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クエリ検索: "岡崎太郎"
251件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 岡崎 太郎
    1970年 1 巻 1 号 29-37
    発行日: 1970/06/30
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • プリン・ピリミジン代謝
    1993年 17 巻 2 号 e1-
    発行日: 1993年
    公開日: 2012/12/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 第1報-III ラッテの食餌成分と腸内菌叢の研究 (その3)
    大嶋 竹一
    1956年 14 巻 5 号 151-158
    発行日: 1956年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 坂口 満, 高木 克公, 石川 浩一郎, 岩倉 雄一郎
    1981年 30 巻 2 号 384-386
    発行日: 1981/06/25
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 69-year-old man with gout associated with psedogout is reported.
    On April, 1980, there were acute attacks in the left wrist, left ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints and he was first seen at our allied hospital. Roentgenogram showed typical puntate or linear calcification in the menisci, wrist, shoulder, ankle and synphis pubis. Synovial fluid revealed weakly positive birefringent monoclinic and triclinic CPPD crystals and strongly negative birefringent monosodium urate crystals by compensated polarized light microscopy. Serum urate was 8.8mg/dl. Acute attacks disappeared by 6 doses of Colchicin.
    These symptoms and roentgenographic and laboratory findings satisfied the criteria of gout and pseudogout.
  • 岡山 高秀, 永田 致治
    1979年 50 巻 1 号 15-21
    発行日: 1979/01/25
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 戸次 鎮史, 井上 明生, 山中 健輔, 藤松 晃一
    1985年 34 巻 2 号 492-496
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case (73-year-old female) of chondrocalcinosis with destructive coxarthrosis was reported. The case had complained of slight pain in her left knee and severe pain in her hip for several months.
    X-ray findings of the left hip showed severe destructive changes of the femoral head and of the acetabulum with subluxation, and those of the left knee showed calcification of the meniscus. Laboratory data of the blood and urine were normal, but microscopic study on the joint fluid of the hip and of the knee revealed CPPD crystals through the compensated polarized light.
    Total hip replacement was carried out for the hip. Histological findings of the femoral head were almost the same as those of ordinary coxarthrosis. However, histological findings of the synovium showed many CPPD crystal depositions on the surface.
  • 斎藤 輝信, 杉山 尚, 岡崎 太郎, 三友 紀男, 阿達 敦彦
    1971年 34 巻 3-4 号 79-86
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been widely recognized that the drinking of strongly acid hot spring water often causes gastrointestinal symptoms. However, the research in this subject has been distinctly sporadic.
    Fundamental and clinical experiments were undertaken to ascertain the effect of the drinking of Tamagawa Spa on the gastrointestinal mucosa. The property of Tamagawa Spa, Akita prefecture, is acid vitriol spring whose pH value is 1.2, and it contains a large amount of hydrochloric acid and hydrogen sulfide.
    1. Studies in Man
    The changes of gastric mucosa in 36 subjects after the drinking of hot spring water were observed by gastrocamera or gastrofiberscope.
    Varying degrees of hyperaemia were found in all subjects administered non-diluted hot spring water, whereas these change were markedly reduced in subjects administered two times and over diluted hot spring water.
    No instances of erosion or ulceration were seen in any of the subjects.
    2. Experiments in Animals
    Twenty three healthy rabbits, orally administered non-diluted or diluted hot spring water for seven days were autopsied.
    The changes of gastric mucosa were similar to those in man, and no significant influence on the jejunal mucosa was seen. Microscopically the affected mucosa revealed degeneration of the epithelial cells of gastric gland and edema of the submucosa.
    Based on the critical review of former studies, several important factors were suggested to explain the occurrence of gastric impairment after the drinking of Tamagawa Spa water.
  • 平田 拓也, 小原 顕, 矢野 英雄, 石川 修六, 柏谷 聡, 小柳 正男, 柏谷 裕美
    2016年 71.2 巻 16aAA-3
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2017/12/05
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


  • 小野田 卓男, 三井 忠夫, 丹羽 滋郎
    1989年 9 巻 2 号 133-136
    発行日: 1989/03/10
    公開日: 2010/04/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The quantitative measurement of rheumatoid factor (RF) was made by laser nepherometry in order to examine the changes of RF in rheumatoid patients before and during antirheumatoid medication with auranofin, gold sodium thiomalate (GST) and CCA.
    The patients were divided into 4 groups: 20 cases of auranofin group, 6 of GST group, 9 of CCA group, and 20 of control group. RF was measured with latex photometric immunoassay (Eiken Kagaku, LA-200) . Duration of observation were 41±25 weeks (mean±SD) on auranofin group, and 63±72 on control group. The RF rates of auranofin group and GST group were significantly improved with the results of 24.1±36. 1 (mean±SD) in auranofin group, 52.1±40.3 in GST group, in comparison with control group with the results of -2.4±36.1 (P<0.05, P<0.01) .
    With these results, we concluded that quantitative measurement of RF is very useful for evaluating the efficiency of antirheumatic drugs, as it indicates the condition of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • “研究”を考える
    杉山 尚
    1977年 41 巻 1-2 号 5-17
    発行日: 1977年
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    私の医学の研究は概ね3期に分けることができる. 第1期は温泉の各種生体機能への作用, つまり生体に対する温泉作用の本態の究明, 温泉の治病機転の解明であり, 第2期は温泉に関係の深い疾患としてリウマチをとり上げ, リウマチに対する温泉作用から出発してリウマチ, 膠原病の臨床的研究へ, そして第3期は温泉を理学療法の一つとして捉え, 理学療法を主な治療手技とするという立場からリハビリテーション医学へのアプローチということになる. 温泉医学, リウマチ膠原病学, そしてリハビリテーション医学, その何れもが当時の医学の領域では日のあたらない未知の分野であり,「見於未萠」の一語に尽きる. いわばその開拓者の役割を果してきたといえる.
    本講演では, そのうち私の「温泉の医学的研究」を一つのモデルとして, 私自身の医学における研究の進め方, というより進み方を紹介し,「研究とは何ぞや」について私の考え方を述べ, 若い研究者に捧げたい.
  • 佐藤 淑, 森山 友章, 長主 直子, 佐々木 亜希子, 出張 玲子
    Progress of Digestive Endoscopy
    2013年 83 巻 1 号 192-193
    発行日: 2013/12/14
    公開日: 2013/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 64-year-old man was admitted to the hospital because of jaundice. Laboratory findings showed T-Bil had increased to 10.2 mg/dl and CA19-9 level was 62 U/ml. Abdominal CT identified an enhanced tumor at the middle to lower extrahepatic bile duct, MRCP showed disruption of the middle bile duct, and ERC revealed the tumor located at the middle and lower bile duct. Positron emission tomography showed 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake localized to the bile duct. Biopsy specimens taken from the tumor suggested a carcinoma. The patient underwent pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. Histopathology showed that the tumor consisted of intermixed, adenocarcinoma and sarcomatoid spindle cells-so-called carcinosarcoma (undifferentiated carcinoma according to World Health Organization classification) . The tumor was Bmi, fm, pGinf0, pPanc0, pDuo0, int, INF-β, ly0, v0, pn1a, pHM2, pEM0, fStageI.
    Carcinosarcoma of the bile duct tends to show a polypoid lesion, and biopsy of the tumor is necessary to differentiate from adenoma, papilloma, inflammatory polyp, calculus and carcinoma.
  • 座長:阿部 晃治
    2020年 123 巻 4 号 1049-1050
    発行日: 2020/09/20
    公開日: 2020/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 梶田 昭彦, 上代 晧三
    1962年 2 巻 2 号 76-82
    発行日: 1962/09/20
    公開日: 2009/05/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Aspirinとの比較
    長屋 郁郎, 本間 光夫
    1978年 9 巻 4 号 369-384
    発行日: 1978/12/30
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    We assessed the clinical usefulness of ketoprofen (150 mg/day) comparing with aspirin (3 g/day) by a double blind controlled study. The anti-inflammatory effect of 150 mg/day of ketoprofen is equivalent to 3 g/day of aspirin which is a high dose for the average Japanese. Side effects of ketoprofen, however, are much less than those of aspirin as for the degree and frequency.
    We confirmed the clinical usefulness of ketoprofen as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • 道端 齊, 宇山 太郎, 岩田 幸也, 平田 純子
    1988年 5 巻 4 号 177-181
    発行日: 1988/12/28
    公開日: 2011/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中野 哲雄, 甲斐 信, 加藤 悌二, 坂本 憲史
    1986年 35 巻 2 号 433-438
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    20 case with severe acute inflammatory arthritides were evaluated on the initial differential diagnosis.
    Final diagnoses of these 20 cases were suppurative arthritis (12 cases), crystal deposition disease (including highly suspected cases) (6 cases), unknown etiology (2 cases), and one case which showed difficulty in differentiation between supputative arthritis and crystal deposition disease. Whether findings of any diagnostic value may exist or not was discussed on the early diagnosis of these 20 cases.
    Clinical manifestations showed no difference between 9 cases with suppurative arthritides (excluding 3 infant cases) and 6 cases with crystal deposition disease. White cell counts were abnormally high in many cases with the former. CRP showed no difference. ESR elevation was noted in the latter group. Mean age was 66 in the former and 70 in the letter.
    Incidence of crystal induced arthritis was none under the age of 70. However, approximately half of the cases over 70 years old were showed crystal induced arthritis.
    Microscopic examination of synovial fluid and of gram-stained preparation are at-most important in the early differential diagnosis of acute arthritides. Crystal deposition disease is established if crystals were recognized and suppurative arthritis is evident if bacteria were found in the synovial fluid. Caution should be made because complications by both are not infrequent.
    Considering the above mentioned discussion, the treatment schedule may be as follows. In cases of over 70 years old with acute arthritis, irrigation is the only option and antibiotics may be reserved for 24hrs. In cases under 60 years and in infants in particular, antibiotic prescription and distension-irrigation should be done as rapidly as possible.
  • 斎藤 昌義, 中津 智史, 平春 技
    1988年 35 巻 10 号 664-669
    発行日: 1988/10/15
    公開日: 2011/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    屠畜血液から血漿を調製する際におこる溶血が,血漿蛋白質の機能特性に及ぼす影響を検討した.全血をホモジナイズして,溶血の程度が段階的に異なる血漿を調製した.吸光値から推定した血漿中に混入したヘモグロビンの比率は, 0.9%から5.6%であった.血漿は,溶血により,臭いが強くなり,また,トリグリセリド,リン脂質が増加した.溶解度は, pH5においては,溶血したサンプルの方が高い値を示した.乳化活性は,溶血の程度が低い試料では(ヘモグロビンの比率で1.3%程度)わずかに向上したが,溶血が激しいと(2%以上)著しい減少を示した.このように,血漿蛋白質の機能特性は,調製時の溶血によって様々な影響を受けることが明かとなった.ここで示された,溶血による色,臭いの増大,乳化活性の低下は,血漿の利用上の大きな問題となる.食品素材としての血漿を調製するには,溶血をおこさないような処理方法で行うことが必要である.
  • XVII 山形県今神温泉における湯治概況と医学的調査
    花籠 良一, 国分 文夫, 早田 禎臣
    1967年 30 巻 3-4 号 87-93
    発行日: 1967/03/25
    公開日: 2010/08/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    At Imagami Spa in Yamagta Prefecture, consultations on balneal treatments and some medical researches were carried out side by side with a general survey of balneal treatments (August, 1965). Imagami Spa is located in a remote mountain and has been known as “the Spring of God”. There is only one hotel in Imagami Spa, which is open to the genenal public as soon as the snow melts away. Primitive log houses are set up when visitors come not for pleasure but only for balneal therapy. Most of the visitors are from Yamagata Prefecture of whom the aged are large in number. Of the female visitors, those who are engaged in farm work are the largest in number. The largest number of visitors come to this Spa for therapeutic treatment and convalescence, which shows clealy the nature of this Spa. The classification of diseases shows that the visitors are mostly suffering from gastro-enteropathy, neuralgia and cardiovascular diseases. Very few visitors come to this Spa under a doctor's prescription. About 90% of the visitors stay there for more than two weeks; visitors are characterized by long-term balneal tneatment. In general, the visitors tend to bathe excessively and for a long time. About 89.1% of the visitors drink hot spring, water which frequency is greater here than in any other hot spring resorts and which is a rare case in Japan. About 48.9% reported that the balneal treatment was effective and 47.8% replied that it was not clear. Bathing reaction was observed in 29.3% and comparatively large numbers of visitors complained of constipation, fatigue and dermatitis. It was found from Cornel Medical Index (CMI) that 31.3% of the total number of visitors showed characteristic of complaints of the neurotics or neurotic patients, which shows that this Spa is favored by this kind of patients. This Spa proves to be of interest when we take into account the fact that the visitor has a sort of religious faith in this Spa.
  • 小林 紘樹, 谷川 英徳, 小川 亮, 山縣 朋宏, 福岡 昌利, 武田 健太郎, 市原 大輔, 大熊 一成, 原藤 健吾
    2015年 34 巻 4 号 549-551
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/12/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Objective: Although polarizing microscopes are commonly used for the diagnosis of pseudogout, they are very expensive and not always available in small hospitals. We investigated visualizing calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate (CPPD) crystals using Gram stain, and investigated the usefulness of this technique for the diagnosis of pseudogout.
    Methods: Twenty patients with suspected monoarthritis were investigated in our hospital. Aspirated joint fluids were assessed with both a polarizing microscope and Gram stain. Patients were diagnosed as pseudogout in the presence of CPPD crystals confirmed via a polarizing microscope. We visualized the joint fluid via Gram stain to detect crystals and bacteria. We estimated the sensitivity and specificity of the Gram stain for the diagnosis of pseudogout.
    Results: Twelve patients were diagnosed as pseudogout, two patients had gout, two patients had septic arthritis, and four patients had other diseases. Using the polarizing microscope, 12 patients were CPPD-positive, and eight patients were CPPD-negative. Using Gram stain, 11 patients were crystal-positive, and nine patients were crystal-negative. The sensitivity and the specificity of Gram stain for the diagnosis of pseudogout was 92% and 100%, respectively.
    Conclusion: Gram stain may be useful in the diagnosis of pseudogout.
  • 山内 清
    1973年 44 巻 4 号 207-211
    発行日: 1973年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー