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124件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 田村 貴起, 竹中 哲夫
    1999年 46 巻 9 号 561-569
    発行日: 1999/09/15
    公開日: 2009/05/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. リノール酸の過酸化に対する各
    が,リノール酸-H2 O2/FeCl2系ではOT-
    2. OT-
    3. 各
  • Frank Liebert, John K. Htoo, Angela Sünder
    The Journal of Poultry Science
    2008年 45 巻 4 号 255-264
    発行日: 2008/10/25
    公開日: 2008/10/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experiments were conducted with male growing chicken (Cobb 500) to examine effects of added microbial phytase on growth performance and nutrient utilization in corn-soybean meal (CSM) and wheat-soybean meal (
    ) diets. Low P basal diets (CSM1: 0.15 / 0.11% NPP in DM of starter/grower diets;
    1: 0.16/0.12% NPP in DM of starter/grower diets) were supplemented with 250 or 500U/kg of an experimental microbial phytase (CSM2, CSM3;
    3) or 1.5g/kg inorganic phosphorus (CSM4,
    4). Growth studies were conducted (7-42d) to establish nutrient deposition (6 pens per diet, 10 birds per pen). Separate balance studies (n=8) yielded individual N and P balance data for the age period 21-25d. Additionally, studies with CSM diets also provided tibia composition data.
    Phytase supplementation in CSM diets yielded significant effects on growth and deposition data. Additionally, the mortality rate declined significantly and tibia composition (ash, P, Ca) was improved.
    diets provided more pronounced effects on deposition data, but growth responded only numerical. Balance studies delivered significant effects on P utilization due to phytase addition in both CSM and
    diets, respectively. However, lower P utilization was observed in CSM diets. Significant effects of phytase addition on N utilization were established only in CSM diets. Consequently, generalized conclusions due to improved N utilization following phytase addition are not supported by the current study.
  • Kenji KINTAKA, Ryotaro MORI, Tetsunosuke MIURA, Shogo URA
    IEICE Transactions on Electronics
    2014年 E97.C 巻 7 号 749-754
    発行日: 2014/07/01
    公開日: 2014/07/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    A new wavelength-selective optical modulator was proposed and discussed. The modulator consists of three kinds of distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) integrated in a single straight waveguide. The waveguide can guide TE0 and TE1 modes, and an in-line Michelson interferometer is constructed by the three DBRs. An operation-wavelength wave among incident wavelength-division-multiplexed TE1 guided waves is split into TE0 and TE1 guided waves by one of DBRs, and combined by the same DBR to be TE0 output wave with interference after one of waves is phase-modulated. A modulator using an electro-optic (EO) polymer is designed, and the static performance was predicted theoretically. An operation principle was confirmed experimentally by a prototype device utilizing a thermo-optic effect instead of the EO effect.
  • 澤井 祐紀, 南雲 保
    2003年 19 巻 33-46
    発行日: 2003/12/31
    公開日: 2012/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Eighty diatom taxa were identified fr o m Alsea Bay salt marsh along the Pacific coast of USA. The diatom assemblages consist of thirty-four genera; Amphora (4 taxa), Bacillaria (1 taxon), Caloneis (4 taxa), Campylodiscus (1 taxon), Cosmioneis (2 taxa), Cymbella (2 taxa), Denticula (1 taxon), Decussata (1 taxon), Diatoma (1 taxon), Dimeregramma (1taxon), Diploneis (3 taxa), Encyonema (2 taxa), Fallacia (3 taxa), Frustulia (2 taxa), Gomphoneis (1 taxon), Gyrosigma (1 taxon), Hannaea (1 taxon), Luticola (1 taxon), Mastogloia (1 taxon), Melosira (2 taxa), Navicula (16 taxa), Nitzschia (6 taxa), Paralia (1taxon), Petrodictyon (1 taxon), Pinnularia (1 taxon), Placoneis (1 taxon), Planothidium(1taxon), Rhaphoneis (1 taxon), Rhoicosphenia (1 taxon), Rhopalodia (1 taxon), Staurosirella (1 taxon), Surirella (4 taxa), Tabularia (1 taxon), and Tryblionella (9 taxa).
  • 田中 正明, 永野 真理子
    2004年 7 巻 2 号 145-171
    発行日: 2004/03/30
    公開日: 2019/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Plankton and diatom assemblages in the sediment collected from Lake Unagi-ike and Kagami-ike, Kagosima prefecture, in January, 2002 was studied. 14 taxa of zooplankton and 21 taxa of phytoplankton were found in Lake Unagi-ike, the dominant species being Dinobryon sertularia and Fragilaria crotonensis. Diatom assemblages in the sediment of 84 taxa among 26 genera were recorded. 19 taxa of zooplankton and 30 taxa of phytoplankton were found in Lake Kagami-ike, the dominant species being Dinobryon sertularia and Aulacoseira ambigua. Diatom assemblages in the sediment of 81 taxa among 24 genera were recorded.
  • Ryohei Shibata, Naoka Itoh, Yumiko Nakanishi, Tamotsu Kato, Wataru Suda, Mizuho Nagao, J-OIT group, Tsutomu Iwata, Hideo Yoshida, Masahira Hattori, Takao Fujisawa, Naoki Shimojo, Hiroshi Ohno
    Allergology International
    2024年 73 巻 1 号 126-136
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    Background: Oral immunotherapy (OIT) can ameliorate cow's milk allergy (CMA); however, the achievement of sustained unresponsiveness (SU) is challenging. Regarding the pathogenesis of CMA, recent studies have shown the importance of gut microbiota (Mb) and fecal water-soluble metabolites (WSMs), which prompted us to determine the change in clinical and gut environmental factors important for acquiring SU after OIT for CMA.

    Methods: We conducted an ancillary cohort study of a multicenter randomized, parallel-group, delayed-start design study on 32 school-age children with IgE-mediated CMA who underwent OIT for 13 months. We defined SU as the ability to consume cow's milk exceeding the target dose in a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge after OIT followed by a 2-week-avoidance. We longitudinally collected 175 fecal specimens and clustered the microbiome and metabolome data into 29 Mb- and 12


    Results: During OIT, immunological factors improved in all participants. However, of the 32 participants, 4 withdrew because of adverse events, and only 7 were judged SU. Gut environmental factors shifted during OIT, but only in the beginning, and returned to the baseline at the end. Of these factors, milk- and casein-specific IgE and the Bifidobacterium-dominant module were associated with SU (milk- and casein-specific IgE; OR for 10 kUA/L increments, 0.67 and 0.66; 95%CI, 0.41-0.93 and 0.42-0.90; Bifidobacterium-dominant module; OR for 0.01 increments, 1.40; 95%CI, 1.10-2.03), and these associations were observed until the end of OIT.

    Conclusions: In this study, we identified the clinical and gut environmental factors associated with SU acquisition in CM-OIT.

  • 川真田 光, 阿波 彰一, 保崎 明, 藁谷 理, 渡辺 直幸, 赤木 美智男
    2007年 38 巻 2+3 号 51-60
    発行日: 2007/09/30
    公開日: 2008/08/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    直接肺動脈拡張作用を持つとされる一酸化窒素(Nitric oxide, NO)の吸入を異なる肺血行動態を有する小児期の先天性心疾患患児に対して施行し,吸入前後における血行動態への作用や肺血管床の状態を明らかにするためWindkessel model指標を用いて解析した。
    対象を正常肺血圧の心疾患,及び川崎病群(A群)6例,心房中隔欠損症群(B群)6例,肺高血圧群(C群)7例に分類した。NO吸入によりA群は,肺血管抵抗(Rp)と肺動脈圧(PAP)が低下し,肺血流量(Qp)は増加した。更に拡張期コンプライアンス(Cd)が増大した。しかし,ウインドケッセル容積(Windkessel size, WS)としては,すべて正常範囲内の変化であった。B群は,指標に変化はなかった。C群ではRpが低下し,Qpも増加しPAPも低下した。拡張期時定数(Td)やCdは,正常範囲へと低下した。収縮期最大,拡張期最小,平均の各ウインドケッセル容積(WSs,WSd,
  • Adil Y. AL-HANDAL, Dawood S. ABDULLA, Angela WULFF, Mujtaba T. ABDULWAHAB
    2014年 30 巻 164-178
    発行日: 2014/12/25
    公開日: 2014/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    フワイザ湿原は中東で生態学的に最も重要な湿地の1つである。この湿原で優占的な抽水・沈水植物に付着する植物表生性珪藻の群集構造を,本研究で初めて明らかにした。全体で38属74種の珪藻が記録された。優占種はCocconeis placentula var. euglyptaFragilaria pulchellaであった。フワイザ湿原の植物表生性珪藻群集は淡水生種(貧塩性:39%),汽水生種(中塩性:33%),および海生種(真塩性:12%)から構成されていた。海生種はおそらく海から流されてきたものである。
  • 村中 優記緒, 相吉 英太郎
    1999年 35 巻 2 号 300-302
    発行日: 1999/02/28
    公開日: 2009/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents a new approach to solve line-balancing problems using the discrete and linked state transition neural networks whose feasibility for the constraints is kept by cooperative and simultaneous change of the neurons states. The simulation results for the simple line-balancing problems demonstrate more effective global convergence than Hopfield's neural networks
  • Toshio Hamada
    1988年 18 巻 1 号 87-96
    発行日: 1988年
    公開日: 2009/01/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    A multi-armed bandit problem is the problem of the sequential design of experiments in which the trial to select and pull one of m arms at each stage is performed sequentially n times and by pulling one arm, an observation is obtained from the distribution with unknown parameters. There is a prior information about the values of the parameters. The objective is to maximize the sum of n observations. Even if the number of arms is 2, the problem is difficult to solve. If it is possible to find the arm which will never be used in the remaining n stages whatever observations will be obtained under the optimal strategy, that arm may be neglected. In this paper, we consider the twoarmed bandit problem with one arm known for the family of distributions with positive means and show how to find this unuseful arm by using critical value functions.
  • 原口 和夫
    2000年 16 巻 63-74
    発行日: 2000/12/31
    公開日: 2012/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Diatoms in an epiphyte algal sample from Sugao-numa (Sugao Swamp) were exam-. ined, and a total of 258 taxa among 39 genera were recorded. All of the taxa that occurred abundantly were attached species in particuler, Eunotia curvata, Achnanthes minutissima, Gomphonema parvulum and Navicula mutica var. mutica. The DAlpo value calculated from the relative frequencies of each taxon observed was 50.7.
  • Junhua XU, Yuefeng RAO, Xiuhua WU, Jonathan JIANG, Mengfei YU, Xiaoyi CHEN, Huiming WANG
    Dental Materials Journal
    2019年 38 巻 6 号 981-986
    発行日: 2019/11/26
    公開日: 2019/12/01
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2019/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー

    Prostheses and implants have been widely utilized in the orthopedic and dental fields. Nowadays, significant advances have been made in the structural and functional connection between living bone and prostheses, especially in the presence of compromised bone quantity/quality. Despite improvement in the treatment outcomes after augmentation, there are still challenges to meet the clinical demands due to limited materials available. In the current study, we investigated the effects of nano-nacre particles as an alternative material on stimulating bone cell differentiation and formation. Mouse osteoblastic cells (MC3T3-E1) were cultured on nano-nacre/type I collagen composite scaffold (NN-ICS) and type I collagen scaffold (ICS). Generated nano-nacre particles showed controlled release of protein and calcium for a period of 36 days. NN-ICS significantly contributed to the proliferation and differentiation of preosteoblasts compared to ICS controls. Our data showed that nano-nacre particles could serve as a candidate of bone substitution material, which potentially contributed to treatment outcomes in cases with compromised bone quality and/or quality.

  • *長宗 高樹
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
     現在,わが国では高齢化社会の進行に伴い,全人工膝関節置換術(Total Knee Arthroplasty: TKA)の施術数も増加の一途を辿っている.本研究ではTKAにおいてsoft-tissue balance診断を行う上で実用的な,かつ定量的な判断基準を得ることのできる装置の開発を目指す.人工膝関節を構成する部品の一つであるポリエチレンサーフェイスを挿入する前にサイズ等を調整するためのトライアルインサートに注目し,圧力センサを用いてこれに加わる荷重の分布を計測可能にする.実験では外反角-10°,-5°,0°,5°,10°で計測した.本実験により計測用トライアルインサートに対して加わる圧力分布の情報を客観的な数値として取得し,計測用トライアルインサートの内側と外側の応力バランスが視覚的に表現することが可能となった.課題としては,分解能や精度の向上が挙げられる.
  • 章 忠, 石橋 賢悟, 川畑 洋昭, 冨田 栄二
    日本機械学会論文集 C編
    2002年 68 巻 665 号 204-211
    発行日: 2002/01/25
    公開日: 2008/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, we proposed a new method to calculate the fractal dimension by using a wavelet transform which is a time-frequency analysis method and try to evaluate the change of the similar structure in an unsteady signal. The procedure of our method is: 1) carrying out wavelet transform of the unsteady signal and obtaining the information about both time and frequency. 2) calculating the fractal dimension at each time from the wavelet transform of the unsteady signal. 3) evaluating change of the similar structure in the unsteady signal by using the fractal dimension obtained. Then the unsteady turbulence, such as jet flow and tumble flow in an engine were analyzed by using our approach. As a result, the change of the eddy structure can be shown very well.
  • 濁川 明男
    1997年 13 巻 171-183
    発行日: 1997/12/31
    公開日: 2012/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Succession of marine epiphytic diatoms were studied at Nou town, Niigata Prefecture in Japan. The samples collected from two sites on the concrete of a laver farm and one rock of costal leef about two meters offshore in each winter of 1995,1996 and 1997. The results are as follows.
    (1) The 34 genera,64 species,4 varieties and 1 forma of diatoms were revealed at two sites.
    (2) The succession of diatom assemblages were remarkably changed every month in winter. It may be different according to the epiphytic materials, ie on the concrete of laver farm and the sma ll seaweeds in winter.
  • Hiroyuki Kusaka, Tomoyuki Takata, Yuya Takane
    2010年 6 巻 113-116
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study provides a preliminary evaluation of the WRF model at 4-km horizontal resolution in central Japan with a 5-year control simulation. The results show that the spatial distribution of the annual mean temperature is well reproduced with a bias of +0.6°C. However, the diurnal range is underestimated by 1.8°C, which is mainly caused by an overestimation of the daily minimum temperature from October to April. Additional analyses indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between the monthly bias and the number of clear sky days in a particular month, which implies the incomplete reproduction of the surface inversion layer at night. The model overestimates the annual precipitation amount averaged over the analysis domain by 7%, compared to the observations. Such a positive bias results from the overestimation of weak precipitation. On the other hand, the model underestimates the frequency of the heavy rainfall. The performance of the WRF model shown in this study is similar to that of the NHRCM (by Sasaki et al. 2008). The results indicate that the WRF model can be used for high resolution, regional climate simulation/projection research for the studied region.
  • Tomoyuki Minami, Misue Anda, Hisayuki Mitsui, Masayuki Sugawara, Takakazu Kaneko, Shusei Sato, Seishi Ikeda, Takashi Okubo, Hirohito Tsurumaru, Kiwamu Minamisawa
    Microbes and Environments
    2016年 31 巻 3 号 268-278
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/09/29
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2016/07/15
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Methylobacterium inhabits the phyllosphere of a large number of plants. We herein report the results of comparative metagenome analyses on methylobacterial communities of soybean plants grown in an experimental field in Tohoku University (Kashimadai, Miyagi, Japan). Methylobacterium was identified as the most dominant genus (33%) among bacteria inhabiting soybean stems. We classified plant-derived Methylobacterium species into Groups I, II, and III based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, and found that Group I members (phylogenetically close to M. extorquens) were dominant in soybean-associated Methylobacterium. By comparing 29 genomes, we found that all Group I members possessed a complete set of genes for the N-methylglutamate pathway for methylamine utilization, and genes for urea degradation (urea carboxylase, urea amidolyase, and conventional urease). Only Group I members and soybean methylobacterial isolates grew in a culture supplemented with methylamine as the sole carbon source. They utilized urea or allantoin (a urea-related compound in legumes) as the sole nitrogen source; however, group III also utilized these compounds. The utilization of allantoin may be crucial in soybean-bacterial interactions because allantoin is a transported form of fixed nitrogen in legume plants. Soybean-derived Group I strain AMS5 colonized the model legume Lotus japonicus well. A comparison among the 29 genomes of plant-derived and other strains suggested that several candidate genes are involved in plant colonization such as csgG (curli fimbriae). Genes for the N-methylglutamate pathway and curli fimbriae were more abundant in soybean microbiomes than in rice microbiomes in the field. Based on these results, we discuss the lifestyle of Methylobacterium in the legume phyllosphere.

  • 平井 剛
    2015年 73 巻 6 号 595-606
    発行日: 2015/06/01
    公開日: 2015/07/22
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    We have focused on the design and creation of new biologically active molecules based on natural products or biomolecules. This article summarizes our synthetic approach towards the clarification of the mode-of-action of physalins, which are complex oxygenated steroidal natural products. Physalins consist of the typical plant-steroidal structure displayed in the AB-ring and the unique cage-shaped DEFGH-ring system present on the right side of the structures. As other plants steroids such as withanolides possess a similar AB-ring structure and sometimes exhibit similar biological activities, the AB-ring structure was considered to be relevant for their biological functions. We synthesized physalin analogues without the AB-ring structure in order to clarify the contribution of the right-side cage-shaped structure for the biological effect in physalins. Biological investigations using the synthesized analogues along with the natural products revealed that, among the analogues, PBright-4 showed moderate inhibitory activity towards NF-κB transcriptional activation, through a similar mode-of-action with physalin B, which possesses a double bond at the C5-C6 position. These results clearly indicated that the right-side partial structure of physalins plays a significant role in their biological activity.
  • 高橋 良
    1959年 13 巻 12 号 545-554
    発行日: 1959/12/01
    公開日: 2011/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    FM方式による超短波放送 (以後はFM放送という) は, 1941年米国で (
    -FM) 局が開局して以来, ますます発展の傾向をたどり, 現在 (1958年末) 各国のFM局数は第1表に示す通り30余国におよんでいる.各国がこの方式を進めた理由は, 根本的には
    方式の標準放送では混信, 雑音妨害などで十分に満足できる受信状態が得られず, 音質的にも限界にきていることと新規に音声放送を始めるには, 割当周波数が不足しているという事実にある.
    わが国でも既にNHKが東京, 大阪で送信機出力1kWで, ついで東海大学がFM多重放送の実験電波を発射しており, さらにNHKが今年中に東京, 大阪で10kWの実験を申請するにおよんで, 漸く本放送実施への気運にある.
  • Cathal Ryan, Michael Bergin, Trudie Chalder, John SG Wells
    Journal of Occupational Health
    2017年 59 巻 3 号 215-236
    発行日: 2017/05/20
    公開日: 2017/05/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2017/03/17
    ジャーナル フリー HTML

    Objectives: This review sought to determine what is currently known about the focus, form, and efficacy of web-based interventions that aim to support the well-being of workers and enable them to manage their work-related stress. Method: A scoping review of the literature as this relates to web-based interventions for the management of work-related stress and supporting the psychological well-being of workers was conducted. Results: Forty-eight web-based interventions were identified and reviewed, the majority of which (n = 37) were "individual" -focused and utilized cognitive-behavioral techniques, relaxation exercises, mindfulness, or cognitive behavior therapy. Most interventions identified were provided via a website (n = 34) and were atheoretical in nature. Conclusions: There is some low-to-moderate quality evidence that "individual" -focused interventions are effective for supporting employee well-being and managing their work-related stress. There are few web-based interventions that target "organizational" or "individual/organization" interface factors, and there is limited support for their efficacy. A clear gap appears to exist between work-stress theory and its application in the design and development of web-based interventions for the management of work-related stress.
