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クエリ検索: "漢字と日本人"
11件中 1-11の結果を表示しています
  • 向野 義人, 若山 育郎, 馬場 道敬, 長戸 文明, 有馬 澄雄
    2005年 55 巻 5 号 660-669
    発行日: 2005/11/01
    公開日: 2011/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    研究・教育者の立場、鍼灸師の立場、開業医師の立場から「鍼灸の真髄」についての見解が述べられたが、その発言を以下に要約した。鍼灸は心身一如の立場から病者を把握する特徴があり、「気」を動かすことで心身のバランスを調整する。その診断治療には日本で発達した「経絡治療」を始めとして、さまざまなシステムがある。共通する特徴は、初心者は初心者なりに、名人は名人なりに治療効果をあげることのできるソフトを持った治療概念および手段となっていることである。しかしながら、名人芸よりも丁寧に問診・所見をとり、総合的判断に従って治療する「見立てと技術」がより重要である。現代医療における鍼灸の役割は広範囲にわたり、鍼灸師がgeneral physicianとしての役割を担う可能性がある。その実現には、伝統や経験を尊重しながら、鍼灸の「見立てと技術」に、もっと西洋医学を取り入れた新たな鍼灸を開発し、それを世界へ、また後世へと伝えていく事が必要となる。
  • 松田 実, 鈴木 則夫, 長濱 康弘, 翁 朋子, 平川 圭子
    高次脳機能研究 (旧 失語症研究)
    2006年 26 巻 2 号 141-155
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2007/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    文字の読み書きは後天的な能力であるから,その障害機序を考える際には,文化によって異なる文字の特性をふまえた検討が必要であり,欧米語の認知心理学的研究の成果をそのままの形で日本語に持ち込むことは危険である。欧米語と日本語の違いとして,欧米語では読み書きの単位が単語であるのに対して日本語では文字レベルにあること,欧米語は音声言語が中心であるが日本語は文字中心の文化であり,日本人は漢字だけでなく仮名をも話す (聞く) こと,の 2点が重要である。音韻失読の自験 4例と文献例の検討から,仮名文字列音読の処理過程を考察し,仮名非語音読障害の機序として音韻表象の障害以外に,仮名 1文字レベルにおける文字音韻変換の脆弱性や系列的処理の困難さが存在する可能性を指摘した。また語義聾自験例の観察から,語義聾では低次の音韻表象から高次の音韻表象に到達する段階に障害があり,音韻表象が文字によって安定化するという仮説を述べた。
  • 牧野 由香里
    2005年 11 巻 2 号 67-72
    発行日: 2005/06/30
    公開日: 2017/07/18
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 日本船舶海洋工学会誌 KANRIN(咸臨)
    2018年 79 巻 91-95
    発行日: 2018/07/10
    公開日: 2022/12/28
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • *金田 重郎
    情報システム学会 全国大会論文集
    2010年 6 巻 9-4R
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2020/09/07
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    我が国は先進諸国では珍しい多神教(アニミズム)の国である.一方,コンピュータや情報システム開発におけ る要求分析手法は,一神教をベースとする欧米で生まれ育っている.また,日本語と欧米の言葉の差も大きい.し かし,海外発の要求分析手法を導入するに際して,従来,文化的差異は全くと言ってよいほど,無視されてきた. 本稿では,我が国における要求分析の困難性の一つの要因として,文化・言語の問題が存在するのではないかとい う問題提起を行う.そして,1)ヒアリング結果の表面上の文言を鵜呑みにすることは危険であり,「背後にあるも の」を取り出す必要がある,2)GTA(グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチ)やマインドマップの様に単一の 概念語で要求を分析する手法よりは,KJ 法やm-GTA(修正型GTA)のように,「背後にある概念」を文章で抽出す る手法が望ましい,との仮説を示す.
  • 田中 政幸
    2012年 37 巻 69-62
    発行日: 2012/03/09
    公開日: 2016/12/26
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 下道 省三
    2002年 20 巻 25-33
    発行日: 2002/03/10
    公開日: 2022/06/11
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 田中政幸
    2013年 38 巻 56-47
    発行日: 2013/03/15
    公開日: 2016/12/27
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 荻原 祐二
    2015年 13 巻 2 号 177-183
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper examined the characteristics and patterns of uncommon names in present-day Japan. Uncommon names have increasingly attracted a remarkable amount of attention, both in the academic field and in society at large. In order to capture the underlying nature of the phenomenon of giving uncommon names to babies, it is important as a first step to describe the characteristics of uncommon names and to systematically categorize them within a structured framework. However, past research mostly focused on names that were too unique and unclear about how they were to be read (kirakira names), which reflected partial and potentially misleadingly extreme aspects of the phenomenon. Moreover, previous research has used unique names that were possibly invented and hypothetical, which is not productive to understanding the actual phenomenon of giving uncommon names and might produce/reproduce "anecdotal names" or "urban legend names." Therefore, in this article, names that were uncommon (not too unique) and real (not hypothetical) were examined. It is suggested that there are two ways of giving uncommon names: (1) giving an uncommon reading/pronunciation to Chinese characters and (2) giving uncommon Chinese characters. There are three typical ways of providing uncommon readings: (1-1) abbreviating the common reading of Chinese characters, (1-2) reading Chinese characters with the pronunciation of a foreign word that corresponds to its semantic meaning and (1-3) giving readings based on the semantic meaning of Chinese characters. In contrast, there are two typical ways of giving uncommon Chinese characters: (2-1) giving Chinese characters that are not encountered frequently in daily life and (2-2) including silent Chinese characters that add to the semantic meaning without contributing to the pronunciation. The characteristics of uncommon names and future directions in research investigating uncommon names in Japan were discussed.
  • 玉岡 賀津雄
    2005年 12 巻 2 号 47-71
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2009/10/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Studies applying the parallel distributed processing (PDP) model to Japanese kanji (Ijuin, Fushimi & Tatsumi, 2002a) pre-assume that each kanji interactively connects to orthographic, phonological and semantic representations on one-to-one basis. However, Japanese kanji greatly varies their phonological structure. Thus, Experiment 1 conducted the naming task for single kanji Kun-readings of one to three morae, suggested no difference among three mora length. When the same kanji were presented in hiragana, the mora length showed the effect. Likewise, Experiment 2 conducted the same task for single kanji On-readings of one to two morae with high and low kanji-printed frequency. The result showed no effects of mora length, but there were effects of kanji frequency. This result reversed when the same kanji were presented in hiragana; there were effects of more length, but no effects of kanji frequency. Consequently, single kanji orthographical representations correspond to single kanji phonological representations, supporting the application of kanji processing to the PDP model.
  • 片桐 芳雄
    2003年 70 巻 4 号 511-523
    発行日: 2003/12/30
    公開日: 2007/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    "East Asia" in a title is the "Chinese character cultural sphere, " which include China, Korea, and Japan. The Chinese character is the ideography character different from the alphabet character of a phonogram. This paper discusses the historical process how people of China, Korea, and Japan in this area had escaped from rule by the Chinese character and acquired the reading-and-writing capability, respectively. The Chinese character was born to China as a sacred ecriture which records the communication with a king and God before B.C. 1300, at least. Under such a situation, the Chinese ecriture became a means by which an emperor governed the public in the history of China. It was asked for the public to study the scriptures of Confucianism through these characters in China. A far target of this study was taking and passing the classical examination system for the government service " ?? ?? ". The study for which it depends on memorization intently troubled the children as a student. A Chinese character reform in China was begun from the end of the 19th century. Roman-alphabet-izing and simplification of a Chinese character were tried. However, the non-literacy in 1949 was 80%, and 20% in 1988. The process of Chinese modernization was a curse and the process of reform to a Chinese character, and the process of "usurpation" of the Chinese character from the emperor by the public. Korea which was close to China and under the overwhelming influence was not easily released from rule of a Chinese character. In Korea artificial ecriture " ?? ?? ?? ?? " was originated by the emperor " ?? ?? " about the middle of the 15th century Although this was scorned with " ?? ?? " under overwhelming Chinese character rule, " ?? ?? ?? ?? " which was produced by studying the complicated syllable structure of Korean parole thoroughly continues being firmly useful for the public, because of easy phonetic ecriture. At the beginning of the 20th century, " ?? ?? ?? ?? " was called "Han-guel" (great character), and after the release from the colony in Japan in 1945 it serves as the character of a positive Korean type, and has resulted at present. In Korea the Chinese character was abandoned at last as an external foreign substance. In East Asia governed with the Chinese character, Japan occupies the very unique position. A design of the Japanese syllabary " ?? ?? " is it. The Japanese syllabary, both hiragana and katakana, was made out of man'yo-kana which was formed by the Chinese character. Japan succeeded in writing his parole with a Chinese character. Japan domesticated it. Why was Japan able to do what Korea could not? It may be the contrastive reason why Korea could not. It is the comparatively simple syllable structure of Japanese parole and separating from China by the sea that Japan was comparatively easy to escape from the cultural rule by China.