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クエリ検索: "セリス"
180件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 尾形 英二
    1959年 72 巻 850 号 177
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大滝 康一, 鈴木 佐恵子, 清水 恵子, 斎藤 修, 粟屋 敏雄, 須野 学, 上園 崇, 小川 聡, 里見 真知子, 千葉 薫, 早勢 伸正, 塩野 寛, 松原 和夫
    2001年 32 巻 1 号 111S-112S
    発行日: 2001/01/31
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 永田 将司, 藤近 拓弥, 安原 眞人
    2002年 33 巻 1 号 155S-156S
    発行日: 2002/01/31
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 尾形 英二
    1955年 68 巻 810 号 371-372
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 野村 忠綱
    1971年 19 巻 2 号 47-49
    発行日: 1971/07/30
    公開日: 2010/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田近 謙一
    1981年 21 巻 1-9
    発行日: 1981/12/28
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    西太平洋域では初めて北海道西岸忍路湾で採集されたMonocelididae科の渦虫の中からArchimonocelis itoi sp. n.が記載された。本種は以下の二つの特徴において同属既知6種と明瞭に区別されうる。1)クチクラの交接器官は漏斗管だけであり,一切の針状構造を欠く。2)膣孔が対をなして,しかも雄の生殖孔の後方に位置する。これらの特徴はArchimonocelis属の中でA. itoiにのみ特異的に認められるが,これがために同属を2分させるに十分な形質の違いを示すとは言い難い。同属の重要な特徴は以下の点に確認された。1)卵黄腺の並びの前端における卵巣の位置,2)刺胞の存在,3)非常に長い咽頭,4)生殖腸管の存在。
  • 中沢 信午
    1958年 71 巻 838 号 144-150
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2006/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The monospores of Porphyra tenera were experimented at various developmental stages from immediately after being shed from the Conchocelis-thalli to segmented sporelings. As a result, the following was revealed.
    (1) At the amoeboid stage the cytolasm is stained with Janus green B reddish purple at a part and blue at the other part. This differentiation is observed before its adhering to the substratum. The spore tends to adhere at the part stained reddish purple.
    (2) The adhered spore is stained with Janus green B also reddish purple at the base and blue at the apex. After the segmentation, merely the basal cell is stained reddish purple selectively but the apical cells blue with the same dye.
    (3) The reddish purple coloration of Janus green B at the base seems to be attributed to a reductive property of the basal cytoplasm, and it is predeterminedly differentiated in the amoeboid spore.
    (4) The basal cytoplasm which occupies the basal cell of the sporeling is acidophilic in nature and is stained selectively with Congo red, eosin, etc., while the apical cytoplasm is rather basophilic and is stained with basic dyes.
  • 田中 小治郎
    1957年 23 巻 4 号 202-205
    発行日: 1957/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The shells of Ostrea denselamellosa were experimentally set near to the mature thalli of Porphyra tenera in the sea from Feb. 6 till Apr. 8 1956. Then the Conchocelis-phase of porphyra invaded within the shells was cultured in a laboratory tank till June 6, when the growth and distribution of Conchocelis was examined.
    It was acknowledged that the Conchocelis grows in a greater number in the left valva than the right ones, and it distributes in most abundance in the section A of the shell, shown in Fig. 1 (Tab. 1).
    As to the vertical distribution, the Conchocelis phase appears in every layer spreading from the sea surface to the bottom of about 250cm. in depth, and especially in abundance in 24-36cm. zone above the bottom. (Tab. 2).
    As the chalky-deposit of the oyster shell becomes thinner where the surface layer of the shell shows dark violet color owing to the luxuriant growth of Conchocelis-filaments, it seems probable that the chalky-deposit has some close relation to the growth of the Conchocelis.
  • 永田 将司
    2014年 24 巻
    発行日: 2014/08/25
    公開日: 2019/01/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 新崎 盛敏, 藤山 虎也, 齊藤 雄之助
    1956年 22 巻 3 号 167-171
    発行日: 1956/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the purpose of finding out the best condition to set the collector for laver in the sea to get a best crop, a study was made through the following methods from late September to the early November.
    1. Daily observation on the vertical change in temperature and chlorinity of sea water in about one meter intervals from the surface to the bottom. In the meantime, air temperature and wind were also recorded.
    2. Counting the laver-germlings appeared on the collector which have been set every day in the sea.
    3. Calculation of the laver-spores liberated from the Conchocelis which have been set in the sea after over-summering in the laboratory.
    The results may be summerized as follows:
    1. The laver-spores are apt to appear in large quantities within a few days after the occur-rence of vertical turbulance of sea water.
    2. Hydrographic and atmospheric conditions havc some influence on the liberation of spores from the Conchocelis.
    3. There seems to be a closer correlation between the appearance of laver-spores in nature and the liberation of spores from the Conchocelis set in the sea.
  • 異教徒間の国民的アイデンティティ形成に着目して
    長濱 博文
    2006年 2006 巻 33 号 116-136
    発行日: 2006/06/23
    公開日: 2011/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 傷害と反応との関係
    尾形 英二
    1956年 22 巻 2 号 99-103
    発行日: 1956/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was found, as reported in the pr vious paper, that the gradations in the reduction of TTC by filament reflected sharply the intact, injured and dead states.
    Limits of viability of filaments under various deleterious conditions were determined by using TTC as indicator.
    The results are summarized as fo1lows:
    1) Injurious effect of 10-4M. copper sulfate in sea water becomes manifest within 1 day, 10-6M. after 3 days, and 10-8M. after 5 days;
    2) The critical temperature of causing damage after 24 hours of incubation is found at 30° to 32°C.;
    3) Injury becomes apparent after 3 hours of desiccation at 66% relative humidity, and within 1 to 2 hours at 10%, respectively;
    4) By the ultraviolet irradiation (quartz mercury sterilizing lamp), severe injury occurs after 30 minutes, and complete killing after an hour.
    Further research in extended application of the TTC test method to other useful algae is in progress.
  • 石川 みどり, 横山 徹爾, 村山 伸子
    2013年 71 巻 5 号 290-297
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/11/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    【方法】データベースPubMedを用い,検索式は(“food” [MeSH] OR “nutrient”)AND(“environment” [MeSH] OR “availability”)AND(“diet” [MeSH] OR “intake”)とした。検索された論文238編のうち,ヒト以外を対象としたもの,開発途上国の問題を扱ったもの,栄養生理学研究等の目的とは異なるものを除外し,残りの論文48編の全文を精読した結果,12編を採用した。
    【結果】地理的要因の距離について,7編では,徒歩で自宅から店まで行くことができる半径 800 m(0.5マイル)を基準としていた。食物摂取状況との関連がみられた店舗の種類には,スーパーマーケット(5編),ファストフード店(5編),フードアウトレット店(2編),コンビニエンスストア(2編)等があった。そのうち,スーパーマーケットは野菜・果物摂取量との正の関連,ファストフード店,コンビニエンスストアはアイスクリーム,塩味のスナック,肉類,菓子類,砂糖入り飲料摂取量との正の関連,野菜・果物,低脂肪食品摂取量との負の関連を報告していた。
  • リスク因子の同定および発現頻度の推定
    柴田 義貞, 中山 和彦, 吉田 めぐみ, 瀧口 宗男, 塩貝 陽而, 黒澤 和平, 塩谷 茂, 松岡 浄, 堀田 久範, 樋口 貞夫
    2002年 50 巻 10 号 730-747
    発行日: 2002/10/25
    公開日: 2011/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    注射用広域抗生物質cefoselis (CFSL, ウィンセブ (R)) の中枢神経系副作用発現に関与するリスク因子の究明および発現頻度の調査を目的として, 本剤発売から緊急安全性情報を配布した目までの約3か月間に本剤が納人された4, 120施設のうち, 調査協力の得られた1, 254施設における全投与例をレトロスペクティブに調査した。収集例数は10, 641で, 推定投与例数21, 119の約半数であった。結果は以下の通りである。
    1.症例対照研究によるリスク因子の検討の結果, 透析・腎不全 (透析中であるか腎不全であること) の有無に対するMantel_Haenszel要約オッズ比は23.1 (95%信頼区間: 11.9-44.7) であり, 透析・腎不全は明らかなリスク因子であることが判明した。方, 透析・腎不全患者を除いて腎機能障害の有無をリスク因子とした場合は, Mantel-Haenszel要約オッズ比は1.5 (95%信頼区間: 0.5~5.1) で有意、ではなかった。
    2.中枢神経系副作用発現頻度は10, 174例中93例 (0.91%) であったが, 使川禁忌の「透析・腎不全」の患者を除外すると, 9, 879例中48例 (0.49%) であった。ロジスティック回帰分析によって中枢神経系副作用発現におよぼす透析・腎不全以外のリスク因子の影響を検討した結果, 腎機能障害の程度, 年齢および1日投与量が主要なリスク因子として同定された。これらを説明変数とした推定発現頻度は, 65歳未満の患者に1回1gを1日2回投与する本剤の標準的な使用では, 1腎機能障害がなければ0.05~0.18%, 腎機能障害患者の場合, 軽度障害患者では0.09~0.31%, 中等度障害患者では0.16~0.56%, 高度障害患者では0.28~1.00%であった。また, 65歳以上の高齢患者の初期川量である1回0.5gを1日2回投与した場合は, 腎機能障害がなければ0.07~0.24%, 腎機能1障害患者の場合. 軽度障害患者では0.12~0.44%, 中等度障害患者では0.22~0.78%, 高度障害患者では0.40~1.38%であった。
    3.今回の調査結果から, CFSL投与時の中枢神経系副作用発現頻度は腎機能障害の程度の高度化, 高年齢化, 投与量の増加に応じて上昇すると推測された。したがって, 腎機能の程度, 年齢を考慮してCFSLの投与量を調整する必要があると考えられた。
  • 反応機作の檢討
    尾形 英二
    1956年 22 巻 2 号 94-98
    発行日: 1956/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Owing to the characteristic growth of Conchocelis filaments perforating the shells, discrimination of intact, injured and dead states in them has so far been in great difficulties. A particular advantage was found in the use of tetrazolium salt as a viability indicator. Triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride (TTC) used in properly conditioned treatments was reduced by the filaments so as to produce red pigmentation by formazan. The gradation in the reduction reflected the intact, injured and dead states very sharply, no reduction occuring in the dead filaments.
    Recommendable conditions for viability test were found as the following:
    a) The final TTC concentrations of 1mg./cc. in twice diluted sea water is sufficient for use;
    b) Incubation at 30°C. favours the reaction greatly and lower temperature is disadvantageous:
    c) Illumination (1500-2000 lux) and evacuation do not favour the reaction so much, and is unnecessary in most cases.
    Non-enzymatic photochemical reduction of TTC, especially by ultraviolet irradiation was vigorous. But such a reduction could be obviously distinguished and excluded from the vital reduction.
    From these result: it was concluded that the TTC test gives quite reliable criteria, and should be recommended to practical nursing and cultivation of Porphyra tenera and Conchocelis.
  • 永田 将司
    2015年 41 巻 4 号 205-214
    発行日: 2015/04/10
    公開日: 2016/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The events following drug administration can be divided into two phases: a pharmacokinetic phase (PK) and a pharmacodynamic phase (PD). The pathophysiologic status of patients or concomitant drugs can affect both the PK and PD of a drug. Therefore, it is important to distinguish the effects of several diseases or drugs on the PK from those on the PD. Based on this concept, we studied the mechanism and risk factors of adverse drug reactions using PK-PD analysis. This review summarizes our findings:
    1.Renal failure with severe hypotonic hyponatremia is associated with increased central nervous system sensitivity to cephalosporin-induced seizures.
    2.Isoniazid potentiates the sensitivity of the central nervous system to cefazolin-induced seizures, and the increased sensitivity is associated with the inhibition of vitamin B6 metabolism by isoniazid.
    3.Moxifloxacin can induce histamine release, leading to an increase in serum epinephrine concentrations and hyperglycemia.
    4.Hyperglycemic effect of pentamidine is dependent on the concentration of pentamidine and can be enhanced by cimetidine combination.
    5.There was large interindividual variability in not only the PK of sunitinib but also the PD of sunitinib-induced thrombocytopenia.
    These findings provide useful information for the prevention and management of several adverse drug effects.
  • 村嶋 英治
    2022年 44 巻 1-50
    発行日: 2022/03/24
    公開日: 2022/03/29
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    Shaku Sōen (1860–1919), who is famous for introducing Zen to the West along with his disciple D.T. Suzuki, arrived in Galle, Ceylon, in April 1887, where he was ordained as Samanera and learned the Pali language from Kodagoda Pannasekhara under the patronage of Edmund Rowland J. Gooneratne (1845–1914).

    Disenchanted with Buddhism in the Western colonies, Sōen turned to the “genuine Buddhism” of independent Siam, where the king was a patron of Buddhism, especially the Dhammayut Order.

    In July 1889, he came to Bangkok from Ceylon, almost penniless, to be ordained fully as Bhikkhu in the Dhammayut Order. However Prince Vajirananavarorasa (Wachirayana Warorot, 1860–1921), the Vice President of the Dhammayut Order dismissed Sōen coldly. He did not give Sōen the opportunity to be ordained in the Dhammayut Order.

    Why did Sōen want to choose the Dhammayut Order in Siam? Where did he get the knowledge of the Dhammayut? Sōen himself did not say anything about these points.

    In fact, his aspiration to the Dhammayut Order was based on his teachers, Kodagoda Pannasekhara (พระปัญญาเสขร) and Bulatgama Sumana (Bulatgama Sumanatissa, พระศิริสุมนะติสสะ).

    Bulatgama Sumana, a close friend of King Mongkut (Founder of Dhammayut Order) was the central leader of the Buddhist revival movement in Ceylon in the mid-19th century. Bulatgama Sumana and Kodagoda Pannasekhara visited Siam in May–June 1886 with the far-reaching intention of reforming and reviving Buddhism in order to unify the divided Ceylonese Buddhist community by introducing the Dhammayut Order under the patronage of the King of Siam.

    Bulatgama Sumana was ordained as a monk of the Dhammayut Order in a boat on the Chao Phraya River on the night of June 5, 1886.

    They received a promise of support from the King Chulalongkorn, and was also authorized to be the sole contact persons for the introduction of the Dhammayut Order in Ceylon. Vajirananavarorasa, the Vice President of the the Dhammayut Order agreed that all those who wished to enter the Siamese Dhammayut Order from Ceylon must have a letter of introduction from Bulatgama Sumana or Kodagoda Pannasekhara.

    In accordance with the agreement, Sōen came to Thailand with a letter of introduction of Kodagoda Pannasekhara. Therefore His visit to Siam should have been welcomed and not expected to be treated unkindly.

    This paper is the first to make the agreement in 1886 between Bulatgama Sumana, Kodagoda Pannasekhara as one party and King Chulalongkorn, Vajirananavarorasa as other party reveal on the basis of Thai materials; The Journal of the Fifth King’s Royal Events, Part 21 published in 1946 and the unpublished diary of Prince Sommot.

    In Anne M. Blackburn’s Locations of Buddhism: colonialism and modernity in Sri Lanka(University of Chicago Press, 2010), she examines the modern interactions between Ceylon and the Theravada Buddhist countries of Southeast Asia with the cooperation of Craig Reynolds, an expert in the history of modern Thai Buddhism, but she has completely overlooked these facts.

    Bulatgama Sumana is generally believed to have been born in 1795, but according to Thai sources he was 74 years old and the period of ordination was 53 years (Buddhist Lent) in June 1886.

  • 日本輸血学会雑誌
    1999年 45 巻 3 号 423-424
    発行日: 1999/06/01
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鳥居 きみよ
    1910年 25 巻 287 号 181-188
    発行日: 1910/02/20
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今村 寿明
    1962年 10 巻 3 号 37-49
    発行日: 1962/10/10
    公開日: 2010/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー