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668件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 小串 俊雄, 仲村 吉弘, 平田 幸正, 加地 正郎, 柏木 征三郎
    1968年 11 巻 6 号 369-373
    発行日: 1968/11/20
    公開日: 2011/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Japan it has been generally believed that vaccination is not available for diabetic patients.
    However, rehabilitation of diabetics is a goal of treatment of diabetes, therefore diabetics should be vaccinated to prevent infectious diseases.
    In this study 121 diabetics were subjected for vaccination of Japanese encephalitis or influenza.
    Only slight side effects caused by vaccination were shown in these diabetics, and there was no significant difference between nondiabetics and diabetics conceerning side effects of vaccination.
    It was also proved in this study that the antibody titer in diabetics became as high as in non-diabetics after vaccination.
    As a conclusion it should be pointed out that diabetic patients are able to receive vaccination without any dangerous side effects and that the proper effect of vactination is enough satisfactory in diabetics.
  • 加地 正郎, 溝口 輝彦, 北谷 勤, 前田 次郎, 新宮 正久, 御旅屋 寛一
    1969年 17 巻 8 号 1598-1603
    発行日: 1969/09/25
    公開日: 2010/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    The experiment was done to obtain the basic data- for further large scale field trial of the sulfisomezole therapy in acute upper respiratory infections.
    During the period of December 1962-A pril 1963, 153 adult cases with upper respiratory infection were studied.
    In bacteriological examinations of throat swabs, hemolytic Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated in 36 (23. 5%) and 35 cases (22. 2%) and in control group of 110 healthy adults in 10. 0% and 10. 9% respectively.
    Viral etiol ogy was revealed in 24(influenza A2 3, influenza B 1, adenovirus infection, 4, Coxsackie virus infection 5, Echovirus infection 12, rhinovirus infection was not tested) out of 140 cases examined.
    Clinically, 153 cases were classified into common cold 103, bacterial pharyngitis 6, undifferentiated upper respiratory infection(URI) 33 and others 11. Sulfisomezole therapy (initial dose 2. 0 g and 1. 0 g every 12 hours thereafter) was started within 1 st or 2 nd day of illness and the symptoms and signs were checked everyday throughout the course of disease.
    The frequency and duration of symptoms and s igns observed in common cold and URI were discussed with consideration of the bacteriological results.
  • 加地 正郎
    1990年 79 巻 9 号 1262-1266
    発行日: 1990/09/10
    公開日: 2008/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 加地 正英
    2000年 43 巻 5 号 421-428
    発行日: 2000/10/15
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    日常診療で最も頻繁に遭遇する疾患であるかぜ症候群の病因は多岐にわたる。その多くはウイルスであるが, その病原ウイルスにしても多くの種類がある。ごく最近までこれらの病原ウイルスに直接作用する治療薬はなかったが, 1997年に我が国で初の抗インフルエンザ薬としてアマンタジンが認可され, さらに新たな抗インフルエンザ薬のノイラミニダーゼ阻害剤も近く登場する。インフルエンザウイルス以外に呼吸器ウイルスに対する抗ウイルス薬の開発も進んでおり, 他のかぜ症候群に対する治療も, 対症療法から原因療法へ変わる可能性が期待され, かぜ症候群の診療にも新たな局面を迎えようとしている。
  • 三嶋 一弘, 三吉野 産治, 三根 一乗, 熊本 俊秀, 加地 正郎, 横井 忠滋, 村瀬 邦明, 鈴木 寛
    1975年 29 巻 11 号 1122-1129
    発行日: 1975/11/20
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    重障児118名に対し, A/東京/1/72, B/群馬/1/73を含む2種のアルミ沈降アジユバントワクチンHA-AL1/73, HA-AL 2/73, コントロールとして水溶性ワクチンHA-FL 3/73を接種し, そのHI価を測定し, (1) 2種のアジユバントワクチンの抗体上昇の比較では, 16倍以下をなくす点では2/73がよく, 抗体価を高くあげる点では1/73がよかつた. 接種間隔の違いによる抗体価のあがりについては, 2週間隔の方が4週間隔よりもよい成績であつた.
    (2) アルミ沈降ワクチンと水溶性ワクチンを比較すると, 抗体上昇ではA, Bともに水溶性ワクチンの方がいくぶんよいと思われた. (3) 12ヵ月後までのHI価の推移では, A, Bともに, いずれのワクチンでも接種後1ないし2ヵ月でピークを示し, 3ヵ月になると下降傾向を示す. その低下の程度はAに比し, Bが著しい. また接種間隔の差はほとんどないようであつた.
    (4) 副作用はいずれも極めて軽微であつた. 以上の結果を得た.
  • 矢永 尚士, 大塚 邦明, 市丸 雄平, 佐々木 靖, 光山 正雄, 畑 洋一, 加地 正郎, 吉岡 政満
    1974年 38 巻 9 号 797-803
    発行日: 1974/10/20
    公開日: 2008/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    不整脈や狭心症は一過性であることが多く, 普通心電図による短時間の記録では見落す可能性がある. さらにこれらの病態は自覚症状を伴わぬ事もあり自覚症状のある時のみ記録するのでは不充分である. また睡眠に関係あると思われる夜間狭心症については, 明らかに午前中の外来心電図のみでは把握し得ない. これらの諸点は不整脈や狭心症の診断には, 普通心電図による短時間の記録のみでは不充分であり長時間連続記録心電図法の必要性を示しているように思われる. 長時間連続記録心電図法として通常行われているのは携帯用磁気テープを用いて長時間記舞し, 後刻これをブラウン管または特殊な分析装置を用いて分析するものである. そのもっとも代表的な装置はHolter(1961)のAvionics sysem(AVIONICSDYNAMIC 1O)である. この方法を用いて, すでにCorday, Guazzi, Isaeff, 杉浦, 中村らがその有用性を報告している. 一方, 木村(武), 村尾, 木村(栄), 佐藤らは独自の工夫をもって長時間ないし発作時の記録を行っている. ここでは, 最近, われわれが, Holterらの装置を用い, 20~24時間連続記録の結果得たfに表的症例を示し, 長時間連続心電図記録法の有用性について考察したい
  • 定性尺度による計量医学的接近
    加地 正郎, 斧田 大公望, 足立 正昭, 小島 愛司, 真下 啓明, 大滝 幸哉, 坂本 三哉, 瀬田石 智敏, 沢田 満男, 堀越 知之, 石田 信雄, 野村 克己, 大田 怜, 大屋 匡人, 豊川 秀治, 青池 卓, 笠井 久司, 土生 竜郎, 伊藤 文彌, 木下 康民, 香曾我部 謙志, 関根 理, 塩沢 精一, 山作 房之輔, 藤原 昇, 福田 保夫, 浜田 稔雄, 平山 士行, 広吉 清一, 一木 隆, 一丸 太郎, 岩橋 保, 川崎 勝也, 光内 極司, 宮川 潔, 仁保 善之, 小野 亨雄, 大竹 信夫, 谷 英雄, 帯刀 英二
    1966年 40 巻 8 号 295-309
    発行日: 1966/11/20
    公開日: 2011/11/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Five hundred and seventy five cases diagnosed clinically as common cold were studied in 26 hospitals of 4 districts (Sapporo, Tokyo, Niigata and Fukuoka) during the period of October in 1965 to March in 1966.
    Four hundred and sixty two cases out of 575 were taken for statistical analysis.
    Cases were divided at random into three groups:(A) lysozyme daily dose of 60 mg. (B) lysozyme 150 mg and (C) placebo group. Double blind method was used throughout the experiment. Eight symptoms, sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, sore throat, cough, sputum, headache and maliase were checked up for the criteria of the disease.
    In common cold, no objective signs or laboratory findings are available for clinical evaluation of the therapeutic effect and we cannot help taking subjective symptoms.
    Eight symptoms were categorized “severe”, “mild” and “not present”. This ordinal scale was translated into ratio scale, which is able to be wholey mathematicaly operated, based on probability sclale method under three hypotheses.
    Then, the cumulative indices of 45 patterns added with 8 symptoms scores were calculated, and partial regression contingency of 8 symptoms, was computed as solution of multiple regression equation that makes the cumulative indices to the objective variables and each 8 symptoms scores to the independent variables.
    The estimated cumulative index thus obtained:Y=α+ΣβoiXi
    Effect of lysozyme treatment was tested by the average index in each 3 groups before and 48 hours after the treatment.
    In the case in which treatment was started within 24 hours after onset, improvement of symptom was observed with statistically significance in group A when compared with group C. No difference was observed between groups B and C, A and B.
    When the treatment was begun 24-48 hours after onset, no significant differences were seen in each three groups.
    From the result obtained it is concluded that daily dose 60 mg of lysozyme is effective in the treatment of common cold when dosage was started within 24 hours after onset.
  • 加地 正郎
    1976年 50 巻 10 号 333-335
    発行日: 1976/10/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 柏木 征三郎, 内田 尭弘, 西 満寿次, 新宮 世三, 林田 一男, 林 純, 加地 正郎
    1979年 53 巻 6 号 275-282
    発行日: 1979/06/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    This survey in an institution for mentally retarded children revealed that 4 (5.5%) out of 73 children and 3 (2.3%) out of 129 employees were carriers of hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg) and a 22-year-old man became carrier 6 months after admission to this institution. He revealed normal liver function.
    HBsAg of saliva was detected in 35 out of 113 samples from 4 children and 3 employees with positive serum HBsAg determined by RIA, but not detected in 6 samples of saliva from 3 children with negative serum HBsAg.
    It was noted that HBsAg of saliva was detected in 73.5% out of the 35 samples inwhich occult blood of saliva was positive, and in 12.7% out of the 79 occult blood negative samples.
    These results suggest that HBsAg of saliva is mainly derived from blood contamination and HBsAg positive saliva is probably the main vehicle in spread of HB virus.
  • 林 純, 柏木 征三郎, 野村 秀幸, 梶山 渉, 池松 秀之, 青山 俊雄, 与儀 洋和
    1985年 59 巻 3 号 315-320
    発行日: 1985/03/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    B型肝炎ウイルスは家族内感染以外, 医療行為や性行為で伝播する事は良く知られているが, その他にHBsAg carrierが使用した歯ブラシやカミソリなどを介しての伝播の可能性も考えられている.著者らはcarrierとカミソリを共用したため, 劇症B型肝炎に罹患した1例を経験したので報告する.
    症例は沖縄県石垣市の中学校女子生徒 (14歳) で, 昭和58年1月HBsAg陽性の急性肝炎を発症し, その後意識障害の出現などから劇症B型肝炎と診断されたが, 血漿交換などにより治癒した.
    患者が通っていた中学校の全生徒341名のHBsAg陽性率は4.1%, anti-HBsは13.8%, anti-HBcは18.2%で, 当地区における一般住民の陽性率よりやや低い成績であった.この患者の感染経路を検討したところ, 発症2ヵ月前の修学旅行にて, 患者はHBsAg carrier (HBeAg陽性) の女生徒が美容のため下肢の剃毛に使用したカミソリをそのまま借用し, 同様に剃毛を行ったため感染したものと考えられた.
    HBsAg carrierへの対策として, 肝機能の面からだけでなく, 感染源としての指導, 教育を行う必要があると考えられた.
  • 鍋島 篤子, 池松 秀之, 山家 滋, 中川 征男, 梅崎 輝雄, 原 寛, 林 純, 柏木 征三郎
    1997年 71 巻 9 号 944-948
    発行日: 1997/09/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    We report a case of progressive dementia and prolonged gait disturbance correlated with influenza A/H3N2 infection in 91-year-old female patient, admitted because of in ability to take care of herself due to aging and cerebral infarction. At admission, conversation and comprehension were not significantly impaired, and she was able to walk by herself. Flu symptoms such as high grade fever, chills, arthralgia, and cough appeared after a short stay at home. Influenza A/H3N2 was confirmed serologically. Delirium occurred on the sixth day after influenza onset, persisted for three weeks, followed by recovery. Dementia symptoms such as memory defects and disorientation continued and did not improve. Due to this febrile episode, she was unable to walk unassisted. The results of computed tomography performed before and after the influenza episode were unremarkable for additional cellebro-vascular events during the observed period. Influenza infection may be an important risk factor for reducing the quality of life in the elderly. In geriatric cases, influenza should not be treated as a mere transient illness, but rather one which has important consequences for the elderly population, including the possibility of life threatening complications.
  • 林 俊治, 市川 洋一郎, 加地 正郎, 安田 佳織, 横山 三男
    1986年 60 巻 4 号 387-389
    発行日: 1986/04/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    M. pn.肺炎患者について, モノクロナール抗体を用いて末梢血のリンパ球サブセット分析を行った.正常対照群に比較してM. pn.肺炎患者ではOKT4+の減少, OKT8+の増加, OKT4/8比の低下がみられた.したがって急性期のM. pn.肺炎の末梢血では相対的にsupPressorT細胞優位の状態と考えられた.
  • 市丸 雄平, 村上 雅健, 矢永 尚士, 加地 正郎, 関口 令安, 芦山 辰朗
    1979年 16 巻 1 号 57-64
    発行日: 1979/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Electrocardiographic changes in thirty men of 16th Japanese Antarctic Expedition (JARE-16) were studied during the wintering at Syowa Station from February 1975 to January 1976. They were men in good health with average age of 31.0 and a range of 24 to 45. Electrocardiograms were recorded before, after and one year at Syowa Station (February, May and July 1975) . Heart rates, QRS voltage of the precordial leads (SV1+RV5) and electrical axis of the QRS were analysed. Body weights, skinfold thicknesses and blood pressures were measured and hematological examinateions were performed.
    Long term changes in physical work capacity in 21 men of 17th JARE were studied during the wintering from February 1976 to January 1977. All were in good health with an average age of 32 years and a range of 24 to 54. Physical examinations and physical performance tests were done in March, June, September and December 1976.
    1) Sinus bradycardia was observed in two subjects and first degree A-V block in one subject before, during and after the wintering. Supraventricular and ventricular premature contractions were detected respectively in one subject only in May 1975. Premature contractions might be induced by excessive taking of coffee, alcohol and tobacco during all-night vigil. ECG's recorded in February and July 1975 did not show significant changes in QRS axis, but the heart rates were decreased from 70 to 65.5 (beats/min.) and the QRS voltage (SV1+RV5) from 29.7 to 26.8 (mm) . There were no correlations between the decrease in heart rates or QRS voltage (SV1+RV5) and the changes of body weights, blood pressures, skinfold thicknesses and hematological data.
    2) Pulmonary function (forced vital capacity), body weights and high jump tests were not significantly altered throughout the year. Harvard score, dynamic muscle endurance, grasping power and agility test score increased significantly in September and December. Skinfold thicknesses increased from March to September but decreased in December. Heart rates after Harvard step tests dereased in September and in December. Physical work loads were mild in the winter and heavy in the summer.
    These data may be explained on the basis that immobility in the winter season during the wintering might cause deterioration of physical work capacity and induce the electro-cardiographic changes.
  • 村上 雅健, 市丸 雄平, 芦山 辰朗, 加地 正郎
    1979年 16 巻 1 号 65-73
    発行日: 1979/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of bioisolation on leucocyte counts, serum immunoglobulin concentrations and normal microbial flora were studied at two Japanese Antarctic Survey bases, Syowa Station and Mizuho Camp, during 17th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition from 1975 to 1977.
    Thirteen wintering members were divided into two groups; one was composed of six men who wintered at Syowa Station (Syowa group) and the other was composed of seven men at Mizuho Camp (Mizuho group) . The following results were obtained;
    1. Microbiological observation revealed the facts that the drinking water of Syowa Station was highly polluted but that of Mizuho Camp was relatively sterile.
    2. In Syowa group, total aerobic microorganisms, especially bacillus spp., in feces were increased significantly in number during early period of wintering, while in Mizuho group, those were decreased significantly after wintering. Pharyngeal microbial flora did not change significantly.
    3. In Syowa group, leucocyte counts and serum immunoglobulin concentrations of Ig G and Ig A were increased significantly during early period of wintering. In Mizuho group, leucocyte counts did not change significantly, but Ig G waa decreased significantly after wintering.
    Above results suggest that 1) the changes of microbiological environment alter the composition of normal human microbial flora, 2) those altered microbial flora, especially aerobic microorganisms, can change the host's immunological status, and 3) the changes of leucocyte counts and immunoglobulin concentrations may be resulted from altered intestinal microbial flora.
  • 柏木 征三郎, 加地 正郎
    1976年 50 巻 12 号 387-396
    発行日: 1976/12/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Frequency of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and antibody (HBsAb) in Kyushu, Japan was examined during 1968-1975. HBsAg was detected in 2.2%(SRID) and 3.0%(IAHA) of 11, 972 cases collected from 28 populations in 8 prefectures in Kyushu and Yamaguchi prefecture. Positive rate of HBsAg in 6, 295 male (3.3%) was significantly higher than that (2.1%) in 5, 677 female.
    HbsAg was detected most frequently in 0-9 age group in which positive rate was 6.1%. In 15 out of 28 populations which contained 5 or more HBsAg positive cases, 7 showed positive rate of 4% or higher.
    HBsAb (PHA) in 1, 502 cases (907 male, 595 female) was 25% on the average and positive rate for HBsAb in female (30.6%) was significantly higher than that (21.6%) in male. The highest positive rate, 38.5%, was in the age group of 50-59.
  • 大久保 彰人, 福吉 成典, 高橋 克巳, 角 典子, 松尾 礼三, 渡辺 邦昭, 小野 哲郎, 河野 喜美子, 御供田 睦代
    1987年 61 巻 5 号 574-580
    発行日: 1987/05/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    患者発生の地域的波及拡大, 即ち, 逐域伝播現象に関する調査を, 昭和60年から61年のインフルエンザの流行期に九州本島で行った. 福岡県内の行政単位を基準とした36区域から成るパーソントリップ調査の集約Bゾーンで, 人の流動量と伝播速度 (人の流動量の増加に伴い発生月日も早くなるという傾向) の単相関係数は, B型インフルエンザ流行時に北九州市小倉北区を起点とした場合のr=-0.355 (n=33) と, A型 (H3N2) 流行時に本州方向及び北九州市戸畑区を起点とした場合のそれぞれr=-0.409 (n=30), r=-0.409 (n=24) が危険率5%で有意な相関であった. さらに, 人の流動量等を参考にしながら, 九州本島のB型及びA型 (H3N2) の流行期における, 学校施設の休校または学級閉鎖にともなうインフルエンザ様疾患発生報告を基にして, 等値線法により, インフルエンザの流行伝播の様子を地図上に描写する試みを行い, 広範囲の流行波及を視覚化した. 九州の南部と北部という地域的な面, そして, B型とA型 (H3N2) という流行ウイルス型的な面から, その流行伝播等値線のパターンに差異がみられた.
  • 柏木 征三郎, 加地 正郎, 柴田 勝紀, 木村 嘉延, 沢江 義郎, 新宮 世三, 林田 一男
    1976年 50 巻 9 号 317-322
    発行日: 1976/09/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    HBsAg in urine was detected in 2 cases out of 16 asymptomatic carriers by radioimmunoassay.
    It was noted that HB antigenuria was revealed in 2 out of 3 carriers with chronic nephritis
    In a case of HBsAg positive acute hepatitis, HBsAg was detected in urine collected at 9th, 14th and 56th day, in bile at 5th day, in feces at 39th day after the onset of illness: Antigenemia persisted for 35 days.
    In a case of chronic nephritis and 5 cases of healthy adult without HB antigenemia, HBsAg was never been detected in urine by radioimmunoassay.
    Specificity of HBsAg detected in urine by this method was confirmed by block test using standard human HBs antibody.
  • 勝 正孝, 藤森 一平, 小川 順一, 山本 一郎, 伊藤 周治, 島田 佐仲, 安倍 達
    1969年 17 巻 1 号 71-80
    発行日: 1969/01/25
    公開日: 2010/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is the purpose of this paper to try to standardize the evaluation of clinical efficacy i n treating various infectious diseases by chemotherapy with score index.
    In this study, clinical efficacy was evaluated by the use of tentative criteria which has been already proposed by few doctors.
    Criteria for dys entery was proposed by Dr. T. TAKIGAMI, common cold by Dr. M. KAJI, Japanese encephalitis by Dr. M. YOKOTA, diphtheria by Dr. S. YANAGISHITA, pyelonephritis by Dr. Y. UEDA, biliary infection by Dr. K. MASHIMO, bacterial pneumonia by Dr. Y. UEDA and lung abscess by Dr. I. FUKAYA.
    Results were as follows:
    1) Although several bot tlenecks existed to describe physiopathology and clinical efficacy by score index, it was felt better for the objective evaluation.
    2) This method enabled us the evaluation of clinical efficacy from different institutes and hospitals easy and more precise interpolation.
    3) However few poi nts of note should be mentioned. They are:
    a) to define severity of diseases with some score. For instance, severe is more than 15 points, moderate 8 to 14 and mild less than 7.
    b) to determine clinical efficacy by comp aring of pre and post treatment score.
    c) to make score index as simple as possible to the least reliability becaus e complex score index is not easily applicable in daily practice at ease even though it is excellent.
    4) In the committee for evaluation of chemotherapeutic efficacy, it is desi rable to determine authorized criteria for evaluation of chemotherapy.
    5) Finally, it is hoped that doctors in this field apply this score index actively to daily practice_ and discuss to make better criteria for evaluation of chemotherapeutic efficacy in infectious diseases.
  • RIA法およびRPHA法との比較
    柏木 征三郎, 林 純, 池松 秀之, 三宅 恒徳
    1981年 55 巻 3 号 155-160
    発行日: 1981/03/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    最近酵素免疫測定法 (Enzyme immunoassay, EIA) が開発されHBs抗原の検出に応用されるようになつてきた.
    私どもは, EIA法 (Hepanostika, Organon Teknika 社) と従来のRIA法 (Ausria II, Abott 社) およびRPHA法 (オーセル, Abott社. リパースセル, 目黒研.およびエーザイセル, エーザイ社) とを実際の臨床材料を用いてHBs抗原の検出を行い比較検討した.
    一般住民2,768例中のHBs抗原は, EIA法およびRIA法では196例 (7.0%), 3種類のRPHA法では191例 (6.9%) に検出された.
    各種肝疾患々者222例中, EIA法, RIA法およびオーセルでは80例が陽性であつたが, このうち2例はリバースセルおよびエーザイセルで陰性と判定された.
    経過を追跡し得た急性肝炎3例では, RPHA法で陰性と判定された1-2週間後もなおEIA法およびRIA法では陽性であつた.
    数年にわたり経過を観察し得た慢性肝炎例では, リバースセルおよびエーザイセルで陰性化6ヵ月後までオーセルで, 10ヵ月後までEIA法で, 14ヵ月後までRIA法で陽性であつた.
    carrierの唾液61検体中, RIA法で20検体, EIA法で16検体, 腹水6検体に両方法によりHBs抗原が検出された.
    以上の結果により, EIA法はRIA法とほぼ同等の感度を有し, RPHA法より感度が良く有用な検査法と考えられる.
  • 柏木 征三郎, 加地 正郎, 宮永 修, 兼岡 秀俊, 新宮 世三, 林田 一男, 大河内 一雄
    1977年 51 巻 2 号 50-56
    発行日: 1977/02/20
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the studies on 21 HBsAg positive families in Iriomote Island, Nichinan and Fukuoka City, 99 HBsAg positive cases were tested for the presence of eAg and eAb.
    eAg and eAb were detected in 35.4% and 20.0%, respectively. eAg was detected more frequently in young age group and its highest positive rate was observed in age of under 9. The frequency of eAb was highest in age of 10-19.
    Two years follow up study on 14 cases revealed no changes in 10 cases with eAg or eAb and acquisition of eAg or eAg in 4 cases during the period of observation.
    In 5 out of 6 families in which parents were negative for HBsAg and 2 or more children were positive, eAg was detected at least in one of children and positive rate reached to 66.7%. In contrast to these families, 7 families with single HBsAg positive case had no eAg positive case.
    These results suggest that eAg is closely associated with infectivity of HB virus and suggest the possibility of horizontal transmission in intrafamilial spread.