAS gene. His mother was a carrier of the mutant gene. The mutation, located at position c.273 (c.273 G>A) in exon 2, is a

    mutation and predicted to affect protein expression by disrupting gene splicing. This study summarizes the diagnosis and treatment process of the patient and expands the genetic spectrum of WAS.

  • Egbert H. WALKER
    1954年 67 巻 795-796 号 203-213
    発行日: 1954年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 寺田 昭, 吉田 稔, 中川 裕志
    2008年 15 巻 2 号 39-58
    発行日: 2008/04/10
    公開日: 2011/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    同義語の同定は, 情報検索, テキストマイニングなどのテキスト処理を行う上で必要な作業である. 同義語辞書を作成することにより, テキスト処理の効率や精度の向上を期待できる. 特定分野における文書には, 専門の表現が多く用いられており, その中には, 分野独特の同義語が多量に含まれている. 例えば, 日本語の航空分野では, 漢字・ひらがなだけでなく, カタカナ, アルファベット, およびそれらの略語が同義語として用いられている. この分野の同義語は, 汎用の辞書に登録されていないものが多く, 既存の辞書を使用できないので, 辞書を新たに作成する必要がある. また, 辞書作成後も常に新しい語が発生するので, 辞書の定期的な更新が必要となるが, それを人手で行うのは大変な作業である.
    本論文では, 同義語辞書作成を半自動化するシステムを提案する. システムは, ク エリが与えられると意味的に同じ候補語を提示する. 辞書作成者は, その中から同 義語を選択して, 辞書登録を行うことができる. 候補語のクエリに対する類似度は, 同義語の周辺に出現する語の頻度情報を文脈情報とし, その余弦から計算する. 文脈情報のみでは十分な精度が得られない場合, 既知の同義語を知識としてシステム に与えることにより, 文脈語の正規化を行い, 精度を向上できることを確認した.実 験は, 航空分野の日本語のレポートを対象とし, システムの評価には平均精度を用いて行い, 満足できる結果が得られた.
  • 坂口 和寛, 河野 俊之
    2012年 19 巻 1 号 32-33
    発行日: 2012/03/10
    公開日: 2017/05/25
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
    We are currently making improvements in a self-learning textbook of
    analysis strategy. The textbook is composed of explanations and practice for the strategy. In order to enrich the strategy of analyzing grammatical example sentences, we took up "imaging strategy," - verbalizing the image recalled from the sentences - and examined whether its training is effective in a Japanese teacher training program. The result showed that the trainees explained the content of sentences superficially and peripheral events which has not been shown to the sentences. Thus, in order to obtain information efficiently from examples for
    analysis, detailed checking and reanalysis of the verbalized image is needed.
  • Tsutomu Hattori, Kozue Sotome
    2012年 54 巻 4 号 297-308
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2023/03/07
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Type examinations were conducted for 32 species of polypores described by E.J.H. Corner. The following new combinations are proposed: Antrodiella subligativa, Coriolopsis albobadia, C. suberosifusca, Datronia perstrata, D. sepiicolor, Fomitella malaysiana, Fomitopsis subvinosa, Microporus affinis-microloma, M. subvernicipes, Nigrofomes nigrivineus, Perenniporia rufidochmia, Polyporus polyporiformis, and Trichaptum molestum. The following species are accepted in the original genus: Trametes pallidilusor, the appropriate name for T. daedaleoides Corner (nom. illegit.), and T. rugosituba. Daedalea pseudodochmia was already combined with the proper genus. The following species are synonyms: Trametes microporoides and T. multiflabellata, synonyms of M. subvernicipes; T. papuasia, a

    of Coriolopsis glabro-rigens; T. paxillosa, a
    of Coriolopsis brunneoleuca; T. perpallida, a
    of Skeletocutis nivea; T. primulina, a
    of Coriolopsis sanguinaria; T. rigidiceps, a
    of M. affinis-microloma; Trametes sublutea, a
    of Fomitopsis spraguei; T. subincana and T. textulaminata, synonyms of D. pseudodochmia; and T. umbrinopallens, a
    of T. lactinea. The following species are dubious because of the poor condition of specimens: T. tenacipora, T. turpis, and T. verticalis. No authentic specimens were traced for T. polyblastes, T. rubrigrisea, T. salina, T. sediliensis, and T. substrata. Descriptions and line drawings are given for the little-known species.

  • Sogo Nishio, Toshiya Yamamoto, Shingo Terakami, Yutaka Sawamura, Norio Takada, Toshihiro Saito
    Breeding Science
    2011年 61 巻 2 号 109-120
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/06/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The history of chestnut utilization in Japan is very long. Many cultivars have been preserved without being sufficiently organized and studied with respect to genetic variation. We developed 12 new SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers from Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) by using SSR-enriched genomic libraries. All 12 primer pairs selected for SSR analysis successfully amplified fragments in 6 Castanea species. The genetic diversity and relationships among 216 chestnut accessions were assessed by SSR markers, including 142 Japanese chestnuts, 38 Chinese chestnuts (C. mollissima), 2 European chestnuts (C. sativa), 9 American chestnuts (C. dentata), and 23 Japanese–Chinese hybrids. Among the 216 accessions, we identified 21
    groups (including 1 bud sport group), and 189 different genotypes. The mean values of observed heterozygosity (HO) and the expected heterozygosity (HE) in the Japanese chestnuts were 0.65 and 0.65, respectively. A phenogram of the 189 genotypes revealed 3 major groups, corresponding to Japanese, Chinese and American chestnuts. Japanese–Chinese hybrid cultivars were mainly included in the Chinese chestnut group. In the present study, genetic backgrounds could be identified for native and cultivated Japanese chestnuts and Japanese–Chinese hybrid cultivars, and many synonyms showing identical SSR genotypes were found. Genetic and geographical relationships of unique characteristics such as “Shidareguri” (weeping) and “Togenashi” (spineless) were also discussed. These results will improve the efficiency of cultivar identification and of chestnut breeding programs.
  • Masato Hagiwara, Yasuhiro Ogawa, Katsuhiko Toyama
    2008年 15 巻 5 号 119-150
    発行日: 2008/10/10
    公開日: 2011/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Distributional similarity is a widely adopted concept to capture the semantic relatedness of words based on their context in various NLP tasks. While accurate similarity calculation requires a huge number of context types and co-occurrences, the contribution to the similarity calcualtion depends on individual context types, and some of them even act as noise. To select well-performing context and alleviate the high computational cost, we propose and investigate the effectiveness of three context selection schemes: category-based, type-based, and co-occurrence based selection. Categorybased selection is a conventional, simplest selection method which limits the context types based on the syntactic category. Finer-grained, type-based selection assigns importance scores to each context type, which we make possible by proposing a novel formalization of distibutional similarity as a classification problem, and applying feature selection techniques. The finest-grained, co-occurrence based selection assigns importance scores to each co-occurrence of words and context types. We evaluate the effectiveness and the trade-off between co-occurrence data size and
    acquisition performance. Our experiments show that, on the whole, the finest-grained, co-occurrence based selection achieves better performane, although some of the simple category-based selection show comparable performance/cost trade-off.
  • Shigeru Miki
    1933年 47 巻 564 号 842-862
    発行日: 1933年
    公開日: 2011/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Among Zostera and Phyllospadix there are found in Japan 7 species satisfactorily identified, of which 4 are endemic, viz: Zostera asiatica, Zostera cacspitosa, Phyllospadix japonicus and Phyllospadix iwatensis.
    2. Following 3 species and 1 variety may be reduced to
    or form of another one:Zostera japonica is a brackish form of Zostera nana ROTH. Zosetra pacifica is a
    of Zostera asiatica MIKI, Zostera marina var. stenophylla is a form of Zostera marina L. Phylloepadix Scouleri of Japan is a
    of P. iwatensis MAKINO.
    3. There are two types of rhizome, viz. sympodial and monopodial, and their flowering shoot may be divided into three types. Each terminal spadix is formed originally as a pseudoterminal one.
    4. The seedling of Zostera nana has a primary root and its terminal creeps on the soil.
    5. The seedling of Zostera marina is provided with a flowering shoot on its terminal in the same year and passes the winter by the lateral shoot.
    6. Rhizome of Zostera marina branches only in the winter season. The growth of each node takes neary half a month.
    7. Zostera and Phyllospadix in Japan may be divided into three groups according to their geographical distribution, viz, that of wide range, cold current and temperate sea.
    8. Zostera are found on muddy or sandy places of the bay, while Phyllospadix upon the rocks washed by open sea water.
    9. Zostera asiatica and Z. caulescens are found in deeper places than the other.
  • Tomoyuki Komai
    Species Diversity
    2004年 9 巻 4 号 343-358
    発行日: 2004/11/30
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Critical examination of specimens referred to Pagurus conformis De Haan, 1849 or P. megalops (Stimpson, 1858) has revealed that the two taxa are conspecific and that the former species has frequently been misidentified. Pagurus conformis, the senior
    of P. megalops, is redescribed and illustrated in detail and compared with three allied species, P. cavicarpus (Paul'son, 1875), P. carpoforaminatus (Alcock, 1905), and P. spinulentus (Henderson, 1888). The taxonomic identities of species to which the name P. conformis has been incorrectly applied are discussed.