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クエリ検索: "気密性"
7,013件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 楢崎 正也
    1995年 2 巻 1 号 8-12
    発行日: 1995年
    公開日: 2018/03/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松原 斎樹, 澤島 智明
    2009年 20 巻 3 号 101-107
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2013/12/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石井 宏, 久保 隆太郎, 酒井 孝司, 石原 修
    2006年 71 巻 603 号 25-32
    発行日: 2006/05/30
    公開日: 2017/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since the origin of the wooden house in Japan is a cold region, a constructor has the low consciousness to high air-tightness and performance thermal insulation of a house in warm areas, such as the Kyushu region. Moreover, in a warm area, the constructor does not recognize the danger of openings by the reasons of that the heat insulation construction according to the standard specifications of a wooden house is troublesome, becoming more expensive than the conventional construction cost, costing time and a labor. It was found, by means of field survey, that house wrapping sheets, vapor barriers, air barriers and insulating materials were not installed closely and many openings were brought about. When indoor wet air flows into a wall through these openings, dew condensation may occur inside a wall and wet air may reduce the durability and the safety of a structure object. Therefore, while clarifying importance of the airtight construction in the warm area, it is important for the danger of openings which generates internal condensation to be well-known, and to educate it at a constructor. It aims at clarifying importance of the airtight construction in the warm area in this research. The model experiment was conducted in order to solve an air diffusion phenomenon when differential pressure is minute.
  • 村上 周三, 吉野 博
    1983年 325 巻 104-115
    発行日: 1983/03/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    能に関する昭和36年以後の研究報告を一覧にして表-1に示す。わが国ではすでに大正13年に野村が, また昭和3年に大谷が室に存在する隙間の換気に及ぼす影響を実験的に検討しており, 隙間の量を部位別に目測し, その結果を示している。渡辺は, それらの結果を基に, 室容積1m^3当りの隙間面積が, 木造真壁造の和室では構造が粗の場合90cm^2以上, 中の場合60〜50cm^2, 密の場合30cm^2以下であり, コンクリート造の洋室では, 10〜15cm^2であることを述べている。その後, 昭和36年に, 前田, 石原等はコンクリート造集合住宅を対象として部位別の
    能を減圧法(後述)により初めて定量的に測定した。最近では, 楢崎等が単室及び数室の
    能を, 筆者らは各種住宅25戸を対象に, 市川等は集合住宅を, 浅野は各種住宅10戸を, 旭ダウ(株)の研究グループは北海道の断熱改修もあった。これはサッシの隙間の約3倍の量に達する。また, 3つの集合住宅における部位別のαAを比較した結果, 目につかない隙間は28〜126cm^2と大幅に異った。(3)建物に設置された後のサッシの
    能は, 本来備わっているはずの性能よりもはるかに劣ることがある。今回測定した中では, Q_<l0>が, 性能試験値の6倍に達するものもあった。(4)住宅全体の
    能を, 単位床面積当りの隙間の相当開口面積によって表し, 既往の測定結果を含めてグレード表に位置づけた結果, 各国における
    能の水準が明らかとなり, わが国における
    能の異なる3つの集合住宅において, 既設の台所換気扇を運転し室内圧を測定したところ, αAが2.4cm^2/m^2である防音気密住宅の場合, 排気量360m^3/hで-12.8mmAqにも下がった。この住宅で便所系統の換気扇を同時運転したところ, 便所系統のダクトから逆流が生じた。気密住宅において, 逆流やドア開閉時のトラブルを考慮して, 室内圧低下を-4mmAq程度にとどめるためには, 給気ダクトの径を175〜200mmにする必要のあることが, 実測及び数値計算より明らかとなった。
  • 小林 仁
    空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集
    2013年 38 巻 191 号 11-19
    発行日: 2013/02/05
    公開日: 2017/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *馬渕 由季子, 一ノ瀬 雅之, 山内 朗, 村上 諒太, 黒井 聖志
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集
    2019年 2019.6 巻 K-53
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2020/10/31
    会議録・要旨集 フリー



  • 飯田 雅史, 菊地 弘明, 佐久間 賢孝
    1996年 61 巻 479 号 117-124
    発行日: 1996/01/30
    公開日: 2017/01/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze labor and thermal efficiency of two experimental houses constructed with two different panel sizes containing the insulation material and vapor barrier. After the owners moved in to these houses, their airtightness, indoor temperature and fuel consurrrption were surveyed. The results of this study were as follows: 1) Comparing two panel sizes (900×1,800mm and 1,800×1,800mm), the smaller was approximately 14 percent easier to install in terms of man-day labor. 2) The leakage areas of two houses were under 2.0cm^2 per m^2 (floor area) and these values were stable fbr more than one year. It means that they have satisfactory airtightness.
  • 飯田 雅史, 菊地 弘明
    1992年 434 巻 61-69
    発行日: 1992/04/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the construction on site and the airtightness of 17 houses which were built by 7 different house builders by using the same method which was built by the construction method with vaporproof/airtightness and thermal insulation from the outside of the wooden frames. The results of this study were as follows : 1) The external wall works for 17 houses needed 16-33 man-days per house. The house builders who were unskilled in this construction method needed more man-days than those who were used to the method. 2) The effective open area of the 17 houses measured 1.1-3.8 cm^2 per floor area. And the results also show that the houses with simple-formed walls had better airtightness. 3) The airtightness of houses which were built by the method with thermal insulation from the outside of the wooden frame increased by securing the vaporproof/airtightness of the continuous footing.
  • -日東製粉東京工場-
    入野 鉄朗, 藏 正幸, 中林 正勝, 室山 秀夫
    1989年 27 巻 8 号 38-46
    発行日: 1989/08/01
    公開日: 2013/04/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    輸入穀物を貯蔵するサイロは, 植物防疫法にもとつく, くん蒸が行われる。そのため, サイロビンには
    が要求される。従来のRCサイロは, コンクリートの経年劣化により
    確保のためRCサイロの円形ビン内側に鉄板を配設し, これを構造体とした鉄板内張りRCサイロの施工の報告である。施工上のポイントは, (1) 板厚2.3mmの鉄椥ングの製作, (2) 型わく, 支保工, 足場をユニット化し, せり上げにより進める筒身工事, (3) 小型ディストリビューターによるコンクリートの打設などである。
  • *谷 英明, 高橋 幹雄, 天野 健太郎, 千葉 友樹
    空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集
    2017年 2017.7 巻 B-72
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/10/20
    会議録・要旨集 フリー



  • 吉野 博, 平山 武久, 村上 周三, 小林 仁, 松本 真一, 長谷川 兼一
    空気調和・衛生工学会 論文集
    1997年 22 巻 66 号 45-56
    発行日: 1997/07/25
    公開日: 2017/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鳥海 吉弘, 倉渕 隆, 兼重 るり子
    2016年 81 巻 722 号 385-391
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     A leakage model can be used to predict the leakage characteristics of a room or a building from measurements. The models used for leakage prediction are shown in Table 1. The relationship between air flow rate and pressure difference is an exponential equation, commonly referred to as the power law for narrow openings, and is given by equation (1). The exponent n is dependent on the Reynolds number as well as opening geometry (see Fig. 1). The square law for large openings (e.g., purpose-provided openings such as air vents) is given by equation (2). The square law is based on the power law, and becomes the same as the power law when n = 2. Generally, there are various types of opening geometries, and they may be combined in parallel or in series (see Fig. 1). The parallel combination model is given by equation (3). The theoretical evidence for straight parallel openings with laminar flow favors the quadratic by equation (4) rather than the power law. The problem is to decide which flow equation is the most appropriate to adopt for combination. The parallel combination model can divide a specific effective leakage area (ELA, αA) into ELAs of narrow opening and large opening.
     Table 2 presents the overall content of the dataset and contains the year of construction, size of the buildings and several variables related to this information. From daily life, the leakage is usually measured at pressure differences of approximately 10 to 50 Pa. And in the case of high airtight dwellings, the leakage is measured at pressure differences of approximately 30 to 100 Pa. Normally, the flow equation for series or parallel combination is not a power law. Figure 3 shows how the flow equations were fitted to the measured data on leakage (Table 3) of dwelling unit F1 (Fig. 2). Table 4 presents the measured data of the apartment houses given in Table 2. The quadratic equation can provide good fits for the measured data of plots of Q and ΔP (see Fig. 4). The parallel combination model's ability to provide a good fit was equivalent to that of the power law.
     As shown in Table 5, the ELA at 9.8 Pa (ELA10) of existing dwelling stocks (built in 1960-1970s) decreased by 30% or more by retrofitting. Retrofitted stocks and new constructions have leakage characteristics similar to narrow openings at low Reynolds number. In addition, differences in leakage characteristics are seen in the same building for different plans, as displayed in Fig. 5. A plan with many windows relative to floor area is reeky. The flow characteristics of cracks around doors and window frames are similar to those of purpose-provided openings (see Table 6). Although these cracks are often narrow, it is because length is short. On the other hand, background openings (e.g., cracks in walls and ceilings) are narrow, and their width (depth) is much less than their length.
     Figure 6 shows a low correlation linear fit between ELA10 per the floor area (ELAF10) and “power law” exponent n. The relationship between “αAN / (αAN+αAL)” and exponent n is obtained by regression weighted by measurements (see Fig. 7), where “αAN” means ELA10 of the narrow opening at low Reynolds number, and “αAL” means ELA10 of the large opening. Therefore, “αAN / (αAN+αAL)” refers to the crack opening ratio. The exponent n becomes small in the order of stocks (+), retrofitted stocks (▲), and new constructions between 2003 and 2007 (●), and the crack opening ratio becomes high in the same order. This method is effective in the evaluation of retrofitting and leakage characteristics of apartments.
  • 福田 隆文, 湯本 伸一, 清水 久二
    1990年 29 巻 5 号 326-331
    発行日: 1990/10/15
    公開日: 2017/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー


    の関係は確率プロセスであるので,比例ハザードモデルを用いて解析することを試みた.0リングを用いた真空タンクで実験を行い,Oリングの仕様,ボルト締付けトルクなどの要因の影響を解析した。 その結果,

  • 安達 光平
    1982年 29 巻 12 号 594-601
    発行日: 1982/12/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 澤地 孝男, 清水 則夫, 大澤 元毅, 城地 哲哉, 田島 昌樹, 堀 祐治
    2004年 69 巻 580 号 45-51
    発行日: 2004/06/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The 80 detached houses in Kanto area, which were built by using Government Housing Loan in 2000 Fiscal Year, were measured of their equivalent leakage area per unit floor area. The samples consisted mainly of the houses, which did not comply with the 1999 national energy code for residential buildings to improve the thermal performance and the air tightness. The following findings were obtained, although further survey is necessary in order to collect more accurate and broad information on the air tightness of recent houses. 1. For the post-and-beam construction (ZAIRAI) without using plywood panel for the exterior walls, mean equivalent leakage area per unit floor area is 5.5 cm^2/m^2, while it is 2.2 cm^2/m^2 for the two-by-four construction. 2. By analyzing the relationship between the air tightness and the specifications of insulation technique, the usage of plywood panels on the exterior wall and the floor, the usage of water proof sheet on the exterior wall and the existence of vented cavity on the exterior wall were proved to be significantly related with the air tightness. 3. Air leakage rate in summer and winter was estimated by using the existing predictive equation, which has been developed by the author. For summer, the air leakage is estimated to be 0.1 ACH for the post-and-beam construction and 0.05 ACH for the two-by-four construction, respectively. For winter, it is estimated to be 0.24 ACH for the post-and-beam construction and 0.1 ACH for the two-by-four construction, respectively.
  • 中村 健児, 渡辺 俊行, 林 徹夫, 龍 有二, 赤司 泰義
    1999年 64 巻 516 号 31-38
    発行日: 1999/02/28
    公開日: 2017/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Deteriorating environment, for example, global warming and acid rain, is cause by large consumption of energy. In order to deal with this problem, it is very necessary to popularize a house considering environment. Especially, solar house, which has solar air collector and floor heating., has been remarkably penetrating into society in Japan. In this paper, We examine specifications of house, passive system, and operation by using numerical simulation for more comfortable house which has natural heat sources as much as possible. We suggest the guideline of plan of solar house with solar air collector and floor heating system, and confirm its effectiveness.
  • レンジファンと燃焼ガスの炭酸ガスを用いた1点法
    林 基哉, 本間 義規, 長谷川 兼一, 金 勲
    2015年 80 巻 716 号 1013-1020
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/11/11
    ジャーナル フリー
     The aim of this study is to use the building environmental performance as a base of healthy life of victims after great east japan earthquake in 2011. The equivalent leakage areas of the houses for victims were investigated and an easy measurement method was developed to the airtight levels to be high in the houses. The results showed the followings.
     1. The equivalent leakage area varied in the houses and are not enough for the latest building code for energy saving in some cases under the high housing demand for the victims.
     2. An easy examination method using a fan in kitchen is useful to check the airtight levels in houses which equivalent leakage area is less than about 2.0 cm2/m2.
  • 石田 建一, 鎌田 元康, 千田 善孝, 星川 邦彦, 林 基哉
    1992年 438 巻 23-31
    発行日: 1992/08/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper we present a simplified calculation method of the house infiltration rates with the building air tightness. The characteristic of the method is able to estimate the infiltration rates for combination of out door wind speed and indoor-outdoor temperatuer difference. The proposed calculation method was tested using the measured infiltration data of a experimental house for a year. A results of the comparison between the calculations and measurements showed that the agreement between the prediction and the measurement was also within 0.1 volume par hour.
  • 木村 洋, 小池 道広, 熊谷 一清
    2001年 8 巻 1-2 号 18-26
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2018/03/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 陳 涛, 高森 政聡, 植田 敏嗣
    2010年 2010 巻 06-2P-04
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2012/02/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー