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415件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 中田 基昭
    2000年 2000 巻 81 号 27-32
    発行日: 2000/05/10
    公開日: 2009/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 加藤 泰樹
    1989年 11 巻 1 号 13-26
    発行日: 1989年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 秋吉 嘉範
    1986年 8 巻 65-70
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    陸上競技の哲学的研究の一環として, 陸上競技を存在論的視点・認識論的視点及び価値的視点から考察したものである。
    1. 存在論的視点では陸上競技が人間の生存構造にいかに重要な意味をもちうるかを明らかにした。その内容は陸上競技と人間存在に焦点をしぼり, プラグマティズム (デューイ, J.) の立場からと, 実存主義 (サルトル), 及び遊戯の存在論 (フィンク) の立場から考察, 論述したものである。すなわち, いずれの論理も人間の主体性を論じ, 人間の主体性回復と人間存在の充実を希求する行動と思考しているようである。
    2. 認識論的視点では, 陸上競技の認識を知覚・意志・思考・感情などの側面をふまえて, 考察したものである。その内容は, 陸上競技における, 持久性・意志力・競争性・心身の耐性・快楽性をとりあげ, 種目内容との関係を明らかにしたものである。また創造的思考を必要とする競技として, 競技者の思考・工夫が記録向上に直結すると考えられる。
    3. 価値的視点
    陸上競技の価値視点として規範を中心に明らかにしたものである。とくに法規範としての競技規則の内容にふれ, 競技場や競技用器材などの変革が競技に及ぼす影響を考察したものである。一方, 道徳・習慣・伝統などの規範が競技者に及ぼす影響を論述したものである。また, 陸上競技をする人の価値感により価値志向が異なることを明らかにした。
  • 長谷川 曽乃江
    1994年 1994 巻 7 号 191-200
    発行日: 1994/06/05
    公開日: 2010/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    There are many controversial arguments concerning to the “intersubjectivity” which guarantees universal, objective communication between one person and another. Manfred Frank presents a “consent or conflict” model to explain the positive and negative attitudes towards “intersubjectivity”. Here “conflict” means a definite opposition to any “consent” which disguises the actual confrontation or discommunication, or the reality of a ruler-subordinate relationship under a totalitarian peace. This paper tries to place Sartre on the “conflict” side. In my point of view, Sartre introduces “ethics” to oppose “consent”, thus providing a communication model without the enlightening “reason”.
  • 中村 秀之
    2017年 97 巻 96-100
    発行日: 2017/01/25
    公開日: 2017/03/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 現象学的思索への一考察
    中田 基昭
    1988年 55 巻 2 号 143-153
    発行日: 1988/06/30
    公開日: 2009/01/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小西 忠彦
    1990年 57 巻 94-
    発行日: 1990/10/28
    公開日: 2017/08/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 仲原 孝
    1995年 12 巻 40-56
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2018/08/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    ›Das reine Sein und das reine Nichts ist also dasselbe‹. Dieser Satz aus ›Wissenschaft der Logik‹ Hegels ist zugleich das Grundwort des heideggerschen Denkens. Dieser Aufsatz versucht den Grund zu zeigen, warum Heidegger das Sein und das Nichts für identisch halten konnte, obwohl beide einander widerstreiten und verneinen. Nach ihm sind Sein und Nichts nicht identisch, insofern sie unterschiedslos gleich sind, sondern insofern sie im Horizont der eigentlichen Zeitlichkeit gleichzeitig anwesen, d. h. eines als Gegenwart und das andere als Zukunft oder GeWesenheit. Deshalb behauptet Heidegger, das ursprüngliche Sein, das mit dem Nichts einander zusammengehört, lasse sich nur aus der ursprünglichen Zeit verstehen.
    Heidegger hält diesen Gedanken von seiner früheren bis zur spätesten Zeit durch, einige Verschiedenheiten ausgenommen. Nämlich : in der früheren Zeit hält er die Momente der Zeitlichkeit gleichsam für bloß nebeneinander anwesend, während er in der späteren Zeit den Zusammenhang ihrer Momente als den der Entbergung und Verbergung denkt, d. h. als die Un-Verborgenheit. Außerdem spricht er von der Verborgenheit dieser Unverborgenheit, was man jedoch wiederum nur aus der Zeitlichkeit und Geschichtlichkeit des Seins selbst verstehen kann.
  • 中村 信隆
    2018年 2018 巻 69 号 215-229
    発行日: 2018/04/01
    公開日: 2018/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    Many philosophers suspect that the emotion of shame cannot play a significant role in morality because shame is the reaction to others’ contempt and therefore, a heteronomous emotion. This paper aims to defend the view that shame is a morally significant emotion by focusing on one form of reproach —“shame on you.” We employ this reproach, for example, with a President who establishes discriminatory policies or a scientist who falsifies data in his academic paper and in these cases, we assume this reproach is morally important. Therefore, what does “shame on you” imply? How can it be morally justified? Moreover, what are its characteristics? In this paper, I answer these questions by clarifying the notions of shame and self-respect.

    The paper proceeds as follows. First, I resolve the issue of autonomy and heteronomy in the emotion of shame based on Gabriele Taylor’s observation that shame contains two elements — a self-directed adverse judgment and a notion of an audience. I argue that the adverse judgment is always rendered autonomously, but the audience can be either autonomous or heteronomous; essentially, agents feel shame either in their own eyes or in the eyes of others. Second, I explain the meaning of “shame on you” and demonstrate the moral validity of this reproach by referring to the nature and classification of self-respect. Finally, I examine the distinctive significance of “shame on you.” Examining the different characteristics of shame and guilt, I argue that this form of reproach involves more a comprehensive assessment of the agent than other forms of reproach that concern, for example, the violations of moral rules.

  • (特集=写真の原形質)
    近藤 耕人
    1994年 53 巻 5-17,145
    発行日: 1994/11/25
    公開日: 2019/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー

      The chinese characters for "Eizo" which we Japanese use to mean visual image have a hard and mechanical impression, compared to "image" which means both inner and visual images. Its double meaning enables the word "image" to approach the subject from both the sides of our being, internal and external.

      J.-D. Nasio witnessed the separation of eyes and manazashi with one of her patients in Les yeux de Laure. Jacque Lacan, following J.P.Sartre, argued that eyes and manazashi do not coexist but hide each other. Lacan saw the embodyment of the invisible power of manazashi in the symbolic object flying in air in the middle space of the tableau, "The Ambassadors" by Hans Holbein the younger. He regards it as the expression of the hidden male desire incarnated in a skull=phallus image.

      The image as the projection of manazashi reflects the spirit of the viewer as well as his or her figure.

  • ―Sartreを手がかりに―
    長谷川 憲
    2018年 40 巻 1 号 63-77
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    In team sports players often have to make sacrifices for their teams or teammates for the sake of strategic efficiency or some other necessity, such as to perform bunts and screens. At first glance, the action is to serve his team and teammates, to repress one’s self and to let himself exist as a thing. This appears to cause alienation of the player. Although self-sacrifice is such an action, sometimes one spontaneously performs it. Is it true that one who performs self-sacrifice is alienated? The purpose of this paper is to reveal what self-sacrifice in sport is, and to ask whether one can sacrifice himself while keeping his subjectivity or not. We defined the concept of self-sacrifice as follows. Self-sacrifice is an unselfish action of trying to behave altruistically in a dilemma of whether to act selfishly or act for others and one’s team. Self-sacrifice is to fall into self-deception. But as far as a player who performs self-sacrifice intends to act for the sake of the others, self-sacrifice is the act that is given significance. Then, self sacrifice is an action that accepts to be objectified by the others to keep other’s freedom. Thus, self-sacrifice is the action of consciously falling into self-deception and to accept to be objectified by the others, like actor / actress who plays a character. He / She can play a character with subjectivity because they are trying to identify his / her possibility that to be the character. Similarly, self-sacrifice guarantees a player’s subjectivity only when the player composes one’s possibility that to sacrifice himself for the sake of the others and tries to identify with one’s possibility to be oneself who performs self-sacrifice.

  • 中川 功一
    2021年 46 巻 12-20
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/05/18
    ジャーナル フリー

     The truth of management is supported by two things: existence which is ever-changing reality, and theory what is cognitive and currently in place locally. No “standard theory” can be established in management studies, because the reality of the business is continuously changing. Therefore, approaching truth is accomplished through knowing both theory and reality. Looking at the world business administration academia from this point of view, we can say that the academia has a certain level of soundness in terms of the fact that criticism of the theory-centric view appears from within the academia and the academia places great value on the search for the reality of things. In this respect, the world management academia has established the “standard normative” that both theory and reality have values to reach the truth. However, here we criticize that both the management societies in the world and Japan fall into the stuck that most of academicians rush into myopic research for the sake of journal acceptance or getting fame in academia, while they are losing their original philosophy and raison d’etre of pursuing the truth of management.

  • 福田 学
    2013年 72 巻 282-283
    発行日: 2013/08/27
    公開日: 2018/04/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 牛窪隆太『日本語教育学の新潮流29 教師の主体性と日本語教育』
    松本 剛次
    2022年 20 巻 376-389
    発行日: 2022/12/23
    公開日: 2023/01/29
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 福原 省三
    1990年 61 巻 3 号 177-183
    発行日: 1990/08/25
    公開日: 2010/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present experiment was conducted to examine the hypothesis that extended eye contact might intensify direct relations in a social encounter with another individual. Organized into same sex dyadic pairs, 64 students (32 male, 32 female) were divided into two groups (high- and low-eye contact) and assigned to either a positive or negative condition defined in terms of the verbal content of the confederate. With respect to the affective components of these dyadic interactions, it was found that under the positive evaluation condition, greater liking occurred in the high-eye contact group. In contrast, greater liking occurred in the low-eye contact group under the negative evaluation condition. Similar patterns were found with respect to the evaluation of “sincerity”, “interest” and “attraction” toward the confederate. All these findings were in accordance with the hypothesis stated above. However, findings related to the qualification factor of the interaction as indexed by “skill of address”, “attentiveness” and “confidence” were not in accordance with expectations. It was concluded, therefore, that increasing eye contact selectively intensifies the affective elements in a dyadic relationship while leaving the qualification aspects unaffected.
  • 下坂 幸三
    1972年 17 巻 4 号 519-525
    発行日: 1972/01/10
    公開日: 2014/11/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 速水 洋
    1993年 31 巻 1 号 13-27
    発行日: 1993年
    公開日: 2018/12/06
    ジャーナル フリー

    New born infants have not only id which is the reservoir of inpulsive energy, but also the sense of the self which needs acceptance of care-giver. Child development is not the process from dependence to autonomy or from undifferentiation to separation-individuation, but the process of self-objectification by expanding child’s subjective world through deepening the connection with the other.

    But as the consequence of the self-objectification that is conscious of the self seen from the other, the vulnerability of the self and the sense of shame occur inevitably. As the consequence of it, the self introjects the other and must begin to cure his wound. It is the self-object which Kohut insists that has such functions. Main self-object’s functions are mainly mirroring, idealizing and twinships. Deviant behavior occurs as a consequence of deepening of painful vulnerability or the lack of the supportiveness of self-objects for it.

  • 『存在と無』におけるサルトルの「遊び」論を導きの糸として
    加藤 誠之
    2014年 109 巻 55-73
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2024/02/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to understand the recovery process for those students who have experienced non-attendance at school, the author has been conducting fieldwork at a private part-time and correspondence high school (hereafter called “X high school”). In X high school, those students who have experienced school non-attendance are “good children” and at fi rst deny “mischievous” students. Soon, however, the former accept the latter and get along with them. Such acceptance is a necessary step in overcoming the experience of school non-attendance. According to Sartre, while I live in the world, I throw myself toward my future possibilities and fi nd all things as tools for realizing those possibilities. However, while I live in the world, I live with others. I can, on the one hand, objectify the others and use them as tools at my own will. On the other hand, the others can also objectify me and use me as a tool at their own will. Therefore, while I live with others in the world, I have to display certain behaviors following a role as a tool for others. Of course, I can choose whether to display those behaviors or not, because I am free. Due to the fear of being condemned by others, those students who have experienced non-attendance at school often completely curtail their own freedom and choose to be “good children.” Through the life at X high school, they realize that they will not be condemned even if they act like “mischievous” students. Thus it becomes unnecessary for them to deny their own freedom and to behave as “good children.”
  • 中所 聖一
    2002年 8 巻 92-93
    発行日: 2002/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―意識と実在をめぐるヘーゲルとW・ジェイムズ、D・ハーディングの見解から―
    *冲永 荘八
    2019年 32 巻 SL
    発行日: 2019/09/28
    公開日: 2020/04/28
    会議録・要旨集 フリー