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クエリ検索: "Moto"
13,953件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 酒母に関する研究 (第3報)
    坂下 和久, 佐藤 俊一, 下飯 仁, 家藤 治幸, 蓼沼 誠
    1990年 85 巻 3 号 196-200
    発行日: 1990/03/15
    公開日: 2011/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    The number of living yeast cells during karashi (resting) was investigated in sokujo-
    (rapidly processed
    ), koontoka-
    ) and kihaku-nzoto (dilute-mashed
    ), and following results were obtained:
    1) The number of living yeast cells in seed mash maintained higher by increasing the ratio of water to total rice, because of lower concentration of alcohol produced. This means that koontokamoto and kihaku-
    were more tolerant against karashi than sokujo-
    2) Results of laboratory scale sake brewing indicated that the number of living yeast cells in seed mashes mainly governed the fermentation, and also gave favorable effects on the composition and sensory tests of sake brewed.
    3) The growth of yeasts in a model
    , ki-
    , yamahai-
    , sokujo-
    and kihaku-
    with various karashi periods revealed that an apparent lag time was related linearly to the logarythm of the number of living yeast cells.
    These results elucidated that the fermentative activity and yeast growth in seed mash was not dependent on the sorts of seed mash but on the number of living yeast cells in seed mash.
  • 酒母に関する研究 (第1報)
    佐藤 俊一, 田中 裕之, 山崎 教和, 梁瀬 文弘, 下飯 仁, 斎藤 和夫, 家藤 治幸, 蓼沼 誠
    1989年 84 巻 3 号 183-187
    発行日: 1989/03/15
    公開日: 2011/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the brewing of sake, there are two typical procedures of making seed mash, called ki-
    type (ki-
    and yamahai-
    ) and sokujo-
    of amino acids and organic acids on alcohol fermentation and on the viability of yeast during resting period (karashi) in yamahai-
    and sokujo-
    were examined, and following results were obtained:
    (1) The number of living yeast cells was reduced faster in sokujo-
    than in yamahai-
    during resting period, as is generally accepted.
    (2) Amino acids had the tendency to reduce alcohol fermentation by yeast in the presence of alcohol.Their effects were related to the relative amount of amino acids and alcohol concentrations, that is, the more amount of amino acids were present, the less alcohol was produced in usual alcohol concentration of the seed mash.
    (3) Organic acids had also the same effect as amino acids on alcohol fermentation during resting period.
    (4) The amounts of amino acids and organic acids contained in yamahai-
    were about 3 times and 1.5 times as much, respectively, as those in sokujo-
    difference in the amounts of amino acids and organic acids between both seed mashes was considered to be a reason why yeasts in yamahai-
    were protected from damage by high alcohol concentration, resulting in maintaining their number of living cells during resting period.
  • 山本 奈美
    1989年 84 巻 2 号 118-120
    発行日: 1989/02/15
    公開日: 2011/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nitrate reducing bacteria had been reported to play an important roll in yamahai-
    , a seed mash of traditional method for sake brewing, but in some cases these bacteria do not grow in yamahai-
    , a method to utilize freezedried cells of nitrate reducing bacteria for yamahai-
    making was investigated.Among tested 13 strains of nitrate reducing bacteria isolated from sake breweries, only Pseudonzonas sp.P 567 renatured well at 7°C from freeze-dried cells.The addition of freeze-dried cells of P 567 caused NO2 formation in yamahai-
    at 7°C in a similar manner to the addition of its culture broth.
  • 計算論と生理学
    五味 裕章, 川人 光男
    1992年 61 巻 10 号 1035-1038
    発行日: 1992/10/10
    公開日: 2009/02/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • アルコール, 乳酸耐性と細胞内燐酸化合物の分布を中心として
    樋口 昌孝, 奥田 慎一, 小玉 健吉, 植村 定治郎
    1962年 57 巻 3 号 234-244
    発行日: 1962/03/15
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 麹汁及び合成培地を用い,乳酸1%, 2%,アルコール10%,アルコール10%一乳酸1%添加時の生育曲線を山廃酒母から分離した酵母“山廃酵母”と速醸酒母から分離した酵母“速醸酵母”について比較した。アルコール,乳酸いずれの場合も添加の影響はlag timeの延長,最高生育度の低下として表われたが,一般に“山廃酵母”の方が速醸酵母よりも強い生育阻害的影響を受けた。
    2) クエン酸緩衝液IncubationによるUV吸収物質の分泌能は“山廃酵母”の方が“速醸酵母”よりも大であった。
    3) 丸冷期の山廃,速醸両酵母の細胞内燐酸化合物の分布を比較すると,全燐酸含量及び酸溶性,脂質燐含量で速醸の方が山廃よりも大きかったが,特に脂質燐は3倍近く多かったのが注目される。枯し12~14日で丸冷期よりもよりも“速醸酵母”では10%“山廃酵母”では25%位全燐酸含量が減少した。また,“山廃酵母”のポリ燐酸区分の減少は約60%に及んだ。
  • 大島 栄子
    1985年 50 巻 5 号 533-561,654-65
    発行日: 1985/02/20
    公開日: 2017/11/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    With the progress of the industrial revolution in Japan (1886-1907), the cotton spinning industry, known as a typical examaple of industry transplanted from abroad, began to dominate the domestic cotton textile industry by means of monopolistic prices. Under this control, it seemed almost impossible for traditional textile-centers such as Mitsuke to survive in the keen competition with other textile producing areas. However, Mitsuke became famous for its distinctive silk-and-cotton fabrics woven out of tusser (a kind of silk threads produced in Manchuria). This process can be briefly outlined as follows. In the 1880's,the ori-
    (merchant-manufacturers) in Mitsuke asked their weavers to produce by hand looms cotton fabrics out of imported cotton yarn. These fabrics, produced under the putting-out system, were then sold to the peasants in the regions of Tohoktu and Hokkaido. Gradually some of them began to produce silk cloth out of tama-ito. After the Sino-Japanese War, instead of tama-ito, they used tusser made in Manchuria and began to produce new silk-and-cotton fabrics. Taking advantage of the sale of these products, Mitsuke became a center for the production of silk-and-cotton fabrics. During the l910's, in the Kansai market, the largest distributing center of textiles, Mitsuke became famous as the tnird center for the production of silk-and-cotton fabrics next to Ashikaga and Bisai districts. In my opinion Mitsuke's success was based on two factors. The first was the low price (1/3 of sill thread) of tusser from Manchuria. With the advancement of urbanization as background, the new products of Mitsuke were in great demand among city dwellers because of their low prices and good appearance. Thus drapers and ori-
    could make great profits for the low price of raw material. For the Manchuria was not a market for finished products but a market for the provision of raw material. The second factor was the ability to regulate the wages of weavers tlaanks to the force of the guild of ori-
    . For example, during the mid-boom after the Sino-Japanese War, they recruited weavers from other textile areas around Mitstuke by means of higher wages in order to increase the output of new products. But wlaen the recession set in and the cotton spinning industry began to force its nt' monpolistic price on the domestic textile industry, the guild immediately lowered wages for the putting-out system. It was already impossible for the weavers, who were mostly daughters of impoverished tenant farmers to leave the ori-
    in Mitstnke because of the decline in the surrounding textile areas.
  • (第1報)酵母添加の時期に就て
    塚原 寅次
    1954年 28 巻 5 号 405-408
    発行日: 1954年
    公開日: 2008/11/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 速醸〓に於ては仕込直後既に1g中に1万前後の野生酵母が存在し,之が仕込後2~3日間の品温が10°以上ある間に10~20倍に増殖する.
    (2) 従つて純粋培養酵母は出来るだけ早期に加えなければ効果はない.
    (3) 〓中の野生酵母は主として〓麹に由来し,これは製麹中に増殖する.
    (4) 〓麹製麹中床揉時に純粋酵母を添加すれば出麹迄に10倍前後増殖する.
    (5) 酵母添加麹酒母によるもろみ及び生成酒は良く添加した酵母の特性を現わし特に香りの勝れたものが得られる.
  • 山中 静樹, 渡辺 与五郎
    1955年 50 巻 7 号 411-408
    発行日: 1955/07/15
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    We. seven sake brewers in Numazu district of Shizuoka Prefecture; agreed to brew unitedly the first
    at one fixed place in the cold district. We brought rice and water respectively andbrewed it at the same time and at the same place. We tried to find how different waters givedifferent results in brewing.
    We arrived at the following, conclusion:
    (1) The water which contained much calcium, magnesium, or chlorine was not necessarily good in saccharifying and in fermentation.
    (2) The
    which fermented early contained little amino acid and a smal number of yeasts.
  • 水上 一久
    1955年 21 巻 2 号 83-98
    発行日: 1955/10/20
    公開日: 2017/09/23
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 村上 英也, 渡辺 泰和, 村山 祐一
    1954年 49 巻 9 号 414-411
    発行日: 1954/09/15
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    山廃, 速醸及び高温糖化の3酒母を用いて夫々清酒を醸造し, 酒母及びもろみの経過に従つてMyrbäck法により窒素区分を比較定量し, 特に高温糖化酒母は第2区分の窒素が他に比し多い事を見出した。
  • H. Murakami, S. Murayama, Y. Watanabe, 佐藤 信, 原田 哲夫
    1955年 50 巻 2 号 113-112
    発行日: 1955/02/15
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Millon反応を用いて清酒と合成清酒の呈色を比較する条件について検討した。この条件で清酒と合成清酒の呈色は甚しく異り, 又反応の再現性も充分であるが, 清酒によつては煉瓦紅色に甚しく黄色を混ずるものがある点と, 最大呈色を示す時間が一定しない点に難点があることを知つた。これ等の点は, 試薬を改良することと, 条件を更に検討することによつて或程度迄除き得るものと考えるが, ここでは, 深く追求しなかつた。
  • 栗田 修, 中林 徹, 坪内 一夫
    1998年 93 巻 10 号 825-832
    発行日: 1998/10/15
    公開日: 2011/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 人口收容量の限界因子としての給水量 第1報
    室町 公宏
    1951年 24 巻 10 号 353-358
    発行日: 1951/10/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has studied the problem of how many people can live at the present state of water supply dependent mainly upon rain water in the volcanic island of Oshima. In this island, all the precipitated water upon roofs of rural houses is collected into the Avater tanks of each house. Inve-stigations of amounts of water necessary for rural houses were done at
    -mura, Nomashi and Habu-no-minato village The results are as follows;
    1) The relation between the number of people and the amount of water needed by families at each village is expressed in the following experimental formula. Y=AXb
    Y signifies amount of water needs, X means numberr of people in a family, and A and b are constant values. At several villages, he obtained the following values.
    -mura Y=69X0.5 Nomashi Y=52X0.5 Habu-no-minat o Y=39X0.5
    2) The increasing coefficient of water needs of rural families was equal to each other or all villages, but basic amounts of water needs (A) showedd dillerent values. The value of A was the biggest at the most humid village, and tine smallest at the most arid one in the island.
    3) Using the former formula, he calculated total amounts of water needs at all rural families in Oshinia island underr the present conditions, and he estimated the total amount of water needs by cattle, ships, factories, hotels, etc.. Adding these two values, mentioned above he found the total amount of water needs in Oshima. This value is only 0.016% of rain water on Oshima island.
  • 日野 哲雄, 明石 武和, 太田 泰弘
    1967年 25 巻 4 号 349-354
    発行日: 1967/04/01
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉橋 昭夫
    2001年 48 巻
    発行日: 2001/10/15
    公開日: 2017/10/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    "Hashimoto no
    "is the information design project at Hashimoto Station KEIO Line in Sagamihara city, Japan.The project was produced by 3rd-year students in Department of Information Design, Tama Art University. 17 keyword for new shop, the logotype of these shops and over 800 photographs and messages from the people were put on the wall. This project will present people who use the station some topics. They will think about the shop and people, through the photograph and messages on the wall. Through the project, many people will work together to take a picture and write a message.
  • 中川 元興
    1957年 6 巻 4 号 255-259
    発行日: 1957/03/25
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Genetical constitutions of the wheat varieties as to Ear-scab have been proved to be 3 different factors, by author (3). The fact that Infected kernel percentage in the case of Ear-scab was reported is highly correlated to the infected percent of spikelet and spike by author ( 4 ). Kernels iufected by fusarial head blight produced large amount of alcohol and varietal differences as to Ear-scab depend on amount of alcohol produced by the addition of fusarium fungus. by author (5). Susceptible varieties as to the toxic reaction of KCI03 has A-factor and A-subs, tance produced by A-factor proved to be fructose by author ( 6 ). Varieties havingf fas, ter decolorization speed of the methylene blue, containing B-factor and B-substance produced by B-factor has large amount of giucose by author ( 7 ). Author ( 8) proved that large content of phosphorous, of the wheat varieties. was related Lo C-factor. From the fa'cts mentioned above, author carried out the followin*cf experiments on relation among the sus, ceptible susbtances and susceptible factors and corresponding enzymes.
  • 佐藤 俊一
    1990年 85 巻 3 号 148-154
    発行日: 1990/03/15
    公開日: 2011/09/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    生翫系酒母が枯しに耐えることはよく知られているがその理由は明らかでなかった。近年, 伝統的な清酒造りに生翫系酒母が再び用いられるようになってきており, その工程管理を行う面からも酒母の枯しの意義を知ることは興味深い。実験的に扱い難い酒母を詳細な実験計画により解析した結果について解説していただいた。
  • 中川 元興
    1956年 6 巻 2 号 115-116
    発行日: 1956/08/31
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Amounts of the phosphorus, in th, e developing kernels (6 days after flowering) was measured by Dr. OKUDA's method (1), on 7 wheat varieties in order to have an idea on their resistance power against ear-scab. Varieties contain.ing lar*cre amounts of phosphorus were found in the varieties which containing "C" -factor as susceptible substance. From these facts "C" factor representing the amount of phosphorus was proved. (1) C-substance as product by action of "C"-factor for susceptibility was proved to be phosphorous. (2) Phosphorous compounds in the developing kernels having an action to the factors A and B and increasing the infection percentage to ear-scab were recognized.
  • 佐藤 麻子, 吉田 幸司, 庄司 秀夫, 飯島 晃良
    2010年 2010.3 巻 G0700-2-2
    発行日: 2010/09/04
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    An air motor with regenerating system which was designed for a bicycle was developed, and the air motor was driven by compressed air without gas emission. The purpose of this study is to elucidate characteristics and regeneration performance of air motor, and the effect of supply air pressure and rotational frequency on output power were experimentally investigated. The maximum cylinder pressure increased as the supply air pressure increased, although the maximum cylinder pressure was less than the supply air pressure. The maximum cylinder pressure reduced as the revolution frequency increased because the inlet valve opening duration was decreased. Therefore, the output power can be improved by the optimization of valve timing. The output power and flow rate increased with an increase of supply air pressure, however both were decreased as the revolution frequency increased due to friction loss. The regeneration pressure was decreased in case of high revolution frequency.
  • 佐藤 麻子, 石原 幸典, 田村 真吾, 吉田 幸司
    2010年 2010.16 巻 21117
    発行日: 2010/03/09
    公開日: 2017/06/19
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    An air motor with regenerating system which was designed for a bicycle was developed, and the air motor was driven by compressed air without gas emission. The purpose of this study is to elucidate characteristics and regeneration erformance of air motor, and the effect of supply air pressure and rotational frequency on output power were experimentally investigated. The maximum cylinder pressure increased as the supply air pressure increased, although the maximum cylinder pressure was less than the supply air pressure. The maximum cylinder pressure reduced as the revolution frequency increased because the inlet valve opening duration is decreased. Therefore, the output power can be improved by the optimization of valve timing. The output power and brake mean effective pressure increased with an increase of supply air pressure, however both were decreased as the revolution frequency increased due to friction loss. The regeneration pressure was decreased in case of high revolution frequency.