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クエリ検索: "桐廬県"
15件中 1-15の結果を表示しています
  • 清野 嘉之, 赤間 亮夫
    2015年 97 巻 3 号 158-164
    発行日: 2015/06/01
    公開日: 2015/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    茨城県内の二つのフキ栽培地 (HO 区,TS 区) で 2013 年 3~10 月, 2014 年 3~7 月に月 1 回地上部を採取し, 2014 年 3 月にリターと表層土壌 (0~5 cm) を採取して放射性 Cs 濃度を調べた。葉の 137Cs 濃度はフキノトウが存在する 3 月に高く, 葉のバイオマスが多くなる 5 月には低下した。その後は, 葉の成長が衰える盛夏までに HO 区では増加し, TS 区では顕著な増加は起こらなかった。葉の 40K 濃度は両区であまり変わらず, 3~7 月に漸増した。両区の空間線量率や [リター+表層土壌] 中の放射性セシウム量に特段の違いはなかったが, HO 区には上木があり, リター量やリター中の 137Cs 量が TS 区の約 3 倍あった。葉の 137Cs 濃度の季節変化の違いに栽培地間の上木とリターの状態の違いが関係している可能性がある。
  • ―浙江省杭州市桐廬県を事例とする質的調査から―
    方 琳, 山本 信次, 山本 清龍, 藤崎 浩幸
    2015年 97 巻 2 号 115-122
    発行日: 2015/04/01
    公開日: 2015/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    中国では国民生活水準の向上とともに, 農家楽 (農家民宿や農家レストラン) を代表としたグリーン・ツーリズムが人気となっている。本研究では中国における農家楽の実態および問題点を明らかにするため, 浙江省杭州市
    の農家楽経営者並びに政策担当者を対象にヒアリング調査を行った。調査の結果, 現在中国の農家楽は政府主導や個人経営からさらに発展し, 集落や地区の協力で成功している事例が増加していた。しかし都市部を離れ, 周辺観光地がない, 集客の難しい農山村地域では, 農家楽の発展が難しいことも明らかとなった。これは, 農家楽を都市農山村格差等のいわゆる「三農問題」の解決手段と する際に, 大きな課題となっていることが明らかとなった。
  • 石井 八萬次郎
    1909年 16 巻 185 号 53-65
    発行日: 1909/02/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 地学雑誌
    1909年 21 巻 7 号 485-487
    発行日: 1909/07/15
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―杭州市桐廬県の農村における農家楽の将来的発展のための課題―
    方 琳, 山本 信次
    2016年 98 巻 6 号 295-300
    発行日: 2016/12/01
    公開日: 2017/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 鈴木 三男, 米倉 浩司, 能城 修一
    2007年 15 巻 1 号 58-62
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2021/06/16
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    近年,日本にはウルシToxicodendron vernicifluum が縄文時代から生育していて漆液が利用されていたことが明らかとなったが,ウルシは中国原産であり,縄文時代の初頭に中国からもたらされたと考えられている。日本で栽培されているウルシの起源をさぐる第一歩として,中国におけるウルシの分布範囲の確認と生育状況の現地調査を行った。日本では,従来ウルシ属Toxicodendron とヌルデ属Rhus(日本産ではヌルデのみが含まれる)は区別されてこなかったが,近年の分類学的な見解は両者を独立のものと考えている。標本調査と中国の地方植物誌によると,ウルシは北緯 5°〜 1°の,東は遼寧省から西は西蔵自治区におよぶ広い範囲に分布していることになる。我々の調査結果では野生のウルシは湖北省西部と遼寧省本渓市に生育していたが,浙江省では自生のものを見つけることができなかった。ウルシの栽培は湖北省西部と浙江省の一部で見ることができたが,遼寧省では行われていないし,漆液の採取も行われていなかった。ウルシは,ヤマウルシとヤマハゼ,ハゼノキといった他のウルシ属植物とは生育場所が異なっており,野生ウルシの生育地にはこの 種はなく,この 種の生育地には野生ウルシは生育していなかった。
  • 百村 帝彦, 許 思寒, 御田 成顕
    2020年 102 巻 4 号 232-238
    発行日: 2020/08/01
    公開日: 2020/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 石井 八萬次郎
    1909年 16 巻 193 号 383-395
    発行日: 1909/10/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 江南の均田均役法と順荘編里法とについて
    川勝 守
    1976年 1976 巻 26 号 1-43,en3
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2010/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present article concerns the nature of chünt`ien-chüni-fa _??__??__??__??__??_ and shunchuang-pienli-fa _??__??__??__??__??_, as enforced in Chiangnan _??__??_ in the Ch'ing dynasty Chünt'ien-chüni-fa _??__??__??__??__??_ was enforced already in the late Ming period, to reform lahor service duties.It aimed to assess labor service duties upon land owner, including gentry(hsiang-shên _??__??_)who had been legally exempted from being imposed of them.As a matter of fact, the gentry proved unwilling to bear the duties, and so the problem remained unsolved.
    However, the miscellaneous labor services related to the transportation and storage of gain, disappeared in the early Ch'ing period.Then, the nature of chünt'ien-chüni- fa _??__??__??__??__??_ was changed. The main purposes of chünt'ien-chüni-fa _??__??__??__??__??_ in the early Ch'ing period were as follows
    1.Lichia _??__??_ was to be organized on the basis of the equal fields.
    2.The main labor service duties of lichia(_??__??__??__??_), which formed lichang _??__??_, chiashon _??__??_, tsungchia _??__??_, liangchang _??__??_ and t'angchang _??__??_, were to be abolished.
    3.Paochia _??__??_ system was enforced to maintain public peace in the village.
    Actually the labor posts(cf, _??__??_ and _??__??_)related to conduct tax collection in the village remained unchanged as actual labor service duties.Then.shunchuang-pienli-fa _??__??__??__??__??_ was enforced in the Yung chêng _??__??_ age, whose main purpose was to put the basis of tax collection on the actual village(t'sunchuang _??__??_)and to abolish the actual labor service duties.
  • 「東桑西移」政策の評価
    浦出 俊和, 宇佐 美好文, 顧 國達, 宇山 満
    2008年 44 巻 3 号 461-469
    発行日: 2008/12/25
    公開日: 2011/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    China is a ‘big silk country’ accounting for more than 70% of world silk production and more than 80% of the world silk trade. After the second cocoon war, Chinese cocoon production declined during the late 1990s, Since 2000, however, it has recovered with a shift in the major cocoon producing regions, which is propagated as the project ‘the Western Shift of the Eastern Mulberry’. The purpose of this paper is to make clear the actual situation and meanings of the project ‘the Western Shift of the Eastern Mulberry’.
    Since 2000, while cocoon production in the traditional cocoon producing regions in the eastern provinces, such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang, has not decreased, it has increased rapidly in the newly industrialized regions, like Guangxi in the western provinces, for example. In the traditional provinces, cocoon production was maintained because sericulture has shifted to the poorer districts within the same province. Rapid growth of cocoon production in Guangxi, on the other hand, depended on high profitability with higher productivity and recent high prices. These facts imply that a demarcation between the cocoon producing and consuming regions has become distinct, rather than a westward shift in sericulture having taken place.
    Sustaining sericulture in the eastern provinces and the rapid growth in the western provinces has enabled China to strengthen her status as a ‘big silk country’ and contributed to the improvement of farm income in the poorer rural areas.
  • 小島 麗逸
    2005年 46 巻 10 号 26-65
    発行日: 2005/10/15
    公開日: 2023/02/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 地濃 勝利
    1977年 43 巻 4 号 353-374,449-44
    発行日: 1977/12/30
    公開日: 2017/07/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The basic official policy of the Sung dynasty with regard to repairing embankments of yu t'ien 〓田 was characterized by consistent noninterference, leaving it to cooperative works of those who owned yu t'ien inside yu. Direct state interference and control were unnecessary because a system of labour service for embankment called chao t'ien chu tzu 照田出資 had been established as a traditional practice in the villages in this region. On occasions the authorities availed themselves of this system when they found necessity of embankment works. According to this system every owner of yu t'ien in a yu contributed to common funds his money assigned to him correspondingly to the size of his land, .and members of his household provided labour necessary for the embankment works. The system was the fairest and the most reasonable method in order to repair common banks with the least trouble because it could minimize conflicts of classes of people that arose from the difference of wealth. It is to be noted that there were two ways in which t'ien hu 佃戸, tenant farmers participated in embakment works. In one way they took intiative in undertaking repair works without any compulsion of their landlords, and carried out the works offering free service of their family labour. They did this because maintenance of embankments in good condition was directly connected with their crop and was their vital concern not to be neglected. But there was another more important reason for it, namely economic circumstances of the owners of yu t'ien; that is to say, the landowners could not afford to carry out chao t'ien ch'u tzu which required contribution of large amount of money. In the other way, when the works were carried out on the basis of the practice of ahao t'ien ch'u tzu, t'ien hu were employed and given money out of the common funds contributed by the owners of yu t'ien. The conditions of their employment were the same as those on which members of yu t'ien-owners' households of various classes and many other labourers outside the yu were employed" It was not that their social status as t'ien hu meant that they were compelled to labour at the embankment works by their landlords, but that they were willingly engaged in the works for the purpose of supplementing their family budgets. Although their wages in general were low since, the nature of the work was simple and required neither skill nor intellect, the rate of the wages were determined in keeping with supply-demand relation, different social customs of villages, or the wages paid by the authorities to the labour at such public works as building or repairing pei t'ang 〓 dams.
  • 本田 治
    1975年 41 巻 3 号 211-234,328-32
    発行日: 1975/10/15
    公開日: 2017/07/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    A new agricultural aspect in Chiang-nan 江南 in the age of Sung was that new fields called wei t'ien 囲田 and yu t'ien 〓田 were reclaimed as a result of development in the marshy districts along the shore of the lakes and the coastal regions. But it cannot be overlooked that regional development by means of irriguous reservoirs called pi t'ang 陂塘 which had been a traditional technique since the age of Han 漢 was also carried out in mountainous districts and other regions where irriguous streams were not available. Che tung 淅東 was a district where pi t'ang were very prevalent, and Wu-chou, located in its center and surrounded by hills on all sides but one, was the place where pi t'ang were most numerous. It is shown in the Ming 明 Ch'ing 清 land data that the reservoir density (reservoir area/cultivated land area) in Wu-chou was 10 per cent, while that in the neighbouring regions was under 5 per cent. Especially high percentages were shown in I wu hsien 義烏県 (14%), Lan ch'i hsien 蘭谿県 (12%), Chin hua hsien 金華県 (11%), and Tung yang hsien 東陽県 and Yung k'ang hsien 永康県 (10% respectively). On the basis of structural characteristics of many of the reservoirs, and because of the fact that the reservoir density was 13 per cent in Lan ch'i hsien at the time of Chin-chieh-fa 経界法 in the age of Nan Sung 南宋, it can be stated that reservoirs had prevailed in Wu-chu as widely in the age of Sung as in the ages of Ming and Ch'ing. In Wu-chou there were two types of the structure of reservoirs. Reservoirs of one type were constructed by means of building a dike on one side or two, with the other sides being surrounded by hills, and those of the other type by means of building a circular dike at flatlands. Respective reservoirs were generally small in area, average area being 20 to 30 mou 畝, and were able to irrigate a field about ten times as large as their own water surface area, which means that the average area irrigated by one reservoir was 200 to 300 mou. The small scale of those reservoirs enabled farmers to build them on their own account. But it can be presumed that there was an inevitable ceiling to the investment on irrigation works because the reservoirs, which for the most part were small and dispersed, were not always very effective against drought or flood. It is plausible that agricultural productivity in Wu-chou had already reached a certain limit in the age of Sung because in Wu-chou after the age of Sung there was no remarkable increase either in the area of cultivated lands or in the number of households. With such situations as its setting, people in Wu-chou directed their effort at regional development to sericulture, silk weaving, tea planting, fruit culture, pisciculture, etc. which they could foster by taking advantage of given natural, geographical conditions.
  • ―江蘇省宜興市における調査事例―
    孫 鵬程, 貫名 涼, 柴田 昌三
    2020年 102 巻 4 号 244-253
    発行日: 2020/08/01
    公開日: 2020/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー


  • ―「水品」の歴史的変遷、理論、実践―
    趙 方任
    2020年 2020 巻 30 号 268-282
    発行日: 2020/01/01
    公開日: 2020/04/09
    ジャーナル フリー








