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クエリ検索: "妹背山" 高知県
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 河村 克典
    1993年 31 巻 1 号 34-40
    発行日: 1993/03/31
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山中 二男
    1954年 4 巻 3 号 104-109
    発行日: 1954/12/25
    公開日: 2017/04/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Okinoshima is a small island lying off the coast of the southwestern extremity of Shikoku. The island is about 20km in circumference and mainly consists of granite. The highest peak is Mt. Imose rising 404.1m above sea-level. The average annual temperature is 17.1℃, and the annual rain fall amounts to 1846.9mm. Herein is reported an outline of a vegetational survey of this island as compared with that of the southwestern part of the mainland of Shikoku. In Okinoshima the climatic climax forests are scarcely found owing to human activities. There-fore one is obliged to observe the residual fragments of them or the secondary forests. From this survey it is considered that Rapanaeto-Shiietum occupies the greater part of the island and Rumohreto-Machiletum occurs in rather limitted areas. These two associations belong to Rubel's laurisilvae. As typical climax forest of Rapanaeto-Shiietum is not found in this island, Rumohreto-Machiletum is observed as the only residual climatic climax which develops in low altitudes. In this island, Shiia sieboldii is frequently found in the areas of Machiletum and is often dominant in the tree layer. The main sociations of this Machiletum are Machilus thunbergii-Bladhia sieboldii-Alpinia chinensis sociation and Elaeocarpus elliptica-Bladhia sieboldii-Alpinia chinensis sociation. They show rather different structure compared with the same association found at Ashizuri-zaki and Muroto-zaki on the mainland of Shikoku. It seems that this association can be divided into two subassociations, namely, Bladhietosum (Okinoshima) and Podocarpetosum (Ashizuri and Muroto-zaki). Besides the above-mentioned climatic climax forests, the community chiefly dominated by stunted evergeen Quercus phylliraeoides occurs as an topographic climax on rocky places facing the sea. It is perceived that such garigue type communities which are commonly found throughout the coastal districts of Shikoku as well as Okinoshima should be included in the same association.
  • 異質的勢力接合地の一考察
    山崎 修
    1954年 6 巻 5 号 360-373,407
    発行日: 1954/12/30
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Okino-Shima is a small island, belongs to Kochi prefecture, on the southern part of the Bungo Channel. As this island is on the border line of Kochiand Ehime prefecture, it has been being to keep the peculiar characteristics as the historical, economical and cultural point of contact between the southern power and the northern one. This is also due to the double-sided natural characteristics of the island. The southern part of the Bungo Channel on which the island lies, is the transitional area between the Pacfic and the Seto Inland Sea. Temperature is high in this area, therefore this island has the oceanic characteristics as the wild growing place of the subtropical plants.
    They got the abundant haul near the island, and fishing was the most important industry with agriculture. But now the main industry is agriculture with few fishing. They cannot extend their farm on the island, population comes also to the maximum. As the island is mountainious, the small terrace farm and the residential land is on the sharp slope. The most houses are low due to many starms.
    Historically the island was included in the market area of Uwajima before the war, but during the war it was included into that of Sukumo artificially owing to the rationing system. As the sea transportation between the island and Sukumo has been facilitated, their economic relation has been closed. But now it is going to be included into the market area of Uwajima.
  • 桝本 輝樹, 柚原 剛, 多留 聖典, 風呂田 利夫, 西 栄二郎, 駒井 智幸, 黒住 耐二, 佐々木 美貴, 中川 雅博
    2017年 8 巻 1 号 1_41-1_52
    発行日: 2017/03/24
    公開日: 2023/06/21
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
     本研究では,後背湿地から前浜干潟にわたるさまざまな湿地をもつ千葉県木更津市の小櫃川河口干潟で,種の同定精度と調査場所を揃え,定量採集(コアサンプリングによる定量採集)と,観察と掘り返しという定性調査(「干潟生物の市民調査」手法)という2つの手法で得られる調査を比較することで,それぞれの調査の特性を明らかにした.また,その結果を対比するためのアグリゲートの手法についても議論し,分類群変更や誤同定の起こりやすい種を整理することの必要性を論じた.また,これらの調査のクラスター分析やnon-metric MDSといった群集構造解析結果が非常に近似しており,得られた群集構造に強い相関がある可能性を示した.
  • 地理学評論
    1972年 45 巻 7 号 491-527
    発行日: 1972/07/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • [記載なし]
    2013年 122 巻 8 号 1502-1461
    発行日: 2013/08/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー