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クエリ検索: "新字形"
5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • 前田 春香
    2019年 11 巻 24-29
    発行日: 2019/03/31
    公開日: 2023/04/17
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 多言語辞典に見る韓国語活字の字形の調査
    *劉 賢国
    2011年 58 巻 F04
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/06/15
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 仲田 浩三
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    1972年 1972 巻 2 号 100-121
    発行日: 1972/10/25
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since the theory regarding this kingdom was put forward by Mayers in 1875, A. D., according to which Ho-ling is the transcription of Kalinga in South India and showing that the people coming from that region had settled in Java, many scholars have accepted it. In 1964 Damais, who had been trying to prove the new theory by Coedés (proposed in 1948) wrote an article, in which he said that the name of Ho-ling in Chinese is to be transcribed Walai_??_ in Old Javanese found in southen Central Java, and that this state existed as a kingdom from 640 A. D. to 818 A. D. In 1962 Iwamoto wrote an article, in which the name was transcribed as Sailendra.
    This writer has drawn following conclusions regarding this problem, 1) that Ho-ling existed from before 640 A. D. to the second half of the ninth century (860-875 A. D.), according to the Hsin T'ang-shu, 2) that Ho-ling was established as a country in before 640 A. D. because it had sent the envoys to China in 647 A. D., 648 A. D., and 666 A. D. which were earlier than the years noted in the book by (_??_ie-dzia_??_) on the country of Srivijaya, 3) that during (Da_??_) period the main harbor was (Kua_??_-tsi_??_u) for plying between China and India or Southeast Asia by ship and then the route was along East of Malay Peninsula and Java, according to some historical sources in Chinese, 4) that Ho-ling is given the names of (Zia2-b'uâ1) and (Zia1-b'uâ1) in the Hsin T'ang-shu and the country of is named (Piu2-ka-liu_??_1), too, in the Ling-wai-tai-ta and Piu-ka-liu_??_ is written the name of a harbor by way of (Ja_??_gala) at East Java in the (Tao-i-tsa-chik), so Piu-ka-liu_??_ is not a name of country but that of the harbor of Pakalongan in 1817 A. D. at the northern Central Java, 5) that the following word formation and sound changes are conceivable:
    and (xa1-lia_??_1) can be interpreted as abbreviation of pakalwa_??_an and identified with kalwa_??_/kalo_??_ in Old Javanese, 6) that Såjåmetå and Tuk Mas inscriptions (undated) are found in northern Central Java; the former is found at the village near Batang which is located at the east of Pekalongan in the present, and these inscriptions are written in one of the variety of Brahmi script which is, however, different from usual script in appearing of new types of letters in cerebral NA/N-and liquid RA/R as shown on the inscriptions of Kedukan Bukit, Talang Tuwå in Sumatra and Hampran, Dinåyå in Java, and 7) that on the inscriptions of Kota Kapur at Bangka and Sañjaya in Java, archaic forms for liquid RA/R- and medial U (suku in Javanese) had been used reguarly, and if it is correct to identify Såjåmertå inscription at the time befor 639 A. D. (of. Nakada, 1973), the family of Selendra inscribed on it had ruled the northern Kedu; also that the amily of Sañjaya settled at the southern Kedu or Prambanan, either from another part of Java or from another land, in 732 A. D. at the latest.
  • ―蔵鋒用筆を中心として―
    森 常雄
    1991年 1991 巻 1 号 103-124
    発行日: 1991/06/30
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小木曽 智信, 小町 守, 松本 裕治
    2013年 20 巻 5 号 727-748
    発行日: 2013/12/13
    公開日: 2014/03/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    単語情報がタグ付けされた本格的な通時コーパスを構築するためには,歴史的な日本語資料の形態素解析が必要とされるが,従来はこれを十分な精度で行うことができなかった.そこで,現代語用の UniDic に語彙の追加を行い,明治時代の文語文と平安時代の仮名文学作品のコーパスを整備することで,「近代文語 UniDic」と「中古和文 UniDic」を作成した.この辞書によりコーパス構築に利用可能な約 96~97% での解析が可能になった.この辞書の学習曲線をもとに歴史的資料の形態素解析辞書に必要な訓練用のタグ付きコーパスのサイズを調査した結果,約 5 万語のコーパスで精度 95% を超える実用的な解析が可能になること,5,000 語程度の少量であっても対象テキストの訓練コーパスを用意することが有効であることを確認した.