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    Anthropological Science
    1993年 101 巻 1 号 129-156
    発行日: 1993年
    公開日: 2008/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the purposes of anthropometrical reference, two groups of Japanese school children, aged 7 to 12, were measured: (1) an urban Tokyo group of 133 boys and 139 girls in 1985, and (2) a rural Zinego (Akita Prefecture) group of 117 boys and 136 girls in 1987. Means and standard deviations of 20 measurements and 17 indices of the Tokyo group, and of 14 measurements and 15 indices of the Zinego group and of the Tokyo and Zinego combined group are presented. Distribution normality for all measurements and indices was checked in each age group of each sex. Also, regional difference and sex difference were examined using the t-test and nonparametric test, because of non-normal distribution in many measurements arising from insufficient number of subjects. A difference of growth pattern between the Tokyo and Zinego groups in the same sex was suggested.
  • Yoshihiro Hoshikawa, Masataka Muramatsu, Tomomi Iida, Nozomi Ii, Yoshiharu Nakajima, Hiroaki Kanehisa
    2011年 30 巻 2 号 47-53
    発行日: 2011/03/31
    公開日: 2011/04/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study aimed to examine the sex differences in the cross-sectional areas of the psoas major, quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, and adductors in high school track and field athletes and nonathletes. The cross-sectional areas of the psoas major at L4-L5 and three thigh muscles at the mid-thigh were determined in the right side of the body using magnetic resonance imaging in 61 sprinters (29 boys and 32 girls), 50 jumpers (28 boys and 22 girls), 33 throwers (18 boys and 15 girls), and 40 nonathletes (20 boys and 20 girls), aged from 16 to 18 yrs. On the whole, the cross-sectional area for every muscle group was greater in the athletes than in the nonathletes and in the boys than in the girls. The average value of the cross-sectional area for the girls as a percentage of that for the boys in every subject group was lower in the psoas major (57.6–64.7%) than in the thigh muscles (67.8–82.9%). Among the thigh muscles, the muscle group which showed significant sex differences in the ratio of cross-sectional area to the two-third power of lean body mass was limited to the quadriceps femoris in the sprinters and nonathletes and hamstrings in the throwers. However, the ratio for the psoas major was significantly higher in the boys than in the girls in all subject groups. The current results indicate that, although regular participation in sports training during adolescence promotes hypertrophy in the psoas major and thigh muscles in not only boys but also girls, a greater sex difference exists in the muscularity of the psoas major than of the thigh muscles, in athletes and nonathletes.
  • 宮崎 秀夫, 落合 研, 伊東 励
    1988年 42 巻 4 号 483-486
    発行日: 1988/08/25
    公開日: 2017/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 1980, prevalence of dental caries and gingivitis, and oral hygiene condition were surveyed in 194 Yami children (107 boys and 87 girls) between 10 and 15 years of age. The mean number of DMF teeth was 1.43 (boys) and 1.67 (girls) in the 10-to 11-year-olds. The number increased with age and reached 2.85 (boys) and 3.55 (girls) in the 14- to 15-year-olds. However, the DMF score in Yami children was lower than that in Japanese children. The Yami children had extremely high OHI values (2.86-4.60), and the fact revealed that a half of every tooth surface was covered with dental plaque. PMA Index of Yami children was 3.67 (12- to 13-year-old girls) to 10.90 (14- to 15-year-old boys). These findings indicate that the dental plaque in the Yami children may be injurious to their gingival tissue but low in caries activity to their teeth.
  • Seiko Sugita, Kazuo Takada, Haruko Takada, Masami Nagashima, Junichiro Hayano
    1998年 62 巻 12 号 893-899
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2001/10/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    How the amplitude of the R wave in lead V5 (RV 5) of the ECG represents the left ventricular (LV) mass was investigated in 894 students aged 15 (boys: 545, girls: 349). The influence of body composition [ie, percentage of body fat (%fat)] was taken into consideration. A significant correlation was found between RV5 amplitude and LV mass for both genders. However, the relationship was stronger for boys than for girls. The students were then divided into 3 groups; that is, those at either the top or bottom 10th percentile (low or high-fat range) and the rest of the students (middle-fat range), depending on the % fat calculated by the bioelectrical impedance method. The significant correlation between RV5 and LV mass was found only for the 2 groups of boys whose percentage fat was in the low or middle-fat range. The correlation coefficients were 0.40 and 0.34, respectively. Moreover, in the boys' low-fat range, the RV5 of students whose LV mass was large (≥90th percentile), was significantly higher (p<0.01) than in the other ranges. Setting a particular cutoff point of RV5 in the low-fat range of boys improved sensitivity as well as specificity (20-30% better among all boys) for detecting large LV mass. These observations suggest that classification of subjects by body composition could be improve the reliability of ECG assessment for left ventricular hypertrophy, although the gender and number of subjects in whom improvement is expected are limited. (Jpn Circ J 1998; 62: 893 - 899)
  • -テヘラン市内の典型的3地区の比較-
    アーマディ エーサン, 谷口 元
    2008年 73 巻 628 号 1267-1274
    発行日: 2008/06/30
    公開日: 2009/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    To understand the influence of the school travel pattern on children's acquisition of spatial knowledge and its correlation to children's mobility within the neighborhood in general, three typical contexts were surveyed: a home-zone district, a recently developed district, and a traditional district developed organically. The results show that age is significantly influential on children's spatial knowledge as well as on their mobility within the school journey and other travel in the neighborhood. In this study, the influence of gender on spatial knowledge and mobility in the school journey was partially offset respectively by the longer home-school distance for boys and the propinquity of the girls' schools with the neighborhood center. Travel mode had a significant influence on spatial knowledge: those children who were driven had the weakest representation of their itinerary. Additionally, they had less licensed mobility within the neighborhood and were more car dependent for travel other than the school journey. The level of car dependency and licensed mobility were influenced by neighborhood context and parental fear of traffic and social dangers.
  • 有本 純
    Language Laboratory
    1982年 19 巻 56-68
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2017/07/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Falling tone is chiefly used in WH-interrogatives, which means neutral for the attitude of the speaker. The present paper focuses on the rising tone in WH-interrogatives. Rising tone adds the attitudinal meaning to the utterances. The core meaning of rising tone is to show much interest in the people or the objects of emotion, such as sympathy, surprise, doubt, and so on. I classify the rising elements into 7 types: 1-4 are major types (i. e. high rise and low rise), 5-7 are minor ones (i. e. fall-rise and fall + rise). The description is made in each type related to the attitudinal meanings, then the differences among the 7 tone types are also compared. We must take into account the fact that the problem of labels (= attitudinal names) and the attitudinal function of English intonation have an important part in the teaching of spoken English for the EFL students.
  • 藤本 実雄, 岡部 弘道, 徳永 幹雄, 小宮 秀一
    1975年 19 巻 6 号 329-340
    発行日: 1975/03/25
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究の目的は, 1956〜60年, 1964〜68年と, 1971〜74年に実施した測定結果に基づいて, 10才〜14才までの日本人児童の形態的発育と機能的発達を分析し, 形態的発育における促進現象の考察と, 機能的発達における都市と農村の年代差を明らかにすること, さらに, 形態的発育と機能的発達との関連について相対成長の立場から考察することである. 対象は縦断的に測定された都市児童の男子316人, 女子283人, 農村児童の男子110人, 女子84人である. 測定種目は身長, 体重, 握力, 立幅とび, 立位体前屈, サイドステップ, 肺活星である. 結果を要約すると次のとおりである. 1. 近年における日本人児童男女の形態的発育は顕著で, 大型化の傾向が続いている. 2. 男子の身長における年間発育量のピークは1964〜68年と1971〜74年の都市, 農村ともに11〜12才で同時期に出現している. 3. サイドステッフ゜, 肺活量, 握力の発達傾向は地域や性によって違いがみられたが, 都市, 農村の男女とも近年の児童がすぐれていた. 4. 身長〜握力について, アンバランスな発達は身長152cm以後の問題として捉えることができる. 身長, 立幅とびについて, 近年の児童がより遅く変移し, 大型化により増大した体重を移動させるだけの筋力やパワーが, 形態的発育に比例して増大していない. 身長〜肺活量について, 年代的な差異はほとんどない.
  • 田中 晶子, 渡辺 美砂
    2004年 18 巻 3 号 263-269
    発行日: 2004/08/01
    公開日: 2010/08/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    遮断方式 (Interrupter method) による気道抵抗 (Interrupter airway resistance: Rint) の測定器 (MicroRint®; Micro Medical Limited 社) は, 使用法が簡便で, 特別な技術や努力を強いることなく気道抵抗の測定が可能であるため, 協力の得にくい小児での有用性が期待される. 気管支喘息児を対象とし, MicroRint®を用いて測定した Rint の臨床的有用性について検討した. 対象は喘息児319例で全例非発作時に検査を行った. Rint の再現性は良好であった. また Rint は年齢, 身長, 体重, 体表面積全てと負の相関を認めた. スパイロメトリーの同時測定が可能であった284例では, Rint と各種肺機能は全て良好な負の相関が認められた. 以上より MicroRint®によって測定された気道抵抗 (Rint) は, 小児において有用な検査であり, 小児気管支喘息非発作時の呼吸機能の指標になりえることが示唆された.
  • 出村 慎一
    1995年 40 巻 1 号 40-53
    発行日: 1995/05/10
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究の目的は, 十分トレーニングを積んだ12歳から19歳の競泳選手延べ277名を対象として, 加齢に伴う体力の発達及びその性差を明らかにすることであった. 被験者はいずれも, 国体候補選手として選抜された技能の高い選手で, 彼らは3年間に渡り, 週5日, 平均1日5000m以上のハードな競泳トレーニングを行った. 3年間の継続的体力測定(年2回)によって得られた縦断的・横断的資料(51変量)に基づいて, 形態, 筋力, 神経機能, 柔軟性, 及び心肺機能の各体力領域別に検討がなされた. 統計的分析の結果, 体格, 静的筋力, パワー, 敏捷性, 平衡性, 有酸素能力, 及び無酸素能力の多くの体力要因において, 同年代の一般人の同様な加齢に伴う発達や性差が確認された. しかし, 躯幹の屈曲柔軟性や体重当たりの有酸素性能力には有意な性差や加齢に伴う発達が認められなかった. また体脂肪は少なく, 肩や足首の柔軟性は優れ, 性差も認められたが, 加齢に伴う有意な発達的変化は認められなかった. 従って, これらの体力要因については, 一般人の場合と異なる発達傾向があると考えられ, これは比較的長期間に渡るハードな継続的競泳トレーニングの影響によると推測された.
  • 寺嶋 繁典, 日高 なぎさ, 宮田 智基, 岡田 弘司, 田中 英高
    2003年 43 巻 3 号 185-192
    発行日: 2003/03/01
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 芳賀 純
    1962年 10 巻 3 号 171-176,192
    発行日: 1962/09/30
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 本研究では英国の小学生第3学年男子50名, 女子50 名, 計100名を被験者にして, 算数問題の難易度を規定すると考えられる要因の中から5要因を選び, これらを含む問題を作成して与えた結果, 加法と乗法 (0), 項数の多少 (N), 文章問題と計算問題 (M), 単位の有無 (U) および数字の大小 (S) の5要因が, 上記の順に難易度を規定していることがわかつた。
    2) 2条件の交互作用が認められたものは, 可能な10組のうち, ON, UN, MU, MN, およびMOの5組である。
    3) 3条件の交互作用は, 可能な10組のうち, UON, ONS, およびMUNの3組である。
    4) 4ないし5条件の交互作用があるということは確かめられなかつた。
    5) 交互作用は, 特にO, M, Uを含む組み合わせに認められるが, このなかでO, M, およびNがO2, M2, N3の条件をとることによつて, 算数問題がより難しくなる傾向がある。しかしUのみは, すでにO2, M2, N2またはS2を含み困難な問題に, U3として加わるとすなわち単位の導入を行なうと, 逆に問題をやさしくする傾向が認められた。
    6) 5要因 (main factors) は困難度に75%の寄与をし, 2ないし3要因の相互作用は全体で17%の寄与をし, 計 92%が実験にとりあげた5条件とその交互作用によつて説明される。残りの8%が実験誤差も含めた残差となる。この実験のわく内で, 交互作用が比較的に少ないという理由から, 上記5要因を, 算数問題の難易度を規定する主要な要因であると考えることができる。
    7) 本研究の被験者が英国の小学生であることから, 同種の方法を日本の児童に適用した研究が必要と考えられる。その際, 問題作成の手続きは同一でよいが, 内容特に単位の採用について配慮が必要である。
    8) 本研究では, 1個の算数問題がその文脈上の複数の要因によつて, 同時にその難易度を決定されている関係の一部を明らかにした。
    この研究は筆者が, Manchester大学において1961年 3月に提出した論文“On the measurement of difficulty levels of arithmetic sums for junior 3 children”に基づくものである。
  • 水島 典明, 石井 陽
    1983年 23 巻 3 号 217-224
    発行日: 1983/06/01
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The personality characterisics of the patients with anorexia nervosa and their mothers were ascertained using personality tests, including CMI, MAS, MMPI, and the PF study. The patients showed a noeurontic tendency, high anxiety, strong dependence, low aggressiveness and overrationalization of conflicts, whereas their mothers showed excessive feeling of expiation, lack of aggressiveness and inferiority in their ability to settle thier problems. Between the patients and their mothers were significant correlations of some personality traits such as vulnerability to various complaints, sensitiveness, high anxiety, teision, strong dependence, low aggressiveness and repression. Thus, it was suggested that the disturbed ego identity in anorexia nervosa patients may results from their difficulty in identifying with their mothers' personality characteristics.
  • 中村 栄太郎, 松浦 義行
    1979年 24 巻 2 号 127-135
    発行日: 1979/09/01
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the developmental changes in the fundamental motor ability of boys and girls aged four to eight years. Fourteen measures, thought to cover all aspects of the contents of fundamental motor ability, were administered to 228 boys and 329 girls. Principal factor analysis was applied to the correlation matrix which was calculated with the fourteen variables. The first Principal factor extracted (named as a fundamental motor ability factor) and the elements which forms the fundamental motor ability factor were investigated in each age, respectively. The results were 1) The fundamental motor ability of boys and girls of these ages increased almost linearly with the increase of age; 2) As for the size of fundamental motor ability, it was, greater in boys at all age levels than in girls; 3) Sex difference in fundamental motor ability was found at 4.5 years of age, and it became greater with the increase of age; 4) The fundamental motor ability of boys aged four to six years was considered to be mainly composed of physique, muscular strength and explosive strength on upper and lower limbs, while that of girls was considered to be mainly composed of physique, maturity and muscular strength.
    2011年 28 巻 2 号 227-257
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2014/06/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper claims that the hierarchical structure of morphosyntax is mapped onto a linear sequence of elements with prominence and different strengths of juncture, which play a role in parsing the structure intended by the speaker. The mapping of left-branching and right-branching structure shows asymmetry in the strengths of juncture. This junctural asymmetry comes from the phonetic implementation of speech signals. It is argued that the strong juncture in left-branching structure makes it quasi-compound. Unmarked word-stress location works as a constraint on complement movement, deriving left-branching from right-branching structure in the base, thus taking the place of a head-directionality parameter. This analysis therefore dispenses with the need for linear information in morphosyntax.
  • ―閉眼および視野狭窄時における重心動揺の周波数分析から―
    種田 行男, 江橋 博, 一木 昭男, 渡邊 悟
    1992年 41 巻 2 号 220-232
    発行日: 1992/04/01
    公開日: 2010/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    小児の視覚による姿勢制御系の発達過程を検討するために, 7~12歳の小児の男女84名を対象に重心動揺計を用いて開眼, 視野15度および閉眼時の直立姿勢保持の際の重心動揺の軌跡長, RMSおよびパワースペクトルを観察し, 次のような結果を得た.
    1.視覚からの情報量が少なくなるに従って, 重心動揺の軌跡長およびRMSは増加した.
    2.開眼時における重心動揺の軌跡長およびRMSは, 男子では高年齢になるにつれて減少したが, 女子では変わらなかった.また低年齢の女子における軌跡長およびRMSは男子より少なかった.
    3.重心動揺のパワースペクトル解析によって閉眼および視野15度時には開眼時に比べ, 特に0.4~0.7Hzあたりの周波数帯のパワーが増大した.
    4.この周波数帯におけるパワーの増大は, 女子ではいずれの年齢群においても認められたものの, 低年齢の男子ではその増大のピークはあまり明確ではなく11歳群においてのみ観察された.
    5.視覚入力の減少によって, 重心動揺の0.4~0.7Hzのパワーが増大する年齢群では重心動揺軌跡長あるいはRMSは減少することが認められ, 両者の関連性が示唆された.
    以上の結果から, 重心動揺のパワースペクトルにおいて, 視覚系が反映していると考えられている特定の周波数帯のパワーの変動は, 小児の視覚による姿勢制御系の発達を表す有効な指標となりうる可能性が示唆された.
  • 砂川 正亮
    1938年 16 巻 4 号 411-425
    発行日: 1938年
    公開日: 2011/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    I brought 2.590 students of four Middle schools in the city of Nara and six primary schools in the mountaineous district of Nara Prefecture to the test of Intracutaneous Tuberculin Reactions, and 1.506 of them were put to the several more tests in succession. The following is an abstract from the observations on the changing reactions and its relations with the suffering from tuberculosis.
  • Robert M. Malina
    International Journal of Sport and Health Science
    2004年 2 巻 50-66
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2008/01/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The development of motor competence during infancy and childhood is dependent upon and influenced by the growth and maturity characteristics of the child interacting with the environment in which a child is reared. Environmental opportunities and restraints for movement interact with the biological substrates of growth and maturation to determine the motor repertoire of the child. This paper provides a brief overview of motor development during infancy and early childhood and then highlights several specific areas and/or questions: critical evaluation of stages for specific movement patterns; extension of the dynamical systems framework; genotypic contributions to motor development; metabolic and physiological correlates of motor development; relationship of motor development to the growth of the brain, status at birth and early postnatal growth; and social contexts of motor development.
  • 大宮  真一, 木越 清信, 尾縣 貢
    2010年 30 巻 1 号 1-12
    発行日: 2010/10/30
    公開日: 2013/07/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to investigate interrelationship among rebound jump (RJ) ability, vertical velocity and take-off motions at running long jump in higher-grade elementary students. The subjects were 110 boys and 113 girls who were fifth and sixth-graders at elementary school. They were filmed in the takeoff phase, and rebound jump ability (RJ-index = RJ-height / contact time) was measured. The students were dividing into three groups based on RJ ability: Excellent (E), Medium (M) and Poor (P) groups. Measured kinematics during takeoff were compared among these three groups, and relationships between vertical velocity and takeoff motions were studied. The main results were as follows:
    1)Boys and girls in E group showed higher touch down, takeoff velocities, vertical velocity at takeoff and longer jumping distance, respectively, than the other groups. Moreover trunk angle during takeoff in E group showed smaller forward inclination, although there was no significant difference all kinematics on knee angle, for either boys or girls.
    2) E group in the boys showed a greatest takeoff angle among three groups, and a larger decrease in horizontal velocity and a larger generation vertical velocity during latter takeoff phase, and a smaller foot angle displacement than the other groups.
    3)E group in the girls showed a higher vertical velocity at maximum knee flexion than the other groups.
    4) The significant correlation in both boys and girls was found between vertical velocity at takeoff and trunk angle at touch down, although no significant correlation was between vertical velocity at takeoff and all sections on knee angle, either boys or girls. The significant correlation in boys was found between vertical velocity at takeoff and foot angular displacement during take-off, and in girls was found between vertical velocity at maximal knee flexion and foot angle at touch down.
    It is concluded that there was interrelationship RJ ability, vertical velocity and takeoff motions in the higher graders of elementary school.