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クエリ検索: "中井伸之"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 三谷 雅肆, 横平 弘, 野口 泉
    2000年 2000 巻 5 号 347-356
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2001/08/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    沈着成分の起源やそれらの大気中での存在形態のほか,気象条件などを考慮しながら,各種イオン種の月間沈着量と降水量との関係を検討した結果,それぞれに特徴的な沈着特性が認められた。nss-SO42-, NO3-,およびNH4+の沈着は降水量とともに増加し,月間降水量が120mm以下では,沈着量は降水量に比例する傾向を示した。海塩由来イオン種やnss-Ca2+の沈着量ではそのような関係は認められなかったが,これらについても気象条件に関係した特徴的な沈着特性が認められた。特に海塩由来イオン種の沈着については,域内の風の影響が重要であると考えられた。
  • 宮下 雄次, 田瀬 則雄, Vythiringam NANDAKUMAR
    1998年 28 巻 1 号 23-36
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2019/01/07
    ジャーナル フリー

    The tropical monsoon area has the intense seasonal and areal variations of rainfall amount according to the change of seasonal wind direction. The seasonal variations of moist condition on the surface affect the groundwater and it’s water quality.

    The hydrochemical evolution of groundwater was investigated from the variations of groundwater quality and stable isotopes in the central western area of Sri Lanka. In order to compare the isotopic values of precipitation and groundwater, the rainfall amount and δ18O at observation well point were calculated from observed and measured values at five meteorological stations.

    The results of comparisons between the average values of isotopic composition of precipitation and groundwater, the groundwater showed relatively low δ18O values. The concentrations of dissolved ions in groundwater and it’s isotopic composition varied inversely as the groundwater level.

    The relative low δ18O values of groundwater indicated that the precipitation of relatively high δ18O values in the dry season did not recharged on the groundwater. The weighted mean of the precipitation over 100 mm / month showed the close values to the groundwater.

    On the assumption that the isotopic compositions and concentration of dissolved ions of groundwater in the dry season varied by graduation, the rate of it’s concentration was calculated from the change of the δ18O and Cl-. As a consequence of the above calculation, the change of δ18O values indicated the rate of evaporation as 1 to 5 %, on the other hand, the change of concentration of Cl- showed the rate as 3 to 37 %. Those difference of the rate of evaporation indicated that the groundwater in the dry season were recharged by the soil water graduated intensely.

  • 上田 晃, 阿島 秀司, 山本 雅弘
    2001年 23 巻 3 号 181-196
    発行日: 2001/07/27
    公開日: 2009/08/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ninety-one carbonate samples in the Sumikawa geothermal wells (37 core samples from well S-2 and cutting samples from other 9 wells) were analyzed for their carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions to discuss the origin of fluids in equilibrium with them. Chemical compositions as well as CO2 content of rocks from well SC-1 were also analyzed in details. The δ13C values of carbonates studied are -7.8 to -0.6‰ similar to those reported in the world wide geothermal systems. The calculated δ13C values of HCO3- in fluids or CO2 gas in equilibrium with the carbonates are -12 to -3 ‰ and -9 to -2 ‰, respectively, and show no good relationship between them and geological features such as rock type, distribution of clay minerals and so on. The δ18O (SMOW) values of carbonates in the northern wells (low temperature zone at Sumikawa) vary from -4.2 to +12.8‰, whereas those in the southern wells (high temperature zone) are lower than +5‰. The calculated δ18O (SMOW) values of fluids in equilibrium with the carbonates above 200 mASL are -14 to -10 ‰ similar to those of the local meteoric waters. The CO2 contents in rocks from well SC-1 abruptly increase up to 10 wt% with increase in depth to 700 mASL, where all of Ca in rocks is fixed as carbonates (calcite), and gradually decrease up to 200 mASL. These features indicate that meteoric water penetrated from surface down to cap rock at 200 mASL without oxygen isotopic shift. In contrast, δ18O (SMOW) values of fluids in equilibrium with carbonates below 200 mASL show an oxygen isotopic shift up to 0‰. From these results, most of carbonates above 200 mASL are thought to be deposited from meteoric water with high water / rock ratios, whereas carbonates below 200 mASL were formed from meteoric water which suffered oxygen isotopic exchange by water-rock interaction with low water / rock ratios.
  • 小野 映介
    2004年 77 巻 2 号 77-98
    発行日: 2004/02/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    中部日本の濃尾平野を対象として,約3,000~2,000 yr BPにおける海岸線の変化とその要因を明らかにするために,ハンドボーリング調査,堆積物の14C年代測定,珪藻分析などを行った.濃尾平野では縄文海進最盛期以降,海岸線が海側に前進し,内湾の縮小が進行した.特に約3,000~2,000 yr BPには,海岸線の前進と低地の拡大が急速であった.この原因は,約3,000~2,500 yr BPにおける相対的海水準の低下と,約2,300~2,100 yr BPに生じた土砂供給の増加と考えられる.約2,300~2,100 yr BPにおける三角州前置層の堆積量は,1.1~1.4km3と推定され,これは約3,000~2,300 yr BPにおける前置層の堆積量(1.1~1.5km3)に匹敵する. 2,300~2,100 yr BP頃における堆積活動の活発化は,中部日本や西日本の多くの平野でも確認されており,気候変化に伴う豪雨の増加といった広域的な原因を持つ可能性がある.
  • 特集: 大地震の長期予測はどこまで可能か? I. 古地震調査と長期予測
    隈元 崇
    地震 第2輯
    1998年 50 巻 appendix 号 53-71
    発行日: 1998/03/31
    公開日: 2010/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this study is to show the long-term conditional (time-dependent) seismic hazard assessment of intraplate earthquakes in Japan. Two types of hazard assessment maps are illustrated by the combination of statistical method, long historical earthquake records, and the results of trenching surveys: one is the probability map of 0.2 g between 2001 and 2100 A.D., and the other is the peak horizontal ground acceleration (PGA) map of 10% chance including the effect of attenuation of surface geology during the same period. Although the number of trenching results with three or more events are only nine as of 1994 and the error of the data is large, the results still enable us to describe that (1) the compilation of the paleoearthquake results indicate that the recurrence interval of each fault seems to be quasi-periodic than random, and (2) the entire length of fault system does not always rupture together. This is important for seismic hazard assessments because the size and the frequency of earthquakes vary as a function of fault length. Earthquake statistics is then applied to the results of trenching surveys in order to calculate the conditional probabilities of active faults. For each trenching study site on a fault, I calculate the average recurrence interval, Tave. between events and then determine the ratios of the recurrence interval for specific event, T, pairs to Tave. The resulting distribution of T/Tave measurements are the basis to determine Weibull probability density function. The initial analysis suggest that the application of conditional estimates on specific faults is advantageous over the assumption of random process. The resulting maps show better agreement with the current understanding of recurrence cycle of active fault that, (1) low probabilities are obtained for faults that are considered to have ruptured in historical period, and (2) higher probabilities are calculated on faults with long elapsed time or high slip rate. Regarding the PGA map, the 0.5 g or higher are calculated at plains and basins bounded by the active fault with high probability, especially on the Median tectonic line, the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line, the Inadani fault system, the Kozu-Matsuda fault system, and the Beppu-Haneyama fault system. The maps are preliminary and will be modified by including the future paleoearthquake results.
  • 松島 義章
    2010年 49 巻 1 号 1-10
    発行日: 2010/12/01
    公開日: 2012/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    1970年から三浦半島北西岸の片瀬川支流の柏尾川低地を中心に,鎌倉の滑川低地,逗子の田越川に分布する海成沖積層の貝化石調査を開始した.その結果,内湾および沿岸に分布する11の貝類群集を識別することができた.その中で干潟群集と内湾砂底群集は,南は鹿児島から,北は北海道にかけて各地の海成沖積層で確認することができた.さらに,両群集中には現在の貝化石の産出地点より高水温の場所に生息する種が含まれていることも明らかになった.このような現在の貝化石の産出地点より高水温の場所に生息する種を,その化石産出地における温暖種と呼ぶ.北海道で確認された温暖種は,本州に分布の中心をもつウネナシトマヤガイTrapejium liratumやハマグリMeretrix lusoria, シオフキMactra veneriformis, サビシラトリMacoma contabulataなどであり,北海道沿岸に分布する海成沖積層と貝塚から産出する.これらの温暖種について,その出現年代と消長に着目し,完新世における対馬海流の動向を調べた.その結果,温暖種が生息できる海水温の対馬海流が強まった時期は,オホーツク海沿岸域では約7,200~5,000年前,約4,200~3,200年前,約2,500~2,300年前,および約1,000~900年前の4回であり,ウネナシトマヤガイやサビシラトリの分布する温暖な海域環境となっていたことがわかった.その4回の時期は,道南の日本海側に比べて温暖種の出現が少し遅れ,短い期間となっている.しかも,4回の脈動とそれに伴って各回にみられる海流の強弱の程度も明らかとなった.