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16件中 1-16の結果を表示しています
  • 竹本 忠良
    2002年 91 巻 2 号 519-521
    発行日: 2002/02/10
    公開日: 2008/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *浅井 俊克, 八巻 直一
    経営情報学会 全国研究発表大会要旨集
    2008年 2008f 巻 G2-4
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2009/01/07
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    情報技術の普及と共に、組織マネジメントは大きく変化するはずである。しかし、周囲を見まわし、そうした実感には乏しい。一方で日本の国力の相対的な低下が顕著になってきた。日本社会は情報化の進展に追随できない組織特性を持っているのではないか。  企業に入ってくる情報は増え続け、組織は情報処理能力を高めなければならない。より現場に近いところで、状況の変化に対応した判断が求められる。情報の共有と意思決定の分散化(権限委譲)である。しかし、日本には歴史的に形成された階層序列意識があり、障害となっているのではないだろうか。 21世紀型経営モデル構築に向けて、システム・ダイナミックスにより、課題を明らかにすることを提案する。
  • 堀内 義秀
    1997年 16 巻 101-106
    発行日: 1997/10/30
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    When reviewing the historical development of the concept of "strategy, " the author realized the inadequacy of the definition of the term. The military strategy, which is the origin of the strategic thinking, is a rather flexible concept of the pursue of a desirable state and/or military victory under uncertain conditions. However, management and marketing strategies tend to be too specific, incremental, and do not fully utilize the open-ended meaning of the term "strategy." Rather, management and marketing strategies tend to be merely a larger and longer "super-tactics." Such incrementalism works fine when the business is steadily growing without unforeseen events. However, in today's turbulent global environment, it is not sufficient for a business institution to take into account its stakeholders and their well-being for short-term results. What is needed now is that the business considers the earth as a closed system of a higher order, and regard the business as its part. It is urged that each business institution have an idealized strategic mind for the higher system of the earth, and design its business activities as a part of such a higher system. When the business can successfully harmonize idealized planning for the well-being of the earth and that of the business itself, we could have a hope for the future of the earth and the mankind in the 21st century. This paper proposes a new definition of "strategy" with such idealized systems design concepts.
  • 藤本 一雄
    2018年 36 巻 4 号 399-408
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2020/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究では,東日本大震災において学校の緊急対応にあたった岩手・宮城・福島県の小・中学校31校の校長による体験談を収集して,その行動内容を緊急時の意思決定モデルである「OODA ループ」 の 4 つの段階(「観察」「判断」「決定」「行動」)ごとに分類・整理した。その結果, OODA ループが順調に回転しない(意思決定により多くの時間がかかる)ことに影響を与えた要因として, 1 .「観察」の段階では,停電の影響により情報を収集できない,校長・教職員が主体的に情報を収集しない, 2 .「判断」の段階では,発災直後に情報収集をしていないために “実際”(今後の見通し)を把握できない,マニュアル・訓練に不備があるなど“計画”(事前の想 定)が十分ではない, 3 .「決定」の段階では,行動選択肢が思い浮かばない,選択可能な行動 選択肢が限られる,一度選択した行動を変更しない(あるいは,変更できない),無意識に「何もしない」という行動を選択し続ける, 4 .「行動」の段階では,特定の行動にかかりきりになる, 行動が二転三転する,を挙げることができた。
  • 吉田 傑俊
    2003年 2003 巻 54 号 92-110,238
    発行日: 2003/04/01
    公開日: 2009/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper tries to show the relationship between the critical situation of "Nationalism and War"in the present world and the modern nation state formed in the name of Sovereignty with the people.
    First, the modern nation state, as H.Arendt pointed out, could not have integrated all major or minor nations. For example, the "tribal nationalism" advocated by Naztism meant "the conquest of a state by (major) nation" and the separation of others from the political community. And the nation state still now remains the cause of nationalism and war.
    Second, the modern philosophy has thought of the nation state in relation to civil society and showed the direction of "World History" for nations. In Kantism, it is the "Eternal Peace" regulating civil society by a nation state. In Hegelism, it is the "War" among nations as an extension of "war of everyone against everyone" in civil society. In Marxism, it is the formation of "Community absorbing nationstate by (civil) society". But until now these programs have not been realized except in Hegel's case.
    Third, M.Maruyama who considered the problems of modern Japan, criticized the prewar Japanese nation and brought up "Democracy as eternal revolution" which means the transformation of the nation to civil society. But now, this project also faces some difficulties with the rise of political and ideological nationalism.
  • 中野 真悟
    2020年 338 巻 15-26
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2022/06/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 階層的特徴をめぐって
    廣田 照幸
    1987年 42 巻 150-166
    発行日: 1987/09/30
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―英国と日本による米軍の統合情報システムの模倣―
    宮岡 勲
    2015年 2015 巻 179 号 179_69-179_82
    発行日: 2015/02/15
    公開日: 2016/01/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since the Gulf War, the United States has built up a joint information system, which is interoperable among the military services--the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. The application of information technology to the military system has contributed to maintain the prominent position of the United States in international politics. According to Kenneth Waltz’s theory, however, the United States cannot sit on its laurels. His balance-of-power theory leads us to expect states to emulate the successful policies of others.
    João Resende-Santos has developed a “neorealist theory of emulation.” This theory contains two noteworthy points. First, the timing, speed, and scale of military emulation vary in accordance with the level of threat in the surrounding security environment. Second, when the option of relying on the capabilities of other states through alliance formation (external balancing) is available, the perception of reduced threat weakens the timing, speed, and scale of military emulation. In other words, emulation, as well as innovation, is regarded as one form of arms buildup relying on one’s own capabilities (internal balancing).
    However, is the level of threat in the surrounding security environment a really decisive factor of emulation? Do the timing, speed, and scale of military imitation vary with the region of the world? Moreover,don’t states emulate others for the formation and strengthening of an alliance? By verifying these questions,it is possible to contribute theoretically to research on the international diffusion of military technology and ideas, especially the diffusion of information revolution in military affairs, on which little research has been conducted.
    This article attempts to refute Resende-Santos’ arguments, by analyzing the diffusion of the joint information system of the U.S. Armed Forces to two allies, the United Kingdom and Japan. As a result of this analysis, I make two points. First, even in regions where the levels of threat in the surrounding security environment are different, the military emulation of similar timing, speed, and scale may occur. Second, states emulate others not only for their own military buildup but also for the enhancement of their alliance through ensuring interoperability.
    The body of this article is divided into three sections. First, I describe the development of the joint information systems in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan during the post-Cold War period. Second, I suggest the diffusion of the joint information system from the United States to the other two countries and present a framework for analyzing emulation, a concept that is similar to but different from diffusion. Third, I consider the emulation of the U.S. military system by the United Kingdom and Japan in more detail.
  • 敗戦の記憶と冷戦後アメリカの軍事介入政策
    松岡 完
    2002年 2002 巻 36 号 37-53
    発行日: 2002/03/25
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 国際政治経済学の模索
    稲田 十一
    1990年 1990 巻 93 号 115-130,L13
    発行日: 1990/03/25
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Japan's ODA (Official Development Assistance) has increased rapidly over the past ten years, yet political analysis of the impact of Japan's ODA on the international system has not kept pace. Nonetheless, we are beginning to see various arguments emerge concerning Japan's ODA, and this article will explore some of the recent arguments on the role and influence of Japan's ODA to clarify the parameters of the current debate. There are roughly two theoretical perspectives from which to analyze the influence of economic assistance; (1) the “liberal” perspective which regards ODA as an international public good, (2) the “realist” perspective which regards ODA as a means to pursue national interest. Furthermore, we can characterize the objectives of economic assistance into two general categories; (1) political motivations and (2) economic motivations.
    According to this categorization, this article will analyze how the Japanese government has rationalized its aid policy by surveying both the “Diplomatic Blue Book, ” (published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the “White Paper on Economic Cooperation, ” (published by MITI) over the thirty years since 1958. A categorization of the changes in aid rationales is presented in Table 1 and 2 and Chart 1. In general, over the past three decades, we find that Japan's aid rationales shift from a national interest orientation to an emphasis on Japan's international responsibility, and shift from being motivated by promarily economic interests to wider political interests.
    In fact, the increase in Japan's overseas aid has not only made an international contribution, but has also increased Japan's economic and political influence over the recipients. If we look at the Japan's decision-making on ODA, however, we find that there are few cases in which the Japanese government has employed ODA as a tool for political leverage or as a positive sanction. Japan gains what Klaus Knorr defines as “non-power influence” (Knorr, Power of Nations), by fostering a more interdependent relationship with the developing countries through its ODA. Instead, the Japanese government has promoted the untying of its aid and co-financing with international organization such as the World Bank in order to contribute more to the international common interests.
    What then motivates Japanese ODA policy? In analyzing Japan's aid to the Phillipines, which has increased markedly since 1986, some policy makers (e. g. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) have give weight to political cooperation with the United States in their support for increasing aid to that country. Other policy makers, however, (e. g. MITI and business circle) have stressed Japan's own economic interests in the Philippines. Many analysts of the Philippine case stress the importance of “external pressure” on Japan's ODA policy-making. But the influence of “external pressre” in Japan's aid decision-making may not be a major factor because Japan's iterests frequently overlap with the interests of the Western allies (especially the United States).
    To date, the debate on both the implications of and the motivations for Japan's ODA policy has, for the most part, been shaped by the “liberal” and “realist” conceptions of state behavior. Concrete case studies now need to be done to test these general assumptions made in these arguments.
  • ―古典的用兵思想の視点から見た情報通信技術の発達と新領域(宇宙、サイバー、電磁波)における戦闘―
    高木 耕一郎
    2020年 48 巻 3 号 107-126
    発行日: 2020/12/31
    公開日: 2022/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 林 公則
    2008年 45 巻 2 号 49-58
    発行日: 2008/07/20
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Environmental destructions caused by military activities ("military-related environmental problems"), though these cause serious damages, don't have taken up as academic research subject. So military-related environmental problems even the actual condition on damages has been left. As a result of this the responsibility on the occurrence of damages has not been demonstrated and effective countermeasures have not been adopted. As I think knowing the history on military-related environmental problems will lead to trace the cause on damages and to demonstrate responsibility, I study about this in this paper. To demonstrate above I analyze the documents on Yokota Air Base pollution that disclosed by U. S. force. And I put together military base pollution problem from view of a phenomenon. In addition I focus on a political-economics aspect and demonstrate how military-industrial complex has participated in the occurrence or military base pollution problem. In this paper I demonstrate below. First by that military-industrial complex that has had strong influence after World War II has developed environment-destructive military technology, environment has been destructed in various areas by military activities. The cause on occurrence of military base pollution is that environment doesn't restore any more by new weapons and pollution is accumulated. Second after military base pollution came to light through the end of the Cold War military-industrial complex was not broken up and exists in other form. And military-industrial complex has developed weapons that draw military-related environmental problems even after the end of the Cold War. Third military expenditures that reduce after the end of the Cold War increase after "9・11". By U. S. force transformation not only military activities that draw military base pollution are strengthened but also the resources that save by base closures inject into the countermeasures against terrorism. The transformation after the end of the Cold War is proceeded not peaceful world but to a new dimension on war. Therefore wars and military activities don't reduce. By contraries after "9・11" the world affairs has been instability. Military technology has been sophisticated and military-industrial complex has developed environment-destructive weapons. To get rid of this situation we must realize the century that respect of peace and environment preservation that shoot for disarmament and conversion.
  • 史学雑誌
    1983年 92 巻 5 号 927-951
    発行日: 1983/05/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ― 一つの「戦争社会学」史の試み―
    清水 亮
    2021年 72 巻 3 号 241-257
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/12/31
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 松村 岳志
    2015年 96 巻 3-25
    発行日: 2015/06/30
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    В 1822 году командир 6-го пехотного корпуса И. В. Сабанеев арестовал В. Ф. Раевского и отправил в отставку командира 16-й пехотной диви3ии М. Ф. Орлова по причине свободомыслия, революционной пропаганды и ослабления дисциплины. После восстания декабристов в 1825 году дело Раевского стало опытом военного переворота, и началъство армии вновъ осудило Раевского и Орлова, обвинив их как декабристских заговорщиков. Но в 1822 году началъство еще не знало об опасности декабристского движения, несмотря на то, что в 1820 году Александр I чже знал и о существовании тайного общества, и о том, что Орлов настаивал на военном перевороте. Однако приказ о репрессии Орлова и Раевского в 1822 голу ранъше всех отдал не император, а Сабанеев, кого считали одним из свободомыслящих генералов. И здесъ встает вопрос, почему Сабанеев репрессировал Раевского и Орлова в 1822 году? Читая историографию дела Раевского, мы можем заметитъ, что Сабанеев обращал внимание не толъко на пропаганду военного заговора в 16-й дивизии, но также и на патриархалъного командира дивизии Орлова. То естъ, самая болъшая опасностъ дела Раевского в 1822 году заключаласъ в этом сочетании патриархалъного командира дивизии и военного заговора. Это и стало причиной того, почему Сабанеев упорно настаивал на аресте Раевского и отставке Орлова в 1822 году.
  • 日米安保体制-持続と変容
    岩田 修一郎
    1997年 1997 巻 115 号 110-125,L14
    発行日: 1997/05/17
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the wake of the Cold War, the largest security challenges are dangers posed by regional powers, and dangers posed by proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. At this time of uncertainty, US leadership is essential for world peace.
    For the US, East Asia is a region of growing importance. The Pacific Rim countries are collectively America's largest trading partner. The confrontation and conflict that are recurrent reality in the region, however, make US military presence an essential element of regional stability. And for both regional security and US glogal interests, an alliance with Japan is necessary.
    The presence of US forces in Japan affords their rapid deployment to trouble spots in East Asia and as far as the Persian Gulf in the event of a variety of contingencies. Their stationing here is also cost-effective, thanks to Japanese financial support.
    The counterproliferation initiative of the Clinton Administration may have made Japan the most important ally of the US. The two countries must work in tandem to strengthen the present non-proliferation regime. Japan could make important contributions to the Theater Missile Defence project of the united States. The context for the Japan-US connection also includes North Korea's nuclear development and exports of missile technology to ‘rogue states’ in the Middle East, which are serious threat to Asian and global security.
    The bilateral alliance was reaffirmed with the Japan-US Joint Declaration on Security announced in April 1996. Close cooperation between the two countries, it was agreed by Prime Minister Hashimoto and President Clinton, is the most effective framework for the defense of Japan. The Declaration also clarified that Japan would not seek sutonomous defense capabilities. Further, the continued commitment to the alliance was reiterated at a time of debate over Okinawa, with Japan pledging its continued contribution for maintenance of US forces in Japan. The adjustment and realignment of US bases that is now underway will not result in any substantial change in overall US force structure.
    The redefined alliance includes one important change, being a review of the 1978 Guidelines for Defense Cooperation by both countries. The development of contingency plans for future military conflicts in East Asia is now a key security agenda in the bilateral cooperation. The controversial issue here is Japan's military support of US forces in regional crises. Japanese government policy has been one in which the Self Defense Forces might be used only in the event of a direct attack on Japan.