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クエリ検索: "アイマスク"
1,097件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 吉田 浩実, 岡田 洋平, 増田 崇, 門脇 明仁, 冷水 誠, 森岡 周
    2015年 2014 巻 P2-A-0503
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/04/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    【はじめに,目的】立位姿勢制御において視覚は重要であり,視覚が遮断されると立位姿勢制御に影響を与える。理学療法において視覚を遮断する際,閉眼を用いることが多いが日常生活において閉眼立位をとることは少ない。閉眼と開眼した状態の暗所とは立位姿勢制御が異なる可能性がある。両者ともに重心の前後方向の最大動揺が増加し,前者より後者が認知課題の処理能力が落ちることが報告されている(Raymond K, 2012)。しかし,先行研究では重心の前後の最大動揺を評価しているのみである。そこで,今回は前後だけでなく総軌跡長と矩形面積を評価した。また,臨床場面において完全暗室を用いて評価することは難しいため,開眼した状態で
    を装着するという二つの視覚遮断条件が姿勢動揺に与える差異を明らかにすることとした。【方法】対象は健常大学生20名(男性10名,女性10名,年齢21.7±0.6歳)と健常高齢者20名(男性10名,女性10名,年齢72.7±4.0歳)とした。対象者はForce platform(WIN FDM, Zebris, Germany)上で開眼,閉眼,
    による視覚遮断において姿勢動揺に差異が生じたメカニズムについて考察する。健常成人は開眼立位時と比較して,閉眼立位時に前頭眼野,前頭前野背外側部の活動が増大する(Ouchi, 1999)。前頭前野は姿勢制御における感覚の重みづけに関わっている可能性がある(Bolton, 2012)。開眼した状態で視覚情報が得られない際の脳活動に関する先行研究はない。閉眼による視覚遮断時は開眼した状態での
  • -- 模擬体験を通じた正しい理解のために --
    *島田 仁美, 小川 喜道
    2005年 6 巻 P_III_
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2007/07/18
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 長坂 猛, 田中 美智子
    2012年 35 巻 3 号 3_284
    発行日: 2012/06/07
    公開日: 2019/02/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 知花 弘吉, 亀谷 義浩, 荒木 兵一郎
    2006年 71 巻 606 号 57-62
    発行日: 2006/08/30
    公開日: 2017/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of research is to clarify the behavioral characteristics of the visually impaired in model courses. Experimental courses were a straight course without any obstructions, and 6 kinds of bent course. Subjects were 5 totally blind pedestrians, 5 eye-masked pedestrians and 5 normal sighted pedestrians. The results were that, in bent course, walking time of the totally blind was twice as much as that of the normal sighted, while that of the eye-masked, 5 times as much as that of the normal sighted. The totally blind walked at a speed of 62% of the normal sighted in bent course, while the eye-masked, at a speed of 25% of the normal sighted. The number of stops of the eye-masked was 2.4 times as many as that of the totally blind in the bent course. The time of stops of the eye-masked was 2.5 times as much as that of the totally blind in the bent course.
  • 山田 美紀, 亀谷 義浩
    2015年 80 巻 712 号 1243-1252
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/07/11
    ジャーナル フリー
     Walking environment for visually handicapped people has improved. However, the present condition of pedestrian spaces still causes difficulty for them. A good sample is a spiral ramp. In this study, we put yellow-colored braille blocks on a spiral ramp, and surveyed the spatial cognition of visually handicapped people to improve the ramp. To clarify the characteristics of spatial cognition and search behavior, experiments were performed using 32 different courses. Subjects were visually handicapped people and eye-masked people with ordinary vision. The search behavior of the two groups was compared and analyzed by walking locus and observation; and the spatial cognition, by interview and observation.
  • 山田 美紀, 亀谷 義浩
    2015年 80 巻 707 号 65-73
    発行日: 2015/01/30
    公開日: 2015/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Spatial cognition of visually handicapped people has clarified and walking environment for them has been improved. However, the pedestrian spaces of present condition are still highly constrained for them. A spiral ramp is one of them. Therefore, we surveyed the spatial cognition of visually handicapped people on a spiral ramp. In this study, in order to clarify the characteristics of their spatial cognition and search behavior, experiments were carried out in 14 kinds of courses on a spiral ramp. Subjects were visually handicapped people and eye-masked people with ordinary vision. The search behavior of the two is compared and analyzed by walking locus and observation; and the spatial cognition, by interview and bservation.
  • 模擬経路における視覚障害者の歩行と立ち止まり -その2-
    知花 弘吉, 亀谷 義浩, 荒木 兵一郎
    2008年 73 巻 628 号 1237-1242
    発行日: 2008/06/30
    公開日: 2009/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this research is to clarify the spatial cognition of the visually impaired in model courses. Experimental courses were a straight course without any obstructions, and 6 kinds of bent course. Subjects were 5 totally blind pedestrians, 5 eye-masked pedestrians, and 5 normal sighted pedestrians. The results are as follows. (1) In the case of the blind subjects, the wider the angle of the corner is, the lower the rate of the independent walk is. (2) The behavior of losing the way of the eye-masked is 2 times as much as that of the blind. The incidence of losing the way at the corner is 85 %. (3) In the correct answer for sketch map, the score of the blind is 90 points, while that of the eye-masked is 50 points. Even if the angle of the corner changes, the blind can draw the sketch map correctly. (4) At the destination, the difference of the direction angle of the blind is 19° and that of the eye-masked is 51°.
  • -平面形に凸のある閉鎖空間の場合-
    山田 美紀, 亀谷 義浩
    2015年 80 巻 715 号 2011-2020
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
     We often encounter, not only straight walls, but also convex walls in various buildings in daily life. It is difficult for visually impaired people to walk alone safely and they often lose their way in such buildings.
     In this study, in order to clarify the spatial cognition in spaces composed of the convex walls, experiments were carried out in 5 kinds of model spaces in a laboratory. Subjects were visually impaired people and blind-folded people with ordinary vision. The spatial cognition was analyzed through interviews, observation and sketch map, and the wayfinding behavior was analyzed by walking locus and observation.
  • 亀谷 義浩, 武井 民典, 早瀬 英雄, 知花 弘吉, 荒水 兵一郎
    2004年 69 巻 582 号 47-54
    発行日: 2004/08/30
    公開日: 2017/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is hard for the visually handicapped to attain their objects by walking alone. Improving the walking environment is important for them. The behavior to recognize the spaces must be clarified for the improvements. In this study, the experiments ware carried out in nine model laboratories which are five square models and four corridor models, and the behavior of the visually handicapped was analyzed. As a results, the characteristics of the behavior ware clarified in each model laboratory. Especially in square models which had two axis, the behavior was influenced by the length of wall without a break, the degree of restriction in a corner and the complication of factors in spaces.
  • 亀谷 義浩
    2023年 88 巻 805 号 887-893
    発行日: 2023/03/01
    公開日: 2023/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    It is difficult for visually handicapped people to recognize spaces and their position when they walk on curved paths. They often have accidents or lose their way in such paths. In this study, in order to clarify the spatial cognition of the visually handicapped and their characteristics of the search behavior, experiments were carried out by producing 7 kinds of model paths. I made it clear whether the visually handicapped could recognize the direction of the paths, whether they could keep the direction, and how to know the direction and the clues for their spatial cognition.

  • *村上 琢磨
    2007年 8 巻
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2008/07/07
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    我が国で初めて系統的な歩行訓練指導員(歩行訓練士)の養成がおこなわれたのは1970年、米国人のMr. Jaekleによってである.当時の資料1</sup)と受講体験(注1)を参考に白杖歩行訓練草創期のモビリティ技術について概要を述べる.
  • 門馬 奈津子, 佐藤 貴美枝, 古川 とも子, 伊藤 明子, 杉山 久美子, 飛田 真紀子, 小森 由美
    2013年 38 巻 2 号 305
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2022/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    はじめに 13歳男児は、日常生活援助や声かけなどの刺激、療育活動、授業中も眠っていることが多い。このような状況の中、どのように生活リズムを整えたらいいのか戸惑いながら関わってきた。そのため、サーカディアンリズムを調査したところ、日内変動が認められた。男児は、9時〜12時の間は入眠していることが多く、睡眠・覚醒リズムが乱れていた。そこで、看護介入をすることでサーカディアンリズムが整えられたため、ここに報告する。 目的 急性脳症後遺症児のサーカディアンリズムを明らかにし、看護介入の効果をみる。 対象 13歳男児 診断名 急性脳症後遺症 大島の分類1 方法 1.看護介入前後の体温、脈拍、酸素飽和度、睡眠・覚醒状況、環境温度を1時間ごとに測定する。 2.看護介入として、(1)朝食前に冷タオルで顔面清拭 (2)車椅子乗車・声かけ (3)夜間
    の装着を行う。 結果および考察 看護介入の結果、9時〜12時までの覚醒時間の延長を認めた。冷タオルの洗面刺激では、パッと開眼し驚いた表情と四肢の屈伸がみられた。これは、一定の時間に起床を促し刺激をすることで生活のめりはりとなったのではないかと考える。日中の車椅子乗車では、声かけやスキンシップを通して、周りをキョロキョロする反応がみられ、活動量の上昇は、日中の覚醒とほどよい疲労として夜間睡眠を促したのではないかと考える。
    装着は、昼夜の環境面を整える一環として大切であると考える。 結論  1.体温、脈拍、睡眠・覚醒リズムから、サーカディアンリズムを確認できた。 2.冷タオル刺激、車椅子乗車・声かけ、
  • 亀谷 義浩, 知花 弘吉, 荒木 兵一郎
    2005年 70 巻 591 号 79-86
    発行日: 2005/05/30
    公開日: 2017/02/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study is based on the study "Recognition of spaces in model laboratory: A study on walking environments for visually-handicapped people". In this study, the experiments in previous study were analyzed in new aspect and in detail. The behavior of the visually-handicapped was analyzed by walking locus, and the recognition of spaces was analyzed by using sketch map and interview. As results, in the behavior, characteristics were clarified in each model laboratory. Especially they could be seen at the area of corner, around the walls, inside of the area surrounded with the walls, outside of the area surrounded with the walls; the blind subjects tend to stop and think at the area of corner, the low vision subjects, inside of the area, and the eye-masked subjects, out side of the area. In the recognition of spaces, correct answer rate was specific according to the attributes of subjects. The relation between the behavior and the recognition were clarified.
  • 亀谷 義浩
    2020年 85 巻 771 号 1025-1033
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     It is difficult for visually handicapped people to recognize spaces and their position in circular structures. They often have accidents or lose their way in such situations. In my previous studies, I found that they not only lost their way but also were not safe around circular structures. Therefore, I surveyed the spatial cognition of visually handicapped people walking outside circular structures. In this study, in order to clarify the spatial cognition of the visually handicapped and the characteristics of their search behavior, experiments were carried out by producing 4 kinds of model structures of circular plan. I chose 12 totally blind people ages 22 to 39 and 12 sleep mask wearers ages 18 to 24. I will call the sleep mask wearers s.m.w.

     The results are as follows.

     1. Walking speed of both the visually handicapped and the s.m.w. were 0.45m/s regardless of the radius when walking 1 lap, and this speed were 1.3 times of 1/4 laps. The rate of lap difference of the visually handicapped were 20-30 % and that of the s.m.w. were 30-45 %, regardless of the radius. Understanding of laps of the visually handicapped were 70-80 % and that of the s.m.w. were 50-70%. It appeared that the s.m.w. had difficulty understanding 3/4 laps. The larger the radius was, the smaller both the visually handicapped and the s.m.w. could sense the radius. They sensed the radius as 60-70% of the real radius in the 5m radius. The visually handicapped sensed the radius as 1.2 times of it in the 2m radius, while the s.m.w. sensed it correctly.

     2. For the two, the difference of laps was correlated with the difference of the radius. The larger the difference of laps was, the larger the difference of the radius was, or the larger the difference of the radius was, the larger the difference of laps was. The regression line of the visually handicapped was similar to that of the s.m.w., so the relationship between the difference of laps and the difference of the radius had similar characteristics for the two.

     3. When the visually handicapped sensed that they could understand the laps or they walked anticlockwise, the rate of the lap difference was lower and the difference of the radius was larger. When the s.m.w. sensed that they could understand the laps, the rate of the lap difference was higher and the difference of the radius was smaller, however the rate of the lap difference and the difference of the radius was not influenced by the direction they were walking. Depending on their understanding of laps and the walking direction, their consciousness turned to one side, and the understanding of laps and the cognition of the radius were not compatible.

     4. As clues for the cognition of the laps, subjects sensed acoustic echo, imaging spaces, bending degrees of the wall and sense of rotation of their body useful, however degrees of panel seam, the number of panels and the number of steps not helpful. Moreover, the feeling of the panels was useful and also not helpful as a clue. When the subjects were walking around the circler structures, some of them were conscious of the center of the circle or the starting point constantly.

  • 伊藤 仁, 武山 慶亮, 濱野 恭甫
    2018年 20 巻 3 号 389-396
    発行日: 2018/08/25
    公開日: 2018/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    A real-time speech synthesizer enables users to control pitch, loudness, and phonemic information of the output speech using their body motions in real time. To investigate optimal motions for the synthesizer, pitch control experiments were carried out. A subject controls hand height, shoulder angle, or elbow angle to determine pitch of the matching tone, and is required to match with the pitch of the presented target tone. The pitch errors were evaluated in two sensory feedback conditions. One is a full-feedback conditions in which auditory, kinesthetic, and visual feedbacks are available. The other is a limited feedback condition where visual feedback is unavailable. The results indicated that subjects could control hand height with 4.2 mm accuracy, shoulder angle with 0.85- degree accuracy, and elbow angle with 1.8-degree accuracy in the full-feedback condition. The visual feedback was found to be very effective which could reduce 42.1 to 64.1 % pitch errors on the average. In the limited feedback condition, the mean pitch errors were 0.465, 0.546, and 0.410 semitone for hand, shoulder, and elbow controls, respectively. The elbow angle was thus concluded to be the most effective motion to control pitch for the speech synthesizer.

  • アイマスクを使用した場合
    *佐々 尚美, 左達 秀敏, 矢田 幸博, 梁瀬 度子
    2009年 45spl 巻 3I2-2
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2011/05/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 松田 次生
    2002年 7 巻 196-214
    発行日: 2002/12/04
    公開日: 2018/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―視覚情報が及ぼす影響―
    渡邊 昌宏, 古田 七海, 山田 侑佳
    2019年 46S1 巻 2-P-C-3-5
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/08/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー





    の有無でスターエクスカージョン バランステスト(SEBT)8方向(前、右前方、右方、右後方、後方、左後方、左方、左前方)を右片脚支持でおこなってもらい、その時の距離と筋活動を表面筋電計にて測定した。動作は1方向に対し5秒以内で中心に戻るよう指示した。表面電極は、胸部傍脊柱筋(T12)腰部傍脊柱筋(L3)腰部多裂筋(MF)腹直筋(RA)外腹斜筋(EO)内腹斜筋(IO)大腿二頭筋(BF)腓腹筋内側頭(GC)の8カ所とし全て右側へ貼付した。測定された筋電信号はフィルターにてノイズ除去し、全波整流をおこなったのち5秒間の中間3秒間の積分筋電(iEMG)を求めた。統計処理は計測距離と筋活動に関して



    無が前方へ有意に大きい値を示した(p=0.015)。筋活動に関しては、右前方でRA(p=0.019) EO(p=0.034) BF(P=0.007)、右方でMF(P=0.02)、左後方でT12(P=0.026)の筋活動が





  • 山城 由華吏, 井垣 通人, 阪本 一朗, 鈴木 敦, 仁木 佳文
    2011年 16 巻 2 号 85-91
    発行日: 2011/05/25
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    We evaluated the effects of eye-masks containing heat- and steam-generating (HSG) sheets application to the eyes during sleep on sleep quality. The former 3 days were used as a control period (control condition). On the latter 3 days, the subjects used eye-masks containing HSG sheets during sleep (HSG sheets condition). An actigraph was worn on the non-dominant wrist during sleep under each condition. As a result, the sleep latency slightly decreased under HSG sheets condition than under control condition, and the total awake period during sleep in the former half of sleep significantly decreased under HSG sheets condition. In addition, the self-evaluated sleep quality on waking up significantly improved. The application of HSG sheets at bedtime was useful for inducing sleep.
  • 東岡 紗知江, 比嘉 仁司, 本田 剛, 中道 敦子, 本釜 聖子, 永尾 寛, 市川 哲雄
    2014年 29 巻 1 号 3-10
    発行日: 2014/07/22
    公開日: 2014/08/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    加齢や服薬に伴う唾液分泌能の低下は摂食・嚥下障害や誤嚥性肺炎につながる深刻な問題であり,有効な対策が求められている。本研究では,柑橘系のにおい刺激と顎顔面周囲への温熱刺激の併用によって唾液分泌を改善する方法を試みた。今回の試験では,スダチのにおいを実際の患者の食事に応用するにあたって,量産可能な代替香料の有効性(実験1),および作用の持続(実験2)について検討した。対象者は,健常成人94 名(実験1:68 名,男性37 名,女性31 名,平均年齢24.3±2.1 歳,実験2:31 名,男性23名,女性8名,平均年齢25.5±3.9歳)とした。 におい刺激剤としてスダチ果皮より抽出したスダチ精油と,スダチの香気成分資料をもとに精製したスダチ風人工香料を用いた。温熱刺激には,使い捨て温熱
    ®無香料,花王株式会社)を用いた。におい刺激の有無と温熱刺激部位別に8 条件を設定し,1 時間の唾液分泌量の変化を比較した。唾液分泌量の測定にはワッテ法を用いた。 安静時を基準とした唾液の増加率において,スダチ精油とスダチ風人工香料間で有意な差は認められなかった。刺激後1 時間の唾液分泌量の変化より,におい刺激は刺激当初に,温熱刺激は徐々に唾液量の増加を促すことが示された。食事時のリハビリテーションへの応用には,食事のタイミングや食事時間を考慮した刺激の組み合わせが有効であることが示唆された。