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9件中 1-9の結果を表示しています
  • 教師の教育行為への知識社会学的接近
    酒井 朗, 島原 宣男
    1991年 49 巻 135-153
    発行日: 1991/10/20
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 学力水準との関連で
    岩木 秀夫
    1977年 32 巻 80-92,en198
    発行日: 1977/09/30
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    Joint selection or “sogosenbatsu” has now become one of the most important issues about senior high school education. The most controversial point about it is whether it degenerates academic standard of senior high school education or not. This paper deals with this problem.
    The hypothesis has been held by advocates of joint selection system that equal distribution of high school entrants' academic ability (which ought to resolve school differential) among several schools (which constitute one school set) through joint selection would, far from lowering academic standards of high school education, raise it on the contrary. In the context of “school production function” study in America, the opinion that asserts the existence of peer cultural influence on cognitive output was exposed to severe criticism, but in Japan it might have every reason to be believed in, in view of her different racial and social class situation. According to this opinion, dissemination of “academic culture”, in stead of confining it into limited elitist schools, would elevate the level of academic output from school system as a whole. Hence the hypothesis cited above.
    Comparison before and after implementation of joint selection system of academic output, which is measured by a percentage of applicants who were admitted, from fourteen school sets in five prefectures shows maintenance or upgrading of its standards in all cases. In some cases, considerable uprising which suggests the effect of joint selection was observed. Cross-sectional analysis of nation-wide data in 1975, however, made it clear that the standard of academic output correlated with university entrance ratio (r=.76), but not with school differential (r=.01). Correlation between upgrading of academic standards and resolution of school differential found out by trend analysis of fourteen cases, therefore, came out to be false correlation. Thus, initial hypothesis was not supported. The effect of hitherto overlooked factor, i. e. university entrance ratio, was brought to light by this study.
  • 幸山 智子
    2016年 52 巻 23-39
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2017/09/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie, gestures using the fingers/hands and the sense of touch are richly depicted. Examining the effect of these tactile depictions seems important when we consider that the final line from a lyric poem by E. E. Cummings, in which words such as “fingers,” “touch,” and “texture” are utilized as key terms, is attached to an edition of Menagerie as an epigraph: “nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands.” However, critics have tended to focus on visual effects/sensations, mainly because they pay attention to the cinematic techniques Williams employs in the play. In this paper, I will discuss the use of hand/finger gestures and the depiction of tactility in a wider sense, and will consider their relationship to the playwright’s consistent interest in painting.
    Several studies on art in the 1930s set forth the opinion that “touch,” or the role played by hands in the process of creating art like paintings, had disappeared as a result of the rise of reproductive techniques like photography. They considered how the roles of hands had been replaced by those of eyes. Similarly, in Menagerie, which is explicitly set in the 1930s, the depictions of hands/fingers and tactile effects/sensations are, in many cases, contraposed to those of eyes and visual effects/sensations, and such contrasts seem to characterize the confrontation between painting and photography.
    First, in Menagerie, the playwright explains his notion of “plastic theatre,” a new theatrical concept, and compares the conventional realistic play to photography. According to him, a photographic likeness, ostensibly depicting things objectively, is unimportant; instead, he considers “atmospheric touches” to be particularly important in the plastic theatre. Memory, which “takes a lot of poetic license,” can change the form of things it touches and transform them to represent the truth. It is noteworthy in this context that recent critics recognize a parallel between German painter Hans Hofmann’s notion of “plasticity” and the plastic theatre. Thus, the word “touch(es),” which the playwright uses to explain his new concept, becomes associated with the artistic term “touch,” merging the acts of writing and painting intimately.
    Second, Laura, who is compared to a religious painting and who is similar to an artistic work in that she has what Walter Benjamin calls an “aura,” is described with rich reference to the gestures of her hands/fingers, in contrast to other characters, who are notably compared to photography and other reproductive works. Furthermore, the conflict between the two senses of touch and sight illuminates Laura’s relationship with her tiny glass animals: she usually cures herself by touching them, but in her most tragic scene, we notice that they have lost their power to cure her and have become mere objects, sadly reflected in her eyes. Nonetheless, Williams impressively describes the revivification of tactility when Laura takes Jim’s hand and places the broken glass unicorn in his palm. Here, in a sense, she bravely opens herself to a dialogic relationship with others through the tactile sense. It is due to her bravery that Tom decides to tell his sister’s story not as a poem but as a play, a dialogic form that always expects the existence of an audience; the intertextual analysis of related short fictions by the playwright enables us to see the fingers/hands as a sort of “point of origin” where Tom and Laura overlap beyond time and space, clarifying at once the poetic and political strategy of writing/painting in The Glass Menagerie.
  • :研究成績とその方法論
    原田 和宏, 齋藤 圭介, 香川 幸次郎, 中嶋 和夫, 奈良 勲
    2002年 29 巻 6 号 200-208
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2018/09/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 越智 博美
    2016年 50 巻 21-43
    発行日: 2016/03/25
    公開日: 2021/10/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    In Cold War America, modernist literature, especially that of William Faulkner, represented its Cold War liberalism and was endorsed by apparently apolitical literary journals including The Kenyon Review, edited by the ex-Southern agrarian and New Critic John Crowe Ransom and sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation. This essay attempts to bridge apolitical literary studies in the United States and American studies and American literary studies in post-war Japan. Those disciplines were a cultural alignment that enabled the defeated country to reenter the international community as a friend of the West, or the United States, and functioned within the intertwined complex of politics, the military, economy and culture. We can see one aspect of what Naoki Sakai calls in his The Trans-Pacific Imagination “the formula of complicity between US global domination and Japanese nationality” (7) through the reconstruction of Japanese national culture as a democracy, to which process the introduction of American studies and American literary studies and modernist aesthetics was conducive.

    An analysis of the institutional introduction of the American modernist canon and its translation, especially the works of T.S. Eliot and William Faulkner, together with New Criticism and the corresponding transformation of Japanese literature will indicate how those disciplines and cultural products of the U.S. and the post-war introduction of democracy in Japan were instrumental in refiguring Japan as a self-colonizing, or voluntary, “model-minority.”

    This paper explores how literary scholars negotiated with the post-war reintroduction of American literary studies, the American modernist canon and New Criticism, and how that process was instrumental in re-casting American literary studies as fundamental to the Cold War cultural alliance of the United States with Japan. The first section outlines the cultural occupation and cultural diplomacy of the United States in post-World War II Japan in terms of reintroduction of American literature to Japan through book programs of Civil Information and Education section of GHQ/SCAP during the occupation and USIS after the Peace Treaty, and then moves on to the analysis of the blueprint drawn by Rockefeller, III in his Report and the very first phase of American studies and American literary studies during the occupation and post-treaty years. Especially the University of Tokyo and Stanford University Seminar for American Studies sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation inspired by the Salzburg seminar was a locus where scholars of emerging American studies and Japanese scholars mutually fashioned American literary studies and at the same time themselves as subjects of the democratic nations. Finally, by analyzing how Japanese scholars focused on learning the discipline and text themselves, the paper shows how they were voluntarily subject to the idea of the “free individual” and inadvertently fashioned themselves as Cold War liberal subjects. Voluntary promotion of American studies and Americanliterary studies in post-treaty years was supposed to help promote a continued cultural occupation, as it were, under the name of cultural interchange.

  • 1960年代の遺産
    安原 洋子
    1985年 1985 巻 19 号 61-80
    発行日: 1985/03/25
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 多様な価値要素を考慮して
    國方 敬司
    2024年 50 巻 1-52
    発行日: 2024/03/31
    公開日: 2024/03/31
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
      When considering the value of water meadows, there are many factors to examine, including biodiversity, historical/ cultural landscape value, and agricultural heritage value. Among these, biodiversity has received particular attention in recent years, but this topic encompasses various aspects. The vegetation can vary significantly depending on the management regimes of water meadows. Many researchers view water meadows as high-yielding but species-poor NVC MG11 grasslands. However, David Going suggests that when managed with a combination of grazing and haymaking as in the 19th century, water meadows are more diverse NVC MG8 flood pastures. H. Baker also notes that the vegetation differs between management regimes of grazing only and those of regular grazing and haymaking. Therefore, the plant communities of water meadows we see today may differ from those observed by Thomas Hardy.
      Biodiversity issues also differ depending on whether one considers water meadows alone or other surrounding habitats as well. However, is it reasonable to try to achieve biodiversity through water meadows alone? As Mark Everard has stated, we need to consider biodiversity issues by considering the entire surrounding habitats. A good example of this was Ditchampton Farm of A. G. Street. The 327-acre farm bordered Grovely wood and consisted of gorse and downland rough grazing, arable, dry permanent pasture, marsh and water-meadow. Of course, the river was flowing through it. It is easy to imagine that these diverse habitats ensured biodiversity.
      If we recognize the points mentioned above and the cultural importance of water meadows in the Wessex landscape, it's now the right time to change the management regimes of existing meadows to include haymaking, and to carry out conservation efforts mindful of the surrounding environment. It may follow that such efforts will bring to realize the landscape of water meadows that Hardy described as ‘a sight to remember long.’
  • 冷戦の変容と代替勢力の模索
    李 鍾元
    1996年 1996 巻 30 号 79-99
    発行日: 1996/03/25
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―チェルシー給水事業会社の経営分析―
    唐澤 達之
    2019年 38 巻 66-87
    発行日: 2019/12/20
    公開日: 2020/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー