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クエリ検索: "Sylph"
31件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 山田 博夫
    2003年 56 巻 5 号 217-224
    発行日: 2003/05/25
    公開日: 2009/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • A. Pope, Poems : 1700-1714の書き込みを中心に
    田村 道美
    2006年 2007 巻 39 号 45-57
    発行日: 2006年
    公開日: 2009/09/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Soseki Natsume had sixteen books from the Cassell's National Library series. According to the old edition (1967) of the complete works of Soseki, he made twelve margin notes in Poems : 1700-1714, by Alexander Pope. However, the new edition (1997) omits half of the notes. The omission is due to one of the editorial policies of the new edition that fragmental notes like signs and references to other passages and other books should be omitted.
    In this paper, I have managed to find out what the six margin notes the editor omitted mean or refer to. For example, “C. Ex.” is short for “conventional expression”. Moreover, I have made it clear that Soseki was recalling “balmy slumbers” in Othello and “balmy rest” in Odyssey, translated by A. Pope when he wrote the abbreviation on the margin of the sentence “Her guardian
    prolonged the balmy rest.” As for the references, Soseki wrote “Vide Cowper's Task” on the margin of the description of a magnificent coffee break at Hampton Court. Probably Soseki was remembering the contrasting description of a tea time in a rustic dwelling. In the essay, “English Poets' Ideas of Nature”, Soseki states that Pope's description of nature lacks artlessness which is one of the characteristics of Cowper's poetry. There is a possibility that Soseki got such a view about the two poets when he wrote “Vide Cowper's Task” on the margin of “The Rape of the Lock.”
    My investigation shows that the margin notes looking like signs or referring to other passages and other books can be very important clues as to how Soseki read books and made use of them in his own works. The omission of the margin notes is, therefore, a serious mistake. I earnestly hope that the next editor will include the omitted notes in the new complete works of Soseki.
  • 山中 一司, 岩谷 隆光, 赤尾 慎吾, 岡野 達広, 竹田 宣生, 草間 貴博, 山梨 寛治, 平山 弘克, 菊地 康仙, 伊藤 日出男
    2023年 44 巻 6-
    発行日: 2023/11/13
    公開日: 2024/02/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩谷 隆光, 赤尾 慎吾, 岡野 達広, 竹田 宣生, 塚原 祐輔, 大泉 透, 福士 秀幸, 田中 智樹, 菅原 真希, 辻 俊宏, 武田 昭信, 山中 一司
    2022年 43 巻 347-
    発行日: 2022/11/07
    公開日: 2023/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Min-hyeok Choi, Jin-Hwa Jung, Jong-Hoon Moon, Jin-won Yoo, Suk-Chan Hahm, Hwi-young Cho
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science
    2018年 30 巻 6 号 840-842
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー

    [Purpose] The aim of this study was to examine the changes in sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) activity when using a cervical support pillow (CSP) and to determine the pillow’s effect on satisfaction in asymptomatic participants. [Subjects and Methods] This study followed a cross-over design and the order of the measurements was counterbalanced. Twenty asymptomatic participants were positioned supine for 5 minutes by using either a CSP or a general pillow (GP) while the activity of the SCM was measured using surface electromyography. [Results] The CSP significantly decreased the activity of the SCM compared with the GP, and satisfaction after use of the CSP was significantly greater than that after use of the GP. [Conclusion] This study suggests that the CSP may be effective in preventing unnecessary neck muscle activation during sleep in asymptomatic people.

  • A.Pope, Poemss : 1700-1714の書き込みを中心に
    田村 道美
    2005年 2006 巻 38 号 15-26
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2009/09/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    A series of pocket-sized books called Cassell's National Library was published from 1886 in Britain. The series were exported and widely read by Japanese students and teachers at the end of the Meiji Era and the beginning of the Taisho. Soseki Natsume, one of the great writers in the Meiji Era, had sixteen books of Cassell's National Library which are now in the Soseki Library at Tohoku University Library. According to the bibliography, one of the sixteen is not dated. Cassell's National Library was published four times (1886-1890, 1891?-1894?, 1901?-1903?, 1904-1913?) and the size, the design of the cover and the phrase printed at the bottom of the last page of each series are different. With the help of these differences, I have managed to identify the book as belonging to the first series.
    Among the sixteen books is Poems : 1700-1714 by Alexander Pope. It has the most numerous margin notes made by Soseki. However, the number of the notes is different between the old edition (1967) and the new one (1997). The former has twelve notes but the latter only six. This difference is due to each publisher's editorial principle. One of the editorial policies of the new edition is that fragmental notes like signs and references to other passages and other books should be omitted.
    I think that the margin notes referring to other passages and other books give us important clues as to how Soseki read books and made the best use of them in his own works. Therefore, the omission of some of the notes is a very serious mistake, and I intend to show how seriously mistaken the omission is in the following paper “Soseki and Cassell's National Library (2)”. In this paper, I have focused on the notes the two editions have in common and have tried to ascertain why Soseki made such margin notes and what the notes mean, comparing these with his margin notes on other books and the phrases and passages of his works.
  • バレエの場合
    鈴木 晶
    1998年 1998 巻 21 号 82
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *安本 勇毅, 幡生 安紀, 浅田 勝彦, 森 眞一郎
    2006年 06-02 巻 06-02-07
    発行日: 2006/10/13
    公開日: 2007/01/31
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
  • 岡田 英晃, 福間 慎治, 森 眞一郎
    2013年 37.56 巻 ME2013-133
    発行日: 2013/12/02
    公開日: 2017/09/21
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 河瀬 嘉一
    1931年 11 巻 2 号 231-250
    発行日: 1931/04/20
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 亀山 愛子, 森下 はるみ
    1996年 13 巻 13-22
    発行日: 1996/07/25
    公開日: 2016/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze ballet split jumps, focusing on the movement of the dancer's working leg and the way it affects the whole jumping motion. At the same time, we investigate how the movement of the working leg depends on the dancer's achievement level in classical ballet, comparing the jumps of dancers of different levels. 2. Methods The subjects are 14 women who have taken dancing lessons. We divided them into two groups: (1) Dancers at advanced level: 7 professional ballet dancers (=PD group); (2) Dancers at beginning/intermediate level: 7 students majoring in dance (=DS group). We asked them to execute two types of classical ballet split jumps: (1) grand jete=GJ; (2) grand pas de chat=GP. We videotaped their jumping motions with two video cameras. Our method of examination is three-dimensional kinematic analysis, using APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System). 3. Parameters We obtained the following parameters: (1) displacement of center of gravity; (2) angle of upper body; (3) maximum knee flexion angle of supporting leg; (4) velocity of center of gravity. 4. Results In doing both jumps, PD group decreased the take-off velocity more than DS group. The jumping distance of PD group was shoter than that of DS group. The jumps of PD group are described as upward-moving or vertical, and those of DS group as forward-moving or horizontal. Using these parameters, we can summarize the results as follows: (1) The horizontal take-off velocity of DS group is greater than that of PD group in both GJ and GP. (2) The maximum displacement of center of gravity of PD group is higher in both GJ and GP. (3) The forward-bending angle of the upper body of DS group is greatest around the time of the maximum displacement of center of gravity. (4) The maximum knee flexion angle of the supporting leg of PD group is greater than that of DS group in both GJ and GP.
  • 黒屋 政彦, 小泉 和
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    1940年 38 巻 4 号 305-322
    発行日: 1940/06/05
    公開日: 2008/11/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Die minimale tödliche Dosis der aus Stamm “Vi” isolierten PF (Proteinfraktion) betrug ungefähr 2, 0mg, während die der aus gleichemn Stamen isolierten CF (Kohlenhydratfraktion) ungefähr 0, 2mg betrug. Die Toxizität der beiden Fraktionen befindet sich also in beinahe gleichem Umfang mit dem Fall des Stammes “T” oiler des Stammes “S, ” worüber schon in I. Mitteilung berichtet war.
    2) Die durch einfaches Waschen des Bakterienleibes extrahierbare Substanzmenge vermehrte sich nach der Ordnung der Virulenzzunahme der gebrauchten Stämme, sie betrug nämlich auf Trockengewicht der Bakterien bezogen 18, 7%, bei Stamm “S, ” 31, 8%, bei Stamm “T” and 47, 7% bei Stamm “Vi.” Diese Vermehrung der extrahierbaren Substanz rührte meistenteils von der nach der Virulenz angeordneten Zunahme der Eiweissmenge in Extrakt I her, nämlich die PF-Menge betrug auf Trockengewicht des Extrakts berechnet bei Starnm “S” 17°, 4%, bei Stamm “T” 42, 2% and Stamen “Vi” 74, 1% während der grösste Teil (80-98, 6%) der CF dagegen sick unabhängig von der Virulenz der Stämme in Extrakt I befand. Dieser Umstand könnte vielleicht eine der Ursachen der Virulenzverschiedenheit der Stämme sein, worauf schon hingewiesen wurde.
    3) Aus 3 versehiedenen Typhusstämmen in einer Menge von je 100g erworbene PF betrug bei Stamm “S” 3, 226g, bei Stamm “T” 3, 69g and beii Stamm “Vi” 4, 65g, wahrend CF bei Stamen “S” 0, 322g, bei Stamen “T” 0, 562g and bei Stamm “Vi”. 0, 545g betrug. Man sieht also, dass “Vi”-Stamm im Gehalt an PF beide Stämme übertrifft, während er im Gehalt an CF nur über den Stamm “S” and in fast gleicher Linie mit dem Stamm “T” steht. Diese Eigentizmlichkeit des Stammes “Vi” magvielleicht auch eine der Ursachen seinerhoheren Virulenz sein.
    4) Die aus 3 Typhusstämmen erworbene CF-Merge schwankte auf Trockengewicht der gesammten Extrakte bezogen zwischen 3, 08 4, 33%, dagegen betrug die PF-Menge 30, 9-35, 3 also der PF-Gehalt der Bakterien erwies sich viel grösser als CF-Gehalt derselben. Aber dennoch ist es schwer festzustellen, welche Fraktion in Giftigkeit der Bakterien die Hauptrolle spielt, weil die Toxizität der CF sich 5-10 mal stärker als PF erwies and weil beide Fraktionen chemisch noch nicht genug gereinigt sind, um eine solche Frage endgültig zu entscheiden.
    5) CF- oder PF-Lösung wurde in verschiedenen pH erhitzt and auf deren Giftigkeit in Mäusen geprüft. Durch diese Untersuchung ergab sich, dass PF sich höchst widerstandsfähig gegen eine Hitze in neutraler Reaktion erwies, während es in alkalischer oder sauerer Reaktion desto leichter zerstort wurde, je ferner die Reaktion sich vom neutralen Punkt verhielt. Andererseits wurde nachgewiesen, dass CF sich höchst stabil gegen eine Hitze in schwach sauerer Reaktion u. z. in pH 5, 0 erwies und in anderem pH-Bezirk eine sehr schwache, insbesonders in alkalischer Seite fast keine Resistenz gegen Hitze mehr zeigte.
    6) Die PF- oder CF-Lösung wurde mit einer kleinen, sublethalen Dosis von lebenden Typhusbazillen versetzt and diese Mischung auf die Giftigkeit in Mäusen geprüft. Aus diesem Experiment ergab sich, lass PF mit einer Fähigkeit verliehen ist, in einer kleineren Menge die Virulenz der lebenden Bakterien 50-100 mal so hock zu steigern, dass aber CF dagegen keine solche Eigenschaft zeigte. Literatur.
  • 舞踊學
    1998年 1998 巻 21 号 88-92
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 立田 智裕, 鵜飼 利明, 福間 慎治, 森 眞一郎
    2015年 39.30 巻 ME2015-83
    発行日: 2015/08/17
    公開日: 2017/09/22
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 杉原 義将, 立田 智祐, 福間 慎治, 森 眞一郎
    2014年 38.32 巻 ME2014-79
    発行日: 2014/08/12
    公開日: 2017/09/22
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Jiachao Zhang, Shin-ichiro Mori, Shinji Tomita
    Journal of Information Processing
    2018年 26 巻 301-305
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/03/15
    ジャーナル フリー

    For medium scale commodity cluster, a high cost performance interconnection network named Three Quads was proposed. Topological features of Three Quads include 1) diameter of two, 2) embed-ability of 3D torus and many well-known topologies, and 3) fault tolerance and path diversity. All the hardware components of Three Quads are essentially small-scale and off-the-shelf commodity hardware to achieve superior cost performance. In this paper, the performance of the Three Quads is evaluated using a matrix transpose application and results show that the Three Quads gives appealing performance comparable to a large scale and expensive enterprise switch fabric.

  • Satoshi Tsutsui, Takeshi Morita
    2015年 2015 巻 SWO-036 号 07-
    発行日: 2015/07/09
    公開日: 2021/09/17
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    Ontologies are the basis of the Semantic Web. Owing to the cost of their construction and maintenance, however, there is much interest in automating their construction. Wikipedia is considered a promising source of knowledge because of its own characteristics. DBpedia extracts a large amount of ontological information from Wikipedia. However, DBpedia focuses exclusively on infoboxes (i.e., tables summarizing articles), and several works aim at extending DBpedia by using more information from Wikipedia. This paper builds upon this line of work, and focuses on the section titles and list structure to extend DBpedia. We develop an information extraction system using the list structure and extract more than 20 million triples using section titles as predicates. This suggests that there is ample potential to significantly expand the coverage of DBpedia.

  • *吉村 勇哉, 酒井 宏基, 福間 慎治, 森 眞一郎
    2016年 40.28 巻 ME2016-111
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2019/07/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 黒瀬 能聿, 冨田 豊, 真鍋 俊彦
    1992年 7 巻 4 号 3-11
    発行日: 1992/03/31
    公開日: 2017/06/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    最近の機械系CADシステムは2次元CADから3次元CADに移行しつつある. 3次元CADでは, より自由な形状設計を行うために自由曲面の取り扱いが重要なテーマの1つである. 従って, 大学におけるCAD教育も, これまでの図形処理技術の教育だけでは不十分である. ここでは3次元CADで採用されているBezler曲面, B-Spline曲面などの自由曲面の理解を支援する教育システムを開発した.
  • *酒井 宏基, 牧田 光平, 福間 慎治, 森 眞一郎
    2017年 41.29 巻 ME2017-101
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2021/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー