Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
長野県における野外舞台建築物の保存・活用に関する住民意識 : 野外舞台建築に関する計画的研究 その3
山岸 明浩山下 恭弘松本 直司
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 61 巻 489 号 p. 113-119


The purpose of this study is to describe the inhabitants' consciousness of the preservation and utilization of outdoor stage "playhouse" in Nagano prefecture. The outdoor stage is divided into two classes, one is active (Area-A)and the other is passive (Area-B), about preservation and utilization. The inhabitants' consciousness was invetigated in Area-A and Area-B from October to December in 1990. The results are as follows; 1)The rate of recognition of outdoor stage was higher in Area-A compared with Area-B. 2) Mainly the inhabitants paid a visit to the outdoor stage at the time of entertainments such as the kabuki performance, karaoke and so on. 3)The oreserved and utilized activities was higher in Area-A than in Area-B, and inhabitants showed a stronger disposition to preserve and utilize outdoor stage in Area-A. 4) In the future the mean needs to pick up inhabitants' interest in entertainments and to make a chance of a visit to outdoor stage at the time of entertainments.

© 1996 日本建築学会
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