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クエリ検索: "高瀬文広"
7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 高瀬 文広
    映画英語教育研究 : 紀要
    2001年 6 巻 45-52
    発行日: 2001/03/31
    公開日: 2017/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    To the dawn of the 21St century, advancement of science and technology has brought English education a number of educational aids. Taking place of old standbys like VHS, LD, and CD, the digital versatile disk (DVD hereafter) has appeared as a new and effective instrument. This paper intends to explore the future prospects of English teaching through DVD, which is far more useful than the other previous educational aids. Five functions of DVD utilization are explained so as to take advantage of DVD in teaching English through movies. As research on DVD as an educational aid has only started, a paucity of studies on teaching English via DVD is evident. Therefore I'm sure this study will be very helpful for researchers in their studies on effective English teaching through DVD and English education.
  • 大倉 義文, 黒木 まどか, 古野 みはる, 前田 豊美, 力丸 哲也, 栢 豪洋
    2017年 33 巻 2 号 93-105
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/12/14
    ジャーナル フリー

    抄録 学生が自身に関する学修成果物を収集していくポートフォリオは, それらを用いて学修到達度を自己評価し, 次に取り組むべき課題を見つけ, 大学生活の中でステップアップを図りながらキャリア形成を支援していく教育ツールである. 今回, 経年的なポートフォリオの取組の中で, 「自己理解・自己管理」 やキャリア形成に関する教育効果や 「自己理解・自己管理能力」 に関連する汎用的能力の自己評価の特徴を明らかにすることを目的に, 歯科衛生学科卒業予定者 (3年次) を対象に平成26年度と27年度の卒業前に質問紙調査を実施し, 得られた学生自己評価データの経年的な変化を分析・検討した.

     自己理解・自己管理やキャリア形成において, 「『自己管理』の重要性を再認識することができた」 「大学生活の目的意識が高まった」 に関する肯定的回答は, 平成27年度に6割程度に増加し, 平成26年度と比べ有意に増加していた (それぞれ, p<0.05). また, 平成27年度の自己管理能力に関連する汎用的能力は, すべての能力において平成26年度と比べて肯定的回答比率が増加していた.

     学修の自己理解・自己管理を高める手段であるポートフォリオの実施を通して, 在学中のキャリア形成が促進されるとともに, ポートフォリオの改善に伴い自己管理能力に関連する汎用的能力が向上する可能性が示唆された.

  • 大倉 義文, 黒木 まどか, 古野 みはる, 栢 豪洋
    2017年 33 巻 2 号 74-85
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/12/14
    ジャーナル フリー

    抄録 学修成果の可視化を目的として, 平成26年度歯科衛生学科1年次生 (n=99) を対象とした大学間で汎用性のある設問事項を設定した質問紙調査 (IR学生調査) を実施し, 代表的なIR学生調査の結果 (大学IR群) と比較検討した. 本学学生と大学IR群の2群間の統計解析は, 独立な標本間の比率の差の検定であるχ2検定を用いた.

     本学の全般的な学修状況について, 大学IR群と比較すると, 「専門教育の実践」 に関する肯定的回答は有意に高い比率 (p<0.0001) であったが, 「文献や資料を調べる学習」 や 「自分の考えや研究の発表」, 「学生同士の議論」 は低い比率 (それぞれp<0.0001) であった. 「学生生活の充実度」 や 「全体的な授業の質」, 「前向きな学修態度」 等の教育の質保証に関連した教育要素では, 肯定的な回答の比率は有意に高かった (それぞれp<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001). また, 初年次教育の 「大学生活への適応」 において重要な教育要素である大学教員や他の学生とのコミュニケーションについても, 高い肯定的な回答の比率が認められた (p<0.05).

     汎用的なIR学生調査の結果を検討することで, 多面的な学修成果の可視化と教育課題の把握を促進し, 歯科医学関連領域の初年次教育の質保証につながる可能性が示唆された.

  • 松田 早恵
    映画英語教育研究 : 紀要
    2006年 11 巻 55-70
    発行日: 2006/04/28
    公開日: 2017/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Teaching English using movies has been tried in various ways. This paper reports an attempt to integrate reading a children's novel and watching the film version. The main focus of the course was placed on reading dialogues or scripts aloud and acting out roleplays. The survey conducted at the end of the term revealed that most of the students responded favorably to the integrated content of the course and that about half of the students enjoyed participating in dialogue practice and role plays. However, it can also be interpreted that some students did not feel comfortable with the teaching method using drama techniques such as acting out a play in front of class. The paper concludes by discussing the implications and possible ways to improve the course.
  • 林 千恵子
    映画英語教育研究 : 紀要
    2001年 6 巻 67-85
    発行日: 2001/03/31
    公開日: 2017/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The concept of 'American dream' is so closely related to American history, environment, customs and manners that understanding its significance is very helpful to learn American culture. This study investigates how well Japanese students learn the concept of 'American dream' through film. Two groups of university students watched the film, Far and Away and were given either of two kinds of assignment; one requires to answer questions and then write an outline of the story, and the other to write only the outline. Out of each group, five students were chosen according to CELT score, and their answer was compared. The analysis showed that all of the ten students completely understood the story-line but they did not pay much attention to why or how events in the story happened. It also showed that their ability to understand the story and write its outline is not influenced by proficiency in English grammar. The results suggested that students can learn an idea unique to another culture through film, and helping them write its outline is useful for a teacher to examine their understanding.
  • 照井 賢治, 菱山 玲子
    2014年 16 巻 1 号 63-76
    発行日: 2014/02/25
    公開日: 2019/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    In the fields of global human resources development, there is a greater need for intercultural understanding. This has mainly been proposed and delivered as part of training in foreign languages.However, intercultural issues are very elusive, mysterious and difficult to treat in an easy-to-understand way. We need a structured analytical methodology to analyze these issues by using a method that is independent of participant' s level of language skill. To achieve this goal, we propose a new methodology for intercultural understanding exploring and looking at variations in analytical thought process by using a computer-mediated multilingual communication system, in which a multilingual case tool used in MBA schools is experimentally introduced. The system provides an environment that integrates intercultural knowledge and multicultural conflict-resolution experience to the participants. We conducted experiments to evaluate how effective our proposed methodology was for extracting the variations in analytical thought process from multilingual communication data. By comparing the experimental results from participants with different cultural backgrounds, we found that we could extract both the cultural similarities and difference among three groups of participants, Korean, American, and Japanese.

  • 多賀 亜紀
    映画英語教育研究 : 紀要
    2002年 7 巻 17-38
    発行日: 2002/09/25
    公開日: 2017/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the possibility of using English audio version of a Japanese movie in the Japanese EFL classes. The English audio version has two advantages: one is that the learners can concentrate on watching the scene without reading the English caption or subtitle; the other is that the intuition as the Japanese leads students to grasp properly the context such as subtle feeling reflected in the lines. It is very helpful in teaching the learners the differences of customs, values and ways of thinking between the Japanese and the English-speaking people. This paper reports the classroom practice using the movie "KiKi's Delivery Service" directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The results based on the students' worksheet and comments support the usefulness of the English audio version of Japanese movie in encouraging the heuristic learning of the cultural differences. However, more precise analysis concerning how the awareness of the difference related to vocabulary and on/off lines is affected by the students' English composition ability and English listening ability is needed.