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クエリ検索: "投票券" 公営競技
10件中 1-10の結果を表示しています
  • 文化と議会議事録に焦点をあてて
    福井 弘教
    2023年 4 巻 19-31
    発行日: 2023/06/30
    公開日: 2023/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    については相当数の会員がいることが推察される。他方,47 都道府県で唯一,
    施設が未導入の背景としては,1)沖縄が占領下にあった(機会喪失),2)失業率など社会環境の特異性,3)沖縄振興策や地方交付税など沖縄への手厚い経済政策,4)米 軍基地の存在,5)琉球競馬という金銭を伴わない競馬が行われていた実績,6)住民運動に代表される市民力の高さなどが要因として考えられた。
  • 寄藤 晶子
    2005年 57 巻 2 号 131-152
    発行日: 2005/04/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, the author argues that gambling businesses managed by public authorities face issues regarding monopolization, regulation of space and socio-spatial exclusion.
    Since the end of the 19th century, informal private gambling has been strictly outlawed in Japan, while both the national and local governments have resorted to investing in the gambling business to secure revenue. At present, with the exception of lotteries, 120 gambling facilities such as keiba (horse race), keirin (bicycle race on a short track), autorace (motorcycle race on a short track), and kyotei (motorboat race on a square pond) are offered by 21 prefectures and 443 municipalities. These are called "public gambling".
    In his book The Production of Space, Henri Lefevre notes that non-productive expenses are made according to the neocapitalist's interest. Therefore, the author refers to the three elements that constitute space according to Lefevre: spatial practices, representations of space and space of representations. The author conducted field work in and around the motorboat gambling facility operated in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture, and the highlighted the "gambling space" using Lefevre's scheme mentioned above.
    From 1997-2000, the author interviewed: Tokoname motorboat officers, residents from the areas (sinkai-cho) around the motorboat facility, police officers, members of the "koie-sinkai crime prevention association", a security guard and ticket sales women employed at the motorboat office, shop managers in and around the motorboat facility, and the motorboat gambling fans. The author also conducted participant observation studies of more than 400 motorboat gambling fans. The author's findings are as follows:
    Firstly, while the public authority, the Tokoname motorboat office, adopts several measures to draw visitors to the motorboat facility and thus ensure income, this practice includes spatial separation, i.e., separating the Tokoname motorboat gambling fans from the public. This is partly because the nature of gambling itself threatens social order, therefore, the public authorities control and enclose gambling fans. These practices of exclusion are observed in their spatial practices.
    Secondly, shops and restaurants are located on the route taken by visitors from the Tokoname railway station to the motorboat facility. These shops and restaurants sell alcohol, low-priced light meals and magazines or newspapers regarding gambling. Fans regularly take the route from the Tokoname railway station to the motorboat facility and purchase these goods from these shops. Loitering fans and torn blank tickets visibly distinguish the "gambling space" from the rest of the city. Japanese public gambling fans are largely men over 60 years of age. However, in Tokoname motorboat facility, 60-70% of motorboat gambling fans are men, who are 60 years and over. Therefore, the "gambling space" is occupied by middle and old-aged men is littered with blank tickets.
    Thirdly, measures adopted by the local community, the "koie-sinkai crime prevention association", neighborhood residents and the police to regulate the behavior of visitors' create negative representations of Tokoname motorboat gambling facility and its fans. In 1970, as the number of visitors increased, a few residents living around the motorboat facility founded a crime prevention association in order to put a burglar alarm to their house. At this time, the Tokoname motorboat office began sending presents, such as handkerchiefs, rice, pans and soaps as compensation to residents. The activities of "koie-sinkai crime prevention association" provided subsidies by Tokoname City, although they are not strictly monitored. They unfairly claimed and represented the undesirable behavior of visitors in order to protect their interests.
  • 最近の注目特許
    2002年 56 巻 5 号 727-728
    発行日: 2002/05/01
    公開日: 2009/11/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鹿島 鉄雄
    2008年 4 巻 2 号 1-
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2017/07/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 競輪から見たギャンブルとスポーツの関係
    古川 岳志
    1997年 6 巻 84-96,129
    発行日: 1997/03/20
    公開日: 2011/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    競輪は, 終戦後の日本で, 公的な資金集めを目的に誕生した
    である。誕生以来急激に巨大化し, 今やプロ競技最多の選手層を擁する競技となっている。しかし, 初期に騒擾事件などが頻発したことなどによって, これまでマイナスイメージを付与されてきた。スポーツとして扱われることも, ほとんどなかったのである。
    競輪運営者は, このようなイメージを払拭するため, 様々な施策を行ってきた。まず, 不正レースが存在するのではないかという, ギャンブルの対象として致命的な疑念を取り除くことが必要とされた。誕生時には極めて未熟だった運営組織や審判制度, 選手の管理などは, 初期に起こった事件に対応する中で, 整備されてきたのである。1970年代以降に人気が低落化すると, 選手層の細分化を図って実力伯仲のレースを組み, 選手間の競争意識を高める改革も行った。これは, よりギャンブルの対象としての面白味を増す為に, つまり, 結果の予想し難さを確保する為になされた改革であった。また, 近年では, 海外の自転車競技界との繋がりを深め, KEIRIN という名を持つギャンブルの対象ではない競技種目が誕生した。ギャンブルの対象としての競輪も, 現在大きな質的転換をせまられているのである。運営者側は, これらを受けてスポーツとしての競輪をアピールするイメージ転換戦略に取り組んでいる。
    本稿では, 競輪の競技としての変容過程を, 運営者側の施策に焦点をあててたどり, ギャンブルの対象であったことが, どのように影響してきたのかを考察する。
  • 後藤 健之介, 川村 秀憲, 山下 倫央, 横山 想一郎
    2023年 2023 巻 SAI-048 号 11-
    発行日: 2023/11/24
    公開日: 2023/11/24
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 明石競馬設立(1928年)の経緯
    秋元 忍
    2006年 23 巻 123-132
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2022/10/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 前田 邦宏, 山本 浩一
    2006年 26 巻 1 号 18-28
    発行日: 2006/06/30
    公開日: 2021/12/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 髙橋 義雄
    2018年 41 巻 3 号 15-20
    発行日: 2018/08/15
    公開日: 2022/06/03
    ジャーナル フリー

    The sports policy in Japan has been changing rapidly since the beginning of the 21st century. Especially after establishing the Japan Sports Agency in 2015, the relationship between industries and sports has changed. The Japan Sports Agency (JSA) set up the ‘Meeting for the Future Development of Sport’ with several experts and sports-related persons. In this meeting, there were discussions about revitalization of regional communities and the economy through sport. The JSA set economic development goals for the sports industry. Sports policies and industries will have closer relationships in the near future. This study tries to describe the historical relationship between sport-related policies and industries, triggered by the professional baseball league business reopening just after World War II ended. Economic development, technological innovations and socio-cultural changes affected policies for sports and industries in Japan. The final section of this study discusses future issues, such as globalization, digitalization, industrialization and sport integrity, and sports-related policies for industries.

  • 山田 貴史
    2004年 17 巻 45-57
    発行日: 2004/03/20
    公開日: 2017/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to contribute to clearing up the confusion about early period of KEIRIN, betting on bicycle races, in Japan (1948〜53). In this study, I studied the causes at the stadium riots and the social background in Japan during the early period of KEIRIN. The paper is organized in the following way. First, Several studies have been made for riots in KEIRIN stadiums. I examined the riots more closely. Second, I explained how "Bicycle Racing Law" which Law is the leg to foundation for KEIRIN was enacted. Third, I explained how KEIRN was managed at the time by local Japanese governments. Fourth, I described why the cyclist, the promoter and the audience were related to KEIRIN. The main results of this research are four points of the following. 1 I found out some causes except for the explanation until now. For example, a problem about a tipster by the promoters was founded. 2 Before enacted the "Bicycle Racing Law" which Law is the leg to foundation for KEIRIN, there was no debate in the Diet about essential matters such as how to manage the enterprise. Because the period until KEIRIN was founded was short and it began with the purpose of making up for lack the annual revenue of local Japanese government in the income of KEIRIN. 3 The local Japanese governments began KEIRIN without careful preparation. 4 The groups (cyclists, spectators, and promoters) were at odds. The audience had the purpose of the KEIRIN of the living costs working and the suppressed frustrated cancellation. Most of cyclists were thinking of the cyclists as the unused occupation.. The promoters had the purpose of the KEIRIN of the finance complementing.