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クエリ検索: "真優" 歌手
3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 樹と水と風と人との映像詩(ファンタジー)
    渡辺 勝之, 七沢 潔
    2020年 70 巻 3 号 50-73
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/04/16
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    2月号に続く「制作者研究NEO」<地域にこだわる>第3回伊藤孝雄の後編。東京・制作技術局映像制作部(旧撮影部)に異動した伊藤は、NHKスペシャルなど海外取材の大型番組を連作するが、91年に希望して仙台局に異動してからは、一転して農山村や漁村などを舞台に東北の大地に根付いて生きる人たちを描く番組の撮影と制作に没頭した。後編では仙台での28年の間に伊藤がつくった番組とその制作の軌跡を検証する。   この間の伊藤の番組は、①NHKスペシャル『マサヨばあちゃんの天地~早地峰のふもとに生きて~』(1991年)、『雪の墓標~奥会津・葬送の風景~』(1993年)など風土の中の人の暮らしと結びつきを見つめる番組や、②プライム11『こぶしに“賭ける”~娘たちの民謡修業~』(1995年)のようにひたむきな職人像を追いかけた作品群、③宮沢賢治や太宰治など東北出身の文化人の内面をドラマの手法も交えて映像化した作品などに大別される。そして①の延長線上につくられたNHKスペシャル『イグネ~屋敷林が育む田園の四季~』(2002年)に始まる「仙台三部作」は仙台周辺の集落の自然と人の営みをカメラマン主導の映像記録として積み上げてゆく、発想も手法もユニークなプロジェクト。とくに季節風の恵みを受ける仙台市荒浜の集落の漁師や農家の暮らしを描いた『イナサ』は東日本大震災を挟んで去年まで8本にわたりシリーズ化され、津波被災後を懸命に生きる人々の姿の貴重な映像記録となっている。これらの作品群はいかにして生まれ、現在の日本に何を伝えているのか、番組分析とインタビューで浮き上がらせる。 (伊藤孝雄は現在NHKテクノロジーズ仙台総支社シニアスタッフ)
  • 石川 弘義
    1986年 35 巻 142-155,288-28
    発行日: 1986/04/30
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    Japanese radio programs have long been in a trial and error situation in their struggle to compete with TV programs. In this process the "midnight broadcasting" programs are one of the most radio-like in nature and nowadays a set format has been established for them. Nevertheless, various experiments still are being tried by each of the radio stations concerning what content should be broadcast at night and during the midnight hours. For example, the audience rating chart shows us that JOJF(Nippon Hoso) is widely listened to by the so-called "young" generation, and that JOKRS(Tokyo Hoso) focuses on the "young adult" generation. These experiments, however, have not necessarily offered a steady barometer for success. Among the current hot programs is "Young Paradise, " a talk show broadcast at midnight during the week whose DJ (called 'personality' in Japan) is actor Yuji Miyake. This program presently is receiving a high audience rating. According to Mr.Akinori Inaba, the organizing director of Nippon Hoso, the secret of "Young Paradise's" success is "to permit the DJ to talk freely and 'play' in the program and to show various points of view about the kind of information that young listeners wanted to know." In short, an all-out playful spirit seems to make "Young Paradise" successful. But in fact, it's success is due to the elaborated efforts in planning by the professionals of radio program organization and production. Here we can find the characteristics of modern radio journalism for young listeners. About ten years or so ago the style of radio programs was quite different from what it is today. A good example is JOKR's "Puck in Music." This too was a talk show featuring DJ's, but many of the topics treated on the program were serious ones such as, "war experience", "worries about school life and exams", "love" and "lust", and so on. But programs of this nature ended with the new way of life which began around 1982 and which shows a preference for keihaku-tansho, the "not heavy, the light." And the older type of program was taken over by omoshiro-syugi, the "happy-go-lucky" orientation outlined above. In order to consider the characteristics of modern radio journalism it is unrealistic to deny this "happy-go-lucky" line. But in the author's opinion, it also may be a chance to show the ability of radio journalism to produce some programs that treat in some way the young listener's views of the world, their dissatisfactions and hopes, etc., which can be found in the depth of their minds or their social psychology.
  • 脳と発達
    1998年 30 巻 Supplement 号 S53-S306
    発行日: 1998/05/01
    公開日: 2011/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー