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335件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 『曾良旅日記』の分析を中心として
    谷釜 尋徳
    2021年 66 巻 607-622
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/09/15
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2021/08/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    is considered to have been a hardy walker. The present study was conducted to examine
    ’s walking ability in detail, focusing on his travels in Okunohosomichi. Kawai Sora accompanied
    on his trip, and this study drew upon Sora Tabinikki, which were notes left by Sora, as a basic historical document. The results obtained were as follows.
    walked a total distance of 1728.1km, covering an average of 28.3km per day. The distance he walked in a day was mainly around 20–30km. On days when
    walked for a longer distance, he walked up to 40–50km. However, a look at the distance walked indicates that
    ’s walking ability was inferior to that of an average traveler of the early modern period (an average male).
    maintained a certain pace over the course of his journey. Each day, he walked at an average speed of 3–4km for about 5 to 8 hours. The upper limit of the distance walked was about 50km a day, but that was a typical distance for people of the early modern period.
     3. Records of a trip from Tohoku to Ise during the same period as
    ’s trip and records of a trip from Edo to Tohoku along a similar route 88 years after
    ’s trip were examined. The results indicated that the distance walked in a day during both of those trips far exceeded that walked in a day by
    ’s age (46 years) meant that he was an older traveler for the early modern period, but
    walked at a certain pace from start to finish despite stifling heat, rainy weather, and changes in the lengths of days depending on the season.
    encountered dangerous sites along the way. At times, he walked in dunes where he lost his footing in the sand, he looked nervously at mountain passes that were said to be impassible, and he traversed dangerous shorelines pounded by angry waves with the weather’s help.
     These findings indicate that
    ’s walking ability was inferior to that of average people of the early modern period in terms of distance, but it was not affected by the weather or season.
    maintained a certain pace despite occasional dangers along the way. This is what distinguishes
    ’s walking ability.
  • 沖長 宜司
    2008年 5 巻 113-128
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2020/03/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we examine the problem of nihilism, conferring Nishida’s theory
    . The negativity of nihilism appears to be infinite and can never be logically upset. This negativity makes our being complete nonsense. But we can find some cases of experience in which even such nihilism vanishes. These cases indicate that even cruel nihilism has a hidden condition, and that upsetting this condition leads us to make nihilism vanish. Whatever we may think, our thought, in general, must be based on a certain frame which remains not thematic. And
    corresponds to this frame in the first place. Next, the infinite negativity of nihilism is based on a peculiar frame, and such frame is nothing other than “
    of genuine nothingness”. Such
    must include even the quantitative infinite negative nothingness, so this
    must be qualitatively infinite. And this qualitative infinity conditions any of our thinking and therefore it is situated before the distinction of being and nothing. So it is absolutely unthinkable. Thus the paradoxical character of “
    of genuine nothingness”is that we are driven to regard it as a certain reality in spite of its incomprehensibility. And such
    ’s transcendence from the quantitative infinity is also incomprehensible for us. As far as we accept such character of
    , we cannot help us to suppose that reality is not restricted to rational reality.
  • メギール イーエン
    2010年 7 巻 203-184
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2020/03/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper has for its principal purpose a description of the logical foundations and special characteristics of Nishida’s
    of Absolute Nothingness, as presented in his philosophical essay “
    .” This is then followed by a similar description of the concept of Emptiness as presented by Nagarjuna in his Mulamadhyamaka-Karika. Finally, some essential elements of these two concepts are compared and contrasted, and it is shown that due to their completely divergent foundations, elaborations and implications, they express the fundamental concepts of two radically different but complementary ontological approaches.
  • 西田幾多郎と牟宗三
    林 永強
    2009年 6 巻 186-169
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2020/03/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    日本と中国の鎖国から開国への「巨時代」の激動的な流れの中で、西田幾多郎と牟宗三は、各自の伝統の視点から「歴史」について批判的で詳細に検討してい る。彼らは西洋哲学を受け入れながら、禅と儒教を含めた「東洋」の伝統的な思想を用い、それぞれの哲学的運動を導いている。疑いもなく、両者の「歴史」に おいての理解の中に政治的、経済的、文化的差異が含まれている。しかし、両者 は「歴史」についての考察と同じように、一つの方法論として、「理性」を強調 している。西田にとっては、「歴史」を考察する際、西洋と日本との間に、それ ぞれの「特殊性」が意図的に強調されるべきではなく、普遍的な「論理」あるい は厳密なる学問的方法が認識されるべきである、ということである。牟にとって は、歴史における「理性」は「事理」(shili, the logic of events)であり、その「事」 (shi, events)は「物理的事」(wulideshi, physical events)ではなく、「人事」(renshi, human affairs)であり、その「理」(li, logic)は人事の意味を示すも のである、ということである。「理」というのは「辯證的理」(bianzhengde li, dialectic logic)や「辯證的直観」(bianzhengde zhiguan, dialectic intuition)と して理解されなければならない、と牟は考えている。本稿では、両者が「理性」 と「歴史」とをどのように関係づけるのか、また、「理性」が西田と牟のそれぞ れの「歴史哲学」をどのように引き出すのか、ということについて検討したい。 圧倒的多数の西洋と日本、あるいは西洋と中国についての比較研究に加えて、東アジアにおける日本と中国の哲学的対話に潜まれた可能性と問題性について考察 する時期がきたことを示したい。
  • ―歌棄郡種前村を事例として―
    中西 聡
    1991年 34 巻 1 号 19-35
    発行日: 1991/10/20
    公開日: 2023/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    Both as a source of fertilizer and coal and as a destination for peasants and samurai migrating to flee poverty, Hokkaido in the second half of the nineteenth century played a large role in the development of the Japanese economy. This paper will examine the structural changes of a key industry in late nineteenth century Hokkaido, the fishing industry. From this analysis, a few observations will then be made on the characteristics of primitive capital accumulation in Japan.

    During the Edo period, the fishing industry in Hokkaido operated under the

    -ukeoi system. Influential merchants, known as
    merchants, held exclusive fishing and trade rights in the Ezo area. However, at the end of the Tokugawa period, many Japanese fishermen moved into Ezo and began to undermine the
    merchants' monopoly on fishing and trade. With the Meiji Restoration, the Ezo fisheries were freed from the control of the
    merchants. The number of Japanese fishermen continued to grow in the Meiji period. Despite losing their franchise, the former
    merchants continued to be influential fishermen and merchants in Hokkaido.

    Due to Matukata Deflation, many of the Japanese fishermen in Hokkaido accumulated debts with these merchants and were eventually forced to sell them their fisheries. On the other hand, fishermen who remained independent from the merchants were able to expand their operations during this period by buying up a large number of fisheries. In the 1890s, these fishermen and merchants gained a monopolistic control of the fisheries in Hokkaido.

    Later, these two groups became the source of capital for local dealers in Hokkaido. Thus, in Hokkaido, there were two routes by which industrial capitalists appeared: former

    -ukeoi merchants who changed their activities after losing their monopolistic rights in the Meiji period, and fishermen who were able to expand their operations during a time when economic hardship was causing a differentiation in the peasantry. In particular, the route followed by the
    merchants differs from the one widely viewed as the typical route to capitalism followed by the Seisho, who became industrial capitalists with the support of the government. It should be noted that outside the major industrial centers, primitive capital accumulation took place without govemment support or protection.

  • バーナード・ボサンケー受容を参考に
    八坂 哲弘
    2015年 12 巻 136-150
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2020/03/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is widely acknowledged that, with the idea of ‘
    ’, Nishida Kitaro had succeeded in establishing his original ‘Nishida philosophy’. Nishida arrived at the idea of ‘
    ’ as ‘that which is predicate but never subject’ by inverting the Aristotelian concept of ‘substance’, i.e. ‘that which is subject but never predicate’. Moreover, according to Nishida, this ‘
    ’ is the ‘conscious consciousness’ that underlies judgments. Nishida’s originality lies in this turn towards the predicate. However, the attempt to understand the nature of cognition through the relation between the subject and predicate of a judgment was itself not uncommon. At that time, a number of philosophers engaged with what was called ‘epistemological logic’ that emphasized the role of judgment and sought to connect cognition and logic within judgments. Indeed, in “From the Acting to Seeing”in which the essay ‘
    ’ is compiled, Nishida refers to Bernard Bosanquet who is one of such philosophers. By confronting Bosanquet’s ideas, Nishida comes to view the true subject of the judgment in the direction of the predicate and consequently, comes to understand judgments as the determination of such predicate plane. This paper examines the way Nishida formulates his ideas vis-à-vis the problematics of his contemporaries. More specifically, it attempts to clarify the influence of‘epistemological logic’ on Nishida’s idea of the ‘logic of
    ’ by considering Bosanquet’s influence on Nishida.
  • Keiji SANO
    Neurologia medico-chirurgica
    2010年 50 巻 9 号 E1
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/09/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • Yoko Nomura, Toshio Sasaki, Hyung-Been Kang, Ryuichi Suwa
    Journal of Fiber Science and Technology
    2017年 73 巻 11 号 317-326
    発行日: 2017/11/10
    公開日: 2017/11/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Okinawa Island is part of the Ryukyu Islands located in southern Japan.

    -fu is a unique and traditional Okinawan textile made from the banana plant Itobasho. The traditional production process of Bashofu has not been well studied scientifically. In this study, materials from the traditional degumming process (Udaki) of
    -fu were characterized by morphological observation and other analytical instruments (FT-IR and XRD). The fiber materials degummed by the traditional and the modern laboratory methods were compared. The vascular bundles of the main component of
    -fu fibers were conserved in the materials processed by the two degumming methods. However the FT-IR study indicated that the traditional method was milder than the laboratory process. The results scientifically confirms that the delicate traditional degumming step is a crucial process in the production of the fine
    -fu textiles.

  • 瀧内 洋
    2006年 05 巻 29-40
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2021/07/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This article aims to approach to a trip of ”Oku no Hosomichi” from a position of tourism studies. Why and how Matsuo
    could travel to South Toboku and in a way along the Sea of Japan at the beginning of Edo era when even major roads were not maintained completely. Then, I inspect present situation of the sightseeing spots where
    visited and compare them with current tour pamphlets of major travel agencies to examine useful suggestion for tourism promotion of South Tohoku and area along the Sea of Japan.
  • Odani Shingo, Tanaka Keisuke, Kitalong Christopher, Yin Nwe Yin, Komatsu Kaori, Sato Yasuaki, Kitanishi Koichi, Shikata-Yasuoka Kagari
    People and Culture in Oceania
    2023年 38 巻 17-33
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/10/23
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This study revealed the historical interactions between various regions of Japan and Palau by comparing banana cultivars using DNA analysis. Since domesticated banana cultivars have vegetative reproduction characteristics, identifying these cultivars and constructing a phylogenetic tree would provide an understanding of human interactions. Consequently, morphological classification and interviews on local names, origins, and usage patterns were conducted by referring to historical documents to interpret the phylogenetic tree. From the 19th century onward, the results showed a close interaction among Ogasawara Islands, Hachijo, Ryukyu Islands, and Palau, which are historically included in/excluded from “Japan” and geographically considered as a part of Oceania. Therefore, the analysis of banana cultivars is an effective method for clarifying the regional history and exploring the origins of agriculture in Oceania and Asia.
  • 人類働態学会
    Journal of Human Ergology
    2005年 34 巻 1-2 号 41-47
    発行日: 2005/12/15
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 東アジア哲学の観点から
    朝倉 友海
    2015年 12 巻 151-165
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2020/03/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper attempts to show the characteristics of Tiantai’s perfect teaching(yuanjiao)in Nishida’s philosophy of
    . This is an alternative to a certain type of Nishida interpretation that emphasizes influences from Huayan Buddhism and the Awakening of Faith in Nishida’s metaphysics, especially in his later notion of absolutely contradictory identity. These Buddhist doctrines as well as Yogācāra Buddhism are classified by Tiantai Buddhism as distinctive teaching(biejiao), not perfect teaching. This paper clarifies that the characteristics of the theory of
    cannot be found in distinctive teaching although Nishida’s theory of cognitive act indeed shows similarities to Yogācāra Buddhism. Following Mou Zongsan’s(1909―95)and Andō Toshio’s(1909―73)interpretation, I argue that Tiantai Buddhism, in its elucidation of the ontological stratum as the envelopment of cognitive act, has the same metaphysical structure as that found in Nishida’s logic of
    , which further crystallizes into the principle of contradictory identity.
  • 大嶋 仁
    1990年 32 巻 258-244
    発行日: 1990/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー






  • 法邑 清蔵
    1971年 5 巻 1-16
    発行日: 1971/10/30
    公開日: 2020/07/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Saeko YOSHIKAWA, John STRACHAN, Stephen Henry GILL, Ewan CLAYTON, Kimiyo OGAWA, Jane MOORE, Itsuyo HIGASHINAKA
    2017年 41 巻 75-95
    発行日: 2017/03/30
    公開日: 2018/05/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―「枯野をかけめぐる」ものの考察
    三浦 俊彦
    1989年 31 巻 115-127
    発行日: 1989/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー

     On the verge of death, Matsuo

    (1644-1694) professed that his lifelong dedication to literature had been nothing more than an evil obsession hindering the devotion to Buddhism. His last haiku “On a journey, ill, and over fields all withered, dreams go wandering still” (trans. by Harold Henderson) has been interpreted from that point of view, which emphasizes the conflict between the Buddhist moral and his artistic idea of the Fuga.

     A close reading of

    ’s texts, however, shows that there is also a paradox intrinsic to the idea of Fuga itself. Fuga means the attitude of creating pure natural beauty pervading in life, not limited to works of art. As a pure “natural” effect is obtained only as result of high artificial endeavour, and as Fuga is to be taken as a whole way of life, there arises an inconsistency in the concept of Fuga.

     When we interpret

    ’s last haiku from that standpoint, his dilemma turns out to have a close relation with the philosophy of Chuang-tzu, and of modern art, especially objet d’art, whereas the prevalent reading from a Buddhist point of view only has a limited historical scope. My grammatical and linguistic analysis of
    ’s haiku conducted in accordance with the idea outlined here will lead to the rejection of almost all of the present translations of the haiku, including that of Henderson quoted above.

  • 石原 悠子
    2014年 11 巻 76-92
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2020/03/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    While Nishida critically engaged with the neo-Kantians (especially Cohen, Windelband and Rickert) in his earlier works, it was only later—in his 1926 essays, “
    ” and “The Neglected Problem of Consciousness”— that he engaged with Emil Lask’s philosophy. This article attempts to explicate the reason why Nishida referred to Lask during this period, viz. the period when the idea of “
    ” was developed, and to clarify the nature of Lask’s influence on Nishida. The article begins with a general overview of the “last neo-Kantian”, Emil Lask’s philosophy, the focus being on the objectivist tendencies in his thought. Then, Nishida’s explicit references to Lask’s ideas—“transoppositional object”, the objectivism regarding form and the “domain category”—are analyzed. The article argues that Lask’s main influence on Nishida was not his idea of the “domain category” as such, as others have argued, but Lask’s logical objectivism, i.e. the anti-subjectivist tendencies in Lask’s thought. Finally, it is argued that Nishida appealed to Lask during this period because it resonated with one of the implications of the idea of
    —a complete turn away from the subjectivist tendencies of (neo-)Kantian philosophy.
  • Pierre LEVY
    2014年 13 巻 1 号 21-26
    発行日: 2014/12/30
    公開日: 2023/03/31
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 物語研究
    2018年 18 巻 Cover2-
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2021/07/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 齋藤 勇
    1982年 37 巻 3 号 161-174
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2007/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1644-94) and Wordsworth (1770-1850) were remarkable lovers of Nature and wrote superb poems about her. But there is a great difference between the forms of their writing:
    always wrote haiku, three-line poems of seventeen sylables, probably the shortest form as a poem. Wordsworth wrote not only sonnets and short lyrics, but also such long masterpieces as The Prelude and The Excursion, both of nearly 9, 000 lines of blank verse.
    was probably neither blind nor deaf to what his contemporary samurai and peasants were doing or murmuring, he wrote nothing about them. He was a hermit and had no special interest in politics or social problems. He was a great walker. He came from Kyoto to Edo (Tokyo) and from Edo to the northern part of the Main Land and saw both the eastern and western coasts. Wordsworth visited France in the second year of the French Revolution and was delighted to see the satisfaction of the people.
    (The famous paragraph of
    's Records of a Travel-worn Satchel, viz. Oi no Kobumi, quoted in the earlier part of this study, is translated into English and printed on p. 71 of
    : The Narrow Road of the Deep North
    and other Travel Sketches translated by Nobuyuki Yuasa, Penguin Books, 1966).