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30件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology
    2011年 6 巻 4 号 575-586
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    A delta wing with a sawtooth leading edge has an ability to improve its aerodynamic performance, which was suggested and confirmed by the authors' previous study [1]. It should not be practical, economical and easily controllable, because the sawtooth configuration part extends from the apex of the delta wing to the trailing edge. In this research a few petit delta parts beside the whole sawtooth leading edge was suggested on the basis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results for its optimization by changing their location on the leading edge, the number of petit deltas, and the configuration of the petit part. The aerodynamic characteristics of the suggested wing were investigated by experimental as well as numerical studies with the comparison to both the base delta wing without a sawtooth leading edge and the whole sawtooth delta wing. It was found that a series of three petit deltas with the modified rear configuration, which are located at the middle of the leading edge, gives the best performances at the attack angle for its taking off and landing. The reason for the best lift and such the complicated flow field as the primary leading edge separation vortex interacting with the flow from the petit deltas was examined in detail.
  • 玉田 朋枝
    Japanese Psychological Research
    1995年 37 巻 2 号 103-109
    発行日: 1995/06/25
    公開日: 2009/02/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    We investigated effects of delayed visual feedback on handwriting some familiar English words, using various delays -0. 33. 67, 100, 133, 167, 267, and 500 ms. With increasing the delay, the writing error rate increased. Among the writing errors, there was a tendency for some additional strokes to be inserted, especially for some original strokes to be duplicated. This type of error named “addition error” was observed frequently where a set of strokes should be repeated (e.g. the word “feeling” was often misspelled as “feeeling”). These results indicate that visual monitoring is indispensable in producing repetition of a set of strokes.
  • 渋谷 恒司, 高田 隆徳, 久木 真人, 塩見 洋一, 辻上 哲也
    2009年 2009 巻 1A2-E18
    発行日: 2009/05/25
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    The final goal of this study is to develop a flapping flying robot capable of hovering. This paper describes building and experiments of two types of flapping robot. One has two wings and the other is four wings like the character "X." We developed a robot with two wings driven by a crank mechanism. Four types of wing are attached to the robot, and its propulsion and vibration were measured. As a result, we found that the wing without bones produced the best propulsion. We also modified commercial product with four wings. We attached various types of tail and found that the speed of the robot with long tail is the least.
  • Akihide SAIMOTO, Yasufumi IMAI, Toshiyuki HASHIDA
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    A fracture of brittle solids under compression was discussed. Special attention was paid to the influence of confining stress and the presence of free boundary on a behavior of crack growth. Cracks tend to grow unstably leading a brittle splitting when they are loaded by longitudinal compression together with lateral tension. When the lateral stress is also compression, cracks always grow in a stable fashion. Presence of free boundaries near the crack tend to increase its stress intensity. This increase is mainly caused by the outward bending deformation. A possible mechanism of pseudo ductile deformation (shear rupture) experienced in the compression experiments of rocks was discussed in detail as a result of interference of an echelon of cracks.
  • Daiki Kitamura, Kiichiro Taniguchi, Mai Nakamura, Tatsushi Igaki
    Cell Structure and Function
    2024年 49 巻 1 号 11-20
    発行日: 2024年
    公開日: 2024/02/16
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/01/11
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    The ribosome is a molecular machine essential for protein synthesis, which is composed of approximately 80 different ribosomal proteins (Rps). Studies in yeast and cell culture systems have revealed that the intracellular level of Rps is finely regulated by negative feedback mechanisms or ubiquitin-proteasome system, which prevents over- or under-abundance of Rps in the cell. However, in vivo evidence for the homeostatic regulation of intracellular Rp levels has been poor. Here, using Drosophila genetics, we show that intracellular Rp levels are regulated by proteasomal degradation of excess Rps that are not incorporated into the ribosome. By establishing an EGFP-fused Rp gene system that can monitor endogenously expressed Rp levels, we found that endogenously expressed EGFP-RpS20 or -RpL5 is eliminated from the cell when RpS20 or RpL5 is exogenously expressed. Notably, the level of endogenously expressed Hsp83, a housekeeping gene, was not affected by exogenous expression of Hsp83, suggesting that the strict negative regulation of excess protein is specific for intracellular Rps. Further analyses revealed that the maintenance of cellular Rp levels is not regulated at the transcriptional level but by proteasomal degradation of excess free Rps as a protein quality control mechanism. Our observations provide not only the in vivo evidence for the homeostatic regulation of Rp levels but also a novel genetic strategy to study in vivo regulation of intracellular Rp levels and its role in tissue homeostasis via cell competition.

    Key words: ribosomal protein, proteasomal degradation, Drosophila

  • 小野 林太郎, 吉原 宏樹, 大竹 淳矢, 足洗 美穂, 細谷 要介, 長谷川 大輔
    2023年 33 巻 1 号 15-26
    発行日: 2023/10/20
    公開日: 2023/10/23
    ジャーナル フリー


    Although advances in immunotherapy have increased awareness of the importance of immunity in malignancy, it has not yet been fully investigated in pediatric myeloid malignancies. In this study, we conducted mass cytometric analysis on samples from pediatric patients with myeloid malignancies.


    Cryopreserved bone marrow samples from seven patients with myeloid malignancies and two controls were used for mass cytometric analysis. Various immune cell subsets and leukemic cells were identified using metal-conjugated antibodies against 28 surface antigens. The multidimensional data underwent clustering after dimensionality reduction.


    Firstly, all types of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells, including AML-M0, M2, M3, M5, M7, and AML with myelodysplasia-related changes, were clearly identified among the various immune cell subsets. In addition to the identification of leukemic cells, a detailed evaluation of immune cell subsets was possible. Mass cytometric analysis was also useful for assessing changes in the immune environment over the course of treatment and for the identification of lineage switches in mixed-phenotype acute leukemia. Finally, we tested the applicability of mass cytometry for the evaluation of measurable residual disease using serial dilution experiments. Although the barcoding system requires optimization, leukemic cells were clearly separated from normal cells across all AML types.


    Mass cytometry may be useful for evaluating leukemic cells and the immune environment in pediatric myeloid malignancies.

  • Naoki Aoyama, Tomoko Yamakawa, Takeshi Sasamura, Yuka Yoshida, Maki Ohori, Hiroyuki Okubo, Eriko Iida, Nobuo Sasaki, Ryu Ueda, Kenji Matsuno
    Genes & Genetic Systems
    2013年 88 巻 1 号 45-57
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/05/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML
    Notch signaling is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism that controls many cell-fate specifications through local cell-cell interactions. The core mechanisms of Notch activation and its subsequent intracellular signaling are well understood. Various cellular functions are required for the activation and regulation of Notch signaling. Among them, the endocytosis of Notch and its ligands is important for the activation and suppression of Notch signaling. The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) proteins are required to sort ubiquitinated membrane proteins, such as Notch, into early endosomes. A loss-of-function allele of vacuolar protein sorting 2 (vps2), which encodes a component of ESCRT-III, has been reported. However, this vps2 mutant still produces the N-terminal half of the protein, and its phenotypes were studied in only a few organs. Here, we generated the first null mutant allele of Drosophila vps2, designated vps22, to better understand the function of this gene. In Drosophila wing imaginal discs homozygous for the vps22 allele, early endosomes and multivesicular bodies (MVBs) were enlarged, and Notch and Delta accumulated inside them. As reported for the previous vps2 mutant, the epithelium grew excessively under this condition. We further studied the roles of vps2 by RNA interference-knockdown. These experiments revealed that a partial reduction of vps2 attenuated Notch signaling; in contrast, the loss-of-function vps2 mutant is reported to up-regulate the Notch signaling in eye imaginal disc cells. These results suggest that Notch signaling can be up- or down-regulated, depending on the level of vps2 expression. Finally, we found that vps2 overexpression also resulted in early-endosome enlargement and the accumulation of Notch and Delta. In these cells, a portion of the Vps2 protein was detected in MVBs and colocalized with Notch. These data indicate that the expression of vps2 must be precisely regulated to maintain the normal structure of early endosomes.
  • “Bottom curtain”付きトロール網の模型実験
    藤石 昭生, 谷口 武夫
    1977年 43 巻 2 号 173-179
    発行日: 1977/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Study on saving gear for the trawl fishery will play an important role in saving immature fish. Model experiments were conducted with the intent to improve and develop a new trawl net with a bottom curtain. The paper published by LARSSON gave important clues for designing the bottom curtain and the experiments were conducted in a circulating experimental tank. This paper deals with the behavior of a ground trawl net having a bottom curtain as a preliminary step to gear designing. Results of the experiments were obtained by means of visual observation and numerous photographs taken through the glass wall of the tank. It was found that the net height increased by means of attaching the bottom curtain, but slack in the lower part of the bottom curtain was also observed.
  • 當間 孝子, 宮城 一郎, 岡沢 孝雄, 比嘉 由紀子, Moi Ung LEH
    2010年 61 巻 3 号 281-308
    発行日: 2010/09/15
    公開日: 2011/03/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    これらの果実内から多数の幼虫を採集し,室内で個別飼育により,幼虫・蛹の脱皮殻・羽化成虫からなる一連の標本約200個体を入手した.標本を雄の生殖器の形態的特徴により比較検討し同定した結果,クロヤブカ亜属の蚊5種, Ar. confusus, Ar. jugraensis, Ar. moultoni, Ar. malayi, Ar. setifer が混生していることが明らかになった.これら5種の内,前3種の成虫は1900年初頭に英国の研究者により新種として記載されたが,原記載は不完全で,幼虫,蛹はこれまでに全く記載されていない.本論文でこれら3種の全ステージ(卵を除く)を詳細に記載した.また,椰子園に生息する5種の,成虫,雄生殖器,蛹,幼虫の形態を比較し,同定のための検索表を作成した.
  • ―退院を阻害する原因について―
    大渓 俊幸, 綱島 浩一, 齋藤 治, 堀 彰, 加藤 進昌
    2002年 56 巻 12 号 706-712
    発行日: 2002/12/20
    公開日: 2011/10/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    統合失調症の入院が長期化する要因を検討した. 調査期間を1992年6月30日から1997年6月30日の5年間とし, 対象患者は調査開始の1992年6月30日からさかのぼること2年間の間に国立精神・神経センター武蔵病院に入院した71例とした. これら71例中, 調査期間の5年間に退院して外来に移行した患者43名から, 入院期間が1カ月以内の患者4名を除いた39名を外来移行群とし, 調査期闇終了後も引き続き入院していた患者15名を入院継続群とした. これら両群で, 1992年の時点での病歴, 精神症状, 総合評価尺度との関連, 入院継続患者では5年間の精神症状の変化について検討した. 要因解析に用いる症状評価尺度は, Manchester scale (MS), ward behavior rating scale (WBRS)とし, 抗精神病薬の投与量は, haloperidolに換算して検討した. 1992年の調査時点では, 外来移行群は入院継続群よりもMSの各スコアとWBRSのスコアで陰性症状関連項目が高得点であったが, 陽性症状関連項目では有意差がなかった. また, 継続入院群では, その間に陰性症状が悪化するが, MSで高いスコアの陽性症状では改善がみられなかった. 今回の結果から, 退院を阻害する因子としては, 陰性症状よりも陽性症状やそれにともなう問題行動の有無が強く関連する可能性が示された.
  • 森 正浩, 永元 隆一, 船岡 宏一郎, 中山 美都里
    1967年 1967 巻 122 号 81-95
    発行日: 1967年
    公開日: 2009/09/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recenty, an oil tanker is becomming largar and larger and now, the enormous large tanker with over 300, 000 D. W. tons has being planed. In designing such a large tanker, it is important to determine the most efficient type and the scantlings of the midship section.
    For the basic study of this problem, authors tried to examine the effectiveness of the side girders attached on the bottom and the deck part both in a centre and wing tanks, that is,
    (1) to deduce the method of the three dimensional strength calculation for the with side girder type tanker, expanding the method explained in our previous paper,
    (2) to examine the effect of the side girders upon the transverse strength and on the longitudinal strength and to examine the strength of the side girder itself.
    Form this study we obtained the following results, that is
    (1) the side girders are not effective for the transverse strength but effective for the longitudinaly bending action,
    (2) the shearing stress of the side girder becomes much larger in the case of the rigidity of the side girder is smaller than those of the transverse members, on the contraly, the normal stress of the side girder becomes larger in the case that the rigidity of the side girder is larger than those of the transverse members,
    (3) it seemes to us that, it is, therefore, better not to attach the side girders on both the bottom and the deck part, and moreover, if necessary, the _??_-giders may be removed for the sake of the simplicity of the hull structure.
  • 野々田 得郎
    1958年 24 巻 4 号 256-262
    発行日: 1958/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    50 H. P. and 80 H. P. Batti-Ami (paranzella net for catching anchovy) which are being used in Ise Bay were studied by the model experiments. The scales of both nets were reduced to 1/15 of the full scales to Tauti's principle. The details of these nets are shown in Table 1, 2, and Fig. 1.
    The results obtained are shown in Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5. From Figs. 2 and 3, the following are deduced concerning the full scale of nets. When the distance between the two-teamed boats is 200m and the pulling speed is about 0.8 mile/hour, that is, the longest pulling condition during one operation, each value of the mouth height and width of the bag net and the tension on the warp in the 50 H. P. are 9.2m, 11m, and 3.6 tons respectively. On the similar condition, they are 8.5m, 11.5m, and 4 tons pespectively, in the case of 80 H. P.
    In Fig. 6, a few records of the nets by the fish finder are represented. In point of the mouth height the result of the present experiments show approximately the same values as those obtained from Fig. 6.
  • 臨床血液
    2022年 63 巻 5 号 513-514
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/06/04
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • 那須 義次, 小木 広行
    1997年 48 巻 3 号 133-140
    発行日: 1997/08/30
    公開日: 2017/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    北海道から採集されたヒメハマキガの標本を検討したところ,1新種と3新記録種を認めたので報告する.なお,所検標本の大部分は第2著者の小木により採集されたものである.Semnostola triangulata Nasu&Kogi,n.sp.セサンカクモンヒメハマキ(新称)(Figs 1,5,9)前翅開張:雄13-14mm,雌16mm.前翅の地色は灰褐色,翅頂から1/3は暗色.内縁中央部に暗褐色3角形のdorsal patchがある.分布:日本(北海道).本種はロシア極東部と日本に分布するS.magnificaニセハギカギバヒメハマキと外部表徴で類似するが,内縁中央部のdorsal patchが3角形であること,雄交尾器のcucullusが台形であることにより区別できる.Ancylis apicella([Denis&Schiffermuller])タテスジカギバヒメハマキ(新称)(Figs 2,6)日本新記録種.分布:ヨーロッパ,ロシア,中国,日本(北海道).寄主植物:クロウメモドキ科:クロウメモドキ属;ミズキ科:ミズキ属;ヤマモモ科:ヤマモモ属;モクセイ科:イボタノキ属;バラ科:サクラ属.本種は前翅に数本の暗褐色縦線を有することにより,日本産Ancylis属の他の種と簡単に区別できる.Pelochrista decolorana(Freyer)ウスマダラヒメハマキ(新称)(Figs 3,7,10)日本新記録種.分布:ヨーロッパ(イギリスを除く),ロシア,モンゴル,中国東北部,韓国,日本(北海道).寄主植物:キク科:アキノキリンソウ属.本種はロシア極東部と日本に分布するP.inignanaフタオビチャヒメハマキと外部表徴で類似するが,前翅が細いこと,地色がより灰色がかっていること,中帯を持たないこと,雄交尾器のcucullusのpollexが短いこと,valvaにpulvinusを持たないことにより区別できる.Rhyacionia pinicolana(Doubleday)ハイマツアカシンムシ(Figs 4,8,11)日本新記録種.本種は鈴木・駒井(1984)によりRhyacionia sp.として北海道から記録されているものである.分布:ヨーロッパ,ロシア,中国北部,韓国,日本(北海道).寄主植物:マツ科:マツ属.日本ではハイマツから飼育されている.本種は日本においてクロマツを加害するR.dativaマツアカシンムシと外部表徴で類似するが,前翅の地色が明褐色であること,明瞭な銀色の横線を有することにより区別できる.
  • *大西 南斗, 石原 大輔, 堀江 知義
    2018年 2018.31 巻 225
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/05/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

    Insects have developed their high-performance maneuverability using flapping flight in the process of their evolution. In this study, a partitioned method based on our partition model for their flapping flight, which consists of the subsystems of the wings, the body and the control, is proposed to analyze their maneuverability. Here, the proposed method is applied for a maneuver, which is assumed as the perturbation from the static hovering state. In this case, a specific analysis procedure reduced from the proposed method is the one way coupling from the wing to body subsystems, i.e. the insect flapping wings are analyzed using a finite element method for the fluid-structure interaction, the resulted thrust force acts on the insect's body, and its motion is calculated using the equation of motion of a rigid body. The fundamental performance of the proposed method is demonstrated from the comparison between the present results and the actual observation with respect to the yaw, roll, and pitch as three basic modes of maneuver.

  • Kenji Karako
    BioScience Trends
    2024年 18 巻 1 号 66-72
    発行日: 2024/02/29
    公開日: 2024/03/19
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2024/02/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    The early detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is crucial to preventing the progression of dementia. However, it necessitates that patients voluntarily undergo cognitive function tests, which may be too late if symptoms are only recognized once they become apparent. Recent advances in deep learning have improved model performance, leading to applied research in various predictive problems. Studies attempting to estimate dementia and the risk of MCI based on readily available data are being conducted, with the hope of facilitating the early detection of MCI. The data used for these predictions vary widely, including facial imagery, voice recordings, blood tests, and inertial information during walking. Deep learning models that make predictions based on these data sources have been proposed. This article summarizes recent research efforts to predict the risk of dementia using easily accessible data. As research progresses and more accurate predictions become feasible, simple tests could be incorporated into daily life to monitor one's personal health status and to facilitate an early intervention.

  • D. J. Williams
    Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity
    1995年 47 巻 11 号 1147-1160
    発行日: 1995/11/20
    公開日: 2007/04/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Planning for the OPEN (Origin of Plasmas in the Earth's Neighborhood) program in 1977-1978 was representative of early concepts to obtain a quantitative estimate of the energy flow through the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. The magnetosphere was the focus of those early planning discussions and the OPEN program was defined to address global issues of mass, momentum, and energy flow. The STEP program that we are celebrating at this conference is in many ways a direct evolution of the early work that led to the OPEN program. One of the main characteristics of those early discussions was the desire to obtain a global view of the magnetosphere. This pursuit of a global view not only has persisted through the evolution of OPEN through STEP, but it has been a consistent pursuit of space physics from its very beginnings. In fact, ground-based scientific activities prior to the space age had already recognized the importance of establishing observation networks designed to provide global views of the parameters being observed. In this paper, we review briefly both the early attempts at obtaining a global view of the magnetosphere and the initial arguments for obtaining a global measure of the energy flow through the magnetosphere. We then show, through realistic simulations, what now can be accomplished in the arena of measuring the global energy flow through the magnetosphere and its component parts. We discuss both qualitative and quantitative results, stressing the manner in which global observations play a vital role in furthering our understanding of the magnetosphere and its dynamics. Finally we present an example constructed from a video shown at the symposium that illustrates what might be seen of global magnetosphere dynamics with presently existing instrumentation.
  • 黒子 浩, 〓 友樵
    2005年 56 巻 2 号 131-144
    発行日: 2005/03/20
    公開日: 2017/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山下 進, 三野 正洋, 安納 一徳, 北山 剛之, 菊地 健, 山崎 弘幸
    2004年 36 巻 77-82
    発行日: 2004/03/05
    公開日: 2021/01/21
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 澤木 悠太, 久谷 雄一, 澤田 惠介
    2019年 18 巻 133-141
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/07/31
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    A spectral volume method for hybrid unstructured mesh developed earlier is built in an aeroelastic code to determine transonic flutter boundary of AGARD 445.6 wing. It is shown that the computed transonic dip of flutter boundary reasonably agrees with the experimental data. In the present study, we focus on to develop a fast numerical method for evaluating the bottom of transonic dip. In order to reduce the number of computational cases to determine the flutter boundary, an interpolation method using the radial basis function is examined. The initial sampling points are sparsely distributed over the entire parameter plane to roughly determine the flutter boundary by interpolating damping ratio of wing oscillation. Then, based on the consideration of load distribution over the wing, some additional sampling points are introduced in the region where the transonic dip likely appears. It is demonstrated that the present approach allows us to evaluate the bottom of transonic dip with less computational efforts for the present problem. Discussions are included to examine the possible efforts of the arrangement of initial sampling points and interpolation method on the shape of flutter boundary near the dip.
