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クエリ検索: "平等神話"
65件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 竹内洋著『日本のメリトクラシー - 構造と心性 - 』
    苅谷 剛彦
    1997年 47 巻 4 号 491-497
    発行日: 1997/03/30
    公開日: 2009/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 土井 由利子, 上畑 鉄之丞, 畑 栄一, 簑輪 眞澄, 望月 友美子, KAWACHI Ichiro
    2002年 49 巻 9 号 897-901
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2015/12/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • キム ジョンウォン, 崔佳英
    2017年 100 巻 12-19
    発行日: 2017/07/28
    公開日: 2019/03/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 寺崎 里水
    2020年 87 巻 2 号 256-258
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原 純輔
    2002年 53 巻 2 号 143-145
    発行日: 2002/09/30
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ──呉市の場合──
    佐々木 さつみ
    2010年 22 巻 113-128
    発行日: 2010/05/08
    公開日: 2021/05/07
    ジャーナル フリー

     A range of social investigations was carried out in Kure City, which is a regional hub and an industrial center, by a group of Kure community researchers of Hiroshima University. The investigations revealed the presence of two distinct parts in the lives of women during the period of child-raising.

     Women in the first part of the course of their lives have the choice of either resigning the job or continuing with it at the opportunity of marriage and/or at child birth. After that, women in the second part of their lives‘ have the option of resuming employment or to continue as housewives during child raising (not after child raising). The percentage of women engaged as housewives was the maximum at 59.3%, when their last child is preschool-age. However, groups of newly re-employed women began to appear at the entrance of the last child to nursery school or infant school.

     Mothers have many difficulties such as the elimination in various fields due to the problems of all their activities related with children. In addition, groups of mothers who develop their activities positively and widely, using many support systems of child raising, began to appear. Many of these mothers have hopes of reemployment in part time jobs. However, it is expected that the established good relations with support systems can not continue as before. Once they start re-employment, effective support systems of child raising for housewives can not be received any more.

     More than 70% of the mothers who have preschool-age children have jobs. Majority of them (40.2%) have part time jobs. Three categories of mothers, mothers with full time jobs, part time jobs and mothers engaged as housewives have different types of lives and consciousness, especially in dealing with the difficulties of life. In the domain of part time jobs, many mothers have financial difficulties. Many mothers who resigned their jobs after marriage and/or at child birth, however, seek re-employment due to financial problems. In addition, they can not receive support from the government and their employers and face difficulties in securing long term employment and jobs that are compatible with child raising. In the early stage of entering of the last child to nursery or infant school, differences become obvious.

     It is evident that both continuation with job and engagement as housewife are difficult for women during the period of child raising, and they have to select a pattern of “retirement and re-employment" after having children during the course of their lives. The establishment of new support systems to focus on helping women to make better choices during the course of their lives is necessary, and this recommendation is based on the facts that many women seek employment and have to be gainfully employed.

  • 盛山 和夫
    2008年 102 巻 2-11
    発行日: 2008/10/31
    公開日: 2017/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 西丸 良一
    2008年 67 巻 270-271
    発行日: 2008/08/21
    公開日: 2018/04/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 大学での社会学の学び方,活かし方
    片桐 新自
    2008年 58 巻 4 号 437-455
    発行日: 2008/03/31
    公開日: 2010/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ――学力の社会的規定性を克服する教育条件の探求――
    舞田 敏彦
    2008年 82 巻 165-184
    発行日: 2008/06/15
    公開日: 2017/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    Children’s academic achievements differ by social class. Today, many researchers investigate schools that effectively reduce these differences. They have pointed out that in schools that are successful in this endeavor, there are many practices aimed at raising the academic achievements of children from lower classes. In this paper, I attempt to clarify the effects of these practices from the viewpoint of added value. This study aims to compare the actual achievement levels of children of each region with those estimated based on their socio-economic conditions and to clarify the educational conditions in the regions in which the actual levels are higher than expectations.

    For my method, I analyzed the data of academic achievement tests. I clarified children’s achievement levels in 49 cities and wards in the Tokyo metropolitan area and in school districts in Adachi Ward (73 primary school districts, 38 junior high school districts). I examined the relations between the achievement levels and the socio-economic conditions of each region. Using this data, I estimated achievement levels using regression analysis. Regions were then divided into types by comparing the expected levels and actual ones. I named regions whose achievement levels were higher than expected “Effort types.” The opposites are named, “Problem types.” I then investigated the differences of educational conditions between these two types. It was found that in Effort types, the numbers of children per school, class and teacher are relatively small. School size, class size and teacher’s burden are small in these regions. In Problem types, they are relatively large. These differences are significant in the data from school districts in Adachi Ward.

    Based on the findings, I concluded as follows:

    1. The influence of social background on children’s academic achievement can be reduced by the improvement of educational conditions such as reducing class size, which is the task of educational administrations.

    2. The improvement of educational conditions is less effective for raising the absolute level of academic achievement. It is effective for the reduction of the social determinants of children’s academic abilities.

    3. Evaluations of schools from the viewpoint of added value are needed.

  • 釜野 さおり
    2005年 12 巻 102-106
    発行日: 2005/03/31
    公開日: 2021/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 出身階層と価値志向の効果に注目して
    荒牧 草平
    2002年 71 巻 5-23
    発行日: 2002/10/31
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper carefully examines the effects of family background and two value orientations on the process of formation of learning attitudes and educational expectations among current high school students. One crucial point of this paper is that we clearly differentiate the direct and indirect effects of family background on learning attitudes and educational expectations. The second point is that we consider the functions of two important value orientations, toward status attainment and self-fulfillment, both of which are important for parents and schools in determining their own educational policies. Using data collected from 2, 220 high school seniors, we performed an OLS regression analysis on learning attitudes and a logistic regression analysis on educational expectations, and examined the following hypotheses.(1) Parents' educations and the hierarchical status of schools are positively associated; at the same time, the hierarchical status of schools and educational expectations are positively associated.(2) Parents' educations are positively associated with learning attitudes and educational expectations, independent of the hierarchical status of a school.(3) Value orientations are positively associated with parents' educations.(4) Value orientations are positively associated with learning attitudes and educational expectations, independent of other important factors.
    The main results are as follows.(1) Although the effects of the educational attainment of parents on learning attitudes have disappeared or weakened, their effects on educational expectations remain strong, independent of the hierarchical status of a school.(2) The two value orientations have no association with family background, independent of the hierarchical status of the school, sex, and academic performance. Therefore, our society does not carry out a social reproduction process via the internalization of these value orientations.(3) The orientation toward status attainment has a statistically significant effect on both learning attitudes and educational expectations, and the orientation toward self-fulfillment has a statistically significant effect on learning attitudes but not on educational expectations, independent of other important factors.
  • 稲垣 恭子
    2004年 54 巻 4 号 386-400
    発行日: 2004/03/31
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は, 個人化の進行のなかで学校の意味がどのように変化してきたのかを, 学校の「現実」を意味づける枠組みの変化と重ね合わせながらたどりなおし, 現在の学校を特徴づける個人化の進行の意味を再考しようとする試みである.
    1970年代後半以降は, 学校がその存立を根拠づける意味の基盤を喪失して, 虚構性があらわになっていく過程であったが, それは教育における個人化が内包する矛盾が顕在化する過程でもあった.学校と教育の正当性への懐疑とそれにともなう学校/教育批判は, 社会化装置としての学校とそれを支えてきた共通の意味の基盤としての学校の弱体化を促進したが, それと同時に顕著になった個人の虚構化は, 「個性化」と「多様化」を軸とする一連の教育改革のなかで, 学校と個人の市場化へと展開している.そこでは, 学校は共通の社会化の場としての共有された意味空間から, 用意された選択肢のなかから手軽な選択を繰り返すひとつの場として, 市場化のなかに包摂されていく.
    学校の存立を支えてきた基盤がさまざまなレベルで変容し, 学校が共通の意味を提供しうる場としての位置を喪失しつつあるなかで, このような市場化への包摂に柔軟に対応しうる自己社会化の場としての教育空間の創出の可能性を探ることが重要な課題になっている.
  • ―診療ナビゲーションシステムを例に
    小松崎 俊作
    2006年 4 巻 18-28
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2007/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    多様な価値・規範が関係し,また影響が広範囲にわたる社会技術の評価は,同様の性質を持つ政策の評価手法と同じく,複数の手法によって多元的に行う必要がある.本研究では,経験的・規範的手法を共に利用し,さらに政策が解決しようとする問題の存在する特定環境(コンテクスト)と社会システム全体の2 つの観点から多元的に政策を評価するFischer の方法論を社会技術の多元的評価フレームワークとして提案する.医療における社会技術である診療ナビゲーションシステムを例にとって評価を試行し,医療安全・安心というコンテクストレベルではよい評価を得るが,社会全体レベルでは望ましい社会秩序の構築には至らない可能性を考慮できるという有用性を確認した.
  • 教育達成の階層間格差における下降回避仮説の検討
    毛塚 和宏
    2013年 28 巻 2 号 337-354
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2014/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
     教育達成の階層間格差を説明する相対リスク回避仮説(Breen and Goldthorpe 1997)の検証は世界各国で行われたが,日本においてはおおむね否定的な結果が得られている.本稿では,日本における受験制度を考慮して,下降回避仮説の代替モデルとして,定員と自分の成績を参照して,進学するか否かを決定するという「単純進学モデル」を構築し,マクロ・ミクロの両面から下降回避仮説と比較・検討を行った.下降回避仮説としては,BreenとGoldthorpeの相対リスク回避モデルと,学歴に対する下降回避を考慮した二重回避モデルを想定した.マクロレベルでは,数理モデルを構築し,各モデルに基づいて大学進学率を導出した.これを経験的データと照らし合わせてモデルの妥当性を検討する.ミクロレベルでは,数理モデルから導出された個人の意思決定に関する命題に対して,JGSS-2000, 2001データを用いて検討を加えた.ミクロレベルの分析には,ロジスティック回帰モデルを用い,モデルを同定するために,一部の変数に対しプロビット変換を施した.結果,下降回避仮説を導入した2つのモデルは現実のデータに対する説明力を欠き,,単純進学モデルが最も妥当性が高いことが示された.特に,相対リスク回避モデルはマクロレベルの検討において棄却された.
  • 神原 文子
    2001年 12 巻 12-2 号 197-207
    発行日: 2001/03/31
    公開日: 2009/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    戦後の家族研究のなかで、家族の「教育」機能に焦点をあてた調査・研究は乏しく、近年では、家族における社会化や親子関係に関する研究にも、さほど関心が向けられていない感がある。しかし、わが国は、「学歴社会」とみなされ、未成人子のいる多くの家庭では、子どもの教育が重要な関心事となっており、このことが、教育費の負担のみならず、家族生活全般に影響を及ぼしている。そこで、本稿では、わが国の大正期、1910年代に成立したという〈教育する家族〉の歴史的な変遷を概観するとともに、家族社会学の立場から、〈教育する家族〉の現状をふまえて、〈教育する家族〉をめぐる問題を検討する。すなわち、 (1) 子育てと教育の最終責任が親のみに負わされている〈教育する家族〉の問題、 (2) 〈教育する家族〉の大衆化と差異化がもたらす問題、 (3) 不平等社会を支える〈教育する家族〉の問題、である。
  • ―労働時間・家事頻度との関連に着目して―
    西村 純子
    2022年 72 巻 4 号 522-539
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 今瀧 夢, 相田 直樹, 村本 由紀子
    2018年 33 巻 3 号 115-125
    発行日: 2018/03/25
    公開日: 2018/03/25
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2018/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    The present study examined how leaders’ evaluation and judgment of members are influenced by their “implicit theories” (e.g., Dweck, 1999). Participants were asked to play the role of team leader and then observed a team member performing poorly. They were asked to decide how much reward they should distribute to the failed member and to allocate the remaining time between him/her and a new member who had not yet worked on the task. As a result, participants who believe in malleable abilities (incremental theorists) increased the evaluation of the failed member when that member claimed that he/she made an effort, whereas participants who believe in fixed abilities (entity theorists) evaluated that member based only on outcome. Furthermore, entity theorists expected a new member to achieve an average level of performance and allotted more time to him/her, whereas incremental theorists expected a new member’s performance to be below average. There was no difference between their expectations of the failed member’s next performance. Results suggest that entity theorists may be better than incremental theorists at placing the right people in the right place.

  • 「編成資源」を手がかりに
    城所 章子, 酒井 朗
    2006年 78 巻 213-233
    発行日: 2006/05/31
    公開日: 2011/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper is to analyze how part-time evening high school students change the self-definitions which they have once constructed, and also to reconsider from a sociological perspective the educational significance of part-time high schools that contribute to this process of redefinition.
    This paper looks at part-time evening high schools, which have generally been overlooked in the recent reforms of high school education. These schools were established after World War II to serve young working people, based on the fundamental ideology of equal educational opportunities. They contributed to the universalization of high school education. However, in recent years the number of such schools has been decreasing. The students absorbed into those schools have been placed as the bottom of the credentialist hierarchy, and have been analyzed as such in sociological studies. However, part-time evening high schools are unique public educational institutions, organized primarily for a diverse variety of working students both in age and in career. Thus, it is very important to investigate the role they play as educational institutions for adolescents and what actual conditions they are in from a sociological perspective. This also leads to a reconsideration of educational reform.
    The paper draws the following conclusion: from the narrative of part-time evening high school about how they decided to make a new commitment to theirschools and society, it emerged that they use various resources in the process of re-defining themselves, such as the distribution of time, and identity based on schools, occupations and other human relationships. Information also acts as a resource for them. Therefore, this paper focuses on the organization of resources: time, information, and identity (Sandra Wallman, 1984). Moreover the results of the analysis confirm that after entrance into a part-time evening high school, students gain wider choices in their activities as organizing resources. This is peculiar to part-time evening high schools. Therefore, through their personalities, the motives and sense of value of their own social, educational environments is realized as this paper closely analyzes their narratives as a process of absorbing organizing resources.
    At the same time the following two aspects that exist in the institution of part-time evening high school are obtained. First, there is an opportunity for education to get new relations and knowledge. The second and more important finding is that there are possibilities for self re-definitions as unexpected consequences.(1) Many students gain experience working. This makes them to reconsider the “inside” of the school.(2) There is a process of “symbiosis” whic is un-artificial at school.
    Finally, students need the processes of self redefinitions through various interactions, from which for the first time they can shoulder their ‘self-decision’ and ‘self-responsibility’ subjectively. Through its examinations, this paper attempts to present one perspective for reconsidering educational reforms. Accordingly, it is necessary to continue to focus on this issue.
  • 宮島 喬
    2022年 110 巻 5-24
    発行日: 2022/07/30
    公開日: 2024/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー

     文化的再生産の理論は,無償の公教育を実現し,教育機会の平等を保障しながら,依然上層階層の再生産と下層階層の再生産が維持されているフランス社会の現実を解明すべくP. ブルデューらにより打ち立てられた。こうした不平等の再生産は,中下層の教育的成功を阻む経済的障害と並んで文化的障害によるところが大きい。これが文化的再生産仮説の核心である。同理論の影響は各国に及んだ。アメリカの場合に一瞥すると,P, ディマジオはその調査に基づき,生徒たちの教育達成には相続的文化資本よりも獲得的文化資本が強く作用するとみ,再生産モデルよりも移動モデルが妥当すると論じた。

