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クエリ検索: "原陽子"
1,980件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 永原 陽子
    2016年 54 巻 13-18
    発行日: 2016/02/22
    公開日: 2020/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー HTML
  • 水野 一晴
    E-journal GEO
    2018年 13 巻 1 号 377-385
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原田 智子
    2018年 68 巻 2 号 79
    発行日: 2018/02/01
    公開日: 2018/02/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 個人面接およびグループ討論からの検討
    福井 由理子, 石原 陽子, 山浦 常, 松田 隆子, 肥塚 直美, 尾崎 眞, 渡辺 伸一郎, 神田 尚俊, 大澤 真木子, 成松 明子, 石島 正之, 東間 紘, 高倉 公朋
    2000年 31 巻 6 号 465-471
    発行日: 2000/12/25
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    基礎医学教育の根幹の1つとして実施しているテユートリアルを, 個々の学生がどのように捉えているか, この学習法が開発をめざす能力の重要性をどれほど認識しているかについて知るために, 2年生全員にグループ討論と個人面接を行った. テユートリアル学習の結果に多少不安を感じている学生や, 自己学習の不十分さを反省している学生が多数見られた. また, テユータの指導技術の改善を望む意見も多かった.それゆえ, テユートリアル学習の成果が適切に評価され学生にフィードバックされると, 不安の解消や学習意欲の増大をもたらすであろうこと, 加えて, テユータの技量向上やその役割の重要性を再認識するための再訓練の機会が必要であることが示唆された.
  • 石原 陽子, 杉山 幸比古, 北村 諭
    1978年 16 巻 11 号 855-859
    発行日: 1978/11/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bronchial asthma is a clinical syndrome manifested by reversible and intermittent obstruction of bronchi. The reported incidence of aspirin and indomethacin-induced asthma is the highest among all of the drug-induced asthma. Nevertheless the etiology of indomethacin-induced asthma is still unknown.
    The present investigation was conducted to explore the effect of indomethacin on the contractile responses of guinea pig tracheal tissues with various bronchoconstrictors.
    Male guinea pigs, weighing 250-300g, were sacrificed. Guinea pig tracheal tissues were removed and suspended in bioassay glass jackets and superfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 37°C, saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide (95:5, v/v). Contraction of tissues was detected by an isotonic transducer and displayed on a polyrecorder.
    1) The contractile responses of guinea pig tracheal tissues with various doses of acetylcholine, serotonin, histamine, prostaglandin F were markedly increased with continuous infusion of indomethacin, reaching a maximum at a dose of 5×10-8M-5×10-7M.
    2) The potentiating effect of indomethacin on the actions of various bronchoconstrictors decreased dose-dependently with continuous infusion of prostaglandin E2 (10-10g/ml-10-7g/ml).
    3) These results suggest that inhibition of prostaglandin E synthesis by indomethacin may cause in-domethacin-induced asthma.
  • 基礎医学教育へのテュートリアルの導入
    福井 由理子, 石原 陽子, 山浦 常, 松田 隆子, 肥塚 直美, 尾崎 眞, 渡辺 伸一郎, 神田 尚俊, 大澤 真木子, 成松 明子, 石島 正之, 東間 紘, 高倉 公朋
    2000年 31 巻 6 号 457-464
    発行日: 2000/12/25
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    東京女子医科大学では, テユートリアルを1990年度入学者より漸次4学年まで導入した. 基礎医学教育における本教育法の有用性を検討するために, 1997年1月に2年生を対象にアンケート調査を行った. 資料や情報を収集し自己学習と討論により理解に達するという知識の習得の仕方がある程度習慣化したと認識している学生が多く, 特に対人技能が向上したと考える学生が多かった. 一方, 論理的な思考力や多面的なものの見方などの能力が培われてきたと認識している学生は相対的に少なかった. これらの結果から, テユートリアルにより開発が望まれる能力がどの程度培われてきたかを, 学生自身が認識できる評価法の開発および実施の検討が早急に必要であることが示唆された.
  • 石原 陽子, 浅田 由美, 北村 諭, 小坂 樹徳, 原沢 道美
    1978年 16 巻 7 号 513-518
    発行日: 1978/07/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Primary pulmonary hypertension is a disease of unknown cause, and no therapeutic measures have been successful in relieving symptoms or affecting the course of the disease.
    The present investigation was conducted to demonstrate the effect of aminophylline and isoproterenol on the contractile responses of rabbit pulmonary arterial and aortic strips with various vasoconstrictors.
    Male rabbit, weighing, 2.5-3.0kg were sacrificed, the pulmonary arterial trunk and the descending aorta were removed, suspended in bioassay glass jackets and superfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 37°C saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide (95:5, v/v).
    Tissue contraction was detected by an isotonic transducer and recorded using a polyrecorder.
    1) Prostaglandin F, serotonin, angiotensin II, noradrenaline, adrenaline-induced contractile responses of rabbit aortic and pulmonary arterial strips decreased dose-dependently with continuous infusion of aminophylline.
    2) Prostaglandin F, serotonin, angiotensin II, noradrenaline, adrenaline-induced contractile responses of rabbit aortic and pulmonary arterial strips decreased dose-dependently with continuous infusion of isoproterenol.
    3) These results suggest that aminophylline and isoproterenol can be used as therapeutic agents in primary pulmonary hypertension.
  • 北村 諭, 石原 陽子, 内田 裕子, 和頴 房代, 木下 美登里, 高久 史麿
    1985年 23 巻 4 号 450-455
    発行日: 1985/04/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    気管支喘息患者の末梢静脈血中ロイコトリンエ (LT) 量をHPLCを用いて検索した. 末梢静脈血中LTC4量, LTD4量は寛解期に比し発作時に増加したが, LTE4量は有意な増減を示さなかった. 末梢静脈血中LT総量は寛解期に比し発作時に有意な増加を示した. また末梢静脈血中LT総量と好酸球数との間には有意な相関が認められた. また長期間 (1~1.5年) 経過を観察しえた2症例においては, 発作時に一致してLT量の上昇が見られ, 寛解期にはLT量も減少した. 以上の成績より, LTは気管支喘息の発作惹起物質としてきわめて重要な役割を演じている可能性が示唆された.
  • 篠原 陽子, 杉原 黎子, 山下 伸典
    2008年 31 巻 7 号 383-387
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2010/01/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The ability of a typical soil to remove nonionic surfactants from wastewater was investigated. A packed bed using the above soil, with suction filtering of Polyoxyethylenenonylphenylether (NP10,15,20) solution through the packed bed, was prepared. We found that the removal efficiency decreased as the concentration of the NP10 solution is increased and that the Freundlich equation could be used to describe the relationship between the concentration and the removal efficiency in the concentration range of 20-200 ppm. In addition, the removal efficiency tended to decrease as the mole number of added ethyleneoxide (EO) units is increased. This method was found to have a high removal efficiency with regard to wastewater including these solutions of such low concentration that would be discharged into the environment.
  • 迷走神経の関与と薬物の影響
    北村 諭, 石原 陽子, 和泉 孝志, 許 栄宏
    1983年 21 巻 2 号 111-117
    発行日: 1983/02/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bronchial hyperreactivity to nonspecific bronchoconstrictor stimuli is one of the diagnostic features of asthma. In the present investigation we attempted to determine whether various bronchoactive agents act on bronchoconstriction induced by vagosympathetic nerve stimulation.
    We anesthetized 32 young mongrel dogs, weighing 7 to 10kg, with sodium pentobarbital (25mg/kg), paralyzed the respiratory muscles with succinylcholine, and ventilated the lungs through a tracheal cannula at a constant tidal volume (150-250ml) and a frequency of 16/min. Catheters were inserted into the left femoral artery and vein, and measurement of systemic arterial blood pressure (Psyst) and transfusion or infusion of drugs were conducted, respectively. The pressure transducer catheter was connected to the orifice of the tracheal cannula to monitor tracheal pressure (Ptr). The right side vagosympathetic nerve was isolated at the level of thyroid cartilage. We stimulated the cervical vagosympathetic nerve electrically with 5-25V from a square-wave stimulator (ME-6052); pulse duration was lms and the frequencies were 30shocks/s.
    1) Percent change of Ptr showed a maked increase by increasing stimulation voltage and reached a plateau at 15 V.
    2) Percent change of Ptr induced by vagosympathetic nerve stimulation showed a marked increase 5min after intravenous infusion of neostigmine bromide, and thereafter it showed a gradual decrease and returned to the control level after 75min.
    3) Percent change of Ptr induced by vagosympathetic nerve stimulation showed a significant increase with continuous infusion of PGF, serotonin, histamine, Tx B2, LT C4 and LT D4.
    4) Percent change of Ptr induced by vagosympathetic nerve stimulation showed a significant decrease with continuous infusion of isoproterenol, PGE2, 6-keto PGF and aminophylline.
    5) Percent change of Ptr induced by vagosympathetic nerve stimulation ahowed a marked increase after pretreatment with propranolol dose-dependently, and reached a plateau at the dose of 600μg/kg.
    6) Percent change of Ptr induced by vagosympathetic nerve stimulation showed a significant increase after pretreatment with propranolol and showed a significant decrease after pretreatment with phenoxybenzamine.
    The above results suggest that bronchoconstrictor responses induced by vagosympathetic nerve stimulation were modulated by various vasoactive substances.
  • 庵逧 由香
    2010年 3 巻 121-
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2022/03/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 黒木 文代, 三枝 大樹, 今村 幸久, 岡田 大
    1998年 44 巻 38-40
    発行日: 1998/11/15
    公開日: 2009/05/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 北村 諭, 石原 陽子, 杉山 幸比古
    1979年 17 巻 2 号 89-92
    発行日: 1979/02/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bronchial asthma is a clinical syndrome manifested by reversible and intermittent obstruction of bronchi. The reported incidence of aspirin and indomethacin-induced asthma is the highest among all drug-induced asthmas. Nevertheless the etiology of indomethacin-induced asthma is still unknown.
    The present investigation was conducted to explore the effect of indomethacin on the relaxing responses of guinea pig tracheal tissues with various bronchodilators.
    Male guinea pigs, weighing 250-300g, were sacrificed. Guinea pig tracheas were removed, cut spirally in strips 1.0-1.5mm in width and 3.0-4.0cm in length, suspended in bioassay glass jackets, superfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 37°C, and saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide (95:5, v/v). Relaxation of tissues was detected by an isotonic transducer and displayed on a polyrecorder.
    1) The relaxing responses of guinea pig tracheal tissues with various doses of isoproterenol and prostaglandin E2 were potentiated slightly with continuous infusion of indomethacin at a dose of 5×10-8M, afterwards they showed the significant decrease by increasing the dose of indomethacin.
    2) The relaxing responses of guinea pig tracheal tissues with 5ng/ml of salbutamol hemisulfate and 500ng/ml of aminophylline were attenuated dose-dependently with continuous infusion of indomethacin.
    3) The above results suggest that inhibition of endogenous prostaglandin E2 synthesis by indomethacin may cause indomethacin-induced asthma.
  • 内田 裕子, 石原 陽子, 北村 諭
    1985年 23 巻 5 号 542-547
    発行日: 1985/05/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    モルモット摘出気管切片, 肺実質切片を用いて各種LTの作用と相互作用について検索した. 気管切片では, 低濃度のLTE4の持続注入によりLTC4とLTD4の dose-response curve はほとんど影響をうけなかったが, 低濃度のLTC4の持続注入によりLTD4の dose-response curve は右方へ移動した. また, LITC4とLTD4の混合液では収縮反応は減弱された. 以上の実験成績よりLTC4とLTD4のレセプターは, 同一のものである可能性が示唆された. 肺実質切片では, LTC4とLTD4の相互作用は気管切片における作用と同様の傾向を示したが, LTE4とLTC4の相互作用は気管切片における反応とは異なる作用を示した. 生体内においては, 各種LTが種々の比率で産生放出されており, 各種病態においてそれらが相互に複雑に作用しあっている可能性が示唆された.
  • 石原 陽子, 佐々木 憲二, 北村 諭, 小坂 樹徳, 原沢 道美
    1977年 15 巻 6 号 327-334
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present investigation was conducted to clarify the interaction of vasoactive substances on the rabbit pulmonary artery and aorta.
    Male rabbits weighing 2.7-3.0 kg were killed, the pulmonary artery and the descending aorta were removed and suspended in a bioassay glass chamber superfused with Krebs-Hensleit solution at 37°C saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide (95: 5, v/v). Tissue contraction was detected by an isotonic transducer (ME Commercial) and recorded using a polyrecorder.
    1) The contractile responses of rabbit aortic strips by adrenaline (Adr.), noradrenaline (Noradr.), prostaglandin F (PGF), serotonin (Serot.) and angiotensin II (AII) were markedly increased with continuous infusion of low doses of Serot., histamine (Hist.), bradykinin (Brady.), Noradr., Adr. and PGF.
    2) The contractile responses of rabbit pulmonary arterial strips by Adr., PGF and AII were markedly increased with continuous infusion of a low dose of Serot., those by AII and Serot. were markedly increased with continuous infusion of a low dose of Hist., as were those by Adr., PGF, AII and Serot. with continuous infusion of a low dose of Noradr., and those by Adr., Noradr. and Serot. with continuous infusion of a low dose of PGF, It was also seen that the contractile responses produced by Noradr. and PGF and also by Noadr. were increased markedly by low doses of Brady, and Adr. respectively
    3) These results suggest that the interaction of various vasoactive substances may play a very important role, regulating and maintaining both pulmonary arterial and systemic blood pressure.
  • 石原 陽子, 内田 裕子, 北村 諭, 高久 史麿
    1984年 22 巻 4 号 249-254
    発行日: 1984/04/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the past two years, it has been established that the activity of the slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) is almost entirely attributable to leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4. It is well known that SRS-A is released from mast cells in anaphylactic shock. Several compounds have been reported to inhibit biosynthesis of leukotrienes. It is also reported that quinone derivatives with modified polyprenyl side chains have inhibitory effects on the antigen-induced SRS-A release.
    In the present investigation, we studied the effect of coenzyme Q10 (E-0216) on histamine or SRS-A release from passively sensitized guinea pig lung tissues and on the actions of various bronchoactive-agents in isolated perfused guinea pig tracheal strips.
    1. The amount of histamine released from passively sensitized guinea pig lung tissues by antigen challenge showed a marked decrease by preincubation with E-216. The percent inhibition of histamine was greatest at a concentration of 10μg/ml of E-0216.
    2. The amount of SRS-A released from passively sensitized guinea pig lung tissues by antigen challenge showed a marked decrease by preincubation with E-0216. The percent inhibition of SRS-A was greatest at a concentration of 10μg/ml of E-0216.
    3. Prostaglandin F-, acetylcholine-, serotonin- and bradykinin-induced contractile responses in guinea pig tracheal strips did not show any significant increase by continuous ifusion of E-0216 (0.05-5.0μg/ml). On the other hand, histamine-induced contractile responses showed a significant increase by continuous infusion of 0.5μg/ml of E-0216.
    4. Isoproterenol- and salbutamol-induced relaxation responses in guinea pig tracheal strips did not show any significant decrease by continuous infusion of E-0216 (0.05-5.0μg/ml). On the other hand, prostaglandin E2-induced relaxation responses showed a significant decrease by continuous infusion of 0.05-5.0μg/ml of E-0216.
  • 北村 諭, 石原 陽子, 許 榮宏, 杉山 幸比古
    1979年 17 巻 9 号 567-573
    発行日: 1979/09/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The fundamental importance of the lung in providing oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide is well known. However the lung has an another important role, that is the metabolism of vasoactive substances.
    The present investigation was conducted to explore the effects of histamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, adrenaline and angiotensin II on the canine airways and pulmonary vascular bed.
    Thirty-four dogs, weighing between 18 and 28kg, were anesthetized with intravenous administration of 25mg/kg of sodium pentobarbital. The left hemithorax was opened under artificial respiration. Catheters were inserted into the pulmonary artery trunk, left atrium and left femoral artery, and pulmonary artery pressure (Ppa), left atrium pressure (Pla) and femoral artery pressure (Pfa) were measured, respectively. Drugs were injected into the left pulmonary artery through polyethelene catheter.
    1) Ptr and Ppa increased, Pfa, Qaortaand Qlll decreased dose-dependently by injections of histamine.
    2) Ptr, Ppa, Pla and Pfa increased, Qaorta and Qlll decreased dose-dependently by injections of serotonin.
    3) Ppa, Pla, Pfa, Qaorta and Qlll increased dose-dependently by injections of adrenaline and noradrenaline, while Ptr decreased by an injection of adrenaline.
    4) Ppa, Pla and Pfa increased, Qaorta and Qlll decreased dose-dependently by injections of angiotensin II, while Ptr remained unchanged.
    5) The above results suggest that these vasoactive substances act on the pulmonary vascular, tracheobronchial and pulmonary lymphatic systems, ameliorating the ventilation perfusion ratio and modulating pulmonary circulation.
  • 北村 諭, 石原 陽子, 小坂 樹徳, 末次 勧, 本間 れい子, 梅田 博道
    1979年 17 巻 4 号 244-249
    発行日: 1979/04/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Parabens, the C1-C4 alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, have been used since the 1930s as bacteriostatic and fungistatic agents in drugs, cosmetics, and foods. Recently, several reports of paraben-induced asthma have been published. The present investigation was conducted to explore the effect of parabens on the actions of various bronchoconstrictors.
    Male guinea pigs, weighing 250-300g, were sacrificed. Guinea pig trachea was removed, cut spirally 1.5mm in width and 2.5cm in length, suspended in bioassay glass chamber and superfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 37°C saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide (95:5, v/v). Contractile responses of guinea pig tracheal tissues were detected by an isotonic transducer and displayed on a polyrecorder.
    1) The dose-response curve of acetylcholine was shifted upward by combining methylparaben and this shift became more dominant by increasing the dose of methylparaben.
    2) Acetylcholine, histamine and serotonin-induced contractile responses of tracheal tissues were potentiated dose-dependently by combination with methylparaben.
    3) Acetylcholine, serotonin, histamine and prostaglandin F-induced contractile responses of tracheal tissues were potentiated dose-dependently by combining propylparaben and reached a maximum at a dose of 2.5μg/ml.
    4) Acetylcholine, serotonin, histamine and prostaglandin F-induced contractile responses of tracheal tissues were potentiated dose-dependently by combination with ethylparaben and reached a maximum at a dose of 2.5μg/ml.
    5) The above results may suggest that such potentiating effects of parabens on the action of bronchoconstrictors could be the pathogenesis of paraben-induced asthma.
  • 血管収縮剤の作用におよぼす Prostaglandin E1およびE2の効果について
    石原 陽子, 浅田 由美, 北村 諭, 小坂 樹徳, 原沢 道美
    1978年 16 巻 8 号 574-580
    発行日: 1978/08/25
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    Primary pulmonary hypertension is a disease of unknown cause, and no therapeutic masures have been successful in relieving symptoms or affecting the course of the disease.
    The present investigation was conducted to demonstrate the effect of prostaglandin E1 and E2 on the contractile responses of rabbit pulmonary arterial and aortic strips with various vasoconstrictors.
    Male rabbits, weighing 2.0-2.5kg, were killed, the pulmonary arterial trunk and the descending aorta were removed, cut spirally into strips (20-30×1.0-1.5mm) suspended in bioassay glass jackets and superfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 37°C saturated with oxygen and carbon dioxide (95: 5, v/v).
    Tissue contraction was detected by an isotonic transducer and recorded using a polyrecorder.
    1) Prostaglandin F, serotonin, angiotensin II, noradrenaline and adrenaline-induced contractile responses of rabbit aortic and pulmonary arterial strips were decreased dose-dependently with continuous infusion of prostaglandin E1.
    2) Prostaglandin F, serotonin, angiotensin II, noradrenaline and adrenaline-induced contractile responses of rabbit aortic and pulmonary arterial strips were decreased dose-dependently with continuous infusion of prostaglandin E2.
    3) These results suggest that prostaglandin E, especially prostaglandin E1 and its derivatives may become the useful therapeutic agents in primary pulmonary hypertension.
  • 家兎における吸引性肺炎, 空気塞栓時の血中補体C3a, C5a値の変動
    木下 美登里, 和頴 房代, 渡辺 晴雄, 北村 諭
    1987年 7 巻 3 号 285-286
    発行日: 1987/05/01
    公開日: 2010/04/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The activation of complement components in the complement cascade plays an important role in the pathophysiology in anaphylactic shock, serious infection and massive tissue damage. Two anaphylatoxins are derived from complement 3 and 5 of the cascade and are called C3a and C5a, respectively.
    In the present investigation we measured plasma C3a and C5a in rabbits with aspiration pneumonia or air embolism by the radioimmunoassay method.
    1) Plasma complement C3a and C5a levels reached to the maximum 7 minutes after the aspiration pneumonia induced by pH 2 HCl instillation and returned to the control level 30 minutes after in rabbits.
    2) Plasma complement C3a level reached to the maximum 7 minutes after the air embolism and stayed in higher level for 60 minutes, however plasma complement C5a level reached to the maximum 5 minutes after the procedure and returned to the control level in rabbits.
    3) In these two experimental models of ARDS, aspiration pneumonia and air embolism, plasma complement C3a and C5a levels showed a significant increase and reached to the maximum 5 to 7 minutes after the procedures.