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クエリ検索: "居辺川"
7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • *鈴木 啓明, 今泉 俊文, 石山 達也
    2008年 2008f 巻 509
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2008/11/14
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    1. はじめに
     北海道十勝平野北東部付近の利別川・音更川・士幌川流域では,過去に大規模な流路変更が生じたことが示唆されている(三谷ほか 1976,十勝団体研究会 1978,池田ほか 2002).しかしその変化の時期や原因については不明な点が多い.本発表では,地形学的手法により推定される十勝平野北東部付近の河川の流路変更について紹介し,その原因を考察する.

    2. 調査地域
    十勝平野は,後期中新世以降の千島弧外弧の西進に関わって白糠丘陵の西側に生じた構造盆地をその原型とする.現在,居辺台地・長流枝内丘陵とその西の平野部との境界に,活断層(十勝断層帯)がみられる.これは更新世に,活断層の位置が約30km西へ移動したものと考えられている(池田ほか 2002).

     本地域の河成段丘を,高位から上旭ヶ丘軽石流堆積面,上旭ヶ丘面,北居辺I面,上更別面,北居辺II面,上帯広I面,上帯広II面,上帯広III面の8面に区分した.上帯広I面,上帯広II面は,それぞれ利別川およびその支流に沿って連続性がよく,現河床と比べ直線的な勾配をもち,下流側では沖積面下に埋没する.十勝川以南の地域では,上帯広I面はステージ3頃までに,上帯広II面はステージ2頃に,それぞれ形成されたとされている(平川・小野 1974; 小疇ほか 2003).
     上旭ヶ丘面は十勝断層帯を横切り,長枝流内丘陵付近に北西-南東の最大傾斜方向をもって分布している.これはかつての音更川が形成した巨大扇状地を起源とすると推定されている(池田ほか 2002). 一方,北居辺I面は,ほぼ十勝断層帯に沿って南北方向に分布し,十勝断層帯の東側の長流枝内丘陵内には分布しない. また,北居辺II面以下の面は,美里別川および
     以上から本地域付近では,以下(1),(2)に示す,時期を異にした河川の流路変更が生じたと考えられる(十勝団体研究会 1978).

    4. 考察
    の谷頭侵食が進んだためと考えられる.一方,音更川上流域の石狩山地内では,中期更新世における火山活動について報告があり(例えば小疇ほか 2003),上旭ヶ丘面や北居辺I面の形成およびその前後の流路変更は,石狩山地内の火山活動による岩屑供給量の一時的な増加と,関連づけて論じられる可能性がある.

    5. 今後の課題

  • サムナー 圭希, 井上 卓也, 人見 美哉, 清水 康行
    2018年 74 巻 4 号 I_1045-I_1050
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 福岡 捷二, 石塚 宗司, 田端 幸輔
    2019年 75 巻 2 号 I_1399-I_1404
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2020/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー



  • 小松 利光, 押川 英夫, 塚原 健一
    2007年 13 巻 399-404
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2024/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー

    The typhoon 0514 hit the Kyushu area on Sep., 2005 and brought quantities of rainfall to the Miyazaki prefecture, in particular, the Mimi River Basin, where the most cumulative rainfall during 3 days was more than 1900mm. Consequently the serious damage resulted from floods and landslides. In addition, much driftwood increased the flood damage. The mountainside collapse built the natural dam which stopped the flood and impounded water upstream. In this paper, we suggest to promote the research on driftwood and propose to build dams with holes, which can control floods to avoid the serious flood damage occurred by the collapse of natural dam.

  • 井上 卓也, 山口 里実, 船木 淳悟
    2015年 71 巻 4 号 I_853-I_858
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/01/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bedrock erosion rate E due to collision of saltating bedload is expressed by E=βqb (1-Pc), where qb is the bedload transport rate, Pc is the areal fraction of bedrock covered with gravel and β is the abrasion coefficient. It is known that bedrock becomes weathered to have many cracks and voids after repeated wet-dry cycles. However, the possible impacts that weathering of bedrock has on the erosion rate have not been elucidated. In this study, laboratory experiments are conducted for understanding how weathering of bedrock would affect the rock tensile strength and the erosion rate. For this purpose, boring cores taken from natural bedrock rivers are exposed to artificial wet-dry cycles. The experimental results suggest the following: (1) the abrasion coefficient is estimated by β=1.4×10-4σ T-2 (d/ksb)0.5, where d is the size of colliding gravel and ksb is the bedrock hydraulic roughness height; (2) the tensile strength of the bedrock decreased exponentially due to repeated wet-dry cycles, σ TT0 = exp (-CdwNWa0T0), where σ T0 is the initial rock tensile strength, Wa0 is the initial water absorption rate, N is wet-dry cycles and Cdw is a constant.
  • 長谷川 和義, 新谷 融, 小川 長宏, 菊池 俊一, 黒木 幹男, 小松 利光, 嵯峨 浩, 清水 康行, 清水 収, 鈴木 洋之, 鈴木 優一, 田中 岳, 田中 仁, 藤間 聡, 中津川 誠, 八田 茂実, 村上 泰啓, 山下 俊彦, 山田 孝, 渡邊 康玄, 渡部 靖憲, 藤田 睦博
    2005年 49 巻 427-432
    発行日: 2005/02/01
    公開日: 2011/06/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The typhoon No.10 hit the Pacific cost in Hokkaido on August 9 in 2003. The casualties were 10 killed and 3 wounded. The missing person has not been found yet. This typhoon gave the biggest damage by flood to Hokkaido in the last twenty years. In Saru River basin and Appetu River basin in Ilidaka region, serious damages, such as flooded house, house failure and bridge fall, occurred by this typhoon. Farmland and flood plain were covered for the large sediment.
    In this paper, we will report an outline of heavy rainfall disasters of Hidaka region in Hokkaido by the typhoon No.10. We hope that the result of this investigation helps to clarify the mechanisms of the heavy rainfall disasters with hydrologic and hydraulic knowledge.
  • 十勝団体研究会
    1972年 11 巻 4 号 219-227
    発行日: 1972/12/28
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the Tokachi Plain of the south-eastern Hokkaido, a number of the pumice-fall and ash-fall deposits ranging from the late Pleistocene to Holocene are widely developed. As shown in Fig. 1, most of these deposits were accumulated on the southeastern or eastern side of the volcanoes.
    Some of these pumice-fall deposits of the late Pleistocene, that is, Orange-colored pumice-fall 3, 2 and 1 (Op-3, Op-2 and Op-1), Shikaribetsu pumice-fall 2 and 1 (Sipfa-2 and Sipfa-1), and Eniwa-a pumice-fall deposits (E-a) were found in this plain by the studies of the Tokachi Research Group, since 1962. This paper is a summary of these studies (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Table 1).
    In the last glacial period (W I-II), the orange pumice-fall 3, 2 and 1, Shikotsu pumice-fall 2 (Spfa-2) and pumice-fall 1 (Spfa-1) erupted from the Shikotsu volcano are mainly extending to the southern part of Tokachi Plain and across the Hidaka Mountains (Figs. 1 and 3). The Op-1 pumice-falls serupted as the earlier stage ejecta of the Shikotsu volcano, was dated as 35, 750±1, 350yrs. B.P. (GaK-3669) by 14C dating.
    On the other hand, two pumice-fall deposits are distributed in a narrow area of the northeastern part of this plain. These deposits are named as Shikaribetsu pumice-fall 2 and 1 (Sipfa-2 and Sipfa-1), and considered to have been derived from the Shikaribetsu volcano. 14C dating investigation revealed the date of the Sipfa-2 ejection to be older than the Spfa-1 deposits dated as 32, 200±2, 000yrs. B.P.(GaK-714). Then, archaeologic investigation revealed the date of the Sipfa-1 ejection younger than the Late Paleolithic Shimaki remains dated as 19, 000yrs. B.P. using the hydration layer of obsidian artifacts.
    In the latest glacial period (W IV), andesitic pumice-fall (E-a) erupted from the Eniwa volcano near the Shikotsu caldera, is chiefly distributed in the central area of this plain. Tephrochronologic investigation in this plain and Ishikari low land revealed the date of eruption of the E-a deposit to be older than about 13, 000yrs. B.P. and younger than about 15, 000yrs. B.P. On the basis of the correlation of terrace stratigraphy, periglacial phenomena and tephrochronology of these pumice-fall deposits in this plain, Table 1 is established.