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  • 高橋 慶恵, 眞保 実, 関谷 拓馬, 長嶋 修平
    2012年 2011 巻
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/08/10
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    【はじめに】 股関節伸展筋は歩行では立脚中期にて骨盤の安定及び歩行の加速に貢献し、また立ち上がり動作では座面の離殿から立位までに大きな役割を担っている。しかし股関節周囲に疾患を有した場合、その機能面に大きな影響を与える。殊に股関節周囲の手術により大殿筋などの股関節伸展筋への侵襲がある場合、その筋力回復に向けて具体的なプログラム立案には苦労をする。本研究では股関節伸展筋の筋力増強プログラムの方法拡大を目指し、股関節への抵抗運動が困難であることを想定したうえで片側最大負荷における対側股関節周囲筋群への影響を調査し考察を加えた。さらに股関節伸展に直接的に作用する大殿筋の主動作筋としての役割を踏まえ、各種姿勢における股関節周囲筋群への影響も併せて検討した。【方法】 対象は整形外科疾患及び神経疾患等を有しない成人男女各15名、計30名(平均年齢20.4±2.43歳)とし無作為に各群10名(男性5名、女性5名)ずつ3群の筋力増強介入(1)腹臥位で膝関節伸展を伴う股関節伸展(以下腹臥位群)、(2)背臥位で股及び膝関節伸展位での股関節外旋(以下背臥位群)、(3)椅子座位で股及び膝関節90度屈曲位の股関節外旋(以下坐位群)に分けた。筋力の測定は介入前後に実施し、股関節の各運動方向(屈曲、伸展、外転、内転、外旋、内旋)を、ハンドヘルドダイナモメーター(μTasF-1、アニマ社)(以下HHD)を使用して両側を測定した。筋力増強介入は3群それぞれの肢位で右側(以下練習側)のみを実施し、HHDを装着しながら抵抗を加え、等尺性収縮での最大筋力を発揮させた。筋力増強の実施時間は開始から3秒後に最大筋力に到達させ、2秒間の保持をさせた。実施頻度は1日1回、週3回で期間は5週間とした。介入前後の筋力の差については統計ソフトSPSS15.0Jを用いて対応のあるt検定を行い、有意水準を5%未満とした。【説明と同意】 対象者に本研究の目的、内容、個人情報の保護などについて口頭で十分に説明し、同意を得たのちに実験を実施した。【結果】 介入前後の筋力測定の結果、3群の介入すべてに有意な筋力増強がみられたのは股関節伸展(練習側、非練習側)、股関節外旋(非練習側)であった。腹臥位群のみで有意な筋力増強がみられたのは股関節内転(練習側、非練習側)、股関節外転(練習側、非練習側)であり、坐位群では股関節外旋(練習側)、股関節内旋(非練習側)であった。【考察】 股関節伸展の主動作筋の一つとして大殿筋が挙げられ、その作用は股関節外旋の主動作筋でもあることは周知のとおりである。ゆえに股関節外旋の筋力増強介入により股関節伸展の筋力向上を得ることは至極当然である。本研究では非練習側の股関節伸展に筋力増強がみられた。これは練習側下肢が最大筋力を発揮する際、非練習側下肢を固定としての役割を高めるために腹臥位群では非練習側下肢の固定点を股関節前面に集中させるために股関節伸展を高め、また背臥位群、坐位群は非練習側下肢全体を固定するために床面および座面に押し付けるため股関節伸展を高めた結果と考える。さらに腹臥位群の介入においては両側の股関節外転、内転に有意な筋力向上がみられ、これは股関節伸展に作用する補助筋の影響があり股関節外転は中殿筋、小殿筋、股関節内転は大内転筋の参加によるものが考えられ、加えて主動作筋である大殿筋において上部線維は股関節外転、下部線維は股関節内転の作用もありこれら相乗の積み重ねによるものが考えられる。本研究の結果から非練習側の筋力向上は手術直後など筋力増強のための直接的な負荷ができない場合に対側の負荷から得ることができるものとして活用が期待できる。しかし股関節周辺及び内部に侵襲があれば、たとえ対側に負荷をかけた場合、非練習側への筋活動を高め、疼痛等への誘発にもなりかねないことも考えられ、有病者への活用するためには負荷量を踏まえた疼痛の発生などの検討は必要である。また今回は腹臥位群、背臥位群、坐位群すべてにおいて股関節伸展の筋力向上がみられ、対象者の可能な姿勢に対応できることによりプログラム立案の幅を広げるものの一助となるであろう。【理学療法学研究としての意義】 本研究の非練習側の筋力向上の結果は理学療法プログラムの立案の工夫に向け、その根拠となるものとして意義あるものである。
  • 宗 健
    2020年 34 巻 1 号 38-41
    発行日: 2020/06/29
    公開日: 2021/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー

    Urban agriculture must be discussed from the following three perspectives: suburban farming, urban farming, and isolated farming operations located within urban areas. While the subdivision of farmland through its emancipation, which began in 1946, had a significant impact on urban planning and development in Japan, the amount of farmland located in urban areas has decreased dramatically since the time of farmland emancipation. Although the impact of the 2022 Productive Green Land problem will likely be minor, currently, urban farmland has become a hindrance to the real estate business and the creation of new businesses. As land is a limited public good, economic rationality and public interest should be prioritized, and tax incentives for urban farmland should be reconsidered in a stepwise manner.

  • 島原 万丈
    2018年 2018 巻 103 号 13-19
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長谷部 宏一
    1987年 22 巻 4 号 31-51
    発行日: 1988/01/30
    公開日: 2010/11/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 自治体の公共データを活用した空き家の分布把握手法に関する研究(その1)
    秋山 祐樹, 上田 章紘, 大野 佳哉, 髙岡 英生, 木野 裕一郎, 久冨 宏大
    2018年 83 巻 744 号 275-283
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/02/28
    ジャーナル フリー
     Monitoring of the spatial distribution of vacant houses across broad areas by local governments requires substantial labor, time, and money because the main survey method involves visual checks via field surveys. This is a major obstacle for local governments when developing means to measure the number of vacant houses. Therefore, we developed a method for estimating the spatial distribution of vacant houses using varied spatial data and sample field surveys of part of the target area instead of a field survey of the whole target area to reduce the cost and labor required for the vacant house survey. The target area was the city center of Kagoshima city, Kagoshima Prefecture, shown in Fig. 1.
     In chapter 2, we detected the spatial distribution of vacant houses via field surveys according to the criteria for vacant and non-vacant houses shown in Table 3. This was conducted in sample field survey areas that contained 3, 134 detached buildings, shown in Fig. 1 and in Table 2. Table 4 shows the results of the field survey in the sample field survey areas. The table shows that there are 173 detached vacant houses in these areas.
     In chapter 3, we developed the vacant house database to first integrate the results of the field survey, digital residential map, and municipal public data that included the basic resident register, closed hydrant information, and the building registration information. Second, we calculated the number of vacant houses and rates of building use for detached buildings based on the presence or absence of public data using the vacant house database shown in Table 5. The number of vacant houses in each 500m square grid could be estimated by applying these values. Finally, we calculated vacant house scores for all of the detached buildings based on Table 6. Detached buildings were assigned as vacant houses in descending order of the vacant house score until meeting the number of vacant house by 500m square grids. Scores tended to be larger for smaller numbers of people per household and building area, larger proportions of older residents, the maximum and minimum duration of residence, and earlier construction year. Using this method, the spatial distribution of vacant houses in the target area could be estimated. In addition, we verified the reliability of our method. We compared the number of actual vacant houses monitored by field surveys in the sample field survey areas with the estimated number of vacant houses calculated by our method, accumulated within 500m square and 250m square grids. Table 7 shows the comparison results for the case of a 500m square grid and Table 8 the case of a 250m square grid. Both set of results showed that there were no significant differences between actual values and our estimated values. This indicates that the method proposed in this study can estimate the spatial distribution of vacant houses with good accuracy.
     Chapter 4 introduced the results for the estimation of the spatial distribution of vacant house in the target area i.e. the city center of Kagoshima city. Fig. 4 to Fig. 7 show the estimated results of the number of vacant houses and rates aggregated into 500m square grids and city blocks. The results estimated that 1,740 detached buildings were vacant of the 32,448 detached buildings in the target area, i.e. 5.36% of houses were vacant. Our method can estimate the number of vacant houses and their rates to aggregate them into spatial units according to the objective.
  • 宗 健
    2017年 82 巻 737 号 1775-1781
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/07/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     This study aims to validate the vacancy rate and number of vacant houses in the Housing and Land survey. Determining the actual vacancy rate and numbers of vacant houses contributes significantly to housing policy. No preceding research has been conducted with the same aim.

     The research method is as follows.
     1. Confirm the vacancy survey method utilized by the Housing and Land survey.
     2. Compare the results of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism vacancy survey and Housing and Land survey.
     3. Compare the results of the house vacancy survey by municipality and Housing and Land survey.
     4. Compare vacancy rates obtained using the number of census households and from the results of Housing and Land survey.
     5. Compare the results of the vacancy rate using the SUUMO-ZENRIN data for Tokyo's 23 wards and Housing and Land survey.
     Based on these results, the validity of the vacancy rate and number of vacant houses in the residential land survey is examined.

     The results of the research are as follows.
     1. The vacancy survey method of Housing and Land survey relies on a visual inspection overview.
     2. The vacancy rate in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism's vacancy survey (6.7-8.9%) is lower than that in Housing and Land survey (over 10%). The Ministry's vacancy survey stated that visual inspection is an inaccurate survey method.
     3. The vacancy rate in the municipality's vacancy survey (1.6-7.4%) is lower than that in Housing and Land survey (10.3-14.6%). Most municipal vacancy surveys are conducted for all houses (Table 1).
     4. The vacancy rate obtained using the census household number (2008: 10.0%) is lower than that in Housing and Land survey (2010: 13.9%) (Fig. 1).
     5. The vacancy rate using the SUUMO-ZENRIN data (6.9%) is lower than that in Housing and Land survey (12.3%) (Fig. 2).
     - The SUUMO data cover 80% of the common housing residences in Tokyo's 23 wards (Table 2).
     - In Tokyo metropolitan area, the vacancy rate of housing with an area less than 25 square meters is high (12.2%) (Table 3).
     - In Tokyo metropolitan area, the vacancy rate of houses built after 1996 is high (10.1%) (Table 3).

     The conclusions are as follows.
     1. The vacancy rate in Housing and Land survey is likely to be exaggerated.
     2. The actual vacancy rate is likely to be 10% or less.
     3. The actual number of vacant houses is likely to be 4-5 million.

     Future tasks are as follows:
     1. To find an appropriate vacancy rate for each area.
     2. To find a simple and accurate method of identifying vacant houses.
  • 宮島 英昭
    1986年 28 巻 2 号 1-23
    発行日: 1986/01/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 1931 the Law regarding the Control of Important Industries was enacted. Under this law the government, the Ministry of Commerce arid Industry was given powers, both to compel non-members of cartels to abide by cartel regulations and also to prevent any abuses of monopolistic power. The purpose of this paper is to make clear the administrative policy of this "Law of Control" and its revision in 1936. Some conclusions are as follows. (1) After 1933, when a trend of price increases began to appear, the administrative policy of government regarding "Law of Control" shifted from encouraging cartels during depression to protecting the public interest. In highly oligopolic Industries, such as paper, sugar and beer manufacturing, the government often supervised the productions, sales and prices policies of cartels. On the other hand, in competitive oligopolic Industries, such as carbide, and sulfuric acid manufacturing, the government intentionally maintained competition between cartel members and non-members, although cartel members demanded that the government compeled non-members to abide by cartel regulations. In the cement industry, which many new enterprises entered and existing companies invested in plant and equipment in spite of law rates of capacity utilization, the government intervened on the basis of the "Law of Control" with the aim of optimizing distribution of resources. (2) In terms of effect, the warnings of the government against highly oligopolistic Industries achived its aim. After this cartels began to hesitate in implementing price rises and production restrictions. At that time it should be noticed that the big businesses which led the cartel activities intended these low prices as a way to increase demand and to prevent new entries. But in the cement industry such intervention failed. Competition became greater in spite of intervention aimed at restricting competition and the enlargement of capacity by outsiders in Korea and new entries were not stopped. As a consequence of this the rate of capacity utilization became quite higher than before. (3) In 1936 the "Law of Control" was revised with the purpose of solveing the problems mentioned above. The points of revision were (i) to enlarge the enforcement district to Korea and Introduce regulations of new entries and investment in new equipment, and (ii) to apply the "Law" to the trusts which were established during recovery period. By this revision, the intervention of government became more positive and effective. But after the outbreak of the war with China in July 1937 the role of the "Law of Control" was gradually reduced because obstructive factors in cartel activities were no longer outsiders, but the lack of raw materials, and inflation made price manipulation by cartels ineffective. For this reason, government controls stronger and more derective than the "Law of Control" were urgently needed. Lastly we should 'mention that the intervention of the government on the basis of "the Law of Control" was a "prototype" for the Industrial policy of Ministry of Industry and Trade in the post-war period.