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クエリ検索: "市瀬由自"
207件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 市瀬 由自
    1967年 11 巻 5 号 45-67
    発行日: 1967/12/01
    公開日: 2021/07/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 市瀬 由自
    1981年 33 巻 4 号 229
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 丸山 裕一
    1969年 7 巻 3 号 18-24
    発行日: 1969/09/30
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 川名 明
    1969年 51 巻 10 号 287-292
    発行日: 1969/10/25
    公開日: 2008/12/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 市瀬 由自
    1976年 28 巻 3 号 146-152
    発行日: 1976年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author investigated the characteristics and the origin of the sag-shaped closed depression along the lower reach of the River Arakawa in the Fukui Plain.
    The results are summarized in the following manner.
    1) In the sag-shaped closed depression, the deltaic sediments are thickly deposited as the upper final layer.
    2) From the geomorphological characteristics of the sag-shaped closed depression, its formation has its origin in the subsiding activity following the formation of the deltaic plain.
    3) The sag-shaped depression has the following characteristics.
    (i) The sag-shaped closed depression is located just above the earthquake fault caused by the Fukui earthquake, and a leftslip together with west side down-thrown have occurred.
    (ii) Breaking out of the crack and the formation of the depression have occurred at the time of the Fukui earthquake.
    Based on the above mentioned characteristics, the author has come to the conclusion that in the sag-shaped closed depression, faulting in the bed rock has occurred due to earthquakes in the past, and a subsiding activity associated with this faulting gave rise to the depression of a thick upper final layer and also to the sag-shaped closed depression on the deltaic plain.
  • 市瀬 由自
    1977年 29 巻 2 号 73-82
    発行日: 1977年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The paper deals with the relationship between the landform and crustal movement of the Ohyama River delta plain in the southwestern part of the Shonai Plain, and the depression zone on this delta plain. The results are summarized as follows:
    The alluvial plain of the Ohyama River is composed mainly of delta plain. To the west this alluvial plain adjoins the Kamo moutains, and to the south Yakushidake and Sanbokura mountain blocks. The Akagawa floodplain, the eastern boundary of this alluvial plain, coincides with a tectonic line running from north to south, which divides the Shonai Plain into the eastern and the western parts. Judging from landform, alluvial geological structure, bedrock geological structure and gravity anomaly distribution, the author is certain that this delta plain corresponds to a trough between the tectonic line above and that at the east of Kamo mountains.
    The trough forming movement has continued throughout the making of delta plain, and is partly reflected in the results of repeated precist levelling.
    Moreover, the 10-15m contours on this plain show a depression zone in the same direction with the Kamo mountains.
    Under this depression zone, a synclinal movement of the Kamigo formation, which comprises the eastern part of the Kamo mountains, has been continuing even after the formation of delta plain.
    This movement has brought the undulation on the plain surface such as a down-warping with dimensions of 1-1.5km by about 9km.
    According to the results of repeated precise levelling from 1956-1966, including the crustal movement caused by the Niigata earthquake, the bench mark located closest to this depression zone is still dropping.
    Therefore, the author concluded that the depression movement of the Ohyama River basin is still going on in the recent geological time. The Ohdo River flows south-southwest to north-northeast on this depression zone.
  • 市瀬 由自
    1979年 31 巻 2 号 95-101
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author's observation on landform and crustal movements of Shonai- Mogamigawa Fan and its southwest side may be summarized as follows;
    Mogamigawa Fan extends 9.5km northwestward and 7km southwestward. All the contour lines of 10m, 11m, 12m, 13m and 14m shows the elongation northwest and southeast. The average gradient of the fan surface is steeper southwestward than northeastward. These features tell us that the Mogamigawa Fan has undergone deformation.
    On the other hand, the 10m contour line in Kyoden Gawa district, to the southwest of Mogamigawa Fan suggests the existence of trough in direction of northwest to southeast. In the Dewa Hill- Land, where this trough extend, there exists clear discontinuity of altitude, i. e. the south- west is 450- 500m higher than the north- east. It is safe to assume that the formation of the altitudal discontinuity due to crustal movements such as faulting and flexure and the formation of trough along Kyoden Gawa reflects the down- warping accompanied by the crustal movement. Further, the southwest part of Mogamigawa Fan, influenced by the down- warping of Kyoden Gawa's trough, sank flexure toward the trough.
    Precise levelling records of benchmarks located on the north- west of the trough, indicate subsidence of 67.4mm for B. M. No. 6543 and 40.9mm for B. M. No. 654 4 during the period 1901 to 1966. The crustal movement which resulted in the trough and the flexure has continued up to now.
    The resultant features of down- warping around Kyoden Gawa show a trough with the extension of 9.8km x 2- 4km, and the Kyoden Gawa flows northwestward in the trough. Further, the landform apparent with the 10m contour line along the Mogamigawa suggests a revival of erosion influenced by the upwarping around Amarume.
    The Mogamigawa Fan has been modified by the wave- shaped down- warping shown as the trough and the up- warping.
  • 市瀬 由自
    1978年 16 巻 2 号 23-26
    発行日: 1978/06/30
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    沖積平野の形成過程において激しい地殻運動を受けているわが国では, 平野の等高線の形状や配列に地殻運動の影響を反映する場合がある. 沖積平野の表面にみられる波状の曲隆 (市瀬1970) や扇状地の変形 (村田1971) などは, 平野が形成された後に地殻運動を受けていることを示唆している. ここに述べる平野の袋状凹地も, 地殻運動による変形を表現するものであって, 低平な三角州平野の形成後における沈降運動に起因するものと考えられる. 小論では, 福井平野や庄内平野における袋状凹地の, 2, 3を対象にして, 性状, 規模, 成因について若干の考察を行なう.
  • 市瀬 由自
    1960年 33 巻 10 号 515-528
    発行日: 1960/10/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 紫蘇輝石安山岩よりなる平坦面の侵蝕過程における山崩れこれは上部の紫蘇輝石安山岩が下部の塊泥岩に比べて相対的に降雨の滲透が速いので,滲透の相対的に遅い塊泥岩との境界附近より滲透水が湧出して山崩れを起したものである.
    (2) 塊泥岩および塊泥岩中に安山岩質熔岩流が介在する地域における山崩れこれは (i) 塊泥岩中に安山岩質熔岩流が存在し,安山岩質熔岩流の部分では一般にち密で堅いので,滲透水は塊泥岩中に滞水し,谷壁斜面より湧水するものである. (ii) は塊泥岩中の斜面より滲透水が湧出したもので,塊泥岩がその中に介在する安山岩質熔岩よりも水を含み易く,容易に滲透し易いことに基くものである.
    (3) 古い山崩れ上述した (1), (2) の原因によつて発生した古い山崩れ堆積物が再崩壊したものと,本支流の合流点附近に形成されている押出し地形とに分けられる.
    (4) 漢岸侵蝕これは急激な出水によつて斜面上の崖錐堆積物を崩落せしめている場合と,かつての洪水堆積物である低位段丘を侵蝕している場合とがある.
  • 鈴木 秀夫, 野上 道男, 田淵 洋
    1964年 3 巻 3 号 167-177
    発行日: 1964/02/01
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Some fossil periglacial phenomena were found in northern parts of Japan. In this paper only the evidences are described. Their interpretation will be done later.
    Fig. 1 shows a section of Kryoturbationskessel at Obihiro, Hokkaido. Fig. 2 and Fig. 6 show a section of Kryoturbationskessel at Nemuro, Hokkaido. Fig. 3, Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show Taschenboden at Cape Oma, Aomori. Fig. 4 and Fig. 9 show a Taschenboden at Mutsu City, Aomori. Fig. 5 and Fig. 10 show series of Taschenboden in the City of Tokyo.
  • 田辺 健一, 水野 裕, 堀田 報誠
    1969年 21 巻 3 号 162
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    There are some small sand mounds on the IV marine terrace (about 30 m above sea level). The height of mound is 50cm and the diameter is 50-100cm. They are similar to “hammock”. The mounds cover the old sand dune and are covered with small bush. The sand of mounds is different from the sand of old dune (Fig.). It is not clear whether the feature is a periglacial one.
  • 市瀬 由自
    1960年 33 巻 3 号 122-129
    発行日: 1960/03/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    狩野川台風によつて発生した山崩れ,土石流は,中新世以降激しい火山活動が継続して来たグリン・タフ地域における山地崩壊の諸性質を示すものである.これは伊豆半島が (1) 地質岩石の構造や分布状態が複雑な地域であること, (2) 半島を構成する地質岩石の一部が激しく変質または風化を受け,軟弱となつていること, (3) しばしば大規模な火山活動や地震が発生して,火山体の破壊や地震断層の生成およびそれに伴なう地辷り,山崩れ,亀裂の発生などの地変が繰返されて来たために山地崩壊を起し易い素因を含んでいること,などによるものである.そしてこれらの素因と局地性豪雨の性質とが結びついて,つぎに述べる性質の山崩れや土石流が発生している.すなわち (A) 異種岩石の境界附近より発生する山崩れ(これは素因の第1と関聯をもつもので,上下の岩層の水に対する物理的性質の差異によるものである). (B) 風化土層の剥落による山崩れ(これは素因の第2と関聯をもつもので,生産される土砂も小礫,粗砂,粘土などの細粒のものが多くなつている.), (C) 古い時代の山崩れおよび土石流(これは素因の第1,第2,第3と深い関聯をもつもので,その構成物質,形成過程からみても土砂礫の結合が緩くなつている.そのためこれらの不安定な堆積物の一部が地たり性崩壊や再崩壊を起して多量の石礫を河床に供給している), (D) 漢岸侵蝕と土砂礫の流出(洪水流による側侵蝕や土石流の発生によつて多量の土砂礫が河床に供給されるとともに,下流域では上述した各種の崩壊によつて供給された火山性細粒噴出物が多量に堆積した.)
  • 大倉 陽子
    1960年 33 巻 12 号 628-635
    発行日: 1960/12/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Nishi-Tsugaru region along the coast of the Japan Sea, there develop typical marine terraces which are partly covered by sand dunes. The author surveyed the disribution, geomorphic features and composition of the sand dunes. The results are summarized as follows:
    1) Sand dunes orerlie the A horizon of soil formed at the uppermost part of terrace gravel beds along the outer margins of the second terrace plains of which the altitude is about 50-60 m, the third terrace plains (30-40m) and the fourth terrace plains (5-10m) . The geomorphic features of the sand dunes situated on the older (higher) terraces are not so typical as those situated on the younger (lower) terraces, although on the first terrace, there is no sand dune. (Fig. 1 and Photos. 1-5).
    2) The distribution of the sand dunes in this region is conditioned dy the exposure of the coast against the prevailing winds, and they are distributed on the coast of the direction from NE to SW facing winds from WNW in winter. (Fig. 1 and Tab. 1)
    3) Moreover, the formation of the sand dunes is controlled by the amount of sand supply, which is conditioned by the nature of bed rock of the coast. In this region, the distribution of the sand dunes is limited to the area composed of Tertiary sedimentary rocks which are easily decomposed into a large amount of sands. But, in the coast to the south cf Fukaura, is composed of volcanic rocks which are more resistant to weathering than the former, neither beach nor sand dune can be formed. (Fig. 1)
    4) The sand dunes are usually composed of well sorted medium or fine sands (smaller, than 1 mm in diameter), and the grain size of the older sand dunes is somewhat smaller than that of the younger ones (Tab. 2). It seems to be a result of subaerial weathering after the formation of the sand dunes. Because such a thendency corresponds to modificatin of the geomorphic features of the sand dunes.
    5) The sand dunes modify the terrace topography. They give the terrace plains small reliefs. The terrace scraps facing the prevailing wind of winter are covered by sands, and their slopes are very gentle. On the other hand, the terrace scarps free from sand dunes preserve their original steep slopes (Tab. 3).
  • 長谷 浩明
    1963年 15 巻 4 号 146-152
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Tsugaru Peninsula, in the northernmost of Tohoku region is characterized by the development of several marine terraces. The author has studied this area since 1959, and in this paper, he discussed on these terraces and the earth movements of this district.
    The followings are the conclusion : a) these marine terraces are classified into 8, and are correlated with those of the Shimokita peninsula (Table 1), b) it is recognized that the peninsula once had undergone a tilting movement from south to north (Fig. 5), and in the Tsugaru alluvial plain, there is an NNW-SSE down-warping movement (Fig. 7), c) location and development of marine terraces in this terrain have a close connection with geological structure.
  • 市瀬 由自
    1987年 39 巻 2 号 138-140
    発行日: 1987/05/10
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新戸部 芳
    1969年 21 巻 1 号 23-29
    発行日: 1969年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Well-developed coastal terraces are observed along the Ôma Promontory. The terrace surfaces inthis region are classified into five levels : 1st 150-160m, 2nd 90-110m, 3rd 45-50m, 4th 35-40m, and 5th 10-20m in height. The base of the 1st level is composed of the hard shale, while the bases of the other four levels are composed of soft shale. Most of these five terraces are dissected, but there is seen a bit of flatness in the / 1st level. The 2nd level is distributed in a larger area and it is tilted to the west. The area is dotted with the fragments of the 3rd level, each of them being very small. The 4th level is well-developed and is tilted to the southwest. The 5th level has no evidence of tilting and it has developed diagonally against the 4th level.
    The tilting movement in this area has made a unique change in the form of the terraces which made it more difficult to classify them.
  • 更新世末期以降の砂礫分布範囲の変化
    有賀 友子
    1984年 36 巻 1 号 13-24
    発行日: 1984/03/25
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Shonai Plain, located in the western coast of Northeastern Japan, is fed by the Mogami river and several small rivers, and margined by a large coastal sand dune. This paper intends to clarify sediment yield change during the last 12, 000 years, confirming the relationship between the movement of shoreline and that of alluvial fan's front. In order to confirm this relationship, the palaeogeography was restored based on the analysis of 758 borehole data, radiometric datings and field observations.
    In this paper, the following method was adopted to restore the past geomorphological surface according to every sea level. Commonly, the level of alluvial fan's seaward front should take a slight elevation at every past alluvial surface (a m) was obtained as Fig. 9. The gradient of the present surface was adopted as that of line ((2)) which conbined shoreline and the seaward front of alluvial fans. By the above method, the elevation and the location of alluvial fan's seaward front according to each sea-level was estimated. The palaeogeomorphology was restored by 9 periods (Figs. 10-a-i). Shown in Fig. 8, Post-Glacial sea-level change was restored in order to estimate the age of each geomorphological map.
    The first period (Fig. 10-a) indicates the geomorphology when the sea-level reached at about -50m (12, 000-11, 000yr B. P.). The lagoonal environment was located at the river mouth of the Mogami river. After that, the sea area (lagoon) was invading inlandward until the level reached at -15m (Fig. 10-a). After the time when the sea-level rose above -15m, the shoreline rapidly moved seaward (Figs. 10-f-h).
    On the other hand, these palaeogeomorphological maps indicate an irregularity between the expansion of alluvial fan and the shoreline progradation. That is to say, during the period when the shoreline migrated inlandward, the alluvial fan formed by the Nikko river was expanded and the fans formed by the Akagawa and the Sasagawa rivers were not (Figs. 10-c-e). When the shoreline began to migrate seaward, the alluvial fan formed by the Sasagawa river was expanded and the fans formed by the Nikko and the Akagawa rivers were not (Figs. 10-e-f). After that, though the shoreline continued to migrate seaward, the alluvial fans front moved inlandward (Figs. 10-g-h).
    The author assumed that the change of supplied load from each upstream area is rather effective on the expansion of alluvial fan than the shoreline progradation.
  • 中藤 康俊
    1970年 43 巻 1 号 45-49
    発行日: 1970/01/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 古谷 尊彦
    1970年 22 巻 4 号 211-217
    発行日: 1970年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Several samples of the land-slide areas in the Shikoku Island show the significance of the groundwater as a morphogenesis. The role of groundwater. however, is thought to be universal on the geomorphic processes of other kind of landforms.
    The author proposes a tentative principle to be applied to studies in such a field of study:
    (1) Action of groundwater on the material which consitutute the present land-form rules the present morphogenesis.
    (2) The action of groundwater at the present time is controlled by the nature of the terrain inherrited from the previous time of landform development.
    The author stresses that the groundwater is a morphogenesis us less than the surface water, though the latter is sometimes assumed to be the chief agency for the fluviatile process.
  • 大矢 雅彦
    1972年 16 巻 4 号 46-60
    発行日: 1972/10/01
    公開日: 2020/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー